I had hoped to get a round of play done this week before Wednesday (Thursday is Thanksgiving in the USA and Friday isn't useful for anything), but it doesn't look like it is going to work.
I already have players who are not responding to email requests for orders - and I am still waiting on orders. I don't like handing out NMRs, in particular around holidays when the players may not have control over their ability to play.
So, I am suspending the game until Monday, November 26. Our current orders will be due then at the regular time, and any revisions to orders will be welcome until then.
I am sorry that I pressured some of you to get orders in over the last few days... especially when there are people that did not submit their orders at all.
Let's work particularly hard here the next few weeks and get as far along in the games as possible - because we will have this same issue at Christmas/New Years.