For Immediate Release...
----------------------------Tsar (real this time) to England: You have a friend and as such I am asking you to move your fleet out of Nwy. This will show that we are together in ridding the world of Germany and it will allow me to get that Stp army into the land war. In exchange you will get my fleet attacking the German fleet in Bal.
Tsar (maybe real maybe not) to Germany: So my friend, what will you cover? Ber, Hol, Bel? Looks to me like your empire will be taking a step or two back this season. Very sad to see. "Note to self" head towards Ber, worth the trade in the long run.
Tsar (yep real one this time) to Italy: Looking good but could use your support in Bud, want some help in Bul? Let us chat over some lemonchello!
--- Just keep swimming