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DC406: Fall 05 Retreat Results! - Krazick   (Apr 12, 2012, 6:19 am)
No new map with the Retreat Locations shown?

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 10:46 PM, Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:

Hi All,"Now is the Winter of our Discontent" -- always wanted to start off a review with that, and considering the falling-out amongst alliances this turn, it seems totally appropriate. But what do I know, I'm only the GM. Not like I actually read any of the commentary sent to me. Who has time for THAT? Smile  (Not saying to Stop sending -- I am sure they'll make for great reading when I'm recovery from surgery some day). 

Retreats are in! Half on the board, half are removed.
Dwarves: disband A Cave of Ordeals, F Timberlands - ALL SAINTS BAYGnomes: disband A DrynwynSamurai: F Fjord - Allerleirauh
Trolls: A Tumnus - Owlwood
Builds/Disbands are due tomorrow, Thursday 4/12 at 5 PM!!!  (Although I guarantee I won't get to them until Friday morning)
Winter 05 Adjustments, with some Passover humor:

Following Moses--------------------------Dwarves:     Supp  9, Unit  7, Build  2 Faeries:     Supp  9, Unit  8, Build  1 Hobbits:     Supp  5, Unit  4, Build  1 
Magicians:   Supp  8, Unit  7, Build  1 Nomads:      Supp 11, Unit  9, Build  2 Ogres:       Supp 11, Unit 10, Build  1 Pirates:     Supp 12, Unit  8, Build  4 

Crushed under a pyramid:-------------------------------------Barbarians:  Supp  1, Unit  2, Remove  1 Gnomes:      Supp  3, Unit  5, Remove  2 Samurai:     Supp  1, Unit  2, Remove  1 
Wizards:     Supp  2,  Unit  5, Remove  3 
Still searching for the Afikomen:--------------------------------------------------Archers:     Supp  5, Unit  5, Build  0 
Knights:     Supp  8, Unit  8, Build  0 Leprechauns: Supp  5, Unit  5, Build  0 Rogues:      Supp  1, Unit  1, Build  0 Trolls:      Supp  9, Unit  9, Build  0 Undead:      Supp  2, Unit  2, Build  0 

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson


dc394 f10 results! - Jim-Bob   (Apr 12, 2012, 5:25 am)
I'm trying to figure out how Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Venatori Umbrarum and this JUST led me to realize something really important that I hadn't grasped all game to date.... and that is that the Underworld also is "wrapped".  I probably shouldn't admit my utter stupidity, but if I had realized this I would have been able to take Neverpeak Mountain before where I thought I had no way to get another unit on it for attack.

This game never fails to humble you.... some underworld Dwarf I am....Jim-Bob
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Oh man talk about the mad scramble for Pirate centers!  All the pushing and shoving!!
Also this is our final turn for the Leprechaun...  Mark, despite being a minor power for most of the game, thank you for playing it out to the bitter end...
6 of them are for the beseiged Trolls and Pirates.  Note if these do not get ordered they go OTB.  Also a single retreat each for the Knights and Dwarves.
Troll F Everglot can retreat to Istar.
Troll F Skellington can retreat to RIVER STYX.
Pirate F Pans Labyrinth can retreat to Eloi or Parce Pass or MERMAIDS LAGOON.
Pirate A Ansalon can retreat to Ithin'Carthia.

Pirate A Avalon can retreat to Westmark.
Pirate A Myth Drannor can retreat to Cliffs of Insanity or Ivory Tower or Port Ghaast.
Knight A Carpantha can retreat to Diamond Mines.
Dwarf A Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Twisted Tunnels or Venatori Umbrarum.
Dwarves: Remove 1
Elves: Build 2
Gnomes: Remove 2
Hobbits: Build 3
Knights: Build 6
Leprechauns: Remove 2 (Dhu and Myr)

Pirates: Remove 6
Rogues: Build 4
Trolls: Remove 2
If the Trolls don't submit retreat or removal orders, it will be 2 full turns missed, which would mean Civil Disorder for the rest of the game!
RETREATS and BUILDS by TOMORROW (Thurs) 3pm Central!

A Hollow Earth Supports A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
A Knockshegowna Hold
A Lubrick Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
A Fitzgibbon Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
A Merrow - Tuatha

A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
A Ancient Necropolis - Yggdrasil (*Dislodged*)
A Snow Witch Supports A Hollow Earth
A Undermountain Supports A Hollow Earth
F RAZORS EDGE Supports F Great Glacier
F Fantastica - Duloc
F Auryn - Valley of Lost Honor
A Waterdeep Hold
A City of Splendors Supports A Waterdeep
A Valley of Lost Honor - Shining Stream
F Great Glacier Supports F RAZORS EDGE

F Florin - NORTH RAINBOW LAKE (*Fails*)
A Silvanesti Supports A Dragon Coast - Zhentil Keep (*Void*)
A Twisted Tunnels - Hoarluk
F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports A Silvanesti
A Troldhaugen Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
A Daniloth - Newa River
F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Troldhaugen
F The Neverwood Supports F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
A Magrathea - Traal
F Baldurs Gate - GULF OF LUHN
A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert
A Candlekeep Supports A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert

A Shining Stream - Magrathea
A Kara-Tur - Baldurs Gate
F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
A Dragon Coast Supports F Dhunia - Silvanesti(wc) (*Void*)
F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
F SEA OF FALLEN STARS Supports F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
A Mount Nimro Supports A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Khemri Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)

F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
A Sleepy Hollow - Brennin
A Kingdom of Hearts - Prydain
A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
F Owlwood Supports F TROG BOG - Troldhaugen (*Void*)
A Cave of Ordeals - Newa River (*Fails*)

A Necronomicon Supports A Tarsis - Skellington
A Nowwhat - Two Towers
A Drynwyn Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Gwynir Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
F Andarien Plain - Kingdom of Hearts

A Dragons Teeth Mtns - Knurremurre
A Knurremurre - Khaz Modan
A Yggdrasil Supports A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
A Carpantha - Hollow Earth (*Dislodged*)

F RIFT CANYON - Myth Drannor
A Myrtle - Tuatha (*Fails*)
F Dhunia Supports A Thra - Silvanesti
A Loxley, no move received
F Pans Labyrinth Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Ansalon, no move received (*Dislodged*)
F Enchanted Isles Hold (*Disbanded*)
F Never Never Land, no move received

A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received
A Avalon Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Myth Drannor Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Endor, no move received
F GRIEF REEF, no move received
F HIGH SEAS, no move received
F WAY THE HECK, no move received

F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received
F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received
A Tumnus Supports F Owlwood
A Tarsis - Skellington
A To-Gai-Ru - Timberlands
A Sorrows End - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)
A Kahvi Supports A Grendel
A Grendel Supports A Kahvi

A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
A The Old Gristmill Supports F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
A Abby Normal - Sorrows End (*Fails*)
A Uhl Belk Supports A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
A Thra - Silvanesti (*Fails*)

F THE MAW Supports F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
F WEST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Tarsis - Skellington
F EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Dargaard Keep - Everglot

F THUNDERHEAD Supports A Necronomicon - Merrow (*Void*)
F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
F Krynn, no move received
F Everglot Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Skellington Hold (*Dislodged*)


dc401 f07 retreats! - pedros   (Apr 12, 2012, 2:05 am)
country not a significant player?  GM bias.  I demand a rerun!

From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]

Sent: 11 April 2012 22:01

To: Michael Sims

Cc: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com;
kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com;
dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com

Subject: Re: dc401 f07 retreats!

I hope you all saw this line:

We're pretty much down to 3
players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI
draw proposed! 

I am voting YES!  Time to put this game in the books.




"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.



pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that
we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to
succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a
little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all
vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required
till spring.


Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.

F: Separate North Africa and Spain

G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars

I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con

R: Separate Ankara – Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia


7/7 Even

12/11 Build 1

14/13 Build 1

1/1 Even


Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central





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DC406: Fall 05 Retreat Results! - offdisc   (Apr 11, 2012, 9:46 pm)
Hi All,"Now is the Winter of our Discontent" -- always wanted to start off a review with that, and considering the falling-out amongst alliances this turn, it seems totally appropriate. But what do I know, I'm only the GM. Not like I actually read any of the commentary sent to me. Who has time for THAT? Smile  (Not saying to Stop sending -- I am sure they'll make for great reading when I'm recovery from surgery some day). 

Retreats are in! Half on the board, half are removed.
Dwarves: disband A Cave of Ordeals, F Timberlands - ALL SAINTS BAYGnomes: disband A DrynwynSamurai: F Fjord - Allerleirauh
Trolls: A Tumnus - Owlwood
Builds/Disbands are due tomorrow, Thursday 4/12 at 5 PM!!!  (Although I guarantee I won't get to them until Friday morning)
Winter 05 Adjustments, with some Passover humor:

Following Moses--------------------------Dwarves:     Supp  9, Unit  7, Build  2 Faeries:     Supp  9, Unit  8, Build  1 Hobbits:     Supp  5, Unit  4, Build  1 
Magicians:   Supp  8, Unit  7, Build  1 Nomads:      Supp 11, Unit  9, Build  2 Ogres:       Supp 11, Unit 10, Build  1 Pirates:     Supp 12, Unit  8, Build  4 

Crushed under a pyramid:-------------------------------------Barbarians:  Supp  1, Unit  2, Remove  1 Gnomes:      Supp  3, Unit  5, Remove  2 Samurai:     Supp  1, Unit  2, Remove  1 
Wizards:     Supp  2,  Unit  5, Remove  3 
Still searching for the Afikomen:--------------------------------------------------Archers:     Supp  5, Unit  5, Build  0 
Knights:     Supp  8, Unit  8, Build  0 Leprechauns: Supp  5, Unit  5, Build  0 Rogues:      Supp  1, Unit  1, Build  0 Trolls:      Supp  9, Unit  9, Build  0 Undead:      Supp  2, Unit  2, Build  0 

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson


DC406: Fall 05 Retreat Results! (dc406) Krazick Apr 12, 06:19 am
No new map with the Retreat Locations shown?

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 10:46 PM, Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:

Hi All,"Now is the Winter of our Discontent" -- always wanted to start off a review with that, and considering the falling-out amongst alliances this turn, it seems totally appropriate. But what do I know, I'm only the GM. Not like I actually read any of the commentary sent to me. Who has time for THAT? Smile  (Not saying to Stop sending -- I am sure they'll make for great reading when I'm recovery from surgery some day). 

Retreats are in! Half on the board, half are removed.
Dwarves: disband A Cave of Ordeals, F Timberlands - ALL SAINTS BAYGnomes: disband A DrynwynSamurai: F Fjord - Allerleirauh
Trolls: A Tumnus - Owlwood
Builds/Disbands are due tomorrow, Thursday 4/12 at 5 PM!!!  (Although I guarantee I won't get to them until Friday morning)
Winter 05 Adjustments, with some Passover humor:

Following Moses--------------------------Dwarves:     Supp  9, Unit  7, Build  2 Faeries:     Supp  9, Unit  8, Build  1 Hobbits:     Supp  5, Unit  4, Build  1 
Magicians:   Supp  8, Unit  7, Build  1 Nomads:      Supp 11, Unit  9, Build  2 Ogres:       Supp 11, Unit 10, Build  1 Pirates:     Supp 12, Unit  8, Build  4 

Crushed under a pyramid:-------------------------------------Barbarians:  Supp  1, Unit  2, Remove  1 Gnomes:      Supp  3, Unit  5, Remove  2 Samurai:     Supp  1, Unit  2, Remove  1 
Wizards:     Supp  2,  Unit  5, Remove  3 
Still searching for the Afikomen:--------------------------------------------------Archers:     Supp  5, Unit  5, Build  0 
Knights:     Supp  8, Unit  8, Build  0 Leprechauns: Supp  5, Unit  5, Build  0 Rogues:      Supp  1, Unit  1, Build  0 Trolls:      Supp  9, Unit  9, Build  0 Undead:      Supp  2, Unit  2, Build  0 

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson
DC406: Fall 05 Retreat Results! (dc406) Githraine Apr 12, 07:24 am
Crushed?  Not Drowned in the Red Sea? Not eaten by Locusts?  Not Slaughtered as a First Born???Wow, Holy wasted opportunities, GMan!Wink

From: Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com>
To: Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; Chris Bender <cbend37(at)aol.com>; Christopher Martin <dance.scholar(at)gmail.com>; dc406 <dc406(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Hamish Williams <catsfather(at)gmail.com>; Jason K
<githraine(at)yahoo.com>; Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>; Justin Card <justin(at)darkenedpath.com>; Mark Smith <markjsmith60(at)gmail.com>; Matt Kremer <kremer.matthew(at)gmail.com>; Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>; Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; Pat.C C <patrickcharlescloutier(at)hotmail.com>; Philip Hahn <philip.a.hahn(at)gmail.com>; "psychosis(at)sky.com" <psychosis(at)sky.com>; René Krøll <rk(at)giorsoine.dk>; Rolf Loschek <rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de>; tim.diplomacy <tim.diplomacy(at)gmail.com>; Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 10:46 PM
Subject: DC406: Fall 05 Retreat Results!

Hi All,"Now is the Winter of our Discontent" -- always wanted to start off a review with that, and considering the falling-out amongst alliances this turn, it seems totally appropriate. But what do I know, I'm only the GM. Not like I actually read any of the commentary sent to me. Who has time for THAT? Smile  (Not saying to Stop sending -- I am sure they'll make for great reading when I'm recovery from surgery some day). 

Retreats are in! Half on the board, half are removed.
Dwarves: disband A Cave of Ordeals, F Timberlands - ALL SAINTS BAYGnomes: disband A DrynwynSamurai: F Fjord - Allerleirauh
Trolls: A Tumnus - Owlwood
Builds/Disbands are due tomorrow, Thursday 4/12 at 5 PM!!!  (Although I guarantee I won't get to them until Friday morning)
Winter 05 Adjustments, with some Passover humor:

Following Moses--------------------------Dwarves:     Supp  9, Unit  7, Build  2 Faeries:     Supp  9, Unit  8, Build  1 Hobbits:     Supp  5, Unit  4, Build  1 
Magicians:   Supp  8, Unit  7, Build  1 Nomads:      Supp 11, Unit  9, Build  2 Ogres:       Supp 11, Unit 10, Build  1 Pirates:     Supp 12, Unit  8, Build  4 

Crushed under a pyramid:-------------------------------------Barbarians:  Supp  1, Unit  2, Remove  1 Gnomes:      Supp  3, Unit  5, Remove  2 Samurai:     Supp  1, Unit  2, Remove  1 
Wizards:     Supp  2,  Unit  5, Remove  3 
Still searching for the Afikomen:--------------------------------------------------Archers:     Supp  5, Unit  5, Build  0 
Knights:     Supp  8, Unit  8, Build  0 Leprechauns: Supp  5, Unit  5, Build  0 Rogues:      Supp  1, Unit  1, Build  0 Trolls:      Supp  9, Unit  9, Build  0 Undead:      Supp  2, Unit  2, Build  0 

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson
DC406: Fall 05 Retreat Results! (dc406) offdisc Apr 12, 12:05 pm
Apologies for lack of a map. Forgot to drag it on the email last night.
Now at work, I cannot reproduce.

New map with Adjustments, for certain!

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 5:19 AM, Mark Smith <markjsmith60(at)gmail.com> wrote:

No new map with the Retreat Locations shown?

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 10:46 PM, Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:

Hi All,"Now is the Winter of our Discontent" -- always wanted to start off a review with that, and considering the falling-out amongst alliances this turn, it seems totally appropriate. But what do I know, I'm only the GM. Not like I actually read any of the commentary sent to me. Who has time for THAT? Smile  (Not saying to Stop sending -- I am sure they'll make for great reading when I'm recovery from surgery some day). 

Retreats are in! Half on the board, half are removed.
Dwarves: disband A Cave of Ordeals, F Timberlands - ALL SAINTS BAYGnomes: disband A DrynwynSamurai: F Fjord - Allerleirauh

Trolls: A Tumnus - Owlwood
Builds/Disbands are due tomorrow, Thursday 4/12 at 5 PM!!!  (Although I guarantee I won't get to them until Friday morning)
Winter 05 Adjustments, with some Passover humor:

Following Moses--------------------------Dwarves:     Supp  9, Unit  7, Build  2 Faeries:     Supp  9, Unit  8, Build  1 Hobbits:     Supp  5, Unit  4, Build  1 

Magicians:   Supp  8, Unit  7, Build  1 Nomads:      Supp 11, Unit  9, Build  2 Ogres:       Supp 11, Unit 10, Build  1 Pirates:     Supp 12, Unit  8, Build  4 

Crushed under a pyramid:-------------------------------------Barbarians:  Supp  1, Unit  2, Remove  1 Gnomes:      Supp  3, Unit  5, Remove  2 Samurai:     Supp  1, Unit  2, Remove  1 

Wizards:     Supp  2,  Unit  5, Remove  3 
Still searching for the Afikomen:--------------------------------------------------Archers:     Supp  5, Unit  5, Build  0 

Knights:     Supp  8, Unit  8, Build  0 Leprechauns: Supp  5, Unit  5, Build  0 Rogues:      Supp  1, Unit  1, Build  0 Trolls:      Supp  9, Unit  9, Build  0 Undead:      Supp  2, Unit  2, Build  0 

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson
DC406: Fall 05 Results! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 11, 2012, 9:34 pm)
Talk about a 180… in dc401 (in which I’m GM, you’re the player, and I made the mistake) did you not just assert that whatever the GM says is what goes?  Smile From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 3:49 PM
To: Jeff Hall
Subject: Re: DC406: Fall 05 Results! Hi Jeff,
I messed up -- you cannot retreat Ord -> Ner because that is where the attack came from.
(Hey, it was late and I was working off the map after I closed RW Smile ).

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 6:39 AM, Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com> wrote:Can you confirm I'm able to retreat to NER?On Apr 11, 2012 1:12 AM, "Mike Hoffman" <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:Hi All,And.... we're back!  After that short break to celebrate various renditions of the life/death of the Lord and Savior and the creation of flat bread and horseradish, we come the Haven, where so much Sci-Fi and Fantasy abound that the Gods must be laughing their spiritual butts off.  (OK, I tried to offend almost every religion. Did I succeed? Smile I know, I'm going to Hell, but that's where all the cool people are anyway). Never mix Religion and Politics, and Diplomacy is Politics all the way, so enough with the fluff, let's get down to business.Speaking of Politics though, what the hell is going on in this game??? Alliances are formed and broken willy-nilly. Powers that seem to be on last legs are starting to breathe new life! It's a crazy world out there --- thanks for bringing the crazy to Haven! Smile RETREATS: due tomorrow Wednesday 4/11 at 5PM MST:-------------------Dwarves: A Cave of Ordeals -> Ner, Tym, or OTB              F Timberlands -> Sai, TGR, or OTBGnomes: A Drynwyn -> Koh, or OTBSamurai: F Fjord -> All, Bik, GGF, or OTBTrolls: A Tumnus -> Owl, or OTB Also Magicians lose The Maw, and with no retreat possible, the fleet is sunk at sea. Fall 05 Results------------------------------Archers: A Prydain Supports A Avalon - DrynwynA Avalon - DrynwynA Starkadh Supports A Avalon - DrynwynA Westmark - AvalonF Andarien Plain Supports A Avalon - Drynwyn Barbarians: A Brennin - Sleepy HollowA Cathal - Pendaran Wood Dwarves: A Great Glacier - Zhentil KeepA Spirit Pond - Hollow EarthA Cave of Ordeals - Sorrows End (*Dislodged*)F Timberlands, no move received (*Dislodged*)F Port Ghaast - Myth DrannorA Yggdrasil - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)F CHURNING REACH - RAZORS EDGE (*Bounce*)F RAZORS EDGE - RESTLESS WATERS Faeries: F Grimheim Supports F AshanA Corona Supports A Kender - Dargaard KeepA Kender - Dargaard Keep (*Fails*)A Land of Sweets - Grimpen WardF Strawberry Fields - HORNED BAYF Cliffs of Insanity - RUGGED COASTF CELESTIAL DELTA Convoys A Land of Sweets - Grimpen WardF BEAVERSDAM - Orboros (*Fails*) Gnomes: A Hundred Acre Wood Supports A Drynwyn - AvalonF Khemri Supports A Hundred Acre WoodA Newa River - Cave of OrdealsF Endor - Llyr (*Bounce*)A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Drynwyn - AvalonA Drynwyn - Avalon (*Dislodged*) Hobbits: F Two Towers - Candlekeep (*Fails*)A The Wilderland - FjordF BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles (*Fails*)F SEA OF FALLEN STARS - Rohan Knights: A Anvard Supports A Dancing Lawn - TumnusF Ice Reach - Heavens WellA Dancing Lawn - TumnusA Calormen Supports F SUNLESS SEA - Grissel (*Cut*)A Arctic Barrens - CathalF CRYSTAL LAKE Supports A Arctic Barrens - CathalF MIST MARSH - SUNLESS SEA (*Fails*)F SUNLESS SEA - Grissel (*Fails*) Leprechauns: F Knockshegowna Supports F BIKINI BOTTOM - THE MAWA Uhl Belk Supports F THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF Merrow Supports F THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF SOUTH RAINBOW LAKE - THUNDERHEAD (*Bounce*) Magicians: A Everglot - Skullcap (*Fails*)A Dargaard Keep HoldF Ansalon Supports F WAY THE HECKF Istar - TimberlandsF Necronomicon - SkellingtonF THE MAW - THUNDERHEAD (*Disbanded*)F RIVER STYX Supports F Necronomicon - SkellingtonF EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Supports F Istar - Timberlands Nomads: F GuTanoth Supports A Kingdom of Hearts - Paras DervalA To-Gai-Ru - PalmarisF Skullcap HoldA City of Splendors - WaterdeepF Valley of Lost Honor - City of SplendorsA Kingdom of Hearts - Paras DervalA Cormyr - Faerun (*Fails*)A Pendaran Wood - BrenninA Dragons Teeth Mtns - Khaz Modan Ogres: F Gelfling - GarthimA Magrathea Supports A The Wilderland - FjordA Florin - CaerA Hoarluk - Ancient NecropolisA Powry - HoarlukF Thirsty Desert Supports A City of Splendors - WaterdeepA Snow Witch - Nowwhat (*Bounce*)F BIKINI BOTTOM - THE MAWF ROARING RAPIDS - RIVER OF THE DAWN (*Fails*)F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Convoys A Florin - Caer Pirates: A Loxley - Llyr (*Bounce*)A Mordor Supports A Waterdeep - CandlekeepA Pans Labyrinth - RivendellA Critter Country - DulocF Groves of Academe - Slightly GulchA Venatori Umbrarum - Nowwhat (*Bounce*)F RIFT CANYON - Cliffs of InsanityF GULF OF LUHN Supports A Mordor Rogues: F Ashan Hold Samurai: F Fjord Hold (*Dislodged*)F Never Never Land Supports F Enchanted Isles - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Void*) Trolls: A Tumnus - Calormen (*Dislodged*)F Grissel Supports F Orboros (*Cut*)A The Silver city Supports F OrborosA Troldhaugen Supports A Newa River - Cave of OrdealsF Orboros Supports F Grissel (*Cut*)F Enchanted Isles Supports F WAY THE HECK (*Cut*)A Pygmy - Sorrows End (*Bounce*)F POOL OF RADIANCE Supports A Dargaard KeepF WAY THE HECK Supports F Enchanted Isles Undead: A Terabithia Supports A Uhl BelkF SAVAGE SEA - Timberlands (*Fails*) Wizards: F Baldurs Gate - RAZORS EDGE (*Bounce*)A Waterdeep - CandlekeepA Faerun - Waterdeep (*Fails*)A Yuirwood Supports A Waterdeep - CandlekeepF RIVER OF THE DAWN Supports A Faerun - Waterdeep (*Cut*) Thanks,Mike---------
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson 


Winter Blitz DC 424 F01 reminder - untitled36   (Apr 11, 2012, 4:20 pm)
Guess what tomorrow morning is! If you guessed the deadline for F01... YOU WIN!
I'm not in the habit of sending out reminders for blitz games, so don't get used to it. Smile




dc401 f07 retreats! - kevinokelly   (Apr 11, 2012, 4:07 pm)
I voted YES last time and I have already voted YES this time.

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:

I hope you all saw this line:

We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed! 

I am voting YES!  Time to put this game in the books.



"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.
That's it!
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required till spring.
E: Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.
F: Separate North Africa and Spain
G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars
I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con
R: Separate Ankara - Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia

E:  7/7 Even
G: 12/11 Build 1
I:  14/13 Build 1
R:  1/1 Even
By Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central


dc414 Spring 04 adjudication - jerome777   (Apr 11, 2012, 4:06 pm)
Hi guys,
Here's the Spring 1904 adjudication:
F English Channel - North Sea
F Irish Sea - English Channel
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Gascony
A Norway - Finland
F Norwegian Sea - Norway
F Sweden Supports A Norway - Finland
A Burgundy - Munich (*Bounce*)
A Gascony - Spain
A Paris - Brest (*Fails*)
F Spain(nc) - Portugal
F Baltic Sea Supports A Berlin - Kiel
A Belgium - Burgundy (*Fails*)
A Berlin - Kiel
A Brest - Paris (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Munich (*Bounce*)
F Greece - Aegean Sea (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Eastern Mediterranean (*Bounce*)
F Naples - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Serbia Supports A Rumania (*Ordered to Move*)
A Trieste Supports A Serbia
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Venice - Rome
A Bohemia - Galicia
A Budapest - Rumania (*Fails*)
F Kiel Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Moscow - St Petersburg (*Fails*)
A Rumania - Bulgaria (*Dislodged*)
A St Petersburg - Finland (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Moscow (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Cut*)
F Black Sea - Rumania
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol Supports F Black Sea - Rumania
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean (*Bounce*)

The following retreats are needed:
Pete's Fleet Kiel retreats to Denmark, Helgoland Bight, Holland or OTB
Pete's Army Rumania retreats to Ukraine, or OTB.
Pete tells me he's uncontactable till Sunday, therefore I'll set the Summer 1904 deadline at Monday 16 April 2000GMT - though Pete, if you can, please get me your retreats as early as possible. Autumn 1904 will be Monday 23 April 2000GMT.


dc401 f07 retreats! - offdisc   (Apr 11, 2012, 4:00 pm)
I hope you all saw this line:
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed! 

I am voting YES!  Time to put this game in the books.

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.
That's it!
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required till spring.
E: Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.
F: Separate North Africa and Spain
G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars
I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con
R: Separate Ankara - Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia

E:  7/7 Even
G: 12/11 Build 1
I:  14/13 Build 1
R:  1/1 Even
By Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central


DC406: Fall 05 Results! - laxrulz777   (Apr 11, 2012, 3:51 pm)
If I pull a Veruca Salt and scream "Iwantit, Iwantit, Iwantit!" can I have it?


On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:

Hi Jeff,
I messed up -- you cannot retreat Ord -> Ner because that is where the attack came from.
(Hey, it was late and I was working off the map after I closed RW Smile ).

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 6:39 AM, Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Can you confirm I'm able to retreat to NER?
On Apr 11, 2012 1:12 AM, "Mike Hoffman" <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:

Hi All,And.... we're back!  After that short break to celebrate various renditions of the life/death of the Lord and Savior and the creation of flat bread and horseradish, we come the Haven, where so much Sci-Fi and Fantasy abound that the Gods must be laughing their spiritual butts off.  (OK, I tried to offend almost every religion. Did I succeed? Smile I know, I'm going to Hell, but that's where all the cool people are anyway).

Never mix Religion and Politics, and Diplomacy is Politics all the way, so enough with the fluff, let's get down to business.Speaking of Politics though, what the hell is going on in this game??? Alliances are formed and broken willy-nilly. Powers that seem to be on last legs are starting to breathe new life! It's a crazy world out there --- thanks for bringing the crazy to Haven! Smile

RETREATS: due tomorrow Wednesday 4/11 at 5PM MST:-------------------Dwarves: A Cave of Ordeals -> Ner, Tym, or OTB              F Timberlands -> Sai, TGR, or OTB

Gnomes: A Drynwyn -> Koh, or OTBSamurai: F Fjord -> All, Bik, GGF, or OTBTrolls: A Tumnus -> Owl, or OTB
Also Magicians lose The Maw, and with no retreat possible, the fleet is sunk at sea.

Fall 05 Results------------------------------Archers: A Prydain Supports A Avalon - DrynwynA Avalon - DrynwynA Starkadh Supports A Avalon - Drynwyn

A Westmark - AvalonF Andarien Plain Supports A Avalon - Drynwyn
Barbarians: A Brennin - Sleepy HollowA Cathal - Pendaran Wood

Dwarves: A Great Glacier - Zhentil KeepA Spirit Pond - Hollow EarthA Cave of Ordeals - Sorrows End (*Dislodged*)F Timberlands, no move received (*Dislodged*)

F Port Ghaast - Myth DrannorA Yggdrasil - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)F CHURNING REACH - RAZORS EDGE (*Bounce*)F RAZORS EDGE - RESTLESS WATERS

F Grimheim Supports F AshanA Corona Supports A Kender - Dargaard KeepA Kender - Dargaard Keep (*Fails*)A Land of Sweets - Grimpen WardF Strawberry Fields - HORNED BAY

F Cliffs of Insanity - RUGGED COASTF CELESTIAL DELTA Convoys A Land of Sweets - Grimpen WardF BEAVERSDAM - Orboros (*Fails*)

A Hundred Acre Wood Supports A Drynwyn - AvalonF Khemri Supports A Hundred Acre WoodA Newa River - Cave of OrdealsF Endor - Llyr (*Bounce*)A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Drynwyn - Avalon

A Drynwyn - Avalon (*Dislodged*)
Hobbits: F Two Towers - Candlekeep (*Fails*)A The Wilderland - FjordF BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles (*Fails*)F SEA OF FALLEN STARS - Rohan

Knights: A Anvard Supports A Dancing Lawn - TumnusF Ice Reach - Heavens WellA Dancing Lawn - TumnusA Calormen Supports F SUNLESS SEA - Grissel (*Cut*)

A Arctic Barrens - CathalF CRYSTAL LAKE Supports A Arctic Barrens - CathalF MIST MARSH - SUNLESS SEA (*Fails*)F SUNLESS SEA - Grissel (*Fails*)

F Knockshegowna Supports F BIKINI BOTTOM - THE MAWA Uhl Belk Supports F THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF Merrow Supports F THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF THUNDERHEAD - Necronomicon

Magicians: A Everglot - Skullcap (*Fails*)A Dargaard Keep HoldF Ansalon Supports F WAY THE HECK

F Istar - TimberlandsF Necronomicon - SkellingtonF THE MAW - THUNDERHEAD (*Disbanded*)F RIVER STYX Supports F Necronomicon - SkellingtonF EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Supports F Istar - Timberlands

Nomads: F GuTanoth Supports A Kingdom of Hearts - Paras DervalA To-Gai-Ru - PalmarisF Skullcap HoldA City of Splendors - WaterdeepF Valley of Lost Honor - City of Splendors

A Kingdom of Hearts - Paras DervalA Cormyr - Faerun (*Fails*)A Pendaran Wood - BrenninA Dragons Teeth Mtns - Khaz Modan
Ogres: F Gelfling - Garthim

A Magrathea Supports A The Wilderland - FjordA Florin - CaerA Hoarluk - Ancient NecropolisA Powry - HoarlukF Thirsty Desert Supports A City of Splendors - Waterdeep

A Snow Witch - Nowwhat (*Bounce*)F BIKINI BOTTOM - THE MAWF ROARING RAPIDS - RIVER OF THE DAWN (*Fails*)F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Convoys A Florin - Caer

A Loxley - Llyr (*Bounce*)A Mordor Supports A Waterdeep - CandlekeepA Pans Labyrinth - RivendellA Critter Country - DulocF Groves of Academe - Slightly GulchA Venatori Umbrarum - Nowwhat (*Bounce*)

F RIFT CANYON - Cliffs of InsanityF GULF OF LUHN Supports A Mordor
Rogues: F Ashan Hold
Samurai: F Fjord Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Never Never Land Supports F Enchanted Isles - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Void*)
Trolls: A Tumnus - Calormen (*Dislodged*)F Grissel Supports F Orboros (*Cut*)

A The Silver city Supports F OrborosA Troldhaugen Supports A Newa River - Cave of OrdealsF Orboros Supports F Grissel (*Cut*)F Enchanted Isles Supports F WAY THE HECK (*Cut*)A Pygmy - Sorrows End (*Bounce*)

F POOL OF RADIANCE Supports A Dargaard KeepF WAY THE HECK Supports F Enchanted Isles
Undead: A Terabithia Supports A Uhl BelkF SAVAGE SEA - Timberlands (*Fails*)

Wizards: F Baldurs Gate - RAZORS EDGE (*Bounce*)A Waterdeep - CandlekeepA Faerun - Waterdeep (*Fails*)A Yuirwood Supports A Waterdeep - Candlekeep

F RIVER OF THE DAWN Supports A Faerun - Waterdeep (*Cut*)
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt
-Abraham Lincoln

The problem with Internet quotes is that you can never be certain of their accuracy

-Abraham Lincoln


DC406: Fall 05 Results! - offdisc   (Apr 11, 2012, 3:48 pm)
Hi Jeff,
I messed up -- you cannot retreat Ord -> Ner because that is where the attack came from.
(Hey, it was late and I was working off the map after I closed RW Smile ).

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 6:39 AM, Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Can you confirm I'm able to retreat to NER?
On Apr 11, 2012 1:12 AM, "Mike Hoffman" <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:

Hi All,And.... we're back!  After that short break to celebrate various renditions of the life/death of the Lord and Savior and the creation of flat bread and horseradish, we come the Haven, where so much Sci-Fi and Fantasy abound that the Gods must be laughing their spiritual butts off.  (OK, I tried to offend almost every religion. Did I succeed? Smile I know, I'm going to Hell, but that's where all the cool people are anyway).

Never mix Religion and Politics, and Diplomacy is Politics all the way, so enough with the fluff, let's get down to business.Speaking of Politics though, what the hell is going on in this game??? Alliances are formed and broken willy-nilly. Powers that seem to be on last legs are starting to breathe new life! It's a crazy world out there --- thanks for bringing the crazy to Haven! Smile

RETREATS: due tomorrow Wednesday 4/11 at 5PM MST:-------------------Dwarves: A Cave of Ordeals -> Ner, Tym, or OTB              F Timberlands -> Sai, TGR, or OTB

Gnomes: A Drynwyn -> Koh, or OTBSamurai: F Fjord -> All, Bik, GGF, or OTBTrolls: A Tumnus -> Owl, or OTB
Also Magicians lose The Maw, and with no retreat possible, the fleet is sunk at sea.

Fall 05 Results------------------------------Archers: A Prydain Supports A Avalon - DrynwynA Avalon - DrynwynA Starkadh Supports A Avalon - Drynwyn

A Westmark - AvalonF Andarien Plain Supports A Avalon - Drynwyn
Barbarians: A Brennin - Sleepy HollowA Cathal - Pendaran Wood

Dwarves: A Great Glacier - Zhentil KeepA Spirit Pond - Hollow EarthA Cave of Ordeals - Sorrows End (*Dislodged*)F Timberlands, no move received (*Dislodged*)

F Port Ghaast - Myth DrannorA Yggdrasil - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)F CHURNING REACH - RAZORS EDGE (*Bounce*)F RAZORS EDGE - RESTLESS WATERS

F Grimheim Supports F AshanA Corona Supports A Kender - Dargaard KeepA Kender - Dargaard Keep (*Fails*)A Land of Sweets - Grimpen WardF Strawberry Fields - HORNED BAY

F Cliffs of Insanity - RUGGED COASTF CELESTIAL DELTA Convoys A Land of Sweets - Grimpen WardF BEAVERSDAM - Orboros (*Fails*)

A Hundred Acre Wood Supports A Drynwyn - AvalonF Khemri Supports A Hundred Acre WoodA Newa River - Cave of OrdealsF Endor - Llyr (*Bounce*)A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Drynwyn - Avalon

A Drynwyn - Avalon (*Dislodged*)
Hobbits: F Two Towers - Candlekeep (*Fails*)A The Wilderland - FjordF BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles (*Fails*)F SEA OF FALLEN STARS - Rohan

Knights: A Anvard Supports A Dancing Lawn - TumnusF Ice Reach - Heavens WellA Dancing Lawn - TumnusA Calormen Supports F SUNLESS SEA - Grissel (*Cut*)

A Arctic Barrens - CathalF CRYSTAL LAKE Supports A Arctic Barrens - CathalF MIST MARSH - SUNLESS SEA (*Fails*)F SUNLESS SEA - Grissel (*Fails*)

F Knockshegowna Supports F BIKINI BOTTOM - THE MAWA Uhl Belk Supports F THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF Merrow Supports F THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF THUNDERHEAD - Necronomicon

Magicians: A Everglot - Skullcap (*Fails*)A Dargaard Keep HoldF Ansalon Supports F WAY THE HECK

F Istar - TimberlandsF Necronomicon - SkellingtonF THE MAW - THUNDERHEAD (*Disbanded*)F RIVER STYX Supports F Necronomicon - SkellingtonF EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Supports F Istar - Timberlands

Nomads: F GuTanoth Supports A Kingdom of Hearts - Paras DervalA To-Gai-Ru - PalmarisF Skullcap HoldA City of Splendors - WaterdeepF Valley of Lost Honor - City of Splendors

A Kingdom of Hearts - Paras DervalA Cormyr - Faerun (*Fails*)A Pendaran Wood - BrenninA Dragons Teeth Mtns - Khaz Modan
Ogres: F Gelfling - Garthim

A Magrathea Supports A The Wilderland - FjordA Florin - CaerA Hoarluk - Ancient NecropolisA Powry - HoarlukF Thirsty Desert Supports A City of Splendors - Waterdeep

A Snow Witch - Nowwhat (*Bounce*)F BIKINI BOTTOM - THE MAWF ROARING RAPIDS - RIVER OF THE DAWN (*Fails*)F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Convoys A Florin - Caer

A Loxley - Llyr (*Bounce*)A Mordor Supports A Waterdeep - CandlekeepA Pans Labyrinth - RivendellA Critter Country - DulocF Groves of Academe - Slightly GulchA Venatori Umbrarum - Nowwhat (*Bounce*)

F RIFT CANYON - Cliffs of InsanityF GULF OF LUHN Supports A Mordor
Rogues: F Ashan Hold
Samurai: F Fjord Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Never Never Land Supports F Enchanted Isles - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Void*)
Trolls: A Tumnus - Calormen (*Dislodged*)F Grissel Supports F Orboros (*Cut*)

A The Silver city Supports F OrborosA Troldhaugen Supports A Newa River - Cave of OrdealsF Orboros Supports F Grissel (*Cut*)F Enchanted Isles Supports F WAY THE HECK (*Cut*)A Pygmy - Sorrows End (*Bounce*)

F POOL OF RADIANCE Supports A Dargaard KeepF WAY THE HECK Supports F Enchanted Isles
Undead: A Terabithia Supports A Uhl BelkF SAVAGE SEA - Timberlands (*Fails*)

Wizards: F Baldurs Gate - RAZORS EDGE (*Bounce*)A Waterdeep - CandlekeepA Faerun - Waterdeep (*Fails*)A Yuirwood Supports A Waterdeep - Candlekeep

F RIVER OF THE DAWN Supports A Faerun - Waterdeep (*Cut*)
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson


dc401 f07 retreats! - offdisc   (Apr 11, 2012, 3:34 pm)
Italy goes to Bohemia???? Then why is it in Silesia?  I vote that what the GM "says" is more important than what the map shows. Take the army OTB!
Army, O-T-B; Army O-T-B!  (is NO ONE else joing the chant? Damn!)

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.
That's it!
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required till spring.
E: Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.
F: Separate North Africa and Spain
G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars
I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con
R: Separate Ankara - Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia

E:  7/7 Even
G: 12/11 Build 1
I:  14/13 Build 1
R:  1/1 Even
By Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central


dc394 f10 results! - offdisc   (Apr 11, 2012, 1:48 pm)
Hi Greg,
Glad we had you on-board for as long as we did. I left you alone for a long time, but endgame is coming and I needed the builds. Sorry for not warning you, but some of those moves were literally decided upon late last night.

Looking forward to seeing across the board again soon.

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 9:41 AM, Greg Kovas <kingkovas(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Go ahead and mark my units as retreating OTB.

Apologies for the missed turns, but as I was on the ropes already it didn't disrupt the game too much (unlike the pirates...). I'm going to go ahead and declare myself as removed from the game, as well - it is time for me to devote my attention to other things.

To all allies, enemies, and those of you in between (or who were both) - it has been an entertaining game. Many thanks!


On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Oh man talk about the mad scramble for Pirate centers!  All the pushing and shoving!!
Also this is our final turn for the Leprechaun...  Mark, despite being a minor power for most of the game, thank you for playing it out to the bitter end...
6 of them are for the beseiged Trolls and Pirates.  Note if these do not get ordered they go OTB.  Also a single retreat each for the Knights and Dwarves.
Troll F Everglot can retreat to Istar.
Troll F Skellington can retreat to RIVER STYX.
Pirate F Pans Labyrinth can retreat to Eloi or Parce Pass or MERMAIDS LAGOON.
Pirate A Ansalon can retreat to Ithin'Carthia.

Pirate A Avalon can retreat to Westmark.
Pirate A Myth Drannor can retreat to Cliffs of Insanity or Ivory Tower or Port Ghaast.
Knight A Carpantha can retreat to Diamond Mines.
Dwarf A Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Twisted Tunnels or Venatori Umbrarum.

Dwarves: Remove 1
Elves: Build 2
Gnomes: Remove 2
Hobbits: Build 3
Knights: Build 6
Leprechauns: Remove 2 (Dhu and Myr)

Pirates: Remove 6
Rogues: Build 4
Trolls: Remove 2
If the Trolls don't submit retreat or removal orders, it will be 2 full turns missed, which would mean Civil Disorder for the rest of the game!
RETREATS and BUILDS by TOMORROW (Thurs) 3pm Central!

A Hollow Earth Supports A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
A Knockshegowna Hold
A Lubrick Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
A Fitzgibbon Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
A Merrow - Tuatha

A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
A Ancient Necropolis - Yggdrasil (*Dislodged*)
A Snow Witch Supports A Hollow Earth
A Undermountain Supports A Hollow Earth
F RAZORS EDGE Supports F Great Glacier
F Fantastica - Duloc
F Auryn - Valley of Lost Honor
A Waterdeep Hold
A City of Splendors Supports A Waterdeep
A Valley of Lost Honor - Shining Stream
F Great Glacier Supports F RAZORS EDGE

F Florin - NORTH RAINBOW LAKE (*Fails*)
A Silvanesti Supports A Dragon Coast - Zhentil Keep (*Void*)
A Twisted Tunnels - Hoarluk
F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports A Silvanesti

A Troldhaugen Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
A Daniloth - Newa River
F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Troldhaugen

F The Neverwood Supports F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
A Magrathea - Traal
F Baldurs Gate - GULF OF LUHN
A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert
A Candlekeep Supports A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert

A Shining Stream - Magrathea
A Kara-Tur - Baldurs Gate
F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
A Dragon Coast Supports F Dhunia - Silvanesti(wc) (*Void*)
F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
F SEA OF FALLEN STARS Supports F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles

A Mount Nimro Supports A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Khemri Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)

F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
A Sleepy Hollow - Brennin
A Kingdom of Hearts - Prydain
A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
F Owlwood Supports F TROG BOG - Troldhaugen (*Void*)
A Cave of Ordeals - Newa River (*Fails*)

A Necronomicon Supports A Tarsis - Skellington
A Nowwhat - Two Towers
A Drynwyn Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Gwynir Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
F Andarien Plain - Kingdom of Hearts

A Dragons Teeth Mtns - Knurremurre
A Knurremurre - Khaz Modan
A Yggdrasil Supports A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
A Carpantha - Hollow Earth (*Dislodged*)

F RIFT CANYON - Myth Drannor
A Myrtle - Tuatha (*Fails*)
F Dhunia Supports A Thra - Silvanesti
A Loxley, no move received
F Pans Labyrinth Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Ansalon, no move received (*Dislodged*)
F Enchanted Isles Hold (*Disbanded*)
F Never Never Land, no move received

A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received
A Avalon Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Myth Drannor Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Endor, no move received
F GRIEF REEF, no move received
F HIGH SEAS, no move received
F WAY THE HECK, no move received

F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received
F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received
A Tumnus Supports F Owlwood
A Tarsis - Skellington
A To-Gai-Ru - Timberlands
A Sorrows End - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)
A Kahvi Supports A Grendel
A Grendel Supports A Kahvi

A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
A The Old Gristmill Supports F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
A Abby Normal - Sorrows End (*Fails*)
A Uhl Belk Supports A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
A Thra - Silvanesti (*Fails*)

F THE MAW Supports F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
F WEST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Tarsis - Skellington
F EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Dargaard Keep - Everglot

F THUNDERHEAD Supports A Necronomicon - Merrow (*Void*)
F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
F Krynn, no move received
F Everglot Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Skellington Hold (*Dislodged*)


dc394 f10 results! - Telcontar   (Apr 11, 2012, 10:41 am)
Go ahead and mark my units as retreating OTB.

Apologies for the missed turns, but as I was on the ropes already it didn't disrupt the game too much (unlike the pirates...). I'm going to go ahead and declare myself as removed from the game, as well - it is time for me to devote my attention to other things.

To all allies, enemies, and those of you in between (or who were both) - it has been an entertaining game. Many thanks!


On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Oh man talk about the mad scramble for Pirate centers!  All the pushing and shoving!!
Also this is our final turn for the Leprechaun...  Mark, despite being a minor power for most of the game, thank you for playing it out to the bitter end...
6 of them are for the beseiged Trolls and Pirates.  Note if these do not get ordered they go OTB.  Also a single retreat each for the Knights and Dwarves.
Troll F Everglot can retreat to Istar.
Troll F Skellington can retreat to RIVER STYX.
Pirate F Pans Labyrinth can retreat to Eloi or Parce Pass or MERMAIDS LAGOON.
Pirate A Ansalon can retreat to Ithin'Carthia.

Pirate A Avalon can retreat to Westmark.
Pirate A Myth Drannor can retreat to Cliffs of Insanity or Ivory Tower or Port Ghaast.
Knight A Carpantha can retreat to Diamond Mines.
Dwarf A Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Twisted Tunnels or Venatori Umbrarum.
Dwarves: Remove 1
Elves: Build 2
Gnomes: Remove 2
Hobbits: Build 3
Knights: Build 6
Leprechauns: Remove 2 (Dhu and Myr)

Pirates: Remove 6
Rogues: Build 4
Trolls: Remove 2
If the Trolls don't submit retreat or removal orders, it will be 2 full turns missed, which would mean Civil Disorder for the rest of the game!
RETREATS and BUILDS by TOMORROW (Thurs) 3pm Central!

A Hollow Earth Supports A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
A Knockshegowna Hold
A Lubrick Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
A Fitzgibbon Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
A Merrow - Tuatha

A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
A Ancient Necropolis - Yggdrasil (*Dislodged*)
A Snow Witch Supports A Hollow Earth
A Undermountain Supports A Hollow Earth
F RAZORS EDGE Supports F Great Glacier
F Fantastica - Duloc
F Auryn - Valley of Lost Honor
A Waterdeep Hold
A City of Splendors Supports A Waterdeep
A Valley of Lost Honor - Shining Stream
F Great Glacier Supports F RAZORS EDGE

F Florin - NORTH RAINBOW LAKE (*Fails*)
A Silvanesti Supports A Dragon Coast - Zhentil Keep (*Void*)
A Twisted Tunnels - Hoarluk
F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports A Silvanesti
A Troldhaugen Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
A Daniloth - Newa River
F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Troldhaugen
F The Neverwood Supports F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
A Magrathea - Traal
F Baldurs Gate - GULF OF LUHN
A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert
A Candlekeep Supports A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert

A Shining Stream - Magrathea
A Kara-Tur - Baldurs Gate
F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
A Dragon Coast Supports F Dhunia - Silvanesti(wc) (*Void*)
F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
F SEA OF FALLEN STARS Supports F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
A Mount Nimro Supports A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Khemri Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)

F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
A Sleepy Hollow - Brennin
A Kingdom of Hearts - Prydain
A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
F Owlwood Supports F TROG BOG - Troldhaugen (*Void*)
A Cave of Ordeals - Newa River (*Fails*)

A Necronomicon Supports A Tarsis - Skellington
A Nowwhat - Two Towers
A Drynwyn Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Gwynir Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
F Andarien Plain - Kingdom of Hearts

A Dragons Teeth Mtns - Knurremurre
A Knurremurre - Khaz Modan
A Yggdrasil Supports A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
A Carpantha - Hollow Earth (*Dislodged*)

F RIFT CANYON - Myth Drannor
A Myrtle - Tuatha (*Fails*)
F Dhunia Supports A Thra - Silvanesti
A Loxley, no move received
F Pans Labyrinth Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Ansalon, no move received (*Dislodged*)
F Enchanted Isles Hold (*Disbanded*)
F Never Never Land, no move received

A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received
A Avalon Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Myth Drannor Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Endor, no move received
F GRIEF REEF, no move received
F HIGH SEAS, no move received
F WAY THE HECK, no move received

F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received
F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received
A Tumnus Supports F Owlwood
A Tarsis - Skellington
A To-Gai-Ru - Timberlands
A Sorrows End - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)
A Kahvi Supports A Grendel
A Grendel Supports A Kahvi

A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
A The Old Gristmill Supports F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
A Abby Normal - Sorrows End (*Fails*)
A Uhl Belk Supports A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
A Thra - Silvanesti (*Fails*)

F THE MAW Supports F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
F WEST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Tarsis - Skellington
F EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Dargaard Keep - Everglot

F THUNDERHEAD Supports A Necronomicon - Merrow (*Void*)
F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
F Krynn, no move received
F Everglot Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Skellington Hold (*Dislodged*)


dc394 f10 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 11, 2012, 10:11 am)
Oh man talk about the mad scramble for Pirate centers!  All the pushing and shoving!!
Also this is our final turn for the Leprechaun...  Mark, despite being a minor power for most of the game, thank you for playing it out to the bitter end...
6 of them are for the beseiged Trolls and Pirates.  Note if these do not get ordered they go OTB.  Also a single retreat each for the Knights and Dwarves.
Troll F Everglot can retreat to Istar.
Troll F Skellington can retreat to RIVER STYX.
Pirate F Pans Labyrinth can retreat to Eloi or Parce Pass or MERMAIDS LAGOON.
Pirate A Ansalon can retreat to Ithin'Carthia.
Pirate A Avalon can retreat to Westmark.
Pirate A Myth Drannor can retreat to Cliffs of Insanity or Ivory Tower or Port Ghaast.
Knight A Carpantha can retreat to Diamond Mines.
Dwarf A Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Twisted Tunnels or Venatori Umbrarum.
Dwarves: Remove 1
Elves: Build 2
Gnomes: Remove 2
Hobbits: Build 3
Knights: Build 6
Leprechauns: Remove 2 (Dhu and Myr)
Pirates: Remove 6
Rogues: Build 4
Trolls: Remove 2

If the Trolls don't submit retreat or removal orders, it will be 2 full turns missed, which would mean Civil Disorder for the rest of the game!
RETREATS and BUILDS by TOMORROW (Thurs) 3pm Central!

A Hollow Earth Supports A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
A Knockshegowna Hold
A Lubrick Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
A Fitzgibbon Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
A Merrow - Tuatha
A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
A Ancient Necropolis - Yggdrasil (*Dislodged*)
A Snow Witch Supports A Hollow Earth
A Undermountain Supports A Hollow Earth
F RAZORS EDGE Supports F Great Glacier
F Fantastica - Duloc
F Auryn - Valley of Lost Honor
A Waterdeep Hold
A City of Splendors Supports A Waterdeep
A Valley of Lost Honor - Shining Stream
F Great Glacier Supports F RAZORS EDGE
F Florin - NORTH RAINBOW LAKE (*Fails*)
A Silvanesti Supports A Dragon Coast - Zhentil Keep (*Void*)
A Twisted Tunnels - Hoarluk
F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports A Silvanesti
A Troldhaugen Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
A Daniloth - Newa River
F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Troldhaugen
F The Neverwood Supports F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
A Magrathea - Traal
F Baldurs Gate - GULF OF LUHN
A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert
A Candlekeep Supports A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert
A Shining Stream - Magrathea
A Kara-Tur - Baldurs Gate
F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
A Dragon Coast Supports F Dhunia - Silvanesti(wc) (*Void*)
F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
F SEA OF FALLEN STARS Supports F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
A Mount Nimro Supports A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Khemri Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
A Sleepy Hollow - Brennin
A Kingdom of Hearts - Prydain
A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
F Owlwood Supports F TROG BOG - Troldhaugen (*Void*)
A Cave of Ordeals - Newa River (*Fails*)
A Necronomicon Supports A Tarsis - Skellington
A Nowwhat - Two Towers
A Drynwyn Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Gwynir Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
F Andarien Plain - Kingdom of Hearts
A Dragons Teeth Mtns - Knurremurre
A Knurremurre - Khaz Modan
A Yggdrasil Supports A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
A Carpantha - Hollow Earth (*Dislodged*)
F RIFT CANYON - Myth Drannor
A Myrtle - Tuatha (*Fails*)
F Dhunia Supports A Thra - Silvanesti
A Loxley, no move received
F Pans Labyrinth Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Ansalon, no move received (*Dislodged*)
F Enchanted Isles Hold (*Disbanded*)
F Never Never Land, no move received
A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received
A Avalon Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Myth Drannor Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Endor, no move received
F GRIEF REEF, no move received
F HIGH SEAS, no move received
F WAY THE HECK, no move received
F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received
F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received
A Tumnus Supports F Owlwood
A Tarsis - Skellington
A To-Gai-Ru - Timberlands
A Sorrows End - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)
A Kahvi Supports A Grendel
A Grendel Supports A Kahvi
A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
A The Old Gristmill Supports F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
A Abby Normal - Sorrows End (*Fails*)
A Uhl Belk Supports A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
A Thra - Silvanesti (*Fails*)
F THE MAW Supports F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
F WEST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Tarsis - Skellington
F EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
F THUNDERHEAD Supports A Necronomicon - Merrow (*Void*)
F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
F Krynn, no move received
F Everglot Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Skellington Hold (*Dislodged*)


dc394 f10 results! (dc394) Telcontar Apr 11, 10:41 am
Go ahead and mark my units as retreating OTB.

Apologies for the missed turns, but as I was on the ropes already it didn't disrupt the game too much (unlike the pirates...). I'm going to go ahead and declare myself as removed from the game, as well - it is time for me to devote my attention to other things.

To all allies, enemies, and those of you in between (or who were both) - it has been an entertaining game. Many thanks!


On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Oh man talk about the mad scramble for Pirate centers!  All the pushing and shoving!!
Also this is our final turn for the Leprechaun...  Mark, despite being a minor power for most of the game, thank you for playing it out to the bitter end...
6 of them are for the beseiged Trolls and Pirates.  Note if these do not get ordered they go OTB.  Also a single retreat each for the Knights and Dwarves.
Troll F Everglot can retreat to Istar.
Troll F Skellington can retreat to RIVER STYX.
Pirate F Pans Labyrinth can retreat to Eloi or Parce Pass or MERMAIDS LAGOON.
Pirate A Ansalon can retreat to Ithin'Carthia.

Pirate A Avalon can retreat to Westmark.
Pirate A Myth Drannor can retreat to Cliffs of Insanity or Ivory Tower or Port Ghaast.
Knight A Carpantha can retreat to Diamond Mines.
Dwarf A Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Twisted Tunnels or Venatori Umbrarum.
Dwarves: Remove 1
Elves: Build 2
Gnomes: Remove 2
Hobbits: Build 3
Knights: Build 6
Leprechauns: Remove 2 (Dhu and Myr)

Pirates: Remove 6
Rogues: Build 4
Trolls: Remove 2
If the Trolls don't submit retreat or removal orders, it will be 2 full turns missed, which would mean Civil Disorder for the rest of the game!
RETREATS and BUILDS by TOMORROW (Thurs) 3pm Central!

A Hollow Earth Supports A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
A Knockshegowna Hold
A Lubrick Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
A Fitzgibbon Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
A Merrow - Tuatha

A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
A Ancient Necropolis - Yggdrasil (*Dislodged*)
A Snow Witch Supports A Hollow Earth
A Undermountain Supports A Hollow Earth
F RAZORS EDGE Supports F Great Glacier
F Fantastica - Duloc
F Auryn - Valley of Lost Honor
A Waterdeep Hold
A City of Splendors Supports A Waterdeep
A Valley of Lost Honor - Shining Stream
F Great Glacier Supports F RAZORS EDGE

F Florin - NORTH RAINBOW LAKE (*Fails*)
A Silvanesti Supports A Dragon Coast - Zhentil Keep (*Void*)
A Twisted Tunnels - Hoarluk
F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports A Silvanesti
A Troldhaugen Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
A Daniloth - Newa River
F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Troldhaugen
F The Neverwood Supports F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
A Magrathea - Traal
F Baldurs Gate - GULF OF LUHN
A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert
A Candlekeep Supports A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert

A Shining Stream - Magrathea
A Kara-Tur - Baldurs Gate
F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
A Dragon Coast Supports F Dhunia - Silvanesti(wc) (*Void*)
F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
F SEA OF FALLEN STARS Supports F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
A Mount Nimro Supports A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Khemri Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)

F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
A Sleepy Hollow - Brennin
A Kingdom of Hearts - Prydain
A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
F Owlwood Supports F TROG BOG - Troldhaugen (*Void*)
A Cave of Ordeals - Newa River (*Fails*)

A Necronomicon Supports A Tarsis - Skellington
A Nowwhat - Two Towers
A Drynwyn Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Gwynir Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
F Andarien Plain - Kingdom of Hearts

A Dragons Teeth Mtns - Knurremurre
A Knurremurre - Khaz Modan
A Yggdrasil Supports A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
A Carpantha - Hollow Earth (*Dislodged*)

F RIFT CANYON - Myth Drannor
A Myrtle - Tuatha (*Fails*)
F Dhunia Supports A Thra - Silvanesti
A Loxley, no move received
F Pans Labyrinth Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Ansalon, no move received (*Dislodged*)
F Enchanted Isles Hold (*Disbanded*)
F Never Never Land, no move received

A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received
A Avalon Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Myth Drannor Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Endor, no move received
F GRIEF REEF, no move received
F HIGH SEAS, no move received
F WAY THE HECK, no move received

F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received
F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received
A Tumnus Supports F Owlwood
A Tarsis - Skellington
A To-Gai-Ru - Timberlands
A Sorrows End - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)
A Kahvi Supports A Grendel
A Grendel Supports A Kahvi

A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
A The Old Gristmill Supports F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
A Abby Normal - Sorrows End (*Fails*)
A Uhl Belk Supports A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
A Thra - Silvanesti (*Fails*)

F THE MAW Supports F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
F WEST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Tarsis - Skellington
F EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Dargaard Keep - Everglot

F THUNDERHEAD Supports A Necronomicon - Merrow (*Void*)
F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
F Krynn, no move received
F Everglot Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Skellington Hold (*Dislodged*)
dc394 f10 results! (dc394) offdisc Apr 11, 01:48 pm
Hi Greg,
Glad we had you on-board for as long as we did. I left you alone for a long time, but endgame is coming and I needed the builds. Sorry for not warning you, but some of those moves were literally decided upon late last night.

Looking forward to seeing across the board again soon.

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 9:41 AM, Greg Kovas <kingkovas(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Go ahead and mark my units as retreating OTB.

Apologies for the missed turns, but as I was on the ropes already it didn't disrupt the game too much (unlike the pirates...). I'm going to go ahead and declare myself as removed from the game, as well - it is time for me to devote my attention to other things.

To all allies, enemies, and those of you in between (or who were both) - it has been an entertaining game. Many thanks!


On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Oh man talk about the mad scramble for Pirate centers!  All the pushing and shoving!!
Also this is our final turn for the Leprechaun...  Mark, despite being a minor power for most of the game, thank you for playing it out to the bitter end...
6 of them are for the beseiged Trolls and Pirates.  Note if these do not get ordered they go OTB.  Also a single retreat each for the Knights and Dwarves.
Troll F Everglot can retreat to Istar.
Troll F Skellington can retreat to RIVER STYX.
Pirate F Pans Labyrinth can retreat to Eloi or Parce Pass or MERMAIDS LAGOON.
Pirate A Ansalon can retreat to Ithin'Carthia.

Pirate A Avalon can retreat to Westmark.
Pirate A Myth Drannor can retreat to Cliffs of Insanity or Ivory Tower or Port Ghaast.
Knight A Carpantha can retreat to Diamond Mines.
Dwarf A Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Twisted Tunnels or Venatori Umbrarum.

Dwarves: Remove 1
Elves: Build 2
Gnomes: Remove 2
Hobbits: Build 3
Knights: Build 6
Leprechauns: Remove 2 (Dhu and Myr)

Pirates: Remove 6
Rogues: Build 4
Trolls: Remove 2
If the Trolls don't submit retreat or removal orders, it will be 2 full turns missed, which would mean Civil Disorder for the rest of the game!
RETREATS and BUILDS by TOMORROW (Thurs) 3pm Central!

A Hollow Earth Supports A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
A Knockshegowna Hold
A Lubrick Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
A Fitzgibbon Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
A Merrow - Tuatha

A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
A Ancient Necropolis - Yggdrasil (*Dislodged*)
A Snow Witch Supports A Hollow Earth
A Undermountain Supports A Hollow Earth
F RAZORS EDGE Supports F Great Glacier
F Fantastica - Duloc
F Auryn - Valley of Lost Honor
A Waterdeep Hold
A City of Splendors Supports A Waterdeep
A Valley of Lost Honor - Shining Stream
F Great Glacier Supports F RAZORS EDGE

F Florin - NORTH RAINBOW LAKE (*Fails*)
A Silvanesti Supports A Dragon Coast - Zhentil Keep (*Void*)
A Twisted Tunnels - Hoarluk
F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports A Silvanesti

A Troldhaugen Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
A Daniloth - Newa River
F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Troldhaugen

F The Neverwood Supports F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
A Magrathea - Traal
F Baldurs Gate - GULF OF LUHN
A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert
A Candlekeep Supports A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert

A Shining Stream - Magrathea
A Kara-Tur - Baldurs Gate
F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
A Dragon Coast Supports F Dhunia - Silvanesti(wc) (*Void*)
F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
F SEA OF FALLEN STARS Supports F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles

A Mount Nimro Supports A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Khemri Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)

F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
A Sleepy Hollow - Brennin
A Kingdom of Hearts - Prydain
A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
F Owlwood Supports F TROG BOG - Troldhaugen (*Void*)
A Cave of Ordeals - Newa River (*Fails*)

A Necronomicon Supports A Tarsis - Skellington
A Nowwhat - Two Towers
A Drynwyn Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Gwynir Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
F Andarien Plain - Kingdom of Hearts

A Dragons Teeth Mtns - Knurremurre
A Knurremurre - Khaz Modan
A Yggdrasil Supports A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
A Carpantha - Hollow Earth (*Dislodged*)

F RIFT CANYON - Myth Drannor
A Myrtle - Tuatha (*Fails*)
F Dhunia Supports A Thra - Silvanesti
A Loxley, no move received
F Pans Labyrinth Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Ansalon, no move received (*Dislodged*)
F Enchanted Isles Hold (*Disbanded*)
F Never Never Land, no move received

A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received
A Avalon Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Myth Drannor Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Endor, no move received
F GRIEF REEF, no move received
F HIGH SEAS, no move received
F WAY THE HECK, no move received

F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received
F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received
A Tumnus Supports F Owlwood
A Tarsis - Skellington
A To-Gai-Ru - Timberlands
A Sorrows End - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)
A Kahvi Supports A Grendel
A Grendel Supports A Kahvi

A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
A The Old Gristmill Supports F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
A Abby Normal - Sorrows End (*Fails*)
A Uhl Belk Supports A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
A Thra - Silvanesti (*Fails*)

F THE MAW Supports F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
F WEST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Tarsis - Skellington
F EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Dargaard Keep - Everglot

F THUNDERHEAD Supports A Necronomicon - Merrow (*Void*)
F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
F Krynn, no move received
F Everglot Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Skellington Hold (*Dislodged*)
dc394 f10 results! (dc394) Jim-Bob Apr 12, 05:25 am
I'm trying to figure out how Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Venatori Umbrarum and this JUST led me to realize something really important that I hadn't grasped all game to date.... and that is that the Underworld also is "wrapped".  I probably shouldn't admit my utter stupidity, but if I had realized this I would have been able to take Neverpeak Mountain before where I thought I had no way to get another unit on it for attack.

This game never fails to humble you.... some underworld Dwarf I am....Jim-Bob
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Oh man talk about the mad scramble for Pirate centers!  All the pushing and shoving!!
Also this is our final turn for the Leprechaun...  Mark, despite being a minor power for most of the game, thank you for playing it out to the bitter end...
6 of them are for the beseiged Trolls and Pirates.  Note if these do not get ordered they go OTB.  Also a single retreat each for the Knights and Dwarves.
Troll F Everglot can retreat to Istar.
Troll F Skellington can retreat to RIVER STYX.
Pirate F Pans Labyrinth can retreat to Eloi or Parce Pass or MERMAIDS LAGOON.
Pirate A Ansalon can retreat to Ithin'Carthia.

Pirate A Avalon can retreat to Westmark.
Pirate A Myth Drannor can retreat to Cliffs of Insanity or Ivory Tower or Port Ghaast.
Knight A Carpantha can retreat to Diamond Mines.
Dwarf A Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Twisted Tunnels or Venatori Umbrarum.
Dwarves: Remove 1
Elves: Build 2
Gnomes: Remove 2
Hobbits: Build 3
Knights: Build 6
Leprechauns: Remove 2 (Dhu and Myr)

Pirates: Remove 6
Rogues: Build 4
Trolls: Remove 2
If the Trolls don't submit retreat or removal orders, it will be 2 full turns missed, which would mean Civil Disorder for the rest of the game!
RETREATS and BUILDS by TOMORROW (Thurs) 3pm Central!

A Hollow Earth Supports A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
A Knockshegowna Hold
A Lubrick Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
A Fitzgibbon Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
A Merrow - Tuatha

A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
A Ancient Necropolis - Yggdrasil (*Dislodged*)
A Snow Witch Supports A Hollow Earth
A Undermountain Supports A Hollow Earth
F RAZORS EDGE Supports F Great Glacier
F Fantastica - Duloc
F Auryn - Valley of Lost Honor
A Waterdeep Hold
A City of Splendors Supports A Waterdeep
A Valley of Lost Honor - Shining Stream
F Great Glacier Supports F RAZORS EDGE

F Florin - NORTH RAINBOW LAKE (*Fails*)
A Silvanesti Supports A Dragon Coast - Zhentil Keep (*Void*)
A Twisted Tunnels - Hoarluk
F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports A Silvanesti
A Troldhaugen Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
A Daniloth - Newa River
F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Troldhaugen
F The Neverwood Supports F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
A Magrathea - Traal
F Baldurs Gate - GULF OF LUHN
A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert
A Candlekeep Supports A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert

A Shining Stream - Magrathea
A Kara-Tur - Baldurs Gate
F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
A Dragon Coast Supports F Dhunia - Silvanesti(wc) (*Void*)
F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
F SEA OF FALLEN STARS Supports F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
A Mount Nimro Supports A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Khemri Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)

F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
A Sleepy Hollow - Brennin
A Kingdom of Hearts - Prydain
A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
F Owlwood Supports F TROG BOG - Troldhaugen (*Void*)
A Cave of Ordeals - Newa River (*Fails*)

A Necronomicon Supports A Tarsis - Skellington
A Nowwhat - Two Towers
A Drynwyn Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Gwynir Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
F Andarien Plain - Kingdom of Hearts

A Dragons Teeth Mtns - Knurremurre
A Knurremurre - Khaz Modan
A Yggdrasil Supports A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
A Carpantha - Hollow Earth (*Dislodged*)

F RIFT CANYON - Myth Drannor
A Myrtle - Tuatha (*Fails*)
F Dhunia Supports A Thra - Silvanesti
A Loxley, no move received
F Pans Labyrinth Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Ansalon, no move received (*Dislodged*)
F Enchanted Isles Hold (*Disbanded*)
F Never Never Land, no move received

A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received
A Avalon Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Myth Drannor Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Endor, no move received
F GRIEF REEF, no move received
F HIGH SEAS, no move received
F WAY THE HECK, no move received

F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received
F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received
A Tumnus Supports F Owlwood
A Tarsis - Skellington
A To-Gai-Ru - Timberlands
A Sorrows End - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)
A Kahvi Supports A Grendel
A Grendel Supports A Kahvi

A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
A The Old Gristmill Supports F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
A Abby Normal - Sorrows End (*Fails*)
A Uhl Belk Supports A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
A Thra - Silvanesti (*Fails*)

F THE MAW Supports F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
F WEST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Tarsis - Skellington
F EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Dargaard Keep - Everglot

F THUNDERHEAD Supports A Necronomicon - Merrow (*Void*)
F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
F Krynn, no move received
F Everglot Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Skellington Hold (*Dislodged*)
dc394 f10 results! (dc394) briandiffell Apr 12, 08:58 am
X-Sender: diplomacy(at)diffell.net
User-Agent: RoundCube Webmail/0.3.1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Mystery solved. I've been wondering for about three game years why you
weren't coming in behind Neverpeak!
On Thu, 12 Apr 2012 06:25:29 -0400, Jim Burgess
I'm trying to figure out how Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Venatori
Umbrarum and this JUST led me to realize something really important that
hadn't grasped all game to date.... and that is that the Underworld also
"wrapped". I probably shouldn't admit my utter stupidity, but if I had
realized this I would have been able to take Neverpeak Mountain before
where I thought I had no way to get another unit on it for attack.

This game never fails to humble you.... some underworld Dwarf I am....

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Michael Sims

> Oh man talk about the mad scramble for Pirate centers! All the
> and shoving!!
> Also this is our final turn for the Leprechaun... Mark, despite being
> minor power for most of the game, thank you for playing it out to the
> bitter end...
> 6 of them are for the beseiged Trolls and Pirates. Note if these do
> get ordered they go OTB. Also a single retreat each for the Knights
> Dwarves.
> Troll F Everglot can retreat to Istar.
> Troll F Skellington can retreat to RIVER STYX.
> Pirate F Pans Labyrinth can retreat to Eloi or Parce Pass or MERMAIDS
> Pirate A Ansalon can retreat to Ithin'Carthia.
> Pirate A Avalon can retreat to Westmark.
> Pirate A Myth Drannor can retreat to Cliffs of Insanity or Ivory Tower
> Port Ghaast.
> Knight A Carpantha can retreat to Diamond Mines.
> Dwarf A Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Twisted Tunnels or Venatori
> Umbrarum.
> Dwarves: Remove 1
> Elves: Build 2
> Gnomes: Remove 2
> Hobbits: Build 3
> Knights: Build 6
> Leprechauns: Remove 2 (Dhu and Myr)
> Pirates: Remove 6
> Rogues: Build 4
> Trolls: Remove 2
> If the Trolls don't submit retreat or removal orders, it will be 2
> turns missed, which would mean Civil Disorder for the rest of the game!
> *RETREATS and BUILDS by TOMORROW (Thurs) 3pm Central!*
> Dwarves:
> A Hollow Earth Supports A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
> A Knockshegowna Hold
> A Lubrick Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
> A Fitzgibbon Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
> A Merrow - Tuatha
> A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
> A Ancient Necropolis - Yggdrasil (*Dislodged*)
> A Snow Witch Supports A Hollow Earth
> A Undermountain Supports A Hollow Earth
> F RAZORS EDGE Supports F Great Glacier
> Elves:
> F Fantastica - Duloc
> F Auryn - Valley of Lost Honor
> A Waterdeep Hold
> A City of Splendors Supports A Waterdeep
> A Valley of Lost Honor - Shining Stream
> F Great Glacier Supports F RAZORS EDGE
> F Florin - NORTH RAINBOW LAKE (*Fails*)
> A Silvanesti Supports A Dragon Coast - Zhentil Keep (*Void*)
> A Twisted Tunnels - Hoarluk
> F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports A Silvanesti
> Gnomes:
> A Troldhaugen Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
> A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
> A Daniloth - Newa River
> F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Troldhaugen
> Hobbits:
> F The Neverwood Supports F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
> A Magrathea - Traal
> F Baldurs Gate - GULF OF LUHN
> A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert
> A Candlekeep Supports A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert
> A Shining Stream - Magrathea
> A Kara-Tur - Baldurs Gate
> F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
> A Dragon Coast Supports F Dhunia - Silvanesti(wc) (*Void*)
> F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
> F SEA OF FALLEN STARS Supports F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
> Knights:
> A Mount Nimro Supports A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
> A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
> A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
> A Khemri Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
> F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
> A Sleepy Hollow - Brennin
> A Kingdom of Hearts - Prydain
> A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
> F Owlwood Supports F TROG BOG - Troldhaugen (*Void*)
> A Cave of Ordeals - Newa River (*Fails*)
> A Necronomicon Supports A Tarsis - Skellington
> A Nowwhat - Two Towers
> A Drynwyn Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
> A Gwynir Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
> F Andarien Plain - Kingdom of Hearts
> A Dragons Teeth Mtns - Knurremurre
> A Knurremurre - Khaz Modan
> A Yggdrasil Supports A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
> A Carpantha - Hollow Earth (*Dislodged*)
> F CHURNING REACH Supports F RIFT CANYON - Myth Drannor
> F RIFT CANYON - Myth Drannor
> Leprechauns:
> A Myrtle - Tuatha (*Fails*)
> F Dhunia Supports A Thra - Silvanesti
> Pirates:
> A Loxley, no move received
> F Pans Labyrinth Hold (*Dislodged*)
> A Ansalon, no move received (*Dislodged*)
> F Enchanted Isles Hold (*Disbanded*)
> F Never Never Land, no move received
> A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received
> A Avalon Hold (*Dislodged*)
> A Myth Drannor Hold (*Dislodged*)
> F Endor, no move received
> F GRIEF REEF, no move received
> F HIGH SEAS, no move received
> F WAY THE HECK, no move received
> F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received
> F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received
> Rogues:
> A Tumnus Supports F Owlwood
> A Tarsis - Skellington
> A To-Gai-Ru - Timberlands
> A Sorrows End - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)
> A Kahvi Supports A Grendel
> A Grendel Supports A Kahvi
> A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
> A The Old Gristmill Supports F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
> A Abby Normal - Sorrows End (*Fails*)
> A Uhl Belk Supports A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
> A Thra - Silvanesti (*Fails*)
> F THE MAW Supports F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
> F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
> F WEST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Tarsis - Skellington
> F EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
> F THUNDERHEAD Supports A Necronomicon - Merrow (*Void*)
> F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
> Trolls:
> F Krynn, no move received
> F Everglot Hold (*Dislodged*)
> F Skellington Hold (*Dislodged*)
dc394 f10 results! (dc394) Jim-Bob Apr 12, 02:03 pm
Right, it was probably a game changer but I never knew I could, you evil guys didn't tell me.
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 12, 2012, at 9:58 AM, wrote:

X-Sender: diplomacy(at)diffell.net
User-Agent: RoundCube Webmail/0.3.1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Mystery solved. I've been wondering for about three game years why you
weren't coming in behind Neverpeak!

On Thu, 12 Apr 2012 06:25:29 -0400, Jim Burgess
> I'm trying to figure out how Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Venatori
> Umbrarum and this JUST led me to realize something really important that
> hadn't grasped all game to date.... and that is that the Underworld also
> "wrapped". I probably shouldn't admit my utter stupidity, but if I had
> realized this I would have been able to take Neverpeak Mountain before
> where I thought I had no way to get another unit on it for attack.
> This game never fails to humble you.... some underworld Dwarf I am....
> Jim-Bob
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Michael Sims
> wrote:
>> Oh man talk about the mad scramble for Pirate centers! All the
>> and shoving!!
>> Also this is our final turn for the Leprechaun... Mark, despite being
>> minor power for most of the game, thank you for playing it out to the
>> bitter end...
>> 6 of them are for the beseiged Trolls and Pirates. Note if these do
>> get ordered they go OTB. Also a single retreat each for the Knights
>> Dwarves.
>> Troll F Everglot can retreat to Istar.
>> Troll F Skellington can retreat to RIVER STYX.
>> Pirate F Pans Labyrinth can retreat to Eloi or Parce Pass or MERMAIDS
>> Pirate A Ansalon can retreat to Ithin'Carthia.
>> Pirate A Avalon can retreat to Westmark.
>> Pirate A Myth Drannor can retreat to Cliffs of Insanity or Ivory Tower
>> Port Ghaast.
>> Knight A Carpantha can retreat to Diamond Mines.
>> Dwarf A Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Twisted Tunnels or Venatori
>> Umbrarum.
>> Dwarves: Remove 1
>> Elves: Build 2
>> Gnomes: Remove 2
>> Hobbits: Build 3
>> Knights: Build 6
>> Leprechauns: Remove 2 (Dhu and Myr)
>> Pirates: Remove 6
>> Rogues: Build 4
>> Trolls: Remove 2
>> If the Trolls don't submit retreat or removal orders, it will be 2
>> turns missed, which would mean Civil Disorder for the rest of the game!
>> *RETREATS and BUILDS by TOMORROW (Thurs) 3pm Central!*
>> Dwarves:
>> A Hollow Earth Supports A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
>> A Knockshegowna Hold
>> A Lubrick Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
>> A Fitzgibbon Supports A Merrow - Tuatha
>> A Merrow - Tuatha
>> A Temple of Doom - Carpantha
>> A Ancient Necropolis - Yggdrasil (*Dislodged*)
>> A Snow Witch Supports A Hollow Earth
>> A Undermountain Supports A Hollow Earth
>> F RAZORS EDGE Supports F Great Glacier
>> Elves:
>> F Fantastica - Duloc
>> F Auryn - Valley of Lost Honor
>> A Waterdeep Hold
>> A City of Splendors Supports A Waterdeep
>> A Valley of Lost Honor - Shining Stream
>> F Great Glacier Supports F RAZORS EDGE
>> F Florin - NORTH RAINBOW LAKE (*Fails*)
>> A Silvanesti Supports A Dragon Coast - Zhentil Keep (*Void*)
>> A Twisted Tunnels - Hoarluk
>> F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports A Silvanesti
>> Gnomes:
>> A Troldhaugen Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
>> A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Daniloth - Newa River
>> A Daniloth - Newa River
>> F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Troldhaugen
>> Hobbits:
>> F The Neverwood Supports F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
>> A Magrathea - Traal
>> F Baldurs Gate - GULF OF LUHN
>> A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert
>> A Candlekeep Supports A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert
>> A Shining Stream - Magrathea
>> A Kara-Tur - Baldurs Gate
>> F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth
>> A Dragon Coast Supports F Dhunia - Silvanesti(wc) (*Void*)
>> F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
>> F SEA OF FALLEN STARS Supports F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles
>> Knights:
>> A Mount Nimro Supports A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
>> A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
>> A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
>> A Khemri Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
>> F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
>> A Sleepy Hollow - Brennin
>> A Kingdom of Hearts - Prydain
>> A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
>> F Owlwood Supports F TROG BOG - Troldhaugen (*Void*)
>> A Cave of Ordeals - Newa River (*Fails*)
>> A Necronomicon Supports A Tarsis - Skellington
>> A Nowwhat - Two Towers
>> A Drynwyn Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
>> A Gwynir Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)
>> F Andarien Plain - Kingdom of Hearts
>> A Dragons Teeth Mtns - Knurremurre
>> A Knurremurre - Khaz Modan
>> A Yggdrasil Supports A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis
>> A Carpantha - Hollow Earth (*Dislodged*)
>> F CHURNING REACH Supports F RIFT CANYON - Myth Drannor
>> F RIFT CANYON - Myth Drannor
>> Leprechauns:
>> A Myrtle - Tuatha (*Fails*)
>> F Dhunia Supports A Thra - Silvanesti
>> Pirates:
>> A Loxley, no move received
>> F Pans Labyrinth Hold (*Dislodged*)
>> A Ansalon, no move received (*Dislodged*)
>> F Enchanted Isles Hold (*Disbanded*)
>> F Never Never Land, no move received
>> A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received
>> A Avalon Hold (*Dislodged*)
>> A Myth Drannor Hold (*Dislodged*)
>> F Endor, no move received
>> F GRIEF REEF, no move received
>> F HIGH SEAS, no move received
>> F WAY THE HECK, no move received
>> F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received
>> F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received
>> Rogues:
>> A Tumnus Supports F Owlwood
>> A Tarsis - Skellington
>> A To-Gai-Ru - Timberlands
>> A Sorrows End - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)
>> A Kahvi Supports A Grendel
>> A Grendel Supports A Kahvi
>> A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
>> A The Old Gristmill Supports F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
>> A Abby Normal - Sorrows End (*Fails*)
>> A Uhl Belk Supports A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
>> A Thra - Silvanesti (*Fails*)
>> F THE MAW Supports F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
>> F RIVER STYX - Ansalon
>> F WEST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Tarsis - Skellington
>> F EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Dargaard Keep - Everglot
>> F THUNDERHEAD Supports A Necronomicon - Merrow (*Void*)
>> F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia
>> Trolls:
>> F Krynn, no move received
>> F Everglot Hold (*Dislodged*)
>> F Skellington Hold (*Dislodged*)
dc394 f10 results! (dc394) offdisc Apr 12, 03:27 pm
So, now we can lift the "Cone of Silence" we placed around Jim so he couldn't receive those helpful messages?  Cool. That'll send tons on the energy bill.

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 1:03 PM, James Burgess <jfburgess(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Right, it was probably a game changer but I never knew I could, you evil guys didn't tell me.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 12, 2012, at 9:58 AM, <diplomacy(at)diffell.net> wrote:

> <8F74FCB8B3C5F543B3C3509688B3090115FE8A(at)fuzzy.diplomaticcorp.com> <8F74FCB8B3C5F543B3C3509688B3090115FE8D(at)fuzzy.diplomaticcorp.com> <8F74FCB8B3C5F543B3C3509688B3090115FE9B(at)fuzzy.diplomaticcorp.com> <8F74FCB8B3C5F543B3C3509688B3090115FEA4(at)fuzzy.diplomaticcorp.com> <8F74FCB8B3C5F543B3C3509688B3090115FED9(at)fuzzy.diplomaticcorp.com> <CAHYYce29Fb4BOfFEorojXimP-a+eU-kfBdbjHVQbYqt4Htj8tg(at)mail.gmail.com>

> Message-ID: <2c35324029f5331099f9cf11d8aea32f(at)localhost>

> X-Sender: diplomacy(at)diffell.net

> User-Agent: RoundCube Webmail/0.3.1

> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


> Mystery solved.  I've been wondering for about three game years why you

> weren't coming in behind Neverpeak!


> On Thu, 12 Apr 2012 06:25:29 -0400, Jim Burgess <jfburgess(at)gmail.com>

> wrote:

>> I'm trying to figure out how Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Venatori

>> Umbrarum and this JUST led me to realize something really important that

> I

>> hadn't grasped all game to date.... and that is that the Underworld also

> is

>> "wrapped".  I probably shouldn't admit my utter stupidity, but if I had

>> realized this I would have been able to take Neverpeak Mountain before

>> where I thought I had no way to get another unit on it for attack.


>> This game never fails to humble you.... some underworld Dwarf I am....

>> Jim-Bob


>> On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Michael Sims

>> <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>wrote:


>>> Oh man talk about the mad scramble for Pirate centers!  All the

> pushing

>>> and shoving!!


>>> Also this is our final turn for the Leprechaun...  Mark, despite being

> a

>>> minor power for most of the game, thank you for playing it out to the

>>> bitter end...




>>> 6 of them are for the beseiged Trolls and Pirates.  Note if these do

> not

>>> get ordered they go OTB.  Also a single retreat each for the Knights

> and

>>> Dwarves.


>>> Troll F Everglot can retreat to Istar.

>>> Troll F Skellington can retreat to RIVER STYX.

>>> Pirate F Pans Labyrinth can retreat to Eloi or Parce Pass or MERMAIDS


>>> Pirate A Ansalon can retreat to Ithin'Carthia.

>>> Pirate A Avalon can retreat to Westmark.

>>> Pirate A Myth Drannor can retreat to Cliffs of Insanity or Ivory Tower

> or

>>> Port Ghaast.

>>> Knight A Carpantha can retreat to Diamond Mines.

>>> Dwarf A Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Twisted Tunnels or Venatori

>>> Umbrarum.


>>> BUILD!


>>> Dwarves: Remove 1

>>> Elves: Build 2

>>> Gnomes: Remove 2

>>> Hobbits: Build 3

>>> Knights: Build 6

>>> Leprechauns: Remove 2 (Dhu and Myr)

>>> Pirates: Remove 6

>>> Rogues: Build 4

>>> Trolls: Remove 2


>>> If the Trolls don't submit retreat or removal orders, it will be 2

> full

>>> turns missed, which would mean Civil Disorder for the rest of the game!


>>> *RETREATS and BUILDS by TOMORROW (Thurs) 3pm Central!*

>>> Dwarves:

>>> A Hollow Earth Supports A Temple of Doom - Carpantha

>>> A Knockshegowna Hold

>>> A Lubrick Supports A Merrow - Tuatha

>>> A Fitzgibbon Supports A Merrow - Tuatha

>>> A Merrow - Tuatha

>>> A Temple of Doom - Carpantha

>>> A Ancient Necropolis - Yggdrasil (*Dislodged*)

>>> A Snow Witch Supports A Hollow Earth

>>> A Undermountain Supports A Hollow Earth

>>> F RAZORS EDGE Supports F Great Glacier


>>> Elves:

>>> F Fantastica - Duloc

>>> F Auryn - Valley of Lost Honor

>>> A Waterdeep Hold

>>> A City of Splendors Supports A Waterdeep

>>> A Valley of Lost Honor - Shining Stream

>>> F Great Glacier Supports F RAZORS EDGE

>>> F Florin - NORTH RAINBOW LAKE (*Fails*)

>>> A Silvanesti Supports A Dragon Coast - Zhentil Keep (*Void*)

>>> A Twisted Tunnels - Hoarluk


>>> F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports A Silvanesti



>>> Gnomes:

>>> A Troldhaugen Supports A Daniloth - Newa River

>>> A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Daniloth - Newa River

>>> A Daniloth - Newa River

>>> F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Troldhaugen


>>> Hobbits:

>>> F The Neverwood Supports F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth

>>> A Magrathea - Traal

>>> F Baldurs Gate - GULF OF LUHN

>>> A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert

>>> A Candlekeep Supports A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert

>>> A Shining Stream - Magrathea

>>> A Kara-Tur - Baldurs Gate

>>> F The High Way - Pans Labyrinth

>>> A Dragon Coast Supports F Dhunia - Silvanesti(wc) (*Void*)

>>> F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles

>>> F SEA OF FALLEN STARS Supports F BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles


>>> Knights:

>>> A Mount Nimro Supports A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond

>>> A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond

>>> A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon

>>> A Khemri Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)

>>> F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)

>>> A Sleepy Hollow - Brennin

>>> A Kingdom of Hearts - Prydain

>>> A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis

>>> F Owlwood Supports F TROG BOG - Troldhaugen (*Void*)

>>> A Cave of Ordeals - Newa River (*Fails*)

>>> A Necronomicon Supports A Tarsis - Skellington

>>> A Nowwhat - Two Towers

>>> A Drynwyn Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon

>>> A Gwynir Supports F Starkadh - Hundred Acre Wood(wc)

>>> F Andarien Plain - Kingdom of Hearts

>>> A Dragons Teeth Mtns - Knurremurre

>>> A Knurremurre - Khaz Modan

>>> A Yggdrasil Supports A Spirit Pond - Ancient Necropolis

>>> A Carpantha - Hollow Earth (*Dislodged*)

>>> F CHURNING REACH Supports F RIFT CANYON - Myth Drannor



>>> F RIFT CANYON - Myth Drannor


>>> Leprechauns:

>>> A Myrtle - Tuatha (*Fails*)

>>> F Dhunia Supports A Thra - Silvanesti


>>> Pirates:

>>> A Loxley, no move received

>>> F Pans Labyrinth Hold (*Dislodged*)

>>> A Ansalon, no move received (*Dislodged*)

>>> F Enchanted Isles Hold (*Disbanded*)

>>> F Never Never Land, no move received

>>> A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received

>>> A Avalon Hold (*Dislodged*)

>>> A Myth Drannor Hold (*Dislodged*)

>>> F Endor, no move received

>>> F GRIEF REEF, no move received

>>> F HIGH SEAS, no move received

>>> F WAY THE HECK, no move received

>>> F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received

>>> F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received


>>> Rogues:

>>> A Tumnus Supports F Owlwood

>>> A Tarsis - Skellington

>>> A To-Gai-Ru - Timberlands

>>> A Sorrows End - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)

>>> A Kahvi Supports A Grendel

>>> A Grendel Supports A Kahvi

>>> A Dargaard Keep - Everglot

>>> A The Old Gristmill Supports F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia

>>> A Abby Normal - Sorrows End (*Fails*)

>>> A Uhl Belk Supports A Dargaard Keep - Everglot

>>> A Thra - Silvanesti (*Fails*)




>>> F THE MAW Supports F RIVER STYX - Ansalon

>>> F RIVER STYX - Ansalon

>>> F WEST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Tarsis - Skellington

>>> F EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Convoys A Dargaard Keep - Everglot

>>> F THUNDERHEAD Supports A Necronomicon - Merrow (*Void*)


>>> F ZEBOIMS DEEP - Terabithia



>>> Trolls:

>>> F Krynn, no move received

>>> F Everglot Hold (*Dislodged*)

>>> F Skellington Hold (*Dislodged*)



dc401 f07 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 11, 2012, 9:36 am)
Italy goes to Bohemia.
That's it!
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required till spring.
E: Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.
F: Separate North Africa and Spain
G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars
I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con
R: Separate Ankara – Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia

E:  7/7 Even
G: 12/11 Build 1
I:  14/13 Build 1
R:  1/1 Even
By Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central


dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) offdisc Apr 11, 03:34 pm
Italy goes to Bohemia???? Then why is it in Silesia?  I vote that what the GM "says" is more important than what the map shows. Take the army OTB!
Army, O-T-B; Army O-T-B!  (is NO ONE else joing the chant? Damn!)

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.
That's it!
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required till spring.
E: Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.
F: Separate North Africa and Spain
G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars
I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con
R: Separate Ankara - Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia

E:  7/7 Even
G: 12/11 Build 1
I:  14/13 Build 1
R:  1/1 Even
By Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central
dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) offdisc Apr 11, 04:00 pm
I hope you all saw this line:
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed! 

I am voting YES!  Time to put this game in the books.

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.
That's it!
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required till spring.
E: Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.
F: Separate North Africa and Spain
G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars
I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con
R: Separate Ankara - Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia

E:  7/7 Even
G: 12/11 Build 1
I:  14/13 Build 1
R:  1/1 Even
By Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central
dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) kevinokelly Apr 11, 04:07 pm
I voted YES last time and I have already voted YES this time.

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:

I hope you all saw this line:

We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed! 

I am voting YES!  Time to put this game in the books.



"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.
That's it!
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required till spring.
E: Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.
F: Separate North Africa and Spain
G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars
I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con
R: Separate Ankara - Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia

E:  7/7 Even
G: 12/11 Build 1
I:  14/13 Build 1
R:  1/1 Even
By Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central
dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) pedros Apr 12, 02:05 am
country not a significant player?  GM bias.  I demand a rerun!

From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]

Sent: 11 April 2012 22:01

To: Michael Sims

Cc: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com;
kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com;
dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com

Subject: Re: dc401 f07 retreats!

I hope you all saw this line:

We're pretty much down to 3
players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI
draw proposed! 

I am voting YES!  Time to put this game in the books.




"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.



pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that
we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to
succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a
little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all
vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required
till spring.


Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.

F: Separate North Africa and Spain

G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars

I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con

R: Separate Ankara – Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia


7/7 Even

12/11 Build 1

14/13 Build 1

1/1 Even


Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central





This email has been scanned by Netintelligence

dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) FuzzyLogic Apr 12, 07:47 am
Actually, what I wrote was "3 players plus one ultra-player in Russia on 1 dot in Ankara".  But the email seems to have lost a few of the words in transit... (?)

From: Pete Dale [mailto:pete(at)atlantichouse.org.uk]
Sent: Thu 4/12/2012 2:05 AM
To: mrh(at)panix.com; Michael Sims
Cc: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com
Subject: RE: dc401 f07 retreats!

I HEREBY LAUNCH A FORMAL OBJECTION.  Why suddenly is a one SC country not a significant player?  GM bias.  I demand a rerun!

From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Sent: 11 April 2012 22:01
To: Michael Sims
Cc: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com
Subject: Re: dc401 f07 retreats!
I hope you all saw this line:
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed! 

I am voting YES!  Time to put this game in the books.

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.

That's it!


We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required till spring.


E: Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.
F: Separate North Africa and Spain
G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars
I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con
R: Separate Ankara – Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia


E:  7/7 Even

G: 12/11 Build 1

I:  14/13 Build 1

R:  1/1 Even


By Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central




This email has been scanned by Netintelligence
dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) kevinokelly Apr 12, 08:01 am
Pete, I agree. Your position is not insignificant. Any player holding at least one center is not insignificant in any diplomacy game. However, the degree of your significance is limited to voting yes for this draw vote or being eliminated by Italy and Germany. I interpret what Mike said was only illustrating significance on a scale from 0 to 1, rounded to the nearest whole number, that yours is zero.


On Apr 12, 2012 2:05 AM, "Pete Dale" <pete(at)atlantichouse.org.uk> wrote:

country not a significant player?  GM bias.  I demand a rerun!

From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]

Sent: 11 April 2012 22:01

To: Michael Sims

Cc: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com;
kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com;
dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com

Subject: Re: dc401 f07 retreats!

I hope you all saw this line:

We're pretty much down to 3
players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI
draw proposed! 

I am voting YES!  Time to put this game in the books.




"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.



pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that
we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to
succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a
little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all
vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required
till spring.


Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.

F: Separate North Africa and Spain

G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars

I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con

R: Separate Ankara - Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia


7/7 Even

12/11 Build 1

14/13 Build 1

1/1 Even


Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central





This email has been scanned by Netintelligence

dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) FuzzyLogic Apr 12, 08:01 am
"Any player holding at least one center is not insignificant in any diplomacy game."
Even moreso in Seismic where a one-dot player still gets 25% of the board's seismic orders each turn.

From: kevinokelly(at)gmail.com on behalf of Kevin O
Sent: Thu 4/12/2012 8:01 AM
To: Pete Dale
Cc: dc401; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mttmvp(at)gmail.com; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; Michael Sims; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; mrh(at)panix.com
Subject: RE: dc401 f07 retreats!

Pete, I agree. Your position is not insignificant. Any player holding at least one center is not insignificant in any diplomacy game. However, the degree of your significance is limited to voting yes for this draw vote or being eliminated by Italy and Germany. I interpret what Mike said was only illustrating significance on a scale from 0 to 1, rounded to the nearest whole number, that yours is zero.

On Apr 12, 2012 2:05 AM, "Pete Dale" <pete(at)atlantichouse.org.uk> wrote:

I HEREBY LAUNCH A FORMAL OBJECTION.  Why suddenly is a one SC country not a significant player?  GM bias.  I demand a rerun!

From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Sent: 11 April 2012 22:01
To: Michael Sims
Cc: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com
Subject: Re: dc401 f07 retreats!
I hope you all saw this line:
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed! 

I am voting YES!  Time to put this game in the books.

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.

That's it!


We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required till spring.


E: Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.
F: Separate North Africa and Spain
G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars
I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con
R: Separate Ankara – Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia


E:  7/7 Even

G: 12/11 Build 1

I:  14/13 Build 1

R:  1/1 Even


By Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central




This email has been scanned by Netintelligence
dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) kevinokelly Apr 12, 08:03 am
Sorry, I should have signed my last message as the GM's press secretary. Clearly he doesn't remember hiring me otherwise his email wouldn't have lost words in transit.
On Apr 12, 2012 8:01 AM, "Kevin O" <kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Pete, I agree. Your position is not insignificant. Any player holding at least one center is not insignificant in any diplomacy game. However, the degree of your significance is limited to voting yes for this draw vote or being eliminated by Italy and Germany. I interpret what Mike said was only illustrating significance on a scale from 0 to 1, rounded to the nearest whole number, that yours is zero.



On Apr 12, 2012 2:05 AM, "Pete Dale" <pete(at)atlantichouse.org.uk> wrote:

country not a significant player?  GM bias.  I demand a rerun!

From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]

Sent: 11 April 2012 22:01

To: Michael Sims

Cc: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com;
kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com;
dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com

Subject: Re: dc401 f07 retreats!

I hope you all saw this line:

We're pretty much down to 3
players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI
draw proposed! 

I am voting YES!  Time to put this game in the books.




"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.



pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that
we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to
succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a
little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all
vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required
till spring.


Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.

F: Separate North Africa and Spain

G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars

I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con

R: Separate Ankara - Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia


7/7 Even

12/11 Build 1

14/13 Build 1

1/1 Even


Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central





This email has been scanned by Netintelligence

dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) kevinokelly Apr 12, 08:11 am
Yes, hence my point and sadly why I had to lie to France last turn (for which I have already apologized). But, I digress.
On Apr 12, 2012 8:05 AM, "Michael Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

"Any player holding at least one center is not insignificant in any diplomacy game."
Even moreso in Seismic where a one-dot player still gets 25% of the board's seismic orders each turn.

From: kevinokelly(at)gmail.com on behalf of Kevin O
Sent: Thu 4/12/2012 8:01 AM
To: Pete Dale
Cc: dc401; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mttmvp(at)gmail.com; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; Michael Sims; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; mrh(at)panix.com

Subject: RE: dc401 f07 retreats!

Pete, I agree. Your position is not insignificant. Any player holding at least one center is not insignificant in any diplomacy game. However, the degree of your significance is limited to voting yes for this draw vote or being eliminated by Italy and Germany. I interpret what Mike said was only illustrating significance on a scale from 0 to 1, rounded to the nearest whole number, that yours is zero.

On Apr 12, 2012 2:05 AM, "Pete Dale" <pete(at)atlantichouse.org.uk> wrote:

I HEREBY LAUNCH A FORMAL OBJECTION.  Why suddenly is a one SC country not a significant player?  GM bias.  I demand a rerun!
From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Sent: 11 April 2012 22:01

To: Michael Sims
Cc: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com

Subject: Re: dc401 f07 retreats!
I hope you all saw this line:
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed! 

I am voting YES!  Time to put this game in the books.

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.
That's it!
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required till spring.

E: Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.
F: Separate North Africa and Spain
G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars
I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con
R: Separate Ankara - Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia

E:  7/7 Even
G: 12/11 Build 1
I:  14/13 Build 1
R:  1/1 Even
By Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central

This email has been scanned by Netintelligence
dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) pedros Apr 12, 11:34 am

From: Michael Sims

Sent: 12 April 2012 14:02

To: Kevin O; Pete Dale

Cc: dc401; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mttmvp(at)gmail.com;
stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au;

Subject: RE: dc401 f07 retreats!


"Any player holding at least
one center is not insignificant in any diplomacy game."


Even moreso in Seismic where a one-dot player still gets 25%
of the board's seismic orders each turn.


From: kevinokelly(at)gmail.com on behalf of Kevin O

Sent: Thu 4/12/2012 8:01 AM

To: Pete Dale

Cc: dc401; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; mttmvp(at)gmail.com;
stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; Michael Sims;
daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; mrh(at)panix.com

Subject: RE: dc401 f07 retreats!

Pete, I agree. Your position is not insignificant. Any player holding at
least one center is not insignificant in any diplomacy game. However, the
degree of your significance is limited to voting yes for this draw vote or
being eliminated by Italy and Germany. I interpret what Mike said was only
illustrating significance on a scale from 0 to 1, rounded to the nearest whole
number, that yours is zero.


On Apr 12, 2012 2:05 AM, "Pete Dale" <pete(at)atlantichouse.org.uk> wrote:

OBJECTION.  Why suddenly is a one SC country not a significant
player?  GM bias.  I demand a rerun!

From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]

Sent: 11 April 2012 22:01

To: Michael Sims

Cc: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com;
cbend37(at)aol.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au;
dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com

Subject: Re: dc401 f07 retreats!

I hope
you all saw this line:

We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with
that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed! 

I am voting YES!  Time to put this game in the books.




"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider

Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>

Italy goes to Bohemia.

That's it!


We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in
Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would
require 4 yay votes to succeed.  But voting is not till spirng. 
First, we have ourselves a little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want
the draw, feel free to all vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that
turn.  But it's not required till spring.


E: Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.

F: Separate North Africa and Spain

G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars

I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con

R: Separate Ankara – Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia


E:  7/7 Even

G: 12/11 Build 1

I:  14/13 Build 1

R:  1/1 Even


By Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central





email has been scanned by Netintelligence



This email has been scanned by Netintelligence

dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) offdisc Apr 12, 01:42 pm
I PROTEST as well!!! The email seems to have lost an ENTIRE PASSAGE which read, according to WikiDipLeaks:
"Finally, due to extra-ordinary play, agreements were made by all parties to cease hostilities and grant Germany supreme control over all the lands.  Congrats Mike for a game well-played and some incredible Diplomacy skills"

Each of you asked me individually why I wasn't granted the win, and now we know -- email lost the declaration.

Thanks all!  It's been wonderful playing with you. Expect a detailed EOG in the next day or two.

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 6:47 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Actually, what I wrote was "3 players plus one ultra-player in Russia on 1 dot in Ankara".  But the email seems to have lost a few of the words in transit... (?)

From: Pete Dale [mailto:pete(at)atlantichouse.org.uk]
Sent: Thu 4/12/2012 2:05 AM
To: mrh(at)panix.com; Michael Sims

Cc: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com

Subject: RE: dc401 f07 retreats!

I HEREBY LAUNCH A FORMAL OBJECTION.  Why suddenly is a one SC country not a significant player?  GM bias.  I demand a rerun!
From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]

Sent: 11 April 2012 22:01
To: Michael Sims
Cc: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com

Subject: Re: dc401 f07 retreats!
I hope you all saw this line:
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed! 

I am voting YES!  Time to put this game in the books.

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.
That's it!
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required till spring.

E: Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.
F: Separate North Africa and Spain
G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars
I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con

R: Separate Ankara - Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia
E:  7/7 Even
G: 12/11 Build 1
I:  14/13 Build 1
R:  1/1 Even
By Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central

This email has been scanned by Netintelligence
dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) kevinokelly Apr 12, 02:05 pm
Uhmmm.... no.

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:

I PROTEST as well!!! The email seems to have lost an ENTIRE PASSAGE which read, according to WikiDipLeaks:
"Finally, due to extra-ordinary play, agreements were made by all parties to cease hostilities and grant Germany supreme control over all the lands.  Congrats Mike for a game well-played and some incredible Diplomacy skills"

Each of you asked me individually why I wasn't granted the win, and now we know -- email lost the declaration.

Thanks all!  It's been wonderful playing with you. Expect a detailed EOG in the next day or two.

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 6:47 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Actually, what I wrote was "3 players plus one ultra-player in Russia on 1 dot in Ankara".  But the email seems to have lost a few of the words in transit... (?)

From: Pete Dale [mailto:pete(at)atlantichouse.org.uk]
Sent: Thu 4/12/2012 2:05 AM
To: mrh(at)panix.com; Michael Sims

Cc: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com

Subject: RE: dc401 f07 retreats!

I HEREBY LAUNCH A FORMAL OBJECTION.  Why suddenly is a one SC country not a significant player?  GM bias.  I demand a rerun!
From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]

Sent: 11 April 2012 22:01
To: Michael Sims
Cc: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com; dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com

Subject: Re: dc401 f07 retreats!
I hope you all saw this line:
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed! 

I am voting YES!  Time to put this game in the books.

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Italy goes to Bohemia.
That's it!
We're pretty much down to 3 players plus Russia on 1 dot in Ankara... and with that we have a 3-way EGI draw proposed!  It would require 4 yay votes to succeed.  But voting is not till spirng.  First, we have ourselves a little ole' winter turn.  BTW if you all want the draw, feel free to all vote yay by winter, and I'll call it on that turn.  But it's not required till spring.

E: Connect MAR and SPA, split GAS and SWI.
F: Separate North Africa and Spain
G: Split Ruh/ Swi, Join Tyl/Mars
I: Separate Smy and Sev, connect BLA and Con

R: Separate Ankara - Smyrna; connect Con/Armenia
E:  7/7 Even
G: 12/11 Build 1
I:  14/13 Build 1
R:  1/1 Even
By Thurs!  4/12, 3pm Central

This email has been scanned by Netintelligence
dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) FuzzyLogic Apr 12, 03:29 pm
I think more words got missed than you originally thought... Amazing how a few words can change the entire connotation...

"Finally [coming to grips with his lot], [and long over-] due to [pay the bill for the] extra-ordinary [amount of time teaching Mike to] play, [and despite his failure to keep to his] agreements [that] were made by [him, despite] all [suggesting that teaching Mike diplomacy would not be feasible for the] parties [involved, and despite many recommendations] to [have him] cease [attempting to learn this game, yet bringing] hostilities [instead, I feel we should give him a break] and grant Germany [one last chance to right his] supreme [wrongdoings by ceding] control over all [the insignificant bits of] the lands [he claims to control].  Congrats Mike for [discovering that] a game well-played [does not come easy] and some incredible [amount of learning is yet forthcoming to pick up some] Diplomacy skills [or for that matter, lunch.  I'm hungry]."
dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) kevinokelly Apr 12, 03:34 pm
That made my day.  Sims rules supreme, even from the GM podium.

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 3:29 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

I think more words got missed than you originally thought... Amazing how a few words can change the entire connotation...

"Finally [coming to grips with his lot], [and long over-] due to [pay the bill for the] extra-ordinary [amount of time teaching Mike to] play, [and despite his failure to keep to his] agreements [that] were made by [him, despite] all [suggesting that teaching Mike diplomacy would not be feasible for the] parties [involved, and despite many recommendations] to [have him] cease [attempting to learn this game, yet bringing] hostilities [instead, I feel we should give him a break] and grant Germany [one last chance to right his] supreme [wrongdoings by ceding] control over all [the insignificant bits of] the lands [he claims to control].  Congrats Mike for [discovering that] a game well-played [does not come easy] and some incredible [amount of learning is yet forthcoming to pick up some] Diplomacy skills [or for that matter, lunch.  I'm hungry]."
dc401 f07 retreats! (dc401 - Seismic) offdisc Apr 12, 03:39 pm
LMFAO!!!  Well played!  All bow to King Sims! Long Live the King!

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

I think more words got missed than you originally thought... Amazing how a few words can change the entire connotation...


"Finally [coming to grips with his lot], [and long over-] due to [pay the bill for the] extra-ordinary [amount of time teaching Mike to] play, [and despite his failure to keep to his] agreements [that] were made by [him, despite] all [suggesting that teaching Mike diplomacy would not be feasible for the] parties [involved, and despite many recommendations] to [have him] cease [attempting to learn this game, yet bringing] hostilities [instead, I feel we should give him a break] and grant Germany [one last chance to right his] supreme [wrongdoings by ceding] control over all [the insignificant bits of] the lands [he claims to control].  Congrats Mike for [discovering that] a game well-played [does not come easy] and some incredible [amount of learning is yet forthcoming to pick up some] Diplomacy skills [or for that matter, lunch.  I'm hungry]."
dc418 Fall reminder - notasb   (Apr 11, 2012, 7:09 am)
Fall '01 is due Thursday April 12th 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

I don't normally send reminders for the Fall but given that this is a new game, I am sending a reminder this season.

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.



"It appears your friends don't experience a normal life expectancy."  - unknown


dc418 Fall reminder (Winter Blitz) notasb May 30, 07:17 am
I am visiting my father,  I will only be able to get online once or twice to acknowledge orders.

Proposals for the Fall:

- Italy, Russia Draw has been proposed

- France Italy, Russia Draw has been proposed.

Votes and Fall '08 Orders are due Thursday May 31st 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.



Nuts! the generals word echo clear
DC406: Fall 05 Results! - offdisc   (Apr 11, 2012, 12:12 am)
Hi All,And.... we're back!  After that short break to celebrate various renditions of the life/death of the Lord and Savior and the creation of flat bread and horseradish, we come the Haven, where so much Sci-Fi and Fantasy abound that the Gods must be laughing their spiritual butts off.  (OK, I tried to offend almost every religion. Did I succeed? Smile I know, I'm going to Hell, but that's where all the cool people are anyway).

Never mix Religion and Politics, and Diplomacy is Politics all the way, so enough with the fluff, let's get down to business.Speaking of Politics though, what the hell is going on in this game??? Alliances are formed and broken willy-nilly. Powers that seem to be on last legs are starting to breathe new life! It's a crazy world out there --- thanks for bringing the crazy to Haven! Smile

RETREATS: due tomorrow Wednesday 4/11 at 5PM MST:-------------------Dwarves: A Cave of Ordeals -> Ner, Tym, or OTB              F Timberlands -> Sai, TGR, or OTB
Gnomes: A Drynwyn -> Koh, or OTBSamurai: F Fjord -> All, Bik, GGF, or OTBTrolls: A Tumnus -> Owl, or OTB
Also Magicians lose The Maw, and with no retreat possible, the fleet is sunk at sea.

Fall 05 Results------------------------------Archers: A Prydain Supports A Avalon - DrynwynA Avalon - DrynwynA Starkadh Supports A Avalon - Drynwyn
A Westmark - AvalonF Andarien Plain Supports A Avalon - Drynwyn
Barbarians: A Brennin - Sleepy HollowA Cathal - Pendaran Wood

Dwarves: A Great Glacier - Zhentil KeepA Spirit Pond - Hollow EarthA Cave of Ordeals - Sorrows End (*Dislodged*)F Timberlands, no move received (*Dislodged*)
F Port Ghaast - Myth DrannorA Yggdrasil - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)F CHURNING REACH - RAZORS EDGE (*Bounce*)F RAZORS EDGE - RESTLESS WATERS
F Grimheim Supports F AshanA Corona Supports A Kender - Dargaard KeepA Kender - Dargaard Keep (*Fails*)A Land of Sweets - Grimpen WardF Strawberry Fields - HORNED BAY
F Cliffs of Insanity - RUGGED COASTF CELESTIAL DELTA Convoys A Land of Sweets - Grimpen WardF BEAVERSDAM - Orboros (*Fails*)
A Hundred Acre Wood Supports A Drynwyn - AvalonF Khemri Supports A Hundred Acre WoodA Newa River - Cave of OrdealsF Endor - Llyr (*Bounce*)A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Drynwyn - Avalon
A Drynwyn - Avalon (*Dislodged*)
Hobbits: F Two Towers - Candlekeep (*Fails*)A The Wilderland - FjordF BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles (*Fails*)F SEA OF FALLEN STARS - Rohan

Knights: A Anvard Supports A Dancing Lawn - TumnusF Ice Reach - Heavens WellA Dancing Lawn - TumnusA Calormen Supports F SUNLESS SEA - Grissel (*Cut*)
A Arctic Barrens - CathalF CRYSTAL LAKE Supports A Arctic Barrens - CathalF MIST MARSH - SUNLESS SEA (*Fails*)F SUNLESS SEA - Grissel (*Fails*)
F Knockshegowna Supports F BIKINI BOTTOM - THE MAWA Uhl Belk Supports F THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF Merrow Supports F THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF THUNDERHEAD - Necronomicon
Magicians: A Everglot - Skullcap (*Fails*)A Dargaard Keep HoldF Ansalon Supports F WAY THE HECK
F Istar - TimberlandsF Necronomicon - SkellingtonF THE MAW - THUNDERHEAD (*Disbanded*)F RIVER STYX Supports F Necronomicon - SkellingtonF EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Supports F Istar - Timberlands

Nomads: F GuTanoth Supports A Kingdom of Hearts - Paras DervalA To-Gai-Ru - PalmarisF Skullcap HoldA City of Splendors - WaterdeepF Valley of Lost Honor - City of Splendors
A Kingdom of Hearts - Paras DervalA Cormyr - Faerun (*Fails*)A Pendaran Wood - BrenninA Dragons Teeth Mtns - Khaz Modan
Ogres: F Gelfling - Garthim
A Magrathea Supports A The Wilderland - FjordA Florin - CaerA Hoarluk - Ancient NecropolisA Powry - HoarlukF Thirsty Desert Supports A City of Splendors - Waterdeep
A Snow Witch - Nowwhat (*Bounce*)F BIKINI BOTTOM - THE MAWF ROARING RAPIDS - RIVER OF THE DAWN (*Fails*)F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Convoys A Florin - Caer
A Loxley - Llyr (*Bounce*)A Mordor Supports A Waterdeep - CandlekeepA Pans Labyrinth - RivendellA Critter Country - DulocF Groves of Academe - Slightly GulchA Venatori Umbrarum - Nowwhat (*Bounce*)
F RIFT CANYON - Cliffs of InsanityF GULF OF LUHN Supports A Mordor
Rogues: F Ashan Hold
Samurai: F Fjord Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Never Never Land Supports F Enchanted Isles - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Void*)
Trolls: A Tumnus - Calormen (*Dislodged*)F Grissel Supports F Orboros (*Cut*)
A The Silver city Supports F OrborosA Troldhaugen Supports A Newa River - Cave of OrdealsF Orboros Supports F Grissel (*Cut*)F Enchanted Isles Supports F WAY THE HECK (*Cut*)A Pygmy - Sorrows End (*Bounce*)
F POOL OF RADIANCE Supports A Dargaard KeepF WAY THE HECK Supports F Enchanted Isles
Undead: A Terabithia Supports A Uhl BelkF SAVAGE SEA - Timberlands (*Fails*)

Wizards: F Baldurs Gate - RAZORS EDGE (*Bounce*)A Waterdeep - CandlekeepA Faerun - Waterdeep (*Fails*)A Yuirwood Supports A Waterdeep - Candlekeep
F RIVER OF THE DAWN Supports A Faerun - Waterdeep (*Cut*)
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson


DC406: Fall 05 Results! (dc406) offdisc Apr 11, 03:48 pm
Hi Jeff,
I messed up -- you cannot retreat Ord -> Ner because that is where the attack came from.
(Hey, it was late and I was working off the map after I closed RW Smile ).

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 6:39 AM, Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Can you confirm I'm able to retreat to NER?
On Apr 11, 2012 1:12 AM, "Mike Hoffman" <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:

Hi All,And.... we're back!  After that short break to celebrate various renditions of the life/death of the Lord and Savior and the creation of flat bread and horseradish, we come the Haven, where so much Sci-Fi and Fantasy abound that the Gods must be laughing their spiritual butts off.  (OK, I tried to offend almost every religion. Did I succeed? Smile I know, I'm going to Hell, but that's where all the cool people are anyway).

Never mix Religion and Politics, and Diplomacy is Politics all the way, so enough with the fluff, let's get down to business.Speaking of Politics though, what the hell is going on in this game??? Alliances are formed and broken willy-nilly. Powers that seem to be on last legs are starting to breathe new life! It's a crazy world out there --- thanks for bringing the crazy to Haven! Smile

RETREATS: due tomorrow Wednesday 4/11 at 5PM MST:-------------------Dwarves: A Cave of Ordeals -> Ner, Tym, or OTB              F Timberlands -> Sai, TGR, or OTB

Gnomes: A Drynwyn -> Koh, or OTBSamurai: F Fjord -> All, Bik, GGF, or OTBTrolls: A Tumnus -> Owl, or OTB
Also Magicians lose The Maw, and with no retreat possible, the fleet is sunk at sea.

Fall 05 Results------------------------------Archers: A Prydain Supports A Avalon - DrynwynA Avalon - DrynwynA Starkadh Supports A Avalon - Drynwyn

A Westmark - AvalonF Andarien Plain Supports A Avalon - Drynwyn
Barbarians: A Brennin - Sleepy HollowA Cathal - Pendaran Wood

Dwarves: A Great Glacier - Zhentil KeepA Spirit Pond - Hollow EarthA Cave of Ordeals - Sorrows End (*Dislodged*)F Timberlands, no move received (*Dislodged*)

F Port Ghaast - Myth DrannorA Yggdrasil - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)F CHURNING REACH - RAZORS EDGE (*Bounce*)F RAZORS EDGE - RESTLESS WATERS

F Grimheim Supports F AshanA Corona Supports A Kender - Dargaard KeepA Kender - Dargaard Keep (*Fails*)A Land of Sweets - Grimpen WardF Strawberry Fields - HORNED BAY

F Cliffs of Insanity - RUGGED COASTF CELESTIAL DELTA Convoys A Land of Sweets - Grimpen WardF BEAVERSDAM - Orboros (*Fails*)

A Hundred Acre Wood Supports A Drynwyn - AvalonF Khemri Supports A Hundred Acre WoodA Newa River - Cave of OrdealsF Endor - Llyr (*Bounce*)A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Drynwyn - Avalon

A Drynwyn - Avalon (*Dislodged*)
Hobbits: F Two Towers - Candlekeep (*Fails*)A The Wilderland - FjordF BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles (*Fails*)F SEA OF FALLEN STARS - Rohan

Knights: A Anvard Supports A Dancing Lawn - TumnusF Ice Reach - Heavens WellA Dancing Lawn - TumnusA Calormen Supports F SUNLESS SEA - Grissel (*Cut*)

A Arctic Barrens - CathalF CRYSTAL LAKE Supports A Arctic Barrens - CathalF MIST MARSH - SUNLESS SEA (*Fails*)F SUNLESS SEA - Grissel (*Fails*)

F Knockshegowna Supports F BIKINI BOTTOM - THE MAWA Uhl Belk Supports F THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF Merrow Supports F THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF THUNDERHEAD - Necronomicon

Magicians: A Everglot - Skullcap (*Fails*)A Dargaard Keep HoldF Ansalon Supports F WAY THE HECK

F Istar - TimberlandsF Necronomicon - SkellingtonF THE MAW - THUNDERHEAD (*Disbanded*)F RIVER STYX Supports F Necronomicon - SkellingtonF EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Supports F Istar - Timberlands

Nomads: F GuTanoth Supports A Kingdom of Hearts - Paras DervalA To-Gai-Ru - PalmarisF Skullcap HoldA City of Splendors - WaterdeepF Valley of Lost Honor - City of Splendors

A Kingdom of Hearts - Paras DervalA Cormyr - Faerun (*Fails*)A Pendaran Wood - BrenninA Dragons Teeth Mtns - Khaz Modan
Ogres: F Gelfling - Garthim

A Magrathea Supports A The Wilderland - FjordA Florin - CaerA Hoarluk - Ancient NecropolisA Powry - HoarlukF Thirsty Desert Supports A City of Splendors - Waterdeep

A Snow Witch - Nowwhat (*Bounce*)F BIKINI BOTTOM - THE MAWF ROARING RAPIDS - RIVER OF THE DAWN (*Fails*)F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Convoys A Florin - Caer

A Loxley - Llyr (*Bounce*)A Mordor Supports A Waterdeep - CandlekeepA Pans Labyrinth - RivendellA Critter Country - DulocF Groves of Academe - Slightly GulchA Venatori Umbrarum - Nowwhat (*Bounce*)

F RIFT CANYON - Cliffs of InsanityF GULF OF LUHN Supports A Mordor
Rogues: F Ashan Hold
Samurai: F Fjord Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Never Never Land Supports F Enchanted Isles - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Void*)
Trolls: A Tumnus - Calormen (*Dislodged*)F Grissel Supports F Orboros (*Cut*)

A The Silver city Supports F OrborosA Troldhaugen Supports A Newa River - Cave of OrdealsF Orboros Supports F Grissel (*Cut*)F Enchanted Isles Supports F WAY THE HECK (*Cut*)A Pygmy - Sorrows End (*Bounce*)

F POOL OF RADIANCE Supports A Dargaard KeepF WAY THE HECK Supports F Enchanted Isles
Undead: A Terabithia Supports A Uhl BelkF SAVAGE SEA - Timberlands (*Fails*)

Wizards: F Baldurs Gate - RAZORS EDGE (*Bounce*)A Waterdeep - CandlekeepA Faerun - Waterdeep (*Fails*)A Yuirwood Supports A Waterdeep - Candlekeep

F RIVER OF THE DAWN Supports A Faerun - Waterdeep (*Cut*)
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson
DC406: Fall 05 Results! (dc406) laxrulz777 Apr 11, 03:51 pm
If I pull a Veruca Salt and scream "Iwantit, Iwantit, Iwantit!" can I have it?


On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:

Hi Jeff,
I messed up -- you cannot retreat Ord -> Ner because that is where the attack came from.
(Hey, it was late and I was working off the map after I closed RW Smile ).

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 6:39 AM, Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Can you confirm I'm able to retreat to NER?
On Apr 11, 2012 1:12 AM, "Mike Hoffman" <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:

Hi All,And.... we're back!  After that short break to celebrate various renditions of the life/death of the Lord and Savior and the creation of flat bread and horseradish, we come the Haven, where so much Sci-Fi and Fantasy abound that the Gods must be laughing their spiritual butts off.  (OK, I tried to offend almost every religion. Did I succeed? Smile I know, I'm going to Hell, but that's where all the cool people are anyway).

Never mix Religion and Politics, and Diplomacy is Politics all the way, so enough with the fluff, let's get down to business.Speaking of Politics though, what the hell is going on in this game??? Alliances are formed and broken willy-nilly. Powers that seem to be on last legs are starting to breathe new life! It's a crazy world out there --- thanks for bringing the crazy to Haven! Smile

RETREATS: due tomorrow Wednesday 4/11 at 5PM MST:-------------------Dwarves: A Cave of Ordeals -> Ner, Tym, or OTB              F Timberlands -> Sai, TGR, or OTB

Gnomes: A Drynwyn -> Koh, or OTBSamurai: F Fjord -> All, Bik, GGF, or OTBTrolls: A Tumnus -> Owl, or OTB
Also Magicians lose The Maw, and with no retreat possible, the fleet is sunk at sea.

Fall 05 Results------------------------------Archers: A Prydain Supports A Avalon - DrynwynA Avalon - DrynwynA Starkadh Supports A Avalon - Drynwyn

A Westmark - AvalonF Andarien Plain Supports A Avalon - Drynwyn
Barbarians: A Brennin - Sleepy HollowA Cathal - Pendaran Wood

Dwarves: A Great Glacier - Zhentil KeepA Spirit Pond - Hollow EarthA Cave of Ordeals - Sorrows End (*Dislodged*)F Timberlands, no move received (*Dislodged*)

F Port Ghaast - Myth DrannorA Yggdrasil - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)F CHURNING REACH - RAZORS EDGE (*Bounce*)F RAZORS EDGE - RESTLESS WATERS

F Grimheim Supports F AshanA Corona Supports A Kender - Dargaard KeepA Kender - Dargaard Keep (*Fails*)A Land of Sweets - Grimpen WardF Strawberry Fields - HORNED BAY

F Cliffs of Insanity - RUGGED COASTF CELESTIAL DELTA Convoys A Land of Sweets - Grimpen WardF BEAVERSDAM - Orboros (*Fails*)

A Hundred Acre Wood Supports A Drynwyn - AvalonF Khemri Supports A Hundred Acre WoodA Newa River - Cave of OrdealsF Endor - Llyr (*Bounce*)A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Drynwyn - Avalon

A Drynwyn - Avalon (*Dislodged*)
Hobbits: F Two Towers - Candlekeep (*Fails*)A The Wilderland - FjordF BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles (*Fails*)F SEA OF FALLEN STARS - Rohan

Knights: A Anvard Supports A Dancing Lawn - TumnusF Ice Reach - Heavens WellA Dancing Lawn - TumnusA Calormen Supports F SUNLESS SEA - Grissel (*Cut*)

A Arctic Barrens - CathalF CRYSTAL LAKE Supports A Arctic Barrens - CathalF MIST MARSH - SUNLESS SEA (*Fails*)F SUNLESS SEA - Grissel (*Fails*)

F Knockshegowna Supports F BIKINI BOTTOM - THE MAWA Uhl Belk Supports F THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF Merrow Supports F THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF THUNDERHEAD - Necronomicon

Magicians: A Everglot - Skullcap (*Fails*)A Dargaard Keep HoldF Ansalon Supports F WAY THE HECK

F Istar - TimberlandsF Necronomicon - SkellingtonF THE MAW - THUNDERHEAD (*Disbanded*)F RIVER STYX Supports F Necronomicon - SkellingtonF EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Supports F Istar - Timberlands

Nomads: F GuTanoth Supports A Kingdom of Hearts - Paras DervalA To-Gai-Ru - PalmarisF Skullcap HoldA City of Splendors - WaterdeepF Valley of Lost Honor - City of Splendors

A Kingdom of Hearts - Paras DervalA Cormyr - Faerun (*Fails*)A Pendaran Wood - BrenninA Dragons Teeth Mtns - Khaz Modan
Ogres: F Gelfling - Garthim

A Magrathea Supports A The Wilderland - FjordA Florin - CaerA Hoarluk - Ancient NecropolisA Powry - HoarlukF Thirsty Desert Supports A City of Splendors - Waterdeep

A Snow Witch - Nowwhat (*Bounce*)F BIKINI BOTTOM - THE MAWF ROARING RAPIDS - RIVER OF THE DAWN (*Fails*)F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Convoys A Florin - Caer

A Loxley - Llyr (*Bounce*)A Mordor Supports A Waterdeep - CandlekeepA Pans Labyrinth - RivendellA Critter Country - DulocF Groves of Academe - Slightly GulchA Venatori Umbrarum - Nowwhat (*Bounce*)

F RIFT CANYON - Cliffs of InsanityF GULF OF LUHN Supports A Mordor
Rogues: F Ashan Hold
Samurai: F Fjord Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Never Never Land Supports F Enchanted Isles - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Void*)
Trolls: A Tumnus - Calormen (*Dislodged*)F Grissel Supports F Orboros (*Cut*)

A The Silver city Supports F OrborosA Troldhaugen Supports A Newa River - Cave of OrdealsF Orboros Supports F Grissel (*Cut*)F Enchanted Isles Supports F WAY THE HECK (*Cut*)A Pygmy - Sorrows End (*Bounce*)

F POOL OF RADIANCE Supports A Dargaard KeepF WAY THE HECK Supports F Enchanted Isles
Undead: A Terabithia Supports A Uhl BelkF SAVAGE SEA - Timberlands (*Fails*)

Wizards: F Baldurs Gate - RAZORS EDGE (*Bounce*)A Waterdeep - CandlekeepA Faerun - Waterdeep (*Fails*)A Yuirwood Supports A Waterdeep - Candlekeep

F RIVER OF THE DAWN Supports A Faerun - Waterdeep (*Cut*)
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt
-Abraham Lincoln

The problem with Internet quotes is that you can never be certain of their accuracy

-Abraham Lincoln
DC406: Fall 05 Results! (dc406) FuzzyLogic Apr 11, 09:34 pm
Talk about a 180… in dc401 (in which I’m GM, you’re the player, and I made the mistake) did you not just assert that whatever the GM says is what goes?  Smile From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 3:49 PM
To: Jeff Hall
Subject: Re: DC406: Fall 05 Results! Hi Jeff,
I messed up -- you cannot retreat Ord -> Ner because that is where the attack came from.
(Hey, it was late and I was working off the map after I closed RW Smile ).

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 6:39 AM, Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com> wrote:Can you confirm I'm able to retreat to NER?On Apr 11, 2012 1:12 AM, "Mike Hoffman" <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:Hi All,And.... we're back!  After that short break to celebrate various renditions of the life/death of the Lord and Savior and the creation of flat bread and horseradish, we come the Haven, where so much Sci-Fi and Fantasy abound that the Gods must be laughing their spiritual butts off.  (OK, I tried to offend almost every religion. Did I succeed? Smile I know, I'm going to Hell, but that's where all the cool people are anyway). Never mix Religion and Politics, and Diplomacy is Politics all the way, so enough with the fluff, let's get down to business.Speaking of Politics though, what the hell is going on in this game??? Alliances are formed and broken willy-nilly. Powers that seem to be on last legs are starting to breathe new life! It's a crazy world out there --- thanks for bringing the crazy to Haven! Smile RETREATS: due tomorrow Wednesday 4/11 at 5PM MST:-------------------Dwarves: A Cave of Ordeals -> Ner, Tym, or OTB              F Timberlands -> Sai, TGR, or OTBGnomes: A Drynwyn -> Koh, or OTBSamurai: F Fjord -> All, Bik, GGF, or OTBTrolls: A Tumnus -> Owl, or OTB Also Magicians lose The Maw, and with no retreat possible, the fleet is sunk at sea. Fall 05 Results------------------------------Archers: A Prydain Supports A Avalon - DrynwynA Avalon - DrynwynA Starkadh Supports A Avalon - DrynwynA Westmark - AvalonF Andarien Plain Supports A Avalon - Drynwyn Barbarians: A Brennin - Sleepy HollowA Cathal - Pendaran Wood Dwarves: A Great Glacier - Zhentil KeepA Spirit Pond - Hollow EarthA Cave of Ordeals - Sorrows End (*Dislodged*)F Timberlands, no move received (*Dislodged*)F Port Ghaast - Myth DrannorA Yggdrasil - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)F CHURNING REACH - RAZORS EDGE (*Bounce*)F RAZORS EDGE - RESTLESS WATERS Faeries: F Grimheim Supports F AshanA Corona Supports A Kender - Dargaard KeepA Kender - Dargaard Keep (*Fails*)A Land of Sweets - Grimpen WardF Strawberry Fields - HORNED BAYF Cliffs of Insanity - RUGGED COASTF CELESTIAL DELTA Convoys A Land of Sweets - Grimpen WardF BEAVERSDAM - Orboros (*Fails*) Gnomes: A Hundred Acre Wood Supports A Drynwyn - AvalonF Khemri Supports A Hundred Acre WoodA Newa River - Cave of OrdealsF Endor - Llyr (*Bounce*)A Elephant Graveyard Supports A Drynwyn - AvalonA Drynwyn - Avalon (*Dislodged*) Hobbits: F Two Towers - Candlekeep (*Fails*)A The Wilderland - FjordF BABEL BEACH - Enchanted Isles (*Fails*)F SEA OF FALLEN STARS - Rohan Knights: A Anvard Supports A Dancing Lawn - TumnusF Ice Reach - Heavens WellA Dancing Lawn - TumnusA Calormen Supports F SUNLESS SEA - Grissel (*Cut*)A Arctic Barrens - CathalF CRYSTAL LAKE Supports A Arctic Barrens - CathalF MIST MARSH - SUNLESS SEA (*Fails*)F SUNLESS SEA - Grissel (*Fails*) Leprechauns: F Knockshegowna Supports F BIKINI BOTTOM - THE MAWA Uhl Belk Supports F THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF Merrow Supports F THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF THUNDERHEAD - NecronomiconF SOUTH RAINBOW LAKE - THUNDERHEAD (*Bounce*) Magicians: A Everglot - Skullcap (*Fails*)A Dargaard Keep HoldF Ansalon Supports F WAY THE HECKF Istar - TimberlandsF Necronomicon - SkellingtonF THE MAW - THUNDERHEAD (*Disbanded*)F RIVER STYX Supports F Necronomicon - SkellingtonF EAST SEA OF SHADOWS Supports F Istar - Timberlands Nomads: F GuTanoth Supports A Kingdom of Hearts - Paras DervalA To-Gai-Ru - PalmarisF Skullcap HoldA City of Splendors - WaterdeepF Valley of Lost Honor - City of SplendorsA Kingdom of Hearts - Paras DervalA Cormyr - Faerun (*Fails*)A Pendaran Wood - BrenninA Dragons Teeth Mtns - Khaz Modan Ogres: F Gelfling - GarthimA Magrathea Supports A The Wilderland - FjordA Florin - CaerA Hoarluk - Ancient NecropolisA Powry - HoarlukF Thirsty Desert Supports A City of Splendors - WaterdeepA Snow Witch - Nowwhat (*Bounce*)F BIKINI BOTTOM - THE MAWF ROARING RAPIDS - RIVER OF THE DAWN (*Fails*)F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Convoys A Florin - Caer Pirates: A Loxley - Llyr (*Bounce*)A Mordor Supports A Waterdeep - CandlekeepA Pans Labyrinth - RivendellA Critter Country - DulocF Groves of Academe - Slightly GulchA Venatori Umbrarum - Nowwhat (*Bounce*)F RIFT CANYON - Cliffs of InsanityF GULF OF LUHN Supports A Mordor Rogues: F Ashan Hold Samurai: F Fjord Hold (*Dislodged*)F Never Never Land Supports F Enchanted Isles - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Void*) Trolls: A Tumnus - Calormen (*Dislodged*)F Grissel Supports F Orboros (*Cut*)A The Silver city Supports F OrborosA Troldhaugen Supports A Newa River - Cave of OrdealsF Orboros Supports F Grissel (*Cut*)F Enchanted Isles Supports F WAY THE HECK (*Cut*)A Pygmy - Sorrows End (*Bounce*)F POOL OF RADIANCE Supports A Dargaard KeepF WAY THE HECK Supports F Enchanted Isles Undead: A Terabithia Supports A Uhl BelkF SAVAGE SEA - Timberlands (*Fails*) Wizards: F Baldurs Gate - RAZORS EDGE (*Bounce*)A Waterdeep - CandlekeepA Faerun - Waterdeep (*Fails*)A Yuirwood Supports A Waterdeep - CandlekeepF RIVER OF THE DAWN Supports A Faerun - Waterdeep (*Cut*) Thanks,Mike---------
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson 
dc401 f07 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 10, 2012, 8:22 pm)
Consider it so!  New map tomorrow…-mike  From: Steven Caponigri [mailto:stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 7:11 PM
To: Michael Sims
Cc: Pete Dale; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; daniel.johnson(at)ret.gov.au; mrh(at)panix.com; dc401; mttmvp(at)gmail.com
Subject: Re: dc401 f07 results! Sorry Mike, but I'm going to have to retreat to Sil. It just makes everything more interesting!

On Monday, April 9, 2012, Michael Sims wrote:And so, after 7 years of war, we see the end of France... Burgundy could retreat, but only to Pic so it doesn't really matter.  Chris - write up an EOG and send it to me, and I'll save it for the end. We do however have an interesting retreat, and that's for Italy... to send Boh to either Sil or Tri.  By tomorrow!  3pm Central.Enjoy,-mike E:
A Wal - GAS
F ECH C Wal - Gas
F MAO C Wal - Gas
F Por S Wal - Gas
F NTH - Bel (ec)
F NWG - Cly F:
A Bur-Kiel (*Bounce, Dislodged, Eliminated*) G:
A War -> Mos
F Stp -> Fin
F Lvn -> Stp
A Ukr -> Sev
A Gal S Tyl -> Boh
A Tyl -> Boh
A Mun S Tyl -> Boh
A Ruh -> Kie (*Bounce*)
A Hol -> Kie (*Bounce*)
A Par -> Bur
A Mar S Par -> Bur I:
A Spa-Gas (*Fails*)
F NAf-Spa (*Fails*)
F Tun S F NAf-Spa
A Nap-Smy
F ION C A Nap-Smy
A Ven-Tla
A Pie S A Ven-Tla
A Vie S A Ven-Tla
A Boh S A Ven-Tla (*Dislodged*)
A Bud S F Rum
F Rum S A Bud
F BLA S A Nap-Smy
F Con Hold! R:
A Ank – Smyrna (*Fails*) 


dc401 f07 results! - scaponig   (Apr 10, 2012, 7:11 pm)
Sorry Mike, but I'm going to have to retreat to Sil. It just makes everything more interesting!

On Monday, April 9, 2012, Michael Sims wrote:

And so, after 7 years of war, we see the end of France... Burgundy could retreat, but only to Pic so it doesn't really matter.  Chris - write up an EOG and send it to me, and I'll save it for the end.
We do however have an interesting retreat, and that's for Italy... to send Boh to either Sil or Tri.  By tomorrow!  3pm Central.
A Wal - GAS
F ECH C Wal - Gas
F MAO C Wal - Gas
F Por S Wal - Gas
F NTH - Bel (ec)
F NWG - Cly
A Bur-Kiel (*Bounce, Dislodged, Eliminated*)
A War -> Mos
F Stp -> Fin
F Lvn -> Stp
A Ukr -> Sev
A Gal S Tyl -> Boh
A Tyl -> Boh
A Mun S Tyl -> Boh
A Ruh -> Kie (*Bounce*)

A Hol -> Kie (*Bounce*)
A Par -> Bur
A Mar S Par -> Bur
A Spa-Gas (*Fails*)
F NAf-Spa (*Fails*)
F Tun S F NAf-Spa
A Nap-Smy
F ION C A Nap-Smy
A Ven-Tla
A Pie S A Ven-Tla
A Vie S A Ven-Tla
A Boh S A Ven-Tla (*Dislodged*)

A Bud S F Rum
F Rum S A Bud
F BLA S A Nap-Smy
F Con Hold!
A Ank - Smyrna (*Fails*)


dc415 Stonehenge Autumn 851 adjudication - jerome777   (Apr 10, 2012, 3:01 pm)
Hi everyone,
Apologies for the late adjudication. If I'd have stuck to the deadline then multiple NMRs would have occurred - however, I've now got a situation whereby, despite chasing, only one NMR is present.
Here's the Autumn 851 moves:
A Chester, no move received
F Durham, no move received
A Stamford, no move received
F Baie de la Seine - Straits of Dover
A Bretagne Hold
A Flanders Hold
F Jylland Hold
F Kattegat - Sweden
A Lower Saxony Hold
A Drenthe - Holland (*Bounce*)
F Hoek of Holland - Thames
A Rheinland - Holland (*Bounce*)
A Donegal - Armagh
A Louth Supports A Donegal - Armagh
F St. George Channel - Damnonia (*Bounce*)
A Hordaland Fylke - Ostfold
F Lofoten Sea - Zetland
F Skagerrak Hold
F Caithness - Orkney Islands
A Grampian - Sutherland (*Bounce*)
A Lothians - Argyll
A Essex - Suffolk
A London - Middlesex
F Wight - Wiltshire (*Fails*)
A Ayr - Cumbria
F Little Minch - Lewis
F Minch - Sutherland (*Bounce*)
A Gloucester - Damnonia (*Bounce*)
F Gwynedd - Damnonia (*Bounce*)
A Wiltshire Hold
There are no retreats, therefore we head straight into our winter adjustments:
Angles:    Supp  5 Unit  3 Build  2
Britons:   Supp  5 Unit  3 Build  2
Danes:     Supp  5 Unit  3 Build  2
Frisians:  Supp  4 Unit  3 Build  1
Irish:     Supp  4 Unit  3 Build  1
Norse:     Supp  4 Unit  3 Build  1
Picts:     Supp  5 Unit  3 Build  2
Saxons:    Supp  6 Unit  3 Build  3
Scots:     Supp  4 Unit  3 Build  1
Welsh:     Supp  5 Unit  3 Build  2

The deadline for the winter adjustments will be Friday 13 April, 2000GMT.
Let me reiterate to everybody that I'm happy to grant deadline extensions, if asked to do so.


DC406: All in! - offdisc   (Apr 10, 2012, 1:38 pm)
All moves are in! Ahead of schedule! Woo Hoo!!!

I will not process the moves until around 7 PM tonight, so last-minute changes will still be accepted. But since we have the full boat, that window closes as soon as I start processing.

Congrats everyone for a speedy return to our game! Take a bow, clap each other on the back, applause!

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson


DC421 - Fall 1901 Russia - catsfather   (Apr 10, 2012, 7:18 am)
a gal - vie
f bot - swe
a stp - nor
f rum holds
Hmm, not sure what to do about Rum.


DC406: 24-hour reminder - offdisc   (Apr 09, 2012, 9:31 pm)
Hi All,Just under 24 hours until deadline!!!  I am pretty busy this week, so expect the moves to process as soon as the deadline passes! In fact I've already started entering moves from those orders submitted.
In short, get those moves in ahead of schedule --- send prelims if necessary -- or else fact going NMR!Sorry to be so heavy-handed this round, but time is short on my end this week.Thanks,
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson


DC421 - Spring 1901 Results - Corrino   (Apr 09, 2012, 6:47 pm)
Hi Players,

Congratulations on a perfect Spring season.  No late orders, no misorders, and no unsuccessful orders.  Every ordered unit achieved its goal.  Of course, I wouldn't go so far as to say that translates to good news for every one of you, but hey, it's a definite accomplishment!
Things I noticed, that you may or may not find interesting.
Toxic Burgundy?  Not only did we have no conflict, but all bordering units took pains to move as far away as possible.
French fleet in the English Channel?  That bodes ill for someone, but which someone?The Kaiser is out of the box right out of the gate.  I'm thinking Hol/Kie/Boh is about the 14th most frequently used German opening.
I think Austria got doorbell
ditched in Trieste.  There's nobody there, Archie.  Have you checked the back door?Italy... has interesting options.And finally, a yellow fleet in Black Sea makes white bears blue.

RETREATS:    None.

NEXT DEADLINE:    Fall 1901 orders are due on Thursday, April 12, by 18:00 Eastern time.


Orders as resolved.  Please notify the GM immediately if you spot an error.=======================================================Austria:
A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste - Adriatic Sea
A Vienna - Trieste

F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London - North Sea

F Brest - English Channel
A Marseilles - Spain
Paris - Gascony

A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Holland
A Munich - Bohemia

F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Apulia
A Venice Hold

A Moscow - St Petersburg
F Sevastopol - Rumania
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Warsaw - Galicia

F Ankara - Black Sea
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna - Constantinople


Page:  1 . . . 188  189  190  191  192  193  194  195  196  197  198  199  200  201  202  203  204 . . . 1090

Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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