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Seismic - FuzzyLogic   (Oct 21, 2010, 12:03 pm)
Interesting -- This is screaming new variant to me.

It reminds me of the old computer game "Populous".

Seismic in its pure sense is solely a game of normal Dip with a topological shift (split/join) each turn per player. No adding or removing of canals.

However, this thread now begs for a variant like say, "Terraform" in which you can do seismic shifts or other changes.

Possible orders:

Sink: Add a canal. Now fleets may pass thru this space and to all spaces connected to it.

Fill: Remove a canal.

Flood: Turn a sunken (land, with canal) zone into a sea zone. Armies may no longer land here.

Drain: Turn a sea zone into a land zone (with canal).

Build: Add an SC (neutral)

Burn: Remove an SC (neutral)

Migrate: Move an SC to adjacent province

Incite: Cause an owned but unoccupied SC to go neutral

Bribe: Cause a neutral SC to become owned.

Many other possibilities.

I re-wrote (and need to improve) rules for the formation/deletion of canals/straits. That way, you can run canals through Rome or StP if the right conditions arise.



Seismic (Variants) AceRimmer Oct 28, 11:02 am
It seems to me that you're mixing and matching rules from a variety of variants, Mike. However, the main one is 'Geophysical':


But you also have elements of Seismic, Deluge, Scorched Earth... and probably others I cannot think of.
Seismic - AceRimmer   (Oct 21, 2010, 11:48 am)
When I ran a game of Seismic (DC 211), I used a professional cartography / mapping program called ArcMap. It's a side benefit of being a map-maker by career.

Like Mike, I had to do adjudications by hand. It's more work, but there is something to be said of the old-school handicraft!

So... in conclusion: try out Mike's suggestion. He knows whereof he speaks. But, the bottom line is that, since you'll be doing adjudications by hand, your main challenges are going to be: (1) the ability to change your map image (.bmp, .gif, .jpg, whatever); and (2) the ability to move the units independently of the map.

Once you get the technical stuff out of the way, you may want to consider rules. I re-wrote (and need to improve) rules for the formation/deletion of canals/straits. That way, you can run canals through Rome or StP if the right conditions arise.



Seismic (Variants) FuzzyLogic Oct 21, 12:03 pm
Interesting -- This is screaming new variant to me.

It reminds me of the old computer game "Populous".

Seismic in its pure sense is solely a game of normal Dip with a topological shift (split/join) each turn per player. No adding or removing of canals.

However, this thread now begs for a variant like say, "Terraform" in which you can do seismic shifts or other changes.

Possible orders:

Sink: Add a canal. Now fleets may pass thru this space and to all spaces connected to it.

Fill: Remove a canal.

Flood: Turn a sunken (land, with canal) zone into a sea zone. Armies may no longer land here.

Drain: Turn a sea zone into a land zone (with canal).

Build: Add an SC (neutral)

Burn: Remove an SC (neutral)

Migrate: Move an SC to adjacent province

Incite: Cause an owned but unoccupied SC to go neutral

Bribe: Cause a neutral SC to become owned.

Many other possibilities.

I re-wrote (and need to improve) rules for the formation/deletion of canals/straits. That way, you can run canals through Rome or StP if the right conditions arise.


Seismic (Variants) AceRimmer Oct 28, 11:02 am
It seems to me that you're mixing and matching rules from a variety of variants, Mike. However, the main one is 'Geophysical':


But you also have elements of Seismic, Deluge, Scorched Earth... and probably others I cannot think of.
DC 341: Springtime 1903 - AceRimmer   (Oct 21, 2010, 11:37 am)
Summer 1903 is due tomorrow (Friday, October 22) at 10:00 a.m. CST.

The Russian fleet in North Sea may retreat to just about anywhere: Denmark, Edinburgh, Norway, Yorkshire, or OTB.

In general, this season, if you ordered it, it happened. Supports??? weren???t cut. Movements??? weren???t bounced. Holds??? well, if you held, you may have been dislodged. Maybe even disbanded.

It???s all quiet along the western front! Support this. Support that. Support, support, support, support. Boring but effective. The minor re-shufflings should make the Fall active enough.

Things in the Balkans look rather more spicy. With the able assistance of his Russian neighbor, Turkey breaks out the electro-magneto-ray-guns (an Austrian unit is vaporized!). Italy is on the move! And the conga line, though a little bit shorter, continues lively on the A-R border: Sev -> Ukr -> Gal -> Bud -> Vie! Mr. Kudlick, I feel your pain.

F1902 Adjudication:

A(Ukr) -> GAL
A(Bud) -> VIE
A(Ser) S A(Bul)
A(Bul) holds (*Disbanded*)

A Wales- Lon
F Hel???Hol (*Fails*)
F Ska supports F NWG into NTH

F Brest -> English Channel
F Spain(sc) -> Mid Atlantic
A Marseilles Sup Burgundy
A Burgundy Sup Belgium
A Picardy Sup Belgium
A Belgium Sup (Eng)F Helgoland -> Holland

F Den - Swe
A Kie S F Hol
A Mun S A Ruh
A Ruh S F Hol
F Hol H

A Venice - Tyrolia
A Rome - Venice
A Apula S A Rome - Venice
F Greece (Holds)
F Ionian Sea ??? Albania

A Galicia - Budapest
A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol - Ukraine
F North Sea Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Rumania Supports F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec)
A Sevastopol - Ukraine
A St Petersburg ??? Finland

Black Sea attacks Bulgaria
Constantinople supports Black Sea attacks Bulgaria
Aegean support Constantinople to Bulgaria (*Void*)


DC 345: S1901R Adjudication - ilovethechiefs   (Oct 21, 2010, 9:06 am)
Mass media not being my forte, Dulceria hires one of those dudes with
the planes with the signs behind them to fly this notice over all of

Plane 1:  "I am deeply saddened to report that once
again, friendly diplomatic channels have broken down.  I tend not to be
so trusting so soon after meeting a new world leader, but I must admit, I
didn't think that anyone could be so foolish as to attack me from such a
poor position.  Man this sign is getting long.  That all being said,
I'd just like to let all of Europe know that the horrid green blobs
polluting your maps will be gone as soon as humanly possible. 
Communications will be readable without protective eyewear.  Dystopia
will be a safe place (for your eyeballs) again very soon."

Plane 2:  "For all your sign needs, call 314-324-3556."


On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:29 AM, Adam Martin-Schwarze <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Fall 1901 will be due next Wednesday, October 27th at 3:00 CST (20:00 GMT).

Itea retreats fleets to Denmark and Norwegian Sea.  Itea offers the follow announcement:

"Here is a brief history of Itea:

In 1874, Loki Falcon led a rebellion against the Christian leaders in Scandinavia.  In their place, he created a atheist democratic nation, with the people electing him as their first president.  The new nation quickly grew, 'liberating' Kiel and London.  In 1887, Sweden was captured by the Were-hamsters from the east, making the Itean people nervous.  In spring 1901, war broke out, and the Iteans recaptured Sweden, but lost Norway to the Were-Hamsters, and Kiel to the lying bastards of Hembria.

(I didn't post this earlier because I didn't want to make enemies to early, and so I could have the latest updates in my history books)

--Loki Falcon, President of Itea"



DC 345: S1901R Adjudication - AceRimmer   (Oct 21, 2010, 8:29 am)
Fall 1901 will be due next Wednesday, October 27th at 3:00 CST (20:00 GMT).
Itea retreats fleets to Denmark and Norwegian Sea. Itea offers the follow announcement:
"Here is a brief history of Itea:
In 1874, Loki Falcon led a rebellion against the Christian leaders in Scandinavia. In their place, he created a atheist democratic nation, with the people electing him as their first president. The new nation quickly grew, 'liberating' Kiel and London. In 1887, Sweden was captured by the Were-hamsters from the east, making the Itean people nervous. In spring 1901, war broke out, and the Iteans recaptured Sweden, but lost Norway to the Were-Hamsters, and Kiel to the lying bastards of Hembria.
(I didn't post this earlier because I didn't want to make enemies to early, and so I could have the latest updates in my history books)
--Loki Falcon, President of Itea"


DC 345: S1901R Adjudication (dc345) ilovethechiefs Oct 21, 09:06 am
Mass media not being my forte, Dulceria hires one of those dudes with
the planes with the signs behind them to fly this notice over all of

Plane 1:  "I am deeply saddened to report that once
again, friendly diplomatic channels have broken down.  I tend not to be
so trusting so soon after meeting a new world leader, but I must admit, I
didn't think that anyone could be so foolish as to attack me from such a
poor position.  Man this sign is getting long.  That all being said,
I'd just like to let all of Europe know that the horrid green blobs
polluting your maps will be gone as soon as humanly possible. 
Communications will be readable without protective eyewear.  Dystopia
will be a safe place (for your eyeballs) again very soon."

Plane 2:  "For all your sign needs, call 314-324-3556."


On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:29 AM, Adam Martin-Schwarze <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Fall 1901 will be due next Wednesday, October 27th at 3:00 CST (20:00 GMT).

Itea retreats fleets to Denmark and Norwegian Sea.  Itea offers the follow announcement:

"Here is a brief history of Itea:

In 1874, Loki Falcon led a rebellion against the Christian leaders in Scandinavia.  In their place, he created a atheist democratic nation, with the people electing him as their first president.  The new nation quickly grew, 'liberating' Kiel and London.  In 1887, Sweden was captured by the Were-hamsters from the east, making the Itean people nervous.  In spring 1901, war broke out, and the Iteans recaptured Sweden, but lost Norway to the Were-Hamsters, and Kiel to the lying bastards of Hembria.

(I didn't post this earlier because I didn't want to make enemies to early, and so I could have the latest updates in my history books)

--Loki Falcon, President of Itea"

DC 338 Fall 04 Results - derekthefeared2   (Oct 21, 2010, 6:37 am)
This season we say fairwell to Germany.  Thanks to Rene for fighting all the way to the end.  Turkey holds on for another year.  Russia hits some set backs as the other large powers continue to grow.
Winter 04 Adjustments are below.  Please provide winter 04 builds/disband orders to me by this Friday at 3:00 PM US Eastern time.  I know that is relatively short turnaround.  So if anyone would like more time just let me know.
Thanks to everyone for sending in orders and keeping the game more.  Always great when a game runs smoothly.
Build 2
Build 1
Build 1
Remove 1
Remove 1

F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Budapest - Serbia
A Bulgaria - Constantinople
A Galicia - Rumania
A Smyrna Supports A Bulgaria - Constantinople
A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia - Venice
A Tyrolia - Venice (*Fails*)
F Helgoland Bight - Denmark
A Holland Supports A Kiel
A Kiel Hold
F North Sea Supports F Helgoland Bight - Denmark
A Norway - St Petersburg (*Bounce*)
F Skagerrak - Sweden (*Bounce*)
F Belgium Hold
A Burgundy - Marseilles
F Gulf of Lyon Convoys A Marseilles - Tuscany
F Ionian Sea Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples
A Marseilles - Tuscany
A Munich Supports A Ruhr
A Ruhr Supports F Belgium
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples
A Berlin - Kiel (*Disbanded*)
F Naples Supports A Rome (*Dislodged*)
A Rome Supports F Venice
F Venice, no move received
F Baltic Sea - Sweden (*Bounce*)
F Black Sea Convoys A Sevastopol - Ankara
A Livonia - St Petersburg (*Bounce*)
A Prussia - Berlin
A Sevastopol - Ankara (*Fails*)
A Silesia Supports A Prussia - Berlin
A Ukraine - Warsaw
A Ankara - Constantinople (*Fails*)


DC 347... - musclecat   (Oct 21, 2010, 1:28 am)
Hello to everyone
from Signore Italy (based in sunny, cold, but mercifully dry
Really looking
forward to this game. Luckily we're not all on strike in this country yet, but
it shouldn't be long knowing our trade unions!
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Quinn
Sent: 20 October 2010 23:31
Jeff Cole; Bert B
Cc: welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; musclecat(at)ntlworld.com;
pjh5000(at)hotmail.com; llibertv(at)mixmail.com; Warren Fleming;
Subject: Re: DC 347...

Hello to all from the country of France! I would write in more detail but
along with everyone else in the country, the people who run the internet here
are on strike and tell me I have to keep this message short...
I look forward to corresponding with each of you in turn.
Finally, a big 'thank you' to Jeff. Stay safe my man!
Best regards.
Interim President of France (the real one is on strike too)

From: Jeff Cole
To: Bert B
Cc: coebq(at)yahoo.com;
welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; musclecat(at)ntlworld.com; pjh5000(at)hotmail.com;
llibertv(at)mixmail.com; Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>;
Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 2:17:42
Subject: Re: DC

Hello all,
I just want to let everyone know that I am currently deployed to
Afghanistan, so if it takes a little while to get back to you, that's probably
why. I certainly mean no offense.

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Bert B <bert_b1us(at)yahoo.com>

would like to welcome each of you to the game. Our embassies always have an
open door policy. I look forward to getting to know each of you in the
coming years and wish you all years of peace and prosperity.

new ruler of


dc307 ~ Orient Express - sgttodd   (Oct 20, 2010, 8:51 pm)
Deadline for Winter 1914 Adjustments: Friday, October 22 (at) 2359.


India:     11 Supply centers,   9 Units:  Builds   2 units.

Indonesia:  1 Supply center ,   2 Units:  Remove   1 unit.

Russia:    11 Supply centers,  10 Units:  Builds   1 unit.

Siberia:   17 Supply centers,  14 Units:  Builds   3 units.

Unit locations:

India:     F Borneo, F Central Indian Ocean, A Delhi, F Jawan Sea, A
Kunlun, F Persian Gulf, F Sumatra, A Thailand, A Tien Shan.

Indonesia: F Australia, F Eastern Indian Ocean.

Russia:    A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, F Barents Sea, F Caspian
Sea, A Iran, A Kazakhstan, A Moscow, F Oman, F Seychelles, F South
Indian Ocean.

Siberia:   F Arctic Sea, F Celebes Sea, F East China Sea, A
Ekaterinburg, A Laos, A Mongolia, F New Guinea, A Novosibirsk, F
Philippines, F South China Sea, A St. Petersburg, A Tibet, A Urals,
A Vietnam.

Ownership of supply centers:

India:     Bombay, Borneo, Burma, Calcutta, Delhi, Java, Kunlun,
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Thailand.

Indonesia: Australia.

Russia:    Arabia, Balkans, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Madagascar, Moscow,
Oman, Sevastopol, Turkey, Uzbekistan.

Siberia:   Beijing, Hokkaido, Honshu, Irkutsk, Kamchatka, Korea,
Laos, Manchuria, Novosibirsk, Philippines, Shanghai, St. Petersburg,
Tibet, Urals, Vietnam, West Siberia, Yakutsk.

Movement results for Fall of 1914.

India: F Arabian Sea - Persian Gulf.

India: F Bay of Bengal - Sumatra.

India: F Borneo Supports F Eastern Indian Ocean - Jawan Sea.

India: A Burma - Thailand.

India: A Delhi Supports A Tien Shan - Pakistan.

India: F Eastern Indian Ocean - Jawan Sea.

India: A Kunlun Hold.

India: F Sri Lanka - Central Indian Ocean.

India: A Tien Shan - Pakistan (*Bounce*).

Indonesia: F Java - Eastern Indian Ocean.

Indonesia: F Jawan Sea - Australia.

Russia: A Afghanistan Supports A Iran - Pakistan.

Russia: F Barents Sea - St. Petersburg (*Fails*).

Russia: F Caspian Sea Supports A Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan.

Russia: A Iran - Pakistan (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Moscow Supports F Barents Sea - St. Petersburg (*Cut*).

Russia: F Persian Gulf - Oman.

Russia: F Red Sea - Arabian Sea.

Russia: F Seychelles Supports F Red Sea - Arabian Sea.

Russia: F South Indian Ocean Supports F Java - Eastern Indian Ocean.

Russia: A Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan.

Siberia: F Arctic Sea - Barents Sea (*Fails*).

Siberia: F Celebes Sea - New Guinea.

Siberia: F East China Sea - Celebes Sea.

Siberia: A Ekaterinburg Supports A West Siberia - Urals.

Siberia: A Kazakhstan - Moscow (*Disbanded*).

Siberia: A Laos Hold.

Siberia: A Mongolia - Tien Shan (*Fails*).

Siberia: A Novosibirsk - Mongolia (*Fails*).

Siberia: F Philippines Supports F East China Sea - Celebes Sea.

Siberia: F Shanghai - South China Sea.

Siberia: A St. Petersburg Supports A Kazakhstan - Moscow (*Cut*).

Siberia: A Tibet - Kunlun (*Fails*).

Siberia: A Vietnam Hold.

Siberia: A West Siberia - Urals.

Siberia: F Yellow Sea - East China Sea.

Deadline for Winter 1914 Adjustments: Friday, October 22 (at) 2359.

files:  http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


(DC 326) Gumball - Fall 1912 Results - Corrino   (Oct 20, 2010, 8:22 pm)
Hi Players,

Twelve years gone, seven countries still standing.  Kudos to all, especially our witches, who are still fighting the good fight down to their very last units.


. Army Ankara moves!  Or tries to, anyway.  Too bad for the Sultan he guessed wrong.  Heads instead of tails and he would have recaptured Constantinople and we would see a Turkish build this turn.  That would have been something, wouldnt' it?

. Army Liverpool moves!  Or tries to, anyway.  A good guess for the K of E, as he bounces the French fleet out of Wales.  Wales for the Welsh!  Hurrah, The King!

. The mighty German Reich is looming most menacingly over the British Isles and, dare we mention, most of France.  Progress is
made on the eastern front, as well, as the Archduke, distracted by the annoying Russian army in Galicia, fails to protect his position in Bohemia and thus loses it to the Kaiser's forces.

. A mixed turn for Austria-Hungary, to be sure.  Venice held, Bohemia lost, Rumania regained, and Bulgaria lost.  At least the latter fell to a friend.  The army lost can be reformed.  Not bad, in the balance.

. Italy maintains his steady upward climb with the accidental (?) addition of Bulgaria.  In the west, he chooses not to defend Brest, and is rewarded when neither Germany or France makes an attempt on it.  Life is not perfect for the Italians, though.  The gain of Spain is plainly in his brain.  Unfortunately, it's not in the moves.

Russian A Rumania can retreat to Ukraine or Sevastopol or off the board. 
Austrian army Bohemia is dislodged and has no valid
retreats.  Unit is disbanded.

Italy & Austria are building.  Russia is removing.  See below for all the details.

The Russian retreat is due ASAP, please.  If not received by Thursday night at 8 p.m. Eastern US time, the unit will be disbanded.

Winter Adjustments are officially due Friday night at 8 p.m., but if you can get them in earlier you would be doing me a favor.  I have houseguests arriving Friday night, so I'd like to put out both the retreats and adjustments tomorrow.  I'm hoping Austria and Italy can make their decisions without knowing where the Russian army is going.


Orders as resolved. 
F Albania Hold
A Bohemia - Galicia (*Disbanded*)
A Budapest Supports A Serbia - Rumania
A Serbia - Rumania
A Tyrolia - Vienna
A Venice - Tyrolia

Liverpool - Wales (*Bounce*)

A Gascony Supports F Spain(sc)
F London - Wales (*Bounce*)
A Marseilles Supports F Spain(sc)
F Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)
F Spain(sc) Supports F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Void*)

F Belgium - English Channel
A Berlin Supports A Munich
F Denmark - North Sea
F English Channel - Irish Sea
A Munich Supports A Silesia - Bohemia
F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh
A Picardy Supports A Gascony - Brest (*Void*)
A Prussia - Silesia
A Silesia - Bohemia
A St Petersburg Hold

F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)
F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)
F North Africa Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Smyrna Hold
A Tuscany - Rome
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc) (*Fails*)

A Galicia Supports A Rumania - Budapest
A Moscow Supports A Silesia - Vienna (*Fails*)
A Rumania - Budapest (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw Supports A Galicia

A Ankara - Smyrna (*Fails*)


Austria:   Budapest, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Venice, Vienna.
England:   Liverpool.
France:    London, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany:   Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Norway, St Petersburg, Sweden.
Italy:     Brest, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Rome, Smyrna, Tunis.
Russia:    Moscow, Sevastopol, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara.


Austria:   Supp  6 Unit  5 Build  1
England:   Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
France:    Supp  5 Unit  5 Build 
Germany:   Supp 10 Unit 10 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  8 Unit  7 Build  1
Russia:    Supp  3 Unit  4 Remove  1
Turkey:    Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0


DC332 Winter 1907 Adjudication - cfisher6   (Oct 20, 2010, 8:21 pm)
Deadline for Spring 1908 is due Monday the 25th at 2359 GMT.
Build F Brest
Build F Marseilles
Remove A Bohemia
Build A Warsaw
Remove F Black Sea


DC 347... - coebq   (Oct 20, 2010, 5:30 pm)
Hello to all from the country of France! I would write in more detail but along with everyone else in the country, the people who run the internet here are on strike and tell me I have to keep this message short...
I look forward to corresponding with each of you in turn.
Finally, a big 'thank you' to Jeff. Stay safe my man!
Best regards.
Interim President of France (the real one is on strike too)

From: Jeff Cole <jeffcole854(at)gmail.com>
To: Bert B <bert_b1us(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: coebq(at)yahoo.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; musclecat(at)ntlworld.com; pjh5000(at)hotmail.com; llibertv(at)mixmail.com; Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>; dc347(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 2:17:42 PM
Subject: Re: DC 347...

Hello all,
I just want to let everyone know that I am currently deployed to Afghanistan, so if it takes a little while to get back to you, that's probably why. I certainly mean no offense.

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Bert B <bert_b1us(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

England would like to welcome each of you to the game. Our embassies always have an open door policy. I look forward to getting to know each of you in the coming years and wish you all years of peace and prosperity.

"Iggy", new ruler of England


DC 345: S1901 - Two retreats and a disband... par... - AceRimmer   (Oct 20, 2010, 4:49 pm)
So, I???m opening my copy of Swedish Furniture Today (I???m a devoted reader), when I read the bold, block-lettered headline:

???Itea Captures Ikea!!!???

I eagerly read on: ???Itea seizes Swedish furniture company but loses controlling interest in Norwegian herring.??? Noooooo! Not the herring!!! But such is the truth, a strategic gamble taken by profit-maximizing greedy businessmen, and The One Who Will Win apparently craves herring. Gentlemen??? we have a war!

As you may expect, activity has been uncorked just about everywhere in Dystopia [I have decided that, for the purposes of this game, since it???s a fictitious world, the continent should have a fictitious but appropriate name]. Fleets have taken to the seas en masse, setting up a tantalizing array of theoretically possible convoys. Fiercely independent Ankara has been occupied (but not so, Warsaw!). And in the Balkans???

Well, as you might expect, things are cozy in the Balkans. And folks around those parts have never been known for being, shall we say, non-provincial. So, when the Dulcerian army from Serbia asked for temporary lodgings??? well, there was no room at the inn. (Cue somber music). The Dulcerian army in Serbia must disband.

It???s an all-around pretty cool first year.

There are two retreats, both by the new owner of low-cost, home-assembled bookshelves:

The Itean fleet in Kiel may retreat to Baltic Sea, Denmark, Helgoland Bight, or off the board.
The Itean fleet in Norway may retreat to Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, Skagerrak, or off the board.

Summer 1901 retreats are due tomorrow, October 21st, at 3:00 p.m. CST (20:00 GMT)

Press from The One Who Will Win:
???The great white were-hamsters of the north declare war on the vampire lemmings of Scandinavia. We seek to purge the world of this menace. It has come to our attention that "humans" also inhabit these lands and we offer them the chance to surrender peacefully. We have openings in our army for food pellet dispensers, and wood shaving changers. While we have no quarrel with these large simians, we cannot vouch for their safety if they insist on remaining in the lands of the vampire lemmings.???

Spring 1901 Adjudication:

Lvp to Wal (*Bounce*)
Tun to TyS
Par to Gas
Bre to ECh

Democratic Roman Empire:
A Rom-Ven
A Mar holds

A Serbia - Greece (*Disbanded*)
A Rumania - Serbia (*Fails*)
F Constantinople - Ankara
F Smyrna - Aegean Sea

A Munich Supports A Holland - Kiel
A Holland - Kiel
F Belgium - North Sea
F Edinburgh ??? Yorkshire

A Den - Swe
F Nor S A Den - Swe (*Dislodged*)
F Kie ??? Ber (*Dislodged*)
F Lon - Wal (*Bounce*)

The One Who Will Win:
F Berlin Supports A Holland - Kiel
A Moscow Hold
A St Petersburg Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Sweden ??? Norway

F Por -> MAO
F Spa S Por -> MAO
A Gre -> Alb (*Bounce*)
A Tri -> Alb (*Bounce*)

A Sevastopol ??? Rumania (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria - Serbia
A Budapest S A Bulgaria - Serbia
A Vienna S A Budapest


DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over - ndeily   (Oct 20, 2010, 3:55 pm)
I am in on the condition that it's on the blitz schedule.

From: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>
To: Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>
Cc: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 1:22:54 PM
Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

Yeah. The 7 way draw was awful. We had two replacement players by the end of 1902, and one NMR and delay after another. We just all hated it and cut our losses.
I'm good with a game if we want to do quick deadlines. I don't even mind GMing, but I do like playing, so I guess I'd do whatever someone else didn't want to. But yeah, maybe even like Blitz schedule speed. One game year per week. That would put us close to 10 game years in by the time the blitz started. I'd be in.

From: Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>
To: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 2:41:32 PM
Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

7 way?  That sounds like a bad porno. 

I'm of the opinion that if you can't at least narrow it down to three people, you've kinda wasted a bunch of time.  Though, with a 7 way draw, I'm
assuming very little time was wasted. 

I'm only in one other game right now, and I see no obstacles to me soloing that one (Hi John!).  So I'm ready to go.  But I understand people have stuff to do.  I can handle a brisk pace, or I can say farewell to y'all until after the Blitz.  Unless I see you in the Blitz.  In which case, I'd be saying farewell until the Blitz.  How about this...

Farewell until (after) the Blitz.  Unless we play a brisk game.  Crap.


On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 9:40 AM, John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Ooh. good point on the blitz. I'm already in two pretty intense games, and I plan to gm and play in the blitz. That would put me at 5 games for round one, and if some of those overlap round two I could have up to 7. that would not be fun. At the same time, since we all know each other now, these games require a little less "foundational" diplomacy. So I'm good with whatever...


From: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>
To: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>; Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 9:02:28 AM

Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

My only concern is that we're headed right into the holidays, which might prove quite disruptive to the mid game when all the action's really happening. If we could commit to a really brisk schedule it could work, but I want to be sure I leave a slot for Winter Blitz when that starts.

From: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>
To: Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; NathanDeily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 6:25:51 AM
Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

Hey, who you calling a coward! Smile
At least it was a smaller draw than that crazy 7-way standard game draw I had a few games back. Funny story about that...
Anyway, So that's Phil and me. Anyone else up for some more punishment?


From: Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>
To: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>; mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; NathanDeily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Tue, October 19, 2010 6:21:23 PM
Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

Well, there was definitely something about this game that got under my skin.  I'm always
frustrated by large draws.  They strike me as cowardly.  But, I'm always ready for a rematch with this group.


On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 1:04 PM, The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hate to say it guys, but after having my hindquarters handed to me several times now, I'm going to have to step away from the table. Thanks for all the fun, and I enjoyed following this one to its conclusion. Good luck to any who do go on!

 I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

From: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>

To: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>
Cc: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; NathanDeily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 9:42:05 AM
Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

Anyone up for round.... um... what number are we on? Like round 5 now? Anyway, anyone up for a rematch?

From: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>
To: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>
Cc: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>; Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; NathanDeily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Wed, September 15, 2010 8:11:01 PM
Subject: DC309 Spring
1909 Results - Game Over

Hey All,

After nine years, a compromise to end the war in Europe has finally been reached. The governments of France, Austria, Italy and Russia have agreed to a four way draw. However, the proposal to reveal past votes fails. I have it on good authority that the reason for past draw failures will be revealed now that hostilities have ended.

Thanks to everyone for playing! It was fun to watch you all duke it out - especially after having just played with many of you!

I usually publish EOGs a week after a game I'm running ends. If you want to do it that way, send your thoughts to me, and I'll send everybody's out next Wednesday. Alternatively, you can all start broadcasting now!

I'll send some of my thoughts out later on. The pregnant wife wants to watch TV!



The players:

Austria: Phil <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>
England: Andy <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated Winter 1905*
France: Dan <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>
Germany: Ray <mczet99(at)gmail.com> *eliminated Winter 1906*
Italy: Blue <blueinva(at)cox.net>
Russia: John <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>

Turkey: Nathan <ndeily(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated Winter 1904*

Draw proposal:
FAIR draw proposal passed.

Other proposals:
Reveal passed (failed) draw votes proposal fails.

EOGs are due next Wednesday at 9 pm. or not if you'd rather broadcast! Smile


DC 347... - pjh5000   (Oct 20, 2010, 3:40 pm)


We're playing a wargame while you're doing the real thing! Good luck over there and stay safe, man.




Russian Tsar


DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over - untitled36   (Oct 20, 2010, 3:22 pm)
Yeah. The 7 way draw was awful. We had two replacement players by the end of 1902, and one NMR and delay after another. We just all hated it and cut our losses.
I'm good with a game if we want to do quick deadlines. I don't even mind GMing, but I do like playing, so I guess I'd do whatever someone else didn't want to. But yeah, maybe even like Blitz schedule speed. One game year per week. That would put us close to 10 game years in by the time the blitz started. I'd be in.

From: Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>
To: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 2:41:32 PM
Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

7 way?  That sounds like a bad porno. 

I'm of the opinion that if you can't at least narrow it down to three people, you've kinda wasted a bunch of time.  Though, with a 7 way draw, I'm
assuming very little time was wasted. 

I'm only in one other game right now, and I see no obstacles to me soloing that one (Hi John!).  So I'm ready to go.  But I understand people have stuff to do.  I can handle a brisk pace, or I can say farewell to y'all until after the Blitz.  Unless I see you in the Blitz.  In which case, I'd be saying farewell until the Blitz.  How about this...

Farewell until (after) the Blitz.  Unless we play a brisk game.  Crap.


On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 9:40 AM, John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Ooh. good point on the blitz. I'm already in two pretty intense games, and I plan to gm and play in the blitz. That would put me at 5 games for round one, and if some of those overlap round two I could have up to 7. that would not be fun. At the same time, since we all know each other now, these games require a little less "foundational" diplomacy. So I'm good with whatever...


From: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>
To: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>; Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 9:02:28 AM

Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

My only concern is that we're headed right into the holidays, which might prove quite disruptive to the mid game when all the action's really happening. If we could commit to a really brisk schedule it could work, but I want to be sure I leave a slot for Winter Blitz when that starts.

From: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>
To: Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; NathanDeily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 6:25:51 AM
Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

Hey, who you calling a coward! Smile
At least it was a smaller draw than that crazy 7-way standard game draw I had a few games back. Funny story about that...
Anyway, So that's Phil and me. Anyone else up for some more punishment?


From: Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>
To: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>; mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; NathanDeily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Tue, October 19, 2010 6:21:23 PM
Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

Well, there was definitely something about this game that got under my skin.  I'm always
frustrated by large draws.  They strike me as cowardly.  But, I'm always ready for a rematch with this group.


On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 1:04 PM, The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hate to say it guys, but after having my hindquarters handed to me several times now, I'm going to have to step away from the table. Thanks for all the fun, and I enjoyed following this one to its conclusion. Good luck to any who do go on!

 I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

From: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>

To: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>
Cc: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; NathanDeily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 9:42:05 AM
Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

Anyone up for round.... um... what number are we on? Like round 5 now? Anyway, anyone up for a rematch?

From: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>
To: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>
Cc: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>; Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; NathanDeily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Wed, September 15, 2010 8:11:01 PM
Subject: DC309 Spring
1909 Results - Game Over

Hey All,

After nine years, a compromise to end the war in Europe has finally been reached. The governments of France, Austria, Italy and Russia have agreed to a four way draw. However, the proposal to reveal past votes fails. I have it on good authority that the reason for past draw failures will be revealed now that hostilities have ended.

Thanks to everyone for playing! It was fun to watch you all duke it out - especially after having just played with many of you!

I usually publish EOGs a week after a game I'm running ends. If you want to do it that way, send your thoughts to me, and I'll send everybody's out next Wednesday. Alternatively, you can all start broadcasting now!

I'll send some of my thoughts out later on. The pregnant wife wants to watch TV!



The players:

Austria: Phil <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>
England: Andy <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated Winter 1905*
France: Dan <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>
Germany: Ray <mczet99(at)gmail.com> *eliminated Winter 1906*
Italy: Blue <blueinva(at)cox.net>
Russia: John <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>

Turkey: Nathan <ndeily(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated Winter 1904*

Draw proposal:
FAIR draw proposal passed.

Other proposals:
Reveal passed (failed) draw votes proposal fails.

EOGs are due next Wednesday at 9 pm. or not if you'd rather broadcast! Smile


dc337 - Fall 1904 Results - z93blom   (Oct 20, 2010, 3:10 pm)
We are once again entering a grace period. All orders that I have received so far have been confirmed. If you have a confirmation from me you are fine.

I will be open for changed orders up until the new deadline from each and every one of you.
I have notified the diplomats who are causing the grace period separately. Please make sure to get those orders in so you won't suffer an NMR.

Next Turn: Autumn 1904 Retreats and Winter 1904 Adjustments
Next Deadline: Thursday, 21st of October 2010, 18:00 GMT (6PM).



s217bc results! - FuzzyLogic   (Oct 20, 2010, 3:04 pm)
NEXT:  Fall 217 due Tues 10/26, 3pm Central!
A turn to himself, our Roman leader has two retreats... but both only have one option so I just moved them!
A Aqueleia - Roma
A Belgica - Helvetii

F O.Britannicus - Lutetia
F Carthage Supports F Punic Sea
A Cartenna - Gaetulia
A Lugdunum Supports A Belgica
A Aremorica Supports F O.Britannicus - Lutetia
F Hispania - O.Cantabricus
A Alexandria - Cyrenaica (*Fails*)
A Memphis Supports A Sistrum - Alexandria (*Fails*)
A Sistrum - Alexandria (*Fails*)
F O.Germanicus Supports F Britannia - O.Britannicus
A Lutetia - Belgica
A Aliso Supports A Lutetia - Belgica
A Bojohaemum Supports A Lutetia - Belgica
A Iazyges - Aestui (*Fails*)
F Britannia - O.Britannicus
F Ionian Sea - Punic Sea (*Fails*)
F Mare Hadriaticum Supports A Illyricum - Aqueleia
F Pontus Euxinus - Maeotis Palus
F Athens - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Illyricum - Aqueleia
A Dacia Supports A Iazyges - Gelonus (*Void*)
A Pannonia Supports A Illyricum - Aqueleia
F Syrtis Major Supports F Ionian Sea - Punic Sea
F Lybian Sea Supports F Cyrenaica
A Asiatica Supports A Kul Oba (*Ordered to Move*)
F Antiochia - Gulf of Judea
F Cyrenaica Supports F Syrtis Major (*Cut*)
A Armenia Supports F Maeotis Palus - Maikop
A Judea - Sinai
F Tyrhennian Sea - Sicilia
F Punic Sea Supports F Carthage (*Cut*)
A Helvetii - Raetia
A Genua Supports A Helvetii - Raetia
A Aqueleia - Umbria (*Dislodged*)
A Apulia - Umbria (*Bounce*)
F Narbonensis - Balearic Sea
A Belgica Supports A Helvetii - Raetia (*Dislodged*)
F Maeotis Palus - Maikop
A Gelonus Supports A Kul Oba - Aestui
A Kul Oba - Aestui


dc327 - 24hr Reminder F10 deadline - bielf11   (Oct 20, 2010, 2:45 pm)
just under 24 hrs left to submit your orders and EGP vote.


DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over - ilovethechiefs   (Oct 20, 2010, 2:41 pm)
7 way?  That sounds like a bad porno. 

I'm of the opinion that if you can't at least narrow it down to three
people, you've kinda wasted a bunch of time.  Though, with a 7 way draw,
I'm assuming very little time was wasted. 

I'm only in one other game right now, and I see no obstacles to me
soloing that one (Hi John!).  So I'm ready to go.  But I understand
people have stuff to do.  I can handle a brisk pace, or I can say
farewell to y'all until after the Blitz.  Unless I see you in the
Blitz.  In which case, I'd be saying farewell until the Blitz.  How
about this...

Farewell until (after) the Blitz.  Unless we play a brisk game.  Crap.


On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 9:40 AM, John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Ooh. good point on the blitz. I'm already in two pretty intense games, and I plan to gm and play in the blitz. That would put me at 5 games for round one, and if some of those overlap round two I could have up to 7. that would not be fun. At the same time, since we all know each other now, these games require a little less "foundational" diplomacy. So I'm good with whatever...


From: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>
To: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>; Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>

Cc: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>

Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 9:02:28 AM
Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

My only concern is that we're headed right into the holidays, which might prove quite disruptive to the mid game when all the action's really happening. If we could commit to a really brisk schedule it could work, but I want to be sure I leave a slot for Winter Blitz when that starts.

From: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>
To: Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>

Cc: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; NathanDeily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>

Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 6:25:51 AM
Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

Hey, who you calling a coward! Smile
At least it was a smaller draw than that crazy 7-way standard game draw I had a few games back. Funny story about that...
Anyway, So that's Phil and me. Anyone else up for some more punishment?


From: Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>
To: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>

Cc: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>; mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; NathanDeily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>

Sent: Tue, October 19, 2010 6:21:23 PM
Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

Well, there was definitely something about this game that got under my skin.  I'm always frustrated by large draws.  They strike me as cowardly.  But, I'm always ready for a rematch with this


On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 1:04 PM, The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hate to say it guys, but after having my hindquarters handed to me several times now, I'm going to have to step away from the table. Thanks for all the fun, and I enjoyed following this one to its conclusion. Good luck to any who do go on!

 I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

From: John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>

To: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>
Cc: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; NathanDeily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>

Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 9:42:05 AM
Subject: Re: DC309 Spring 1909 Results - Game Over

Anyone up for round.... um... what number are we on? Like round 5 now? Anyway, anyone up for a rematch?

From: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>
To: mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com>

Cc: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; John R <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>; Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>; Sean Cable <blueinva(at)cox.net>; Raymond Setzer <mczet99(at)gmail.com>; NathanDeily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; "<dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <dc309(at)diplomaticcorp.com>

Sent: Wed, September 15, 2010 8:11:01 PM
Subject: DC309 Spring
1909 Results - Game Over

Hey All,

After nine years, a compromise to end the war in Europe has finally been reached. The governments of France, Austria, Italy and Russia have agreed to a four way draw. However, the proposal to reveal past votes fails. I have it on good authority that the reason for past draw failures will be revealed now that hostilities have ended.

Thanks to everyone for playing! It was fun to watch you all duke it out - especially after having just played with many of you!

I usually publish EOGs a week after a game I'm running ends. If you want to do it that way, send your thoughts to me, and I'll send everybody's out next Wednesday. Alternatively, you can all start broadcasting now!

I'll send some of my thoughts out later on. The pregnant wife wants to watch TV!



The players:
Austria: Phil <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>
England: Andy <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated Winter 1905*
France: Dan <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>
Germany: Ray <mczet99(at)gmail.com> *eliminated Winter 1906*
Italy: Blue <blueinva(at)cox.net>
Russia: John <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>

Turkey: Nathan <ndeily(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated Winter 1904*

Draw proposal:
FAIR draw proposal passed.

Other proposals:
Reveal passed (failed) draw votes proposal fails.

EOGs are due next Wednesday at 9 pm. or not if you'd rather broadcast! Smile


DC 347... - jeffcole08   (Oct 20, 2010, 1:17 pm)
Hello all,
I just want to let everyone know that I am currently deployed to Afghanistan, so if it takes a little while to get back to you, that's probably why. I certainly mean no offense.

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Bert B <bert_b1us(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

England would like to welcome each of you to the game. Our embassies always have an open door policy. I look forward to getting to know each of you in the coming years and wish you all years of peace and prosperity.

"Iggy", new ruler of England


DC 347... - iggy   (Oct 20, 2010, 1:05 pm)
England would like to welcome each of you to the game. Our embassies always have an open door policy. I look forward to getting to know each of you in the coming years and wish you all years of peace and prosperity.
"Iggy", new ruler of England


DC 347... (dc347) jeffcole08 Oct 20, 01:17 pm
Hello all,
I just want to let everyone know that I am currently deployed to Afghanistan, so if it takes a little while to get back to you, that's probably why. I certainly mean no offense.

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Bert B <bert_b1us(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

England would like to welcome each of you to the game. Our embassies always have an open door policy. I look forward to getting to know each of you in the coming years and wish you all years of peace and prosperity.

"Iggy", new ruler of England
DC 347... (dc347) pjh5000 Oct 20, 03:40 pm


We're playing a wargame while you're doing the real thing! Good luck over there and stay safe, man.




Russian Tsar
DC 347... (dc347) coebq Oct 20, 05:30 pm
Hello to all from the country of France! I would write in more detail but along with everyone else in the country, the people who run the internet here are on strike and tell me I have to keep this message short...
I look forward to corresponding with each of you in turn.
Finally, a big 'thank you' to Jeff. Stay safe my man!
Best regards.
Interim President of France (the real one is on strike too)

From: Jeff Cole <jeffcole854(at)gmail.com>
To: Bert B <bert_b1us(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: coebq(at)yahoo.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; musclecat(at)ntlworld.com; pjh5000(at)hotmail.com; llibertv(at)mixmail.com; Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>; dc347(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 2:17:42 PM
Subject: Re: DC 347...

Hello all,
I just want to let everyone know that I am currently deployed to Afghanistan, so if it takes a little while to get back to you, that's probably why. I certainly mean no offense.

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Bert B <bert_b1us(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

England would like to welcome each of you to the game. Our embassies always have an open door policy. I look forward to getting to know each of you in the coming years and wish you all years of peace and prosperity.

"Iggy", new ruler of England
DC 347... (dc347) musclecat Oct 21, 01:28 am
Hello to everyone
from Signore Italy (based in sunny, cold, but mercifully dry
Really looking
forward to this game. Luckily we're not all on strike in this country yet, but
it shouldn't be long knowing our trade unions!
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Quinn
Sent: 20 October 2010 23:31
Jeff Cole; Bert B
Cc: welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; musclecat(at)ntlworld.com;
pjh5000(at)hotmail.com; llibertv(at)mixmail.com; Warren Fleming;
Subject: Re: DC 347...

Hello to all from the country of France! I would write in more detail but
along with everyone else in the country, the people who run the internet here
are on strike and tell me I have to keep this message short...
I look forward to corresponding with each of you in turn.
Finally, a big 'thank you' to Jeff. Stay safe my man!
Best regards.
Interim President of France (the real one is on strike too)

From: Jeff Cole
To: Bert B
Cc: coebq(at)yahoo.com;
welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; musclecat(at)ntlworld.com; pjh5000(at)hotmail.com;
llibertv(at)mixmail.com; Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>;
Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 2:17:42
Subject: Re: DC

Hello all,
I just want to let everyone know that I am currently deployed to
Afghanistan, so if it takes a little while to get back to you, that's probably
why. I certainly mean no offense.

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Bert B <bert_b1us(at)yahoo.com>

would like to welcome each of you to the game. Our embassies always have an
open door policy. I look forward to getting to know each of you in the
coming years and wish you all years of peace and prosperity.

new ruler of
DC344: Fall 1936 Moves - charlesf   (Oct 20, 2010, 12:52 pm)
Hi guys,

so, who are the winners and losers in our continental struggle
after two seasons of scheming and manoevering? In terms of SC
adjustments, Italy came on top with three additional ones to her
name, while spring's ill-omens have caught up with France, though
the Pr?sident managed to offset at least the loss of Beirut by
extending the Grande Nation's influence into Iraq. At home,
Marseilles proved undefendable, while the British were rebuffed on
Breton shores.

Over to the East, Poles and Soviets appear at loggerheads
regarding the fate of several nations located between between them
- with the Turks? and Serbs looking more favourably on Warsaw's
claims. I wonder whether news of Republican successes on the
Iberian peninsula shall console Uncle Joe in light of these
sobering developments closer to come.

Thanks guys, for keeping me abreast with your negotiations. It's
been quite fascinating to follow.

Winter orders are due this Friday 6 PM CET. Get your orders in in
good time!

Happy dipping,




??? BRITAIN: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>

??? FRANCE: Stuart Coutts <wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com>

??? GERMANY: Dirk Knemeyer <dirk(at)knemeyer.com>

??? ITALY & NAT. SPAIN: Andrew Tanner <feanorsfirstborn(at)gmail.com>

??? POLAND: Daniel Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>

??? SOVIET UNION & REP. SPAIN: Kyle Overby-Lee <tomjnkns.IL(at)gmail.com>

??? TURKEY: Joao Queiros <jlqueiros3(at)hotmail.com>













PRESS: None. Sad



F Atlantic Ocean - Suez

F English Channel Supports F South-Western
Approaches - Brest

F North Sea - Norway

F South-Western Approaches - Brest (*Fails*)


A Algiers Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Brest Hold

A Marseille Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Picardy Supports F Brest

A Syria - Iraq


A Hamburg - Denmark

A Switzerland Supports A Piedmont - Marseille

F Helgoland Bight Supports A Hamburg - Denmark


A Piedmont - Marseille

A Rome - Austria

A Tunisia - Algiers

F Southern Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Tunisia -


A Cracow - Rumania

A Warsaw - Lithuania (*Fails*)

F Gulf of Danzig Supports A Latvia


A Alexandretta Supports F Eastern Mediterranean -

A Bulgaria Supports A Cracow - Rumania

F Eastern Mediterranean - Beirut


A Byelorussia Supports F Estonia - Latvia

A Eastern Ukraine - Rumania (*Fails*)

F Estonia - Latvia (*Fails*)


A Burgos - Madrid (*Fails*)


A Valencia - Madrid


A Austria Hold (*Disbanded*)


A Belgium Hold


A Czechia Supports A Rome - Austria


F Denmark Hold (*Disbanded*)


A Egypt Hold


A Finland Supports F North Sea - Norway


F Greece Hold


A Hungary Hold


A Iran Supports A Syria - Iraq


A Iraq Hold (*Disbanded*)


A Latvia Supports A Warsaw - Lithuania (*Cut*)


A Lithuania Hold


A Morocco Supports A Tunisia - Algiers


F Netherlands Supports F English Channel - Belgium


F Norway Hold (*Disbanded*)


F Portugal Supports A Valencia - Madrid


A Rumania Hold (*Disbanded*)


F Sweden Supports A Hamburg - Denmark


A Croatia Hold

A Serbia Supports A Cracow - Rumania


French A Algiers can retreat to Southern Algeria.

French A Marseille can retreat to Burgundy or
Gascony or Catalonia.





















?? Britain(4)ConfusedEdinburgh,
Liverpool, London, Suez.

??? France(5)ConfusedAlgiers, Beirut, Brest, Marseille,

??? Germany(3)ConfusedBerlin, Hamburg, Munich.

??? Italy(4)ConfusedMilan, Naples, Rome, Tripoli.

??? Poland(3)ConfusedCracow, Gdynia, Warsaw.

??? Turkey(3)ConfusedAnkara, Istanbul, Izmir.

??? USSR(3)ConfusedLeningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad.
??? Nationalist Spain(1): Burgos
??? Republican Spain(1): Valencia

??? Minor Powers(23): Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia (Yug.), Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland,
Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Latvia, Lithuania, Morocco,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Rumania, Serbia

are due NLT 6PM CET (GMT+1)...not local time)

??? o Winter?1936
Retreats/Adjustments: 22 October
??? o Spring 1937 Moves: (25) 27

??? o
Summer?1937 Retreats: 29 October

MovesConfused(3) 5




DC 347 Begins - alwayshunted   (Oct 20, 2010, 11:45 am)
We're all set for war. Welcome everyone!


Our first deadline (Spring 1901) will be on October 28, 17:00 MDT, 23:00 GMT.


First a couple of notes about rules, deadlines etc.


I follow the DC house rules for running the game. Please familiarize yourself with them. A couple of key points:


No default builds or retreats. If you don't send retreat orders your units will be disbanded. If you don't send build orders you don't get any. Default disbands will of course apply.
Deadlines won't fall on Saturday or Sunday. Generally I give a full week for a major turn (spring/fall), at least 24 hours for a summer or autumn retreat phase, and an additional 24 hours after autumn for winter adjustments. If there is no autumn retreat phase necessary I'll give 48 hours between fall and winter.
Deadlines will be set for each season, and I will adjudicate at any point AFTER that deadline. You can change your orders as many times as you like right up to the point that I start to adjudicate.
PLEASE put the game number (DC 347), your country, and the season in the SUBJECT line of your emails to me. It just makes it way easier on me to keep things organised.
Give me some notice if you are going to be away. I have no problem putting the game on hold within reason.
In 1901 I will not adjudicate a turn if there is an nmr. A replacement will be sought for the offending ruler immediately and the turn will be re-played, including time for diplomacy with the replacement.

Okay, I think that's enough. Here is the moment you're all waiting anxiously for (yah, like you didn't skip down here already and ignore everything I wrote above....)


Bruce Quinn
Washington, DC, US
Charles Welsh
Ellicott City, MD, US
Albert Brashear
Indianapolis, IN, US
Jeffrey Cole
Clarksville, TN, US
Mike Benyon
Loughton, ESSEX, UK
Paul Harrington
Boston, MA, US
Llibert Vinyals
Vilanova, ES


There you have it. I hope you all got the country you were hoping for, and if not, well....too bad I guess.


I will make the first deadline next week. Thursday October 28, 17:00 Mountain Daylight Time. I believe that is still 23:00 GMT. I have attached a .gif and a .dpy file of the opening positions, although you've all seen it before. I will do this for every adjudication. I will also update the DC site promptly so you can always get maps etc from there.


What am I forgetting? Well let me know. Don't hesitate to ask general questions. I of course won't comment on anything to do with this game.


Have fun.




dc342 ~ Imperial1841 - sgttodd   (Oct 20, 2010, 11:11 am)
Deadline for Winter 1842 adjustments: Friday, October 22 (at) 2359 UTC.
Retreat orders for Fall of 1842.

France: Remove A Marseilles.
France: F Antilles - Amazon Basin.
Austria: 11 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 4 units.
Britain: 15 Supply centers, 13 Units: Builds 2 units.
China: 11 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 1 unit.
France: 13 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 3 units.
Holland: 8 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Ottoman: 11 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 3 units.
Russia: 11 Supply centers, 11 Units.
Spain: 17 Supply centers, 13 Units: Builds 4 units.
USA: 8 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 2 units.
Unit locations:
Austria: A Denmark, A Kiel, A Rome, F Salerno, A Serbia, A Stuttgart, A Congo.
Britain: A London, F Malaysia, A Antilles, A Natal, F Cuba, A Kasmir, A Birmah, F Greenland Sea, F North Sea, F English Channel, F Arabian Sea, F N.E.Indian Ocean, F Java Sea.
China: F Kagoshima, A Hue, A Xining, A Kamchatka, A Xinjang, A Mongolia, A Nei Mongol, A Hunan, A Formosa, F Sea of Japan.
France: F Cape Colony, F Lisbon, A Bordeaux, A Biafra, A Soudan, F Amazon Basin, F Gulf of Guinea, F Mozabaique Channel, F Horn of Africa, F Hawaii.
Holland: F Holland, F Java, A Edo, F Solomons, A Sumatra, A British Guiana, F China Sea.
Ottoman: F Tunisia, A Ethiopia, A Hahira, A Somolia, A Ade, A Tehran, F Red Sea, F Persian Gulf.
Russia: A Moskow, A Warsaw, A Irkutsk, A Orenburg, A Norway, F Rumania, F Sweden, A Tashkent, A Omsk, A Krasnoyarsk, A Bokhara.
Spain: A Marseilles, A Columbia, F Phillipines, F Morocco, A Mozambique, F La Plata, A Para, F Venezuela, A Alaska, F Gulf of Lyon, F N.Pacific Ocean, F E.Pacific Ocean, F S.Pacific Ocean.
USA: A Ontario, A Missouri Terr., F Gulf of Maine, F Bay of Florida, F Western Carribean, F Sargasso Sea.
Ownership of supply centers:
Austria: Berlin, Budapest, Venice, Vienna, Loango, Denmark, Kiel, Rome, Salerno, Serbia, Stuttgart.
Britain: London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Quebec, Bahama Islands, Bombay, Delhi, Malaysia, New South Wales, Antilles, Natal, Cuba, Bengal, Kasmir, The Azores.
China: Beijing, Chongqing, Guangdong, Shanghai, Yongmingcheng, Kagoshima, Hue, Xining, Korea, Liaoning, Formosa.
France: Cape Colony, Paris, Nantes, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Madagascar, Maldives, Society Islands, Lisbon, Biafra, Liberia, Marshalls, Hawaii.
Holland: Holland, Dutch Guiana, Java, Borneo, New Guinea, Edo, Solomons, British Guiana.
Ottoman: Angora, Bagdad, Constantinople, Egypt, Sofia, Greece, Abyssinia, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Ade, Tehran.
Russia: Moskow, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Warsaw, Irkutsk, Orenburg, Norway, Rumania, Sweden, Tashkent, Omsk.
Spain: Marseilles, Madrid, Mexico City, Monterey, Columbia, Rio de Janeiro, Zanguebar, Phillipines, Morocco, Cuiaba, La Plata, Para, Peru, Venezuela, Honduras, Vancouver, Alaska.
USA: Ontario, Boston, Charleston, New Orleans, New York City, Republic of Texas, Missouri Terr., Chicago.
Unowned: Ceylon, Chili, French Guiana, Montevideo.
Deadline for Winter 1842 adjustments: Friday, October 22 (at) 2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
Sent through e-mol. E-mail, Anywhere, Anytime. http://www.e-mol.com


dc342 ~ Imperial1841 (dc342) sgttodd Oct 22, 10:28 pm
Deadline for Spring 1843 orders: Wednesday, October 27th (at) 2359 UTC.
Adjustment orders for Winter of 1842.
Austria: Build F Loango.
Austria: Build F Berlin.
Austria: Build A Venice.
Austria: Build A Vienna.
Britain: Build A Delhi.
Britain: Build F Bombay.
China: Build F Guangdong.
France: Build A Guinea.
France: Build A Madagascar.
France: Build A Sierra Leone.
Holland: Build F Borneo.
Ottoman: Build A Egypt.
Ottoman: Build A Bagdad.
Ottoman: Build waived.
Spain: Build F Madrid.
Spain: Build F Rio de Janeiro.
Spain: Build F Monterey.
Spain: Build F Zanguebar.
USA: Build F Boston.
USA: Build F Charleston.
Unit locations:
Austria: F Berlin, A Venice, A Vienna, F Loango, A Denmark, A Kiel, A Rome, F Salerno, A Serbia, A Stuttgart, A Congo.
Britain: A London, F Bombay, A Delhi, F Malaysia, A Antilles, A Natal, F Cuba, A Kasmir, A Birmah, F Greenland Sea, F North Sea, F
English Channel, F Arabian Sea, F N.E.Indian Ocean, F Java Sea.
China: F Guangdong, F Kagoshima, A Hue, A Xining, A Kamchatka, A Xinjang, A Mongolia, A Nei Mongol, A Hunan, A Formosa, F Sea of
France: F Cape Colony, A Sierra Leone, A Guinea, A Madagascar, F Lisbon, A Bordeaux, A Biafra, A Soudan, F Amazon Basin, F Gulf of
Guinea, F Mozabaique Channel, F Horn of Africa, F Hawaii.
Holland: F Holland, F Java, F Borneo, A Edo, F Solomons, A Sumatra, A British Guiana, F China Sea.
Ottoman: A Bagdad, A Egypt, F Tunisia, A Ethiopia, A Hahira, A Somolia, A Ade, A Tehran, F Red Sea, F Persian Gulf.
Russia: A Moskow, A Warsaw, A Irkutsk, A Orenburg, A Norway, F Rumania, F Sweden, A Tashkent, A Omsk, A Krasnoyarsk, A Bokhara.
Spain: A Marseilles, F Madrid, F Monterey, A Columbia, F Rio de Janeiro, F Zanguebar, F Phillipines, F Morocco, A Mozambique, F La
Plata, A Para, F Venezuela, A Alaska, F Gulf of Lyon, F N.Pacific Ocean, F E.Pacific Ocean, F S.Pacific Ocean.
USA: A Ontario, F Charleston, F Boston, A Missouri Terr., F Gulf of Maine, F Bay of Florida, F Western Carribean, F
Sargasso Sea.
dc342 ~ Imperial1841 (dc342) sgttodd Oct 23, 11:59 am
A minor correction - USA order builds of fleets in Charleston and Boston and I popped them into Charleston and New York. I don't
know why, I'm just funny that way sometimes.
So, Please note there is no unit in NYC and there is a fleet in BOS.
The map and DPW file have been updated.
Sorry for the snafu.
dc342 ~ Imperial1841 (dc342) sgttodd Nov 01, 09:49 pm
Deadline for retreats: Wednesday, November 3rd (at) 2359 UTC.

The following units were dislodged:

Austrian F Loango can retreat to Cimbebas Coast.

Spanish A Marseilles can retreat to Metz or Catalunia.

Dutch F Holland can retreat to Rouen or Helgoland Bight.

Ottoman A Mongearts can retreat to Hahira.

Russian A Xinjang can retreat to Tashkent.

Unit locations:

Austria: F Loango, A Paris, A Marseilles, A Holland, A Bavaria, A
Stuttgart, A Croatia, A Piedmont, A Cimbebas, F Baltic Sea, F
Tyrrhenian Sea.

Britain: A Nantes, F Maldives, A Natal, F Java, F Cuba, A Kasmir, A
Ceylon, A Punjab, A French Guiana, F Norwegian Sea, F North Sea, F
English Channel, F Arabian Sea, F N.E.Indian Ocean, F China Sea.

China:   F Guangdong, A Irkutsk, F Edo, A Hue, A Xining, A Xinjang,
A Mongolia, A Nei Mongol, A Formosa, A Yakutsk, F Eastern Sea.

France:  A Loango, F Dutch Guiana, A Bordeaux, A Bambarra, A
Caffrabia, F Congo, A Mongearts, A Soudan, F Marshalls, F The
Azores, F Gulf of Guinea, F Mozabaique Channel, F Horn of Africa.

Holland: F Holland, F Phillipines, A Sakhurlin, A British Guiana, F
Java Sea, F Celebes Sea, F Bismark Sea.

Ottoman: A Abyssinia, F Tunisia, A Ethiopia, A Mongearts, A Somolia,
A Ade, A Afganistan, A Bangalore, F Red Sea, F Persian Gulf.

Russia:  F Sevastopol, A St Petersburg, A Orenburg, A Norway, F
Sweden, A Omsk, A Evenki, A Georgia, A Krasnoyarsk, A Bokhara, A

Spain:   A Marseilles, F Society Islands, A Columbia, F Zanguebar, F
Morocco, A Mozambique, A Amazona, F Chili, F Montevideo, F
Venezuela, A Vancouver, F Western Mediterranean, F Gulf of Lyon, F
Phillipene Sea, F Kuril Sea, F W.Pacific Ocean, F E.Pacific Ocean.

USA:     F Quebec, F Antilles, A Florida, A Washington DC, F
N.Atlantic Ocean, F Bay of Florida, F Western Carribean, F Sargasso

Movement results for Fall of 1843.

Austria: F Berlin - Baltic Sea.

Austria: F Loango Hold (*Dislodged*).

Austria: A Kiel - Holland.

Austria: A Stuttgart Supports A Kiel - Holland.

Austria: A Metz - Paris.

Austria: A Piedmont Supports A Switzerland - Marseilles.

Austria: A Silesia - Bavaria.

Austria: A Switzerland - Marseilles.

Austria: A Wallacia - Croatia.

Austria: A Congo - Cimbebas.

Austria: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon (*Fails*).

Britain: A London - Nantes.

Britain: F Malaysia - China Sea.

Britain: F Maldives Supports F Arabian Sea.

Britain: A Natal Supports A Madagascar - Caffrabia.

Britain: F Java Hold.

Britain: F Cuba Supports F Western Carribean - Eastern Carribean

Britain: A Kasmir Supports A Tibet - Xinjang.

Britain: A Punjab Supports A Kasmir.

Britain: A Sumatra - Ceylon.

Britain: A French Guiana Supports F Amazon Basin - Dutch Guiana.

Britain: F Norwegian Sea - North Sea (*Fails*).

Britain: F North Sea - Skagerrak (*Bounce*).

Britain: F English Channel Convoys A London - Nantes.

Britain: F Arabian Sea Supports F Horn of Africa.

Britain: F N.E.Indian Ocean Convoys A Sumatra - Ceylon.

China: A Chongqing - Xining.

China: F Guangdong Supports F Malaysia - China Sea.

China: F Kagoshima - Eastern Sea.

China: A Irkutsk Supports A Mongolia.

China: F Edo Hold.

China: A Hue Supports F Guangdong.

China: A Mongolia Supports A Tibet - Xinjang.

China: A Tibet - Xinjang.

China: A Nei Mongol Supports A Mongolia.

China: A Formosa Supports F Guangdong.

China: A Yakutsk Supports A Irkutsk.

France: A Guinea - Bambarra.

France: A Madagascar - Caffrabia.

France: A Coruna - Bordeaux.

France: A Biafra - Loango.

France: A Sene Gabaia - Mongearts.

France: A Soudan - Donga (*Bounce*).

France: F Bay of Biscay - The Azores.

France: F Amazon Basin - Dutch Guiana.

France: F Gulf of Guinea Supports A Biafra - Loango.

France: F Cimbebas Coast - Congo.

France: F Mozabaique Channel Convoys A Madagascar - Caffrabia.

France: F Horn of Africa Supports F Zanguebar (*Cut*).

France: F W.Pacific Ocean - Marshalls.

Holland: F Holland Hold (*Dislodged*).

Holland: A Sapporo - Sakhurlin.

Holland: A Amazona - British Guiana.

Holland: F S.E.Indian Ocean - Java Sea.

Holland: F Celebes Sea Supports F S.E.Indian Ocean - Java Sea.

Holland: F China Sea - Phillipines.

Holland: F Bismark Sea Supports F Phillipines - Phillipene Sea.

Ottoman: A Bagdad - Bangalore.

Ottoman: A Abyssinia - Donga (*Bounce*).

Ottoman: F Tunisia Hold.

Ottoman: A Ethiopia Supports A Somolia - Zanguebar.

Ottoman: A Mongearts Hold (*Dislodged*).

Ottoman: A Somolia - Zanguebar (*Fails*).

Ottoman: A Ade Hold.

Ottoman: A Afganistan Hold.

Ottoman: F Red Sea - Horn of Africa (*Fails*).

Ottoman: F Persian Gulf Supports A Afganistan.

Russia: A Moskow - Georgia.

Russia: A St Petersburg Supports A Norway.

Russia: A Orenburg Supports A Krasnoyarsk.

Russia: A Norway Hold.

Russia: F Rumania - Sevastopol.

Russia: F Sweden - Skagerrak (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Omsk Supports A Evenki.

Russia: A Evenki Supports A Krasnoyarsk.

Russia: A Krasnoyarsk Supports A Evenki.

Russia: A Bokhara Supports A Afganistan.

Russia: A Xinjang - Mongolia (*Dislodged*).

Spain: A Marseilles Hold (*Dislodged*).

Spain: F Society Islands Supports F E.Pacific Ocean - W.Pacific

Spain: A Columbia Supports A Para - Amazona.

Spain: F Zanguebar Hold.

Spain: F Phillipines - Phillipene Sea.

Spain: F Morocco Supports A Sene Gabaia - Mongearts.

Spain: A Mozambique Supports F Zanguebar.

Spain: A Para - Amazona.

Spain: F Patagonia - Chili.

Spain: F Venezuela Supports A Columbia.

Spain: A Alaska - Vancouver.

Spain: F Western Mediterranean - Madrid (*Bounce*).

Spain: F Gulf of Lyon - Madrid (*Bounce*).

Spain: F Rio de Plate - Montevideo.

Spain: F N.W.Pacific Ocean - Kuril Sea.

Spain: F Gulf of Catalina - E.Pacific Ocean.

Spain: F E.Pacific Ocean - W.Pacific Ocean.

USA: F Charleston - Bay of Florida.

USA: A New York City - Washington DC.

USA: A Appalachia - Florida.

USA: F Maritimes - Quebec.

USA: F Gulf of Maine - N.Atlantic Ocean.

USA: F Bay of Florida - Antilles.

USA: F Western Carribean - Cuba (*Fails*).

USA: F Sargasso Sea - The Azores (*Fails*).

Deadline for retreats: Wednesday, November 3rd (at) 2359 UTC.

files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
dc342 ~ Imperial1841 (dc342) DamienThryn Nov 01, 10:35 pm
dc342 ~ Imperial1841 (dc342) sgttodd Nov 02, 04:34 am
There seems to be an error involving the Sargasso Sea and the Azores, but I'm working the election from 6am to 10pm today, so....
The game is on hold till I fix it and re-adjudicate Wednesday. The deadline will be moved to accommodate the delay.
Sorry guys
dc342 ~ Imperial1841 (dc342) sgttodd Nov 02, 10:12 pm
Corrected .map file attached and available at the website below.

Deadline for retreats: Wednesday, November 3rd (at) 2359 UTC.

The following units were dislodged:

Austrian F Loango can retreat to Cimbebas Coast.

Spanish A Marseilles can retreat to Metz or Catalunia.

Dutch F Holland can retreat to Rouen or Helgoland Bight.

Ottoman A Mongearts can retreat to Hahira.

Russian A Xinjang can retreat to Tashkent.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Paris, A Marseilles, A Holland, A Bavaria, A Stuttgart, A
Croatia, A Piedmont, A Cimbebas, F Baltic Sea, F Tyrrhenian Sea, F

Britain: A Nantes, F Maldives, A Natal, F Java, F Cuba, A Kasmir, A
Ceylon, A Punjab, A French Guiana, F Norwegian Sea, F North Sea, F
English Channel, F Arabian Sea, F N.E.Indian Ocean, F China Sea.

China:   F Guangdong, A Irkutsk, F Edo, A Hue, A Xining, A Xinjang,
A Mongolia, A Nei Mongol, A Formosa, A Yakutsk, F Eastern Sea.

France:  A Loango, F Dutch Guiana, A Bordeaux, A Bambarra, A
Caffrabia, F Congo, A Mongearts, A Soudan, F Marshalls, F Bay of
Biscay, F Gulf of Guinea, F Mozabaique Channel, F Horn of Africa.

Holland: F Phillipines, A Sakhurlin, A British Guiana, F Java Sea, F
Celebes Sea, F Bismark Sea, F Holland.

Ottoman: A Abyssinia, F Tunisia, A Ethiopia, A Somolia, A Ade, A
Afganistan, A Bangalore, F Red Sea, F Persian Gulf, A Mongearts.

Russia:  F Sevastopol, A St Petersburg, A Orenburg, A Norway, F
Sweden, A Omsk, A Evenki, A Georgia, A Krasnoyarsk, A Bokhara, A

Spain:   F Society Islands, A Columbia, F Zanguebar, F Morocco, A
Mozambique, A Amazona, F Chili, F Montevideo, F Venezuela, A
Vancouver, F Western Mediterranean, F Gulf of Lyon, F Phillipene
Sea, F Kuril Sea, F W.Pacific Ocean, F E.Pacific Ocean, A

USA:     F Quebec, F Antilles, A Florida, A Washington DC, F
N.Atlantic Ocean, F Bay of Florida, F Western Carribean, F Sargasso

Movement results for Fall of 1843.

Austria: F Berlin - Baltic Sea.

Austria: F Loango Hold (*Dislodged*).

Austria: A Kiel - Holland.

Austria: A Stuttgart Supports A Kiel - Holland.

Austria: A Metz - Paris.

Austria: A Piedmont Supports A Switzerland - Marseilles.

Austria: A Silesia - Bavaria.

Austria: A Switzerland - Marseilles.

Austria: A Wallacia - Croatia.

Austria: A Congo - Cimbebas.

Austria: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon (*Fails*).

Britain: A London - Nantes.

Britain: F Malaysia - China Sea.

Britain: F Maldives Supports F Arabian Sea.

Britain: A Natal Supports A Madagascar - Caffrabia.

Britain: F Java Hold.

Britain: F Cuba Supports F Western Carribean - Eastern Carribean

Britain: A Kasmir Supports A Tibet - Xinjang.

Britain: A Punjab Supports A Kasmir.

Britain: A Sumatra - Ceylon.

Britain: A French Guiana Supports F Amazon Basin - Dutch Guiana.

Britain: F Norwegian Sea - North Sea (*Fails*).

Britain: F North Sea - Skagerrak (*Bounce*).

Britain: F English Channel Convoys A London - Nantes.

Britain: F Arabian Sea Supports F Horn of Africa.

Britain: F N.E.Indian Ocean Convoys A Sumatra - Ceylon.

China: A Chongqing - Xining.

China: F Guangdong Supports F Malaysia - China Sea.

China: F Kagoshima - Eastern Sea.

China: A Irkutsk Supports A Mongolia.

China: F Edo Hold.

China: A Hue Supports F Guangdong.

China: A Mongolia Supports A Tibet - Xinjang.

China: A Tibet - Xinjang.

China: A Nei Mongol Supports A Mongolia.

China: A Formosa Supports F Guangdong.

China: A Yakutsk Supports A Irkutsk.

France: A Guinea - Bambarra.

France: A Madagascar - Caffrabia.

France: A Coruna - Bordeaux.

France: A Biafra - Loango.

France: A Sene Gabaia - Mongearts.

France: A Soudan - Donga (*Bounce*).

France: F Bay of Biscay - The Azores (*Bounce*).

France: F Amazon Basin - Dutch Guiana.

France: F Gulf of Guinea Supports A Biafra - Loango.

France: F Cimbebas Coast - Congo.

France: F Mozabaique Channel Convoys A Madagascar - Caffrabia.

France: F Horn of Africa Supports F Zanguebar (*Cut*).

France: F W.Pacific Ocean - Marshalls.

Holland: F Holland Hold (*Dislodged*).

Holland: A Sapporo - Sakhurlin.

Holland: A Amazona - British Guiana.

Holland: F S.E.Indian Ocean - Java Sea.

Holland: F Celebes Sea Supports F S.E.Indian Ocean - Java Sea.

Holland: F China Sea - Phillipines.

Holland: F Bismark Sea Supports F Phillipines - Phillipene Sea.

Ottoman: A Bagdad - Bangalore.

Ottoman: A Abyssinia - Donga (*Bounce*).

Ottoman: F Tunisia Hold.

Ottoman: A Ethiopia Supports A Somolia - Zanguebar.

Ottoman: A Mongearts Hold (*Dislodged*).

Ottoman: A Somolia - Zanguebar (*Fails*).

Ottoman: A Ade Hold.

Ottoman: A Afganistan Hold.

Ottoman: F Red Sea - Horn of Africa (*Fails*).

Ottoman: F Persian Gulf Supports A Afganistan.

Russia: A Moskow - Georgia.

Russia: A St Petersburg Supports A Norway.

Russia: A Orenburg Supports A Krasnoyarsk.

Russia: A Norway Hold.

Russia: F Rumania - Sevastopol.

Russia: F Sweden - Skagerrak (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Omsk Supports A Evenki.

Russia: A Evenki Supports A Krasnoyarsk.

Russia: A Krasnoyarsk Supports A Evenki.

Russia: A Bokhara Supports A Afganistan.

Russia: A Xinjang - Mongolia (*Dislodged*).

Spain: A Marseilles Hold (*Dislodged*).

Spain: F Society Islands Supports F E.Pacific Ocean - W.Pacific

Spain: A Columbia Supports A Para - Amazona.

Spain: F Zanguebar Hold.

Spain: F Phillipines - Phillipene Sea.

Spain: F Morocco Supports A Sene Gabaia - Mongearts.

Spain: A Mozambique Supports F Zanguebar.

Spain: A Para - Amazona.

Spain: F Patagonia - Chili.

Spain: F Venezuela Supports A Columbia.

Spain: A Alaska - Vancouver.

Spain: F Western Mediterranean - Madrid (*Bounce*).

Spain: F Gulf of Lyon - Madrid (*Bounce*).

Spain: F Rio de Plate - Montevideo.

Spain: F N.W.Pacific Ocean - Kuril Sea.

Spain: F Gulf of Catalina - E.Pacific Ocean.

Spain: F E.Pacific Ocean - W.Pacific Ocean.

USA: F Charleston - Bay of Florida.

USA: A New York City - Washington DC.

USA: A Appalachia - Florida.

USA: F Maritimes - Quebec.

USA: F Gulf of Maine - N.Atlantic Ocean.

USA: F Bay of Florida - Antilles.

USA: F Western Carribean - Cuba (*Fails*).

USA: F Sargasso Sea - The Azores (*Bounce*).

Deadline for retreats: Wednesday, November 3rd (at) 2359 UTC.

files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
dc342 ~ Imperial1841 (dc342) Sean2010 Nov 08, 01:26 pm
Hello Everyone,


Just letting everyone know, the local ultilities will be shutting down electricity for most of the day.


from Sean

dc342 ~ Imperial1841 (dc342) sgttodd Nov 16, 07:33 am
The deadline for Fall 1844 orders is Monday, November 22nd (at) 2359 UTC.
Retreat orders for Spring of 1844.
Austria: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea.
Holland: F Celebes Sea - Timor Sea.
Spain: A Metz - Rouen.
Unit locations:
Austria: A Venice, A Marseilles, A Holland, F Denmark, A Kiel, A Stuttgart, A Metz, A Piedmont, A Switzerland, A South Africa, F Baltic Sea, F Ionian Sea, F Cimbebas Coast.
Britain: A Paris, A Nantes, F Java, A Caffrabia, A Kasmir, A Ceylon, A Punjab, A French Guiana, F Haiti, F Barents Sea, F Norwegian Sea, F Helgoland Bight, F English Channel, F Arabian Sea, F N.E.Indian Ocean, F N.W.Indian Ocean, F Java Sea, F Celebes Sea.
China: F Guangdong, F Yongmingcheng, F Kagoshima, A Irkutsk, F Edo, A Hue, A Xining, A Xinjang, A Mongolia, A Nei Mongol, A Formosa, A Yakutsk, F Eastern Sea.
France: F Loango, A Cape Colony, A Bordeaux, A Bambarra, A Soudan, F British Guiana, F The Azores, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Roaring Forties, F Mozabaique Channel, F Bismark Sea.
Holland: F Borneo, F Phillipines, A Sakhurlin, F Coral Sea, F Timor Sea.
Ottoman: F Tunisia, A Ethiopia, A Donga, A Hahira, A Somolia, F Ade, A Afganistan, A Bangalore, A Hadramaut, F Red Sea, F Persian Gulf.
Russia: A St Petersburg, A Orenburg, A Norway, A Tashkent, A Omsk, A Evenki, A Khiva, A Krasnoyarsk, A Bokhara, F Skagerrak.
Spain: F Madrid, A Columbia, A Rouen, F Algiers, A Mozambique, A Amazona, F Venezuela, A Vancouver, F Gulf of Lyon, F Tyrrhenian Sea, F Rio de Plate, F Horn of Africa, F Phillipene Sea, F Izu Sea, F W.Pacific Ocean, F S.W.Pacific Ocean, F Hawaii, F Chilean Basin.
USA: A Bahama Islands, A Washington DC, F Labrador Sea, F Greenland Sea, F Canaries Seaway, F Gulf of Maine, F Bay of Florida, F Eastern Carribean, F Sargasso Sea, F Amazon Basin.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
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dc342 ~ Imperial1841 (dc342) tfletch33 Nov 21, 12:43 pm
Hi all,


Just a quick note that I will be traveling starting tonight (Sunday). I will be sure to answer any correspondence to date. And get my orders in. But I don't think I'll be online to answer any last minute requests (maybe from hotel).


Good luck to all!

El Fletch
dc342 ~ Imperial1841 (dc342) sgttodd Nov 30, 08:14 am
The deadline for Spring 1845 orders is: Friday, December 3rd (at) 2359 UTC.
Adjustment orders for Winter of 1844.
Austria: Remove A South Africa.
France: Build F Dutch Guiana.
France: Build F Sierra Leone.
France: Build F Lisbon.
Holland: Remove A Sakhurlin.
Holland: Remove F Celebes Sea.
Ottoman: Build F Sofia.
Unit locations:
Austria: A Marseilles, A Holland, F Denmark, A Kiel, A Rome, A Stuttgart, A Metz, A Piedmont, A Switzerland, F Baltic Sea, F Tyrrhenian Sea, F Roaring Forties.
Britain: A Paris, A Nantes, F Antilles, F Borneo, A Caffrabia, A Kasmir, A Ceylon, A Punjab, A French Guiana, F Barents Sea, F North Sea, F Helgoland Bight, F English Channel, F Arabian Sea, F N.W.Indian Ocean, F S.W.Indian Ocean, F Timor Sea, F Java Sea.
China: A Guangdong, F Yongmingcheng, F Kagoshima, A Irkutsk, F Edo, A Xining, A Xinjang, A Mongolia, A Nei Mongol, A Yunnan, A Yakutsk, F China Sea, F Eastern Sea.
France: F Cape Colony, F Sierra Leone, F Dutch Guiana, A Natal, F Lisbon, A Bordeaux, A Bambarra, A Soudan, F Solomons, F British Guiana, F The Azores, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Cimbebas Coast, F Mozabaique Channel.
Holland: F Queensland, F Tasman Sea.
Ottoman: F Sofia, A Zanguebar, F Tunisia, A Ethiopia, A Donga, A Hahira, F Ade, A Afganistan, A Bangalore, A Hadramaut, F Red Sea, F Persian Gulf.
Russia: A St Petersburg, A Orenburg, A Norway, A Tashkent, A Omsk, A Evenki, A Khiva, A Krasnoyarsk, A Bokhara, F Skagerrak.
Spain: A Rouen, F Sicily, F Algiers, A Mozambique, A Amazona, A Para, F Venezuela, A Vancouver, F Western Mediterranean, F Gulf of Lyon, F S.Atlantic Ocean, F Horn of Africa, F Coral Sea, F Phillipene Sea, F W.Pacific Ocean, F Bismark Sea, F Hawaii, F Chilean Basin.
USA: F Bahama Islands, A Charleston, A Mongearts, F Greenland Sea, F Norwegian Sea, F Canaries Seaway, F N.Atlantic Ocean, F Bay of Florida, F Sargasso Sea, F Amazon Basin.
Files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy
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dc342 ~ Imperial1841 (dc342) sgttodd Dec 03, 07:28 am
Don't forget...the deadline for Spring 1845 orders is: Friday, December 3rd (at) 2359 UTC.
Hey - that's tonight!
dc342 ~ Imperial1841 (dc342) sgttodd Dec 20, 07:29 am
Don't forget the deadline for Winter 1845 adjustments is TODAY at 11:59 UTC - 18:59 GM Time Smile

Sent through e-mol. E-mail, Anywhere, Anytime. http://www.e-mol.com
DC 341: Deadline tomorrow - AceRimmer   (Oct 20, 2010, 11:06 am)
Yup. Spring 1903 is due tomorrow. Time to showcase your latest (geopolitical) wrestling moves.
10:00 a.m. CST (15:00 GMT).


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