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DC223 - Game start - bielf11   (Nov 29, 2008, 12:36 am)
Hi everyone,

with everyone's confirmation and prefs in we can now really start the new game.

The game number is DC223. That's how you will be able to find this game on the DC website.
And that's also how you should start the Subject of each message you send to me (to help me distinguish this game from others).
I will do the same in my messages to you (like I did for this message).

Below you can find the players and their Powers.

Joshua Tag
sanjat312-at-yahoo-dot-com ([email]sanjat312(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Stefan Krekeler
Stefan-dot-Krekeler-at-web-dot-de ([email]Stefan-dot-Krekeler(at)web.de[/email])
joao carvalho
jpfalcao-at-mac-dot-com ([email]jpfalcao(at)mac-dot-com[/email])
Simon Gwilliam
simon-dot-gwilliam-at-baesystems-dot-com ([email]simon-dot-gwilliam(at)baesystems.com[/email])
Jack McHugh
jwmchughjr-at-gmail-dot-com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])
max victory
Maxatrest-at-yahoo-dot-co-dot-uk ([email]Maxatrest(at)yahoo-dot-co-dot-uk[/email])
Doug Wooden
dougwooden-at-gmail-dot-com ([email]dougwooden(at)gmail.com[/email])

First deadline, for Spring 1901, is set to Monday, Dec 1 at 23:00 GMT (my default deadline time). I will send out the adjudication the same day.
Since that usually has few surprises I'd like to schedule Fall 1901 to Thursday, Dec 4 at 23:00 GMT.
Winter 1901 will then follow on Saturday Dec 6 at 23:00 GMT.
Unless I receive any objections, I will assume everyone agrees with these deadlines for 1901.
Spring 1902 I will set to Tuesday again, Dec 9 at 23:00 GMT and from then onwards there will be only one major season (Fall, Spring) each week.
Retreats I usually expect within 24 hrs after adjudication.
When I receive orders I consider them Final unless it is clearly stated in the subject that these are Prelims. With that I may adjudicate before the deadline if I have all Final orders in. Usually I will send a confirmation of your order within 24 hrs. If you haven't received my confirmation, assume the order wasn't received and resend.

As you will see I always include in my adjudication a GIF file of the map and a DPY file for those of you that like to use RealPolitik.
Right after I have sent out my adjudication to all of you I will also aim to update the DC website.

I'd encourage you to use role-play in your messages to other players and would welcome white and grey press.
Grey press of course should always be posted through me.
When role-playing always make it clear that it is your character talking (by signing with your character name), and not you as a player.

Contact me if you have any questions.

And with that, my dear rulers, you may start talking to the other rulers, negotiate your ticket to a ever-expanding empire, inspire and conspire the demise of others.
Good luck.


DC223 - Game start (dc223) simon.gwilliam at baes... Dec 02, 02:44 am

Please copy all press intended for my reading to the following email address:

Bassdrum13(at)hotmail.com ([email]Bassdrum13(at)hotmail.com[/email])

As well as to this one. This is my home address so that I can correspond in the evenings and at the weekends.

Thanks people.


Durdatha whye

Simon H Gwilliam
Surface Ship Command Systems
Tel: 02083295931
Apex Tower, New Malden

From: F Bielschowsky [mailto:bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com]
Sent: 29 November 2008 06:36
To: Doug Wooden (DC223 FRA); Gwilliam, Simon (UK); Jack McHugh - Flapjack (DC223 AH / DC201 Sverige); Joao Carvalho (DC223 RUS); Joshua Tag (DC223 TUR); Max Victory (DC223 ENG); Stefan Krekeler (DC223 GER); dc223(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: Former Trout (DC190 South Africa / DC176 Austria / DC195 Argentina / DC201 France); Steve Lytton (DC195 Columbia / DC201 Norge); Michael Sims (DC190 China / DC195 GM)
Subject: DC223 - Game start

*** WARNING ***

This mail has originated outside your organization,
either from an external partner or the Global Internet.
Keep this in mind if you answer this message.
Hi everyone,

with everyone's confirmation and prefs in we can now really start the new game.

The game number is DC223. That's how you will be able to find this game on the DC website.
And that's also how you should start the Subject of each message you send to me (to help me distinguish this game from others).
I will do the same in my messages to you (like I did for this message).

Below you can find the players and their Powers.

Joshua Tag
sanjat312-at-yahoo-dot-com ([email]sanjat312(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Stefan Krekeler
Stefan-dot-Krekeler-at-web-dot-de ([email]Stefan-dot-Krekeler(at)web.de[/email])
joao carvalho
jpfalcao-at-mac-dot-com ([email]jpfalcao(at)mac-dot-com[/email])
Simon Gwilliam
simon-dot-gwilliam-at-baesystems-dot-com ([email]simon-dot-gwilliam(at)baesystems.com[/email])
Jack McHugh
jwmchughjr-at-gmail-dot-com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])
max victory
Maxatrest-at-yahoo-dot-co-dot-uk ([email]Maxatrest(at)yahoo-dot-co-dot-uk[/email])
Doug Wooden
dougwooden-at-gmail-dot-com ([email]dougwooden(at)gmail.com[/email])

First deadline, for Spring 1901, is set to Monday, Dec 1 at 23:00 GMT (my default deadline time). I will send out the adjudication the same day.
Since that usually has few surprises I'd like to schedule Fall 1901 to Thursday, Dec 4 at 23:00 GMT.
Winter 1901 will then follow on Saturday Dec 6 at 23:00 GMT.
Unless I receive any objections, I will assume everyone agrees with these deadlines for 1901.
Spring 1902 I will set to Tuesday again, Dec 9 at 23:00 GMT and from then onwards there will be only one major season (Fall, Spring) each week.
Retreats I usually expect within 24 hrs after adjudication.
When I receive orders I consider them Final unless it is clearly stated in the subject that these are Prelims. With that I may adjudicate before the deadline if I have all Final orders in. Usually I will send a confirmation of your order within 24 hrs. If you haven't received my confirmation, assume the order wasn't received and resend.

As you will see I always include in my adjudication a GIF file of the map and a DPY file for those of you that like to use RealPolitik.
Right after I have sent out my adjudication to all of you I will also aim to update the DC website.

I'd encourage you to use role-play in your messages to other players and would welcome white and grey press.
Grey press of course should always be posted through me.
When role-playing always make it clear that it is your character talking (by signing with your character name), and not you as a player.

Contact me if you have any questions.

And with that, my dear rulers, you may start talking to the other rulers, negotiate your ticket to a ever-expanding empire, inspire and conspire the demise of others.
Good luck.
EOG for Attica dc162 - FlapJack   (Nov 29, 2008, 12:09 am)
Congrats to Scott and thanks to Mike--another great job GMing as always. I want to say that this game was a bit of disappointment for me in how it was played out by most of the players.

I also wasn't crazy about the map and layout of the powers but on thinking about it I think it was more how the players played this game than the game design. The map appeared to be too small and too overcrowded to me but on reflection I think it has more to do with the players lack of communication that kind of soured this game for me. Except for John and Scott, no other players wrote me regularly. Here is how the game went for me.

Trout and Jerry allied against me from day one so I never really had a chance to try and ally with either power. Jerry was especially non-communicative, basically telling me that I shouldn't bother trying to talk to him. Trout only talked to me after it was obvious that I would not be taken out. However, he would only ally with me if I returned his centers to him. Sorry, but that's not how Diplomacy works--its strictly a cash and carry business--you want me to do something for you, then you have to do something for me now. Trout's offer was return my centers and then he'd talk about our alliance.

Quite frankly I never believed that the Jerry/Trout alliance was ever over and until I saw a real fallout between those two I wasn't giving Trout anything--besides I was the aggrieved party, why should I give up centers because Trout's stab of me didn't work--that's hardly my fault?!?--I also never had more than five centers anyway, Trout should get them from Jerry, his ally. Jerry had more dots than both of us combined.

Scott, John and myself formed an early alliance as we realized that no one else was answering our notes. The alliance worked out well at first as John and Scott made progress while I was barely able to hold off J/T with their help. All was not well in our happy little alliance--Jerry started to take more than his fair share from Scott and myself gambling that we had little choice but stay with him.

John was certainly right in my case--I had no choice but to stay firmly allied and I couldn't reach Jerry in any case--Scott was between the two of us. However, Scott was not under the same threat as I was and he wasn't about to put up with John's new "two or three for me and one for you" philosophy regarding centers in this game. Scott attacked John and got the upper hand as John was distracted by other powers and Scott had me protecting his other flank.

Eventually with no diplomatic activity and a static front, I lost most of my interest in the game and Scott ran my armies for the last several years of the game. Trout you wrote me about stopping Scott but I had lost all interest in the game at that point and I really had no desire to survive as a measly little 4 or 5 center power when I felt Scott and John were the only players who played the game the way it was meant to be played. I gladly toadied to Scott and helped him win his solo.

What I found most disappointing is that no one else ever wrote me more than two notes other than Scott, John and Trout. A small mapped variant calls for lots of writing yet in this game there wasn't much at all. I've written at least twice as many notes already in dc201 "Mandate from Heaven" as I did in this much longer game dc162. If you don't want to write, you should not play in small variants then players should only play in the much larger variants like WWIV or imperial--there you don't need to write nearly as much.


DC 220 Fall 1901 Results - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Nov 28, 2008, 11:00 pm)
Sorry for the slight delay in getting this out. My husband is military and is currently working 12 hour shifts and he had to work yesterday which in the US was Thanksgiving ( and his birthday ). So we did not celebrate yesterday, instead we celebrated tonight. I spent all night last night and all day today cooking a huge dinner and am totally wiped out. I only got 2 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours so I have just been laying out on the couch in my own little world. Thank my husband for reminding me to check my games =).

On a sad note two of our players NMR'd. Consider this your warning as stated in the rules I presented before the game started. I won't place you guys in Civil Disorder nor will I replace you THIS time. If you NMR again I will seek replacement. I do want to remind everyone that Prelims are highly encouraged if for some reason you can't or don't think you will be online near the deadline. And without futher ado......


Austria - Jason Beck: <jasonmbeck(at)gmail.com >
England - Alexander Kossoff: <akossoff(at)gmail.com >
France - Benjy Aarons: <finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com >
Germany - Josh Mayo: <zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com >
Italy - Alfred Nicol: <alfred.nicol(at)virgin.net >
Russia - Daniel Marin: <marindanielgeorge1(at)yahoo.com >
Turkey - Michael Thompson: <psychosis(at)sky.com >


F Albania - Greece
A Serbia Supports F Albania - Greece
A Vienna - Bohemia

A Edinburgh - Norway
F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Norway
F Norwegian Sea - Barents Sea

A Marseilles - Spain
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal
A Picardy - Belgium (*Bounce*)

F Holland - Belgium (*Bounce*)
A Kiel - Denmark
A Munich - Ruhr

F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Tunis
A Naples - Tunis
A Venice Hold

F Livonia, no move received
F Rumania, no move received
A Ukraine, no move received
A Warsaw, no move received

F Black Sea, no move received
A Bulgaria, no move received
A Constantinople, no move received









Deadline: The deadline for Winter 1901 is due Tuesday Dec 2 at 7pm EST ( 11pm GMT ). The map and dpy file are attached for your convience.



DC 212 Spring 1904 Results - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Nov 28, 2008, 10:33 pm)
Sorry for the slight delay in getting this out. My husband is military and is currently working 12 hour shifts and he had to work yesterday which in the US was Thanksgiving ( and his birthday ). So we did not celebrate yesterday, instead we celebrated tonight. I spent all night last night and all day today cooking a huge dinner and am totally wiped out. I only got 2 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours so I have just been laying out on the couch in my own little world. Thank my husband for reminding me to check my games =). And without futher ado......


Austria: Jon Stern <jstern78(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: David Ellsworth <davidellsworth(at)sbcglobal.net>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>

German Press: "Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I attack."


A Albania - Greece
A Budapest - Serbia
F Greece - Aegean Sea
A Trieste - Venice
A Venice - Tuscany
A Vienna - Budapest

F Belgium Hold
F Helgoland Bight - Denmark
A Kiel Supports A Burgundy - Munich (*Cut*)
F North Atlantic Ocean - Norwegian Sea
F North Sea Supports F Helgoland Bight - Denmark
F Skagerrak Supports F Helgoland Bight - Denmark

A Burgundy - Munich (*Dislodged*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean
A North Africa - Tunis (*Bounce*)
A Paris - Burgundy (*Fails*)
F Piedmont Supports A Venice - Tuscany

F Baltic Sea - Kiel (*Fails*)
A Munich Supports A Ruhr - Burgundy
A Ruhr - Burgundy

F Eastern Mediterranean Supports F Greece - Aegean Sea
A Rome - Tunis (*Bounce*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea Convoys A Rome - Tunis

F Armenia - Black Sea (*Fails*)
A Norway Supports F Sweden
A Rumania Supports F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec) (*Void*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Berlin
F Sweden Supports A Norway
A Warsaw - Prussia

F Aegean Sea - Smyrna
F Black Sea - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Constantinople - Ankara

Retreats and Deadline:
French A Burgundy can retreat to Marseilles or Gascony or Picardy.
The deadline for the retreat is Monday Dec 1st at 7pm EST ( 11pm GMT ). But I will adjudicate as soon as I get the retreat. As soon as I receive the retreat I will send out the map and dpy file.



Spring 1905 Abjucation (going into Fall 1905) - Kai   (Nov 28, 2008, 7:38 pm)
Hope everyones Thanksgiving was good.

A Budapest - Galicia
A Rome Supports A Venice - Apulia
A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Serbia Supports F Trieste - Albania
F Trieste - Albania
A Venice - Apulia
A Vienna Supports A Budapest - Galicia

F Yorkshire, no move received

F Brest - English Channel
A Burgundy Hold
F Liverpool - Clyde
F London - North Sea
F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon
A North Africa - Tunis (*Fails*)
A Wales - Liverpool
F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)

F Baltic Sea Convoys A Sweden - Livonia
A Denmark - Kiel
A Holland Hold
A Munich - Bohemia
F Norway - St Petersburg(nc)
A Silesia Supports A Munich - Bohemia
A Sweden - Livonia (*Bounce*)

A Ankara Supports F Smyrna - Constantinople (*Cut*)
A Naples - Apulia (*Fails*)
F Smyrna - Constantinople (*Fails*)
F Tunis - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)

F Black Sea - Ankara (*Fails*)
A Bohemia - Silesia (*Dislodged*)
A St Petersburg - Finland
A Warsaw - Livonia (*Bounce*)

F Bulgaria(sc) - Aegean Sea
F Constantinople Supports F Bulgaria(sc) - Aegean Sea (*Cut*)
A Greece - Bulgaria

Russian A Bohemia can retreat to Tyrolia.

Trout, please send the retreat or disband order by 30th 23:00 GMT.


DC 164 - Re: Sorry about this... - Githraine   (Nov 28, 2008, 9:05 am)
As usual, I need to eat some crow with my turkey.

The english army can escape to Prussia
new map attached

From: themaos <themaos(at)earthlink.net>
To: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 4:22:58 PM
Subject: Sorry about this...

Jason for some reason my mail server keeps sending me a rejected message. So I am sending this again.

Jason, can English Army Livonia retreat into Prussia? Prussia is and was unoccupied and the attacking German Army did not attack from Prussia but rather Warsaw. If I am allowed to retreat into Prussia, that is where I want the unit to be placed.

Regards, Eric Mao -- England


DC205 - Fall 05 Deadline Reminder - former.trout   (Nov 27, 2008, 11:17 pm)
Heya folks,

Just sending out the gobble gobble that Fall 1905 orders are due within the next 19 hours or so. Hope all our American friends are having a good Turkey Day - and that everyone else is chillin as well.


Turkey-Head Trout


Acrimony / dc206 - Spring 1905 Results - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 27, 2008, 5:40 pm)

can you double check my moves please - I believe I moved armenia- smyrna.. not syria.


Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 11:57:06 -0500
To: Samuel_Buck(at)dalton.org; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; jyjusy(at)hotmail.com; a_c_2bcool(at)hotmail.com; gregsurname(at)gmail.com; eagles_fan_07(at)comcast.net; kjb(at)wbhsi.net; Sam_Buck_Productions(at)mac.com
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; dc206(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: Acrimony / dc206 - Spring 1905 Results
From: johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com

Hello All,

Please note we had one nation with NMR this turn: England.

As a result of the spring orders, one retreat was necessary: Austria A
Marseilles - Piedmont. If you want this disbanded instead please let me
know by Monday, December 1st.

Fall 1905 orders due Wednesday, December 3rd.

Here are the spring 1905 results:

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
A Budapest - Serbia
A Greece - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Marseilles Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Trieste - Adriatic Sea
A Venice - Rome
A Vienna - Tyrolia

F London Hold

A Brest Hold
A Gascony Hold
A Picardy Hold

A Belgium - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy - Marseilles
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire
F English Channel Supports F North Sea
A Kiel Hold
A Munich Hold
F North Sea Convoys A Belgium - Edinburgh
A Spain Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles

F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany
A Tunis - Naples
F Tyrrhenian Sea Convoys A Tunis - Naples

A Ankara - Constantinople
A Armenia - Syria
A Bohemia Supports A Galicia
A Bulgaria Hold
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Galicia Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Liverpool - Wales
F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania
F Skagerrak - Denmark
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway



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DC 217, summer 1902 - alwayshunted   (Nov 27, 2008, 2:51 pm)
Sorry folks, got tied up a bit. Here is summer 02. Fall 1902 due in one week, Thursday, December 4, 22:00 MST. That's Friday December 5, 05:00 GMT.

F Greece - Albania
A Trieste - Tyrolia

Maps are attached. Have fun!



Aegean (dc185) EGS! (and lots of them) - sandiegosmith   (Nov 27, 2008, 1:19 pm)
Garry's observation on space in the eastern side of the board are spot on. It's too tight and narrow. Too much of the asian mainland is only 3 spaces wide. A stalemate line was easily drawn. Per and Sar could be divided up each into two or 3 irregularly shaped SCs,

There needs to be more spaces inserted between the islands. The provinces are drawn too symmetrically even. There should be an open space between lesbos and chi. Just stripping off the islands from their surrounding seas would do.

The north of the map is too constricted as well. It's only two wide in places.

In the west, Lamia is delightfully easy to conquer but difficult to hold. Greece is nicely divided with lots of opportunities for armies and fleets to advance.

If the game continued, I could only have advanced with luck in Asia. Greece still had opportunities for advancement.

A few observations about the variant:
1. If a southern power ever gets enough F's, they can overwhelm the middle due to the flanking position of the seas. Do not underestimate that like I did; I foolishly thought I could hold the line at Dls but was ultimately forced back [granted Athens folding like a cheap suit didn't help].
2. It seems odd that there are so many places in the west that allow armies to pass, especially around Boeotia and Athens but that there is not a similar situation Chi to Ion or Les to Aeo or Aeo to Chi.
3. I like Chaos builds and I can understand why they are needed in this game. However, as usual, they really favor the leading power and I think that held true here with Sparta as well. There were several occasions where Sparta benefited by being able to build F's and A's closer to the front with me which enabled him to ultimately get better position. A regular build version of the game might prove interesting as well.

Thanks again.

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dc197 Spring - Kai   (Nov 27, 2008, 12:40 pm)
Hey guys,

It will be sent out tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a good Thanksgiving.



dc197 Spring (dc197) packrat Nov 29, 01:33 pm
I got this two days ago - have the results been sent out?

From: Jackson Foster <jrobfoster(at)gmail.com>
To: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>; former.trout(at)gmail.com; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Vincent Decattoire <vincentdecattoire(at)yahoo.fr>; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; joe payne <josepayne(at)gmail.com>; Trevor Baillie <rtbaillie(at)hotmail.com>; KLYNCH427(at)hotmail.com; dc197(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 1:40:19 PM
Subject: dc197 Spring

Hey guys,

It will be sent out tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a good Thanksgiving.

Acrimony / dc206 - Spring 1905 Results - john76   (Nov 27, 2008, 11:00 am)
Hello All,

Please note we had one nation with NMR this turn: England.

As a result of the spring orders, one retreat was necessary: Austria A
Marseilles - Piedmont. If you want this disbanded instead please let me
know by Monday, December 1st.

Fall 1905 orders due Wednesday, December 3rd.

Here are the spring 1905 results:

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
A Budapest - Serbia
A Greece - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Marseilles Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Trieste - Adriatic Sea
A Venice - Rome
A Vienna - Tyrolia

F London Hold

A Brest Hold
A Gascony Hold
A Picardy Hold

A Belgium - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy - Marseilles
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire
F English Channel Supports F North Sea
A Kiel Hold
A Munich Hold
F North Sea Convoys A Belgium - Edinburgh
A Spain Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles

F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany
A Tunis - Naples
F Tyrrhenian Sea Convoys A Tunis - Naples

A Ankara - Constantinople
A Armenia - Syria
A Bohemia Supports A Galicia
A Bulgaria Hold
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Galicia Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Liverpool - Wales
F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania
F Skagerrak - Denmark
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway



Fall 1905
bud, gre, mar, ser, tri, ven, vie.
F adr, A gre, F ion, A pie, A rom, A ser, A trl
F lon
bre, par, por.
A bre, A gas, A pic
bel, ber, den, edi, hol, kie, mun, spa.
A bel, F eng, A kie, A mar, A mun, F nth, A spa, A yor
nap, rom, tun.
A nap, F tus, F tys
ank, bul, con, lvp, mos, nwy, rum, sev, smy, stp, swe, war.
F aeg, A boh, A bul, A con, F den, F eas, A gal, F nwy, F nwg, A rum, A syr, A wal

1 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud - ser
Austria: F tri - alb
Austria: A vie - tri
England: F edi - nth
England: A lvp - wal
England: F lon - eng
France: F bre - mao
France: A mar - spa
France: A par - gas
Germany: A ber - kie
Germany: F kie - hol
Germany: A mun - ruh
Italy: F nap - ion
Italy: A rom - nap
Italy: A ven - apu
Russia: A mos - sev (*Fails*)
Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*)
Russia: F stp(sc) - bot
Russia: A war - ukr
Turkey: F ank - bla (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A con - bul
Turkey: A smy - con
3 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: F alb - gre
Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre
Austria: A tri - trl
England: F eng - bel (*Fails*)
England: F nth - nwy
England: A wal Hold
France: A gas - bre
France: F mao - por
France: A spa Hold
Germany: F hol Supports A ruh - bel
Germany: A kie - den
Germany: A ruh - bel
Italy: A apu Hold
Italy: F ion Convoys A nap - tun
Italy: A nap - tun
Russia: F bot - swe
Russia: A mos - stp
Russia: F sev - rum
Russia: A ukr Supports F sev - rum
Turkey: F ank - bla
Turkey: A bul - gre (*Fails*)
Turkey: A con - bul (*Fails*)
5 1901
2 1 2 3 1 2 1
Austria: Build A tri
Austria: Build A bud
England: Build F lon
France: Build A par
France: Build A mar
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A mun
Germany: Build A ber
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build F sev
Russia: Build A mos
Turkey: Build A ank
1 1902
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Supports A ukr - rum
Austria: F gre - aeg
Austria: A ser - gre
Austria: A tri - ser
Austria: A trl - pie
England: F eng Convoys A wal - bel
England: F lon - nth
England: F nwy Supports F lon - nth
England: A wal - bel (*Fails*)
France: A bre Hold
France: A mar - bur
France: A par - pic
France: F por - mao
France: A spa - gas
Germany: A bel Hold
Germany: A ber - mun
Germany: A den Hold
Germany: F hol - nth (*Fails*)
Germany: F kie - hel
Germany: A mun - boh
Italy: A apu Hold
Italy: F ion - eas
Italy: F nap - ion
Italy: A tun Hold
Russia: A mos - ukr
Russia: F rum - bla
Russia: F sev Supports F rum - bla
Russia: A stp - fin
Russia: F swe Hold
Russia: A ukr - rum
Turkey: A ank - arm
Turkey: F bla Supports A bul - rum (*Dislodged*)
Turkey: A bul - rum (*Fails*)
Turkey: A con - smy
2 1902
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Turkish F bla con ank
Turkey: F bla - con
3 1902
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: F aeg Supports A ser - bul
Austria: A bud - vie (*Bounce*)
Austria: A gre Supports A ser - bul
Austria: A pie - mar (*Bounce*)
Austria: A ser - bul
England: F eng Supports A pic - bel (*Void*)
England: F nth - hol (*Dislodged*)
England: F nwy Hold
England: A wal - lvp
France: A bre Hold
France: A bur Hold
France: A gas - mar (*Bounce*)
France: F mao Hold
France: A pic Hold
Germany: A bel Supports F hol
Germany: A boh - vie (*Bounce*)
Germany: A den Hold
Germany: F hel - nth
Germany: F hol Supports F hel - nth
Germany: A mun - trl
Italy: A apu - syr
Italy: F eas Convoys A apu - syr
Italy: F ion Convoys A apu - syr
Italy: A tun Hold
Russia: F bla - ank
Russia: A fin - stp
Russia: A rum Supports A gre - bul (*Void*)
Russia: F sev - bla
Russia: F swe - nwy (*Fails*)
Russia: A ukr - sev
Turkey: A arm Supports A smy
Turkey: A bul Supports F con (*Disbanded*)
Turkey: F con Supports A bul
Turkey: A smy Supports F con
4 1902
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
English F nth lon ska nwg edi yor
England: F nth - lon
5 1902
1 0 0 0 0 1 -1
Austria: Build A tri
Russia: Build waived
Turkey: Remove F con
1 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Austria: F aeg Supports A syr - smy
Austria: A bud - vie
Austria: A bul - ser
Austria: A gre Hold
Austria: A pie - trl
Austria: A tri Supports A pie - trl
England: F eng Hold
England: A lvp Hold
England: F lon Hold
England: F nwy Hold
France: A bre Hold
France: A bur Hold
France: A gas Hold
France: F mao Hold
France: A pic Hold
Germany: A bel Hold
Germany: A boh Supports A trl - mun
Germany: A den Hold
Germany: F hol Supports A bel
Germany: F nth - eng (*Fails*)
Germany: A trl - mun
Italy: F eas Supports A syr - smy
Italy: F ion Hold
Italy: A syr - smy
Italy: A tun Hold
Russia: F ank Supports A sev - con
Russia: F bla Convoys A sev - con
Russia: A rum - bul
Russia: A sev - con
Russia: A stp Hold
Russia: F swe - den (*Fails*)
Turkey: A arm Supports A smy - syr
Turkey: A smy - syr (*Disbanded*)
3 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Austria: F aeg Hold
Austria: A gre Hold
Austria: A ser Hold
Austria: A tri Hold
Austria: A trl Hold
Austria: A vie Hold
England: F eng Hold
England: A lvp Hold
England: F lon Hold
England: F nwy Hold (*Dislodged*)
France: A bre Supports A pic
France: A bur - ruh
France: A gas - bur (*Fails*)
France: F mao Hold
France: A pic Hold
Germany: A bel Supports A mun - bur
Germany: A boh - mun
Germany: A den - edi
Germany: F hol Supports A bel
Germany: A mun - bur
Germany: F nth Convoys A den - edi
Italy: F eas Supports A smy
Italy: F ion - tys
Italy: A smy Hold
Italy: A tun Hold
Russia: F ank - con (*Fails*)
Russia: F bla - rum (*Bounce*)
Russia: A bul - rum (*Bounce*)
Russia: A con - smy (*Fails*)
Russia: A stp - nwy
Russia: F swe Supports A stp - nwy
Turkey: A arm Supports A con - smy
4 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 1
English F nwy ska nwg bar
England: F nwy - ska
5 1903
-1 -2 0 1 1 4 -1
Austria: Remove A tri
England: Remove F ska
England: Remove F eng
Germany: Build A kie
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build F stp(nc)
Russia: Build A mos
Russia: Build A sev
Russia: Build A war
Turkey: Remove A arm
1 1904
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: F aeg Hold
Austria: A gre Hold
Austria: A ser - tri
Austria: A trl - pie
Austria: A vie - trl
England: A lvp Hold
England: F lon Hold
France: A bre Hold
France: A gas Hold
France: F mao Hold
France: A pic Hold
France: A ruh Hold (*Dislodged*)
Germany: A bel Supports A kie - ruh
Germany: A bur - mar
Germany: A edi - lvp (*Fails*)
Germany: F hol Supports A bel
Germany: A kie - ruh
Germany: A mun Supports A kie - ruh
Germany: F nth Convoys A nwy - yor
Italy: F eas Supports A smy
Italy: F nap Hold
Italy: A smy Hold
Italy: A tun Hold
Italy: F tys Hold
Russia: F ank - bla
Russia: F bla - con
Russia: A bul Supports F bla - con
Russia: A con - ank
Russia: A mos - ukr
Russia: A nwy - yor
Russia: A sev - arm
Russia: F stp(nc) - bar
Russia: F swe - ska
Russia: A war - gal
2 1904
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
French A ruh bur
France: A ruh - bur
3 1904
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: F aeg - gre (*Fails*)
Austria: A gre - bul (*Fails*)
Austria: A pie - mar
Austria: A tri - ven
Austria: A trl - vie
England: A lvp Hold (*Dislodged*)
England: F lon Hold
France: A bre Hold
France: A bur Hold (*Dislodged*)
France: A gas Hold
France: F mao Hold
France: A pic Hold
Germany: A bel - pic (*Fails*)
Germany: A edi Supports A yor - lvp
Germany: F hol - nth
Germany: A mar - spa
Germany: A mun Supports A ruh - bur
Germany: F nth - eng
Germany: A ruh - bur
Italy: F eas Supports A smy
Italy: F nap - tys
Italy: A smy Hold (*Dislodged*)
Italy: A tun Hold
Italy: F tys - lyo
Russia: A ank Supports F con - smy
Russia: A arm Supports F con - smy
Russia: F bar - nwg
Russia: F bla - con
Russia: A bul Supports F bla - con (*Cut*)
Russia: F con - smy
Russia: A gal - boh
Russia: F ska Supports F hol - nth
Russia: A ukr - gal
Russia: A yor - lvp
4 1904
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
French A bur par
English A lvp cly wal
Italian A smy syr
England: A lvp, no move received (*Disbanded*)
France: A bur, no move received (*Disbanded*)
Italy: A smy - syr
5 1904
2 0 -1 1 -2 2 0
Austria: Build F tri
Austria: Build A bud
France: Remove F mao
Germany: Build A kie
Italy: Remove F eas
Italy: Remove A syr
Russia: Build F stp(nc)
Russia: Build A sev
1 1905
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: F aeg - ion
Austria: A bud - ser
Austria: A gre - bul (*Fails*)
Austria: A mar Hold (*Dislodged*)
Austria: F tri - adr
Austria: A ven - rom
Austria: A vie - trl
England: F lon Hold
France: A bre Hold
France: A gas Hold
France: A pic Hold
Germany: A bel - edi (*Bounce*)
Germany: A bur - mar
Germany: A edi - yor
Germany: F eng Supports F nth
Germany: A kie Hold
Germany: A mun Hold
Germany: F nth Convoys A bel - edi
Germany: A spa Supports A bur - mar
Italy: F lyo - tus
Italy: A tun - nap
Italy: F tys Convoys A tun - nap
Russia: A ank - con
Russia: A arm - syr
Russia: A boh Supports A gal
Russia: A bul Hold
Russia: F con - aeg
Russia: A gal Supports A sev - rum
Russia: A lvp - wal
Russia: F nwg - edi (*Bounce*)
Russia: A sev - rum
Russia: F ska - den
Russia: F smy - eas
Russia: F stp(nc) - nwy
2 1905
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austrian A mar pie
Austria: A mar - pie
Austria: F Adriatic Sea, no move received
Austria: A Greece, no move received
Austria: F Ionian Sea, no move received
Austria: A Piedmont, no move received
Austria: A Rome, no move received
Austria: A Serbia, no move received
Austria: A Tyrolia, no move received
England: F London, no move received
France: A Brest, no move received
France: A Gascony, no move received
France: A Picardy, no move received
Germany: A Belgium, no move received
Germany: F English Channel, no move received
Germany: A Kiel, no move received
Germany: A Marseilles, no move received
Germany: A Munich, no move received
Germany: F North Sea, no move received
Germany: A Spain, no move received
Germany: A Yorkshire, no move received
Italy: A Naples, no move received
Italy: F Tuscany, no move received
Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea, no move received
Russia: F Aegean Sea, no move received
Russia: A Bohemia, no move received
Russia: A Bulgaria, no move received
Russia: A Constantinople, no move received
Russia: F Denmark, no move received
Russia: F Eastern Mediterranean, no move received
Russia: A Galicia, no move received
Russia: F Norway, no move received
Russia: F Norwegian Sea, no move received
Russia: A Rumania, no move received
Russia: A Syria, no move received
Russia: A Wales, no move received


Acrimony / dc206 - Spring 1905 Results (dc206) deathblade_penguin Nov 27, 05:40 pm

can you double check my moves please - I believe I moved armenia- smyrna.. not syria.


Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 11:57:06 -0500
To: Samuel_Buck(at)dalton.org; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; jyjusy(at)hotmail.com; a_c_2bcool(at)hotmail.com; gregsurname(at)gmail.com; eagles_fan_07(at)comcast.net; kjb(at)wbhsi.net; Sam_Buck_Productions(at)mac.com
CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; dc206(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: Acrimony / dc206 - Spring 1905 Results
From: johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com

Hello All,

Please note we had one nation with NMR this turn: England.

As a result of the spring orders, one retreat was necessary: Austria A
Marseilles - Piedmont. If you want this disbanded instead please let me
know by Monday, December 1st.

Fall 1905 orders due Wednesday, December 3rd.

Here are the spring 1905 results:

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
A Budapest - Serbia
A Greece - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Marseilles Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Trieste - Adriatic Sea
A Venice - Rome
A Vienna - Tyrolia

F London Hold

A Brest Hold
A Gascony Hold
A Picardy Hold

A Belgium - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy - Marseilles
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire
F English Channel Supports F North Sea
A Kiel Hold
A Munich Hold
F North Sea Convoys A Belgium - Edinburgh
A Spain Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles

F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany
A Tunis - Naples
F Tyrrhenian Sea Convoys A Tunis - Naples

A Ankara - Constantinople
A Armenia - Syria
A Bohemia Supports A Galicia
A Bulgaria Hold
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Galicia Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Liverpool - Wales
F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania
F Skagerrak - Denmark
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway



Sell your car for just $40 at CarPoint.com.au It's simple!
Acrimony / dc206 - Spring 1905 Results (dc206) john76 Nov 29, 07:24 am
Yep... my mistake... my apologies... attached is the corrected map.

Stephen Lytton wrote:


can you double check my moves please - I believe I moved armenia-
smyrna.. not syria.


Stephen Lytton
/Sponsor me for MOvember/


[quote:c31f90ad1f]Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 11:57:06 -0500
To: Samuel_Buck(at)dalton.org; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com;

jyjusy(at)hotmail.com; a_c_2bcool(at)hotmail.com; gregsurname(at)gmail.com;
eagles_fan_07(at)comcast.net; kjb(at)wbhsi.net; Sam_Buck_Productions(at)mac.com

CC: former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com;


Subject: Acrimony / dc206 - Spring 1905 Results
From: johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com

Hello All,

Please note we had one nation with NMR this turn: England.

As a result of the spring orders, one retreat was necessary: Austria A
Marseilles - Piedmont. If you want this disbanded instead please let me
know by Monday, December 1st.

Fall 1905 orders due Wednesday, December 3rd.

Here are the spring 1905 results:

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
A Budapest - Serbia
A Greece - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Marseilles Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Trieste - Adriatic Sea
A Venice - Rome
A Vienna - Tyrolia

F London Hold

A Brest Hold
A Gascony Hold
A Picardy Hold

A Belgium - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy - Marseilles
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire
F English Channel Supports F North Sea
A Kiel Hold
A Munich Hold
F North Sea Convoys A Belgium - Edinburgh
A Spain Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles

F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany
A Tunis - Naples
F Tyrrhenian Sea Convoys A Tunis - Naples

A Ankara - Constantinople
A Armenia - Syria
A Bohemia Supports A Galicia
A Bulgaria Hold
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Galicia Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Liverpool - Wales
F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania
F Skagerrak - Denmark
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway



Sell your car for just $40 at CarPoint.com.au It's simple!
Happy Thanksgiving!! - former.trout   (Nov 27, 2008, 10:11 am)
On this day of thanks, I'd like to extend a big thank you to all of you players and volunteers here at Diplomaticcorp.

Have a happy holiday weekend, everyone. Gobble gobble!!



DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Spring 1912 - The Arcti... - Githraine   (Nov 27, 2008, 9:37 am)
Just as the world was settling down to the peace table, the Germans appear to have switched sides!!!
They have issued no Press, but they ejected the English from Livonia which allowed the Russians to retake Moscow!
In central Europe the German armies are now marching West, and with that pressure gone, the Italians have pushed the French out of the Piedmont.
This war is back on in earnest!

France must retreat from the Piedmont, but can only fall back to Marseilles or OTB.
The English have two armies that must both fall back on St Petersburg.

I will submit the retreats, Piedmont to Marseilles and Moscow to St Petes with Liv going OTB.
If either captain would like some other result, please let me know by the end of day Monday the First of December.
Fall orders due Thursday, December 4th.

F English Channel Hold
A Livonia Supports A Moscow (*Dislodged*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Dislodged*)
F North Africa Supports F Western Mediterranean - Tunis
F North Sea Hold
A Norway Hold

F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Piedmont
A Piedmont Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Western Mediterranean - Tunis (*Bounce*)

F Baltic Sea Supports A Warsaw - Livonia
A Berlin - Kiel
A Bohemia - Munich
A Galicia - Warsaw
F Holland Hold
A Munich - Burgundy
A Silesia Supports A Galicia - Warsaw
F Sweden Hold
A Warsaw - Livonia

F Adriatic Sea Supports A Trieste
F Ionian Sea Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Fails*)
F Rome - Tuscany
A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia
A Tuscany - Piedmont
A Tyrolia Supports A Tuscany - Piedmont
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis (*Bounce*)
A Venice Supports A Tuscany - Piedmont

F Albania Hold
A Budapest Supports A Vienna
A Rumania Supports A Ukraine
A Sevastopol - Moscow
A Ukraine Supports A Sevastopol - Moscow
A Vienna Supports A Budapest


DC 216 - WOT2 - Fall 999 results - Githraine   (Nov 27, 2008, 9:17 am)
sorry, here is the map

From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; dc216(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Mark Duffield <captain_sicarius(at)hotmail.com>; harridav(at)cox.net; Eduardo Kyono <eduardo.kyono(at)hotmail.com>; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Jorge Saralegui <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>; Eric Shum <ecommander0(at)hotmail.com>; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 10:15:17 AM
Subject: DC 216 - WOT2 - Fall 999 results

The Lord of Chaos truly rules Randland!
Orders are mangled, forces act unsupported and go nowhere, others are supported in defense but instead attack.
The Westlands seem paralyzed by indecision, and the Borderlands neglect the Blight Border to pursue their expansionist goals, letting the Trollocs enter Fal Dara!
The Borderlands gain 2 builds, and the Midlands one this winter.
Orders due Tuesday, December 2nd.
And with that I roll the dice.....

A Tarwin's Gap - Fal Dara

F Sea of Storms - The Fingers of the Dragon (*Bounce*)
F Ebou Dar Bay - Sea of Storms (*Fails*)
F Kabal Deep - Illian (*Bounce*)
F Aile Dashar - Aile Dashar Sea (*Fails*)

A Shienar - Almoren
A Maradon - The Black Hills
A Shadar Logoth Supports A Tar Valon - Caralain Grass
A Tar Valon - Caralain Grass
A Cairhien - Aringill (*Fails*)

F Aile Dashar Sea Hold
A Arad Doman Hold
A Tarabon Supports A Elmora
A Elmora Supports A Tarabon
A Mist Pass Hold

A Illian Supports A Far Madding (*Cut*)
A Far Madding Hold
A Tear Supports A Far Madding
F Godon - The Fingers of the Dragon (*Bounce*)
A Mayene - Godon (*Fails*)

A Baerlon - Emond's Field
A Caemlyn - Braem Wood
A Whitebridge - Baerlon
A Lugard Supports A Hills of Kintara - Far Madding
A Hills of Kintara - Far Madding (*Fails*)
A Aringill Supports A Hills of Kintara - Far Madding (*Cut*)

A Eastern Shadow Coast Supports A Ebou Dar
A Amadacia Supports A Salidar (*Ordered to Move*)
A Salidar - Illian (*Bounce*)
A Ebou Dar Supports A Salidar (*Ordered to Move*)


DC 216 - WOT2 - Fall 999 results - Githraine   (Nov 27, 2008, 9:15 am)
The Lord of Chaos truly rules Randland!
Orders are mangled, forces act unsupported and go nowhere, others are supported in defense but instead attack.
The Westlands seem paralyzed by indecision, and the Borderlands neglect the Blight Border to pursue their expansionist goals, letting the Trollocs enter Fal Dara!
The Borderlands gain 2 builds, and the Midlands one this winter.
Orders due Tuesday, December 2nd.
And with that I roll the dice.....

A Tarwin's Gap - Fal Dara

F Sea of Storms - The Fingers of the Dragon (*Bounce*)
F Ebou Dar Bay - Sea of Storms (*Fails*)
F Kabal Deep - Illian (*Bounce*)
F Aile Dashar - Aile Dashar Sea (*Fails*)

A Shienar - Almoren
A Maradon - The Black Hills
A Shadar Logoth Supports A Tar Valon - Caralain Grass
A Tar Valon - Caralain Grass
A Cairhien - Aringill (*Fails*)

F Aile Dashar Sea Hold
A Arad Doman Hold
A Tarabon Supports A Elmora
A Elmora Supports A Tarabon
A Mist Pass Hold

A Illian Supports A Far Madding (*Cut*)
A Far Madding Hold
A Tear Supports A Far Madding
F Godon - The Fingers of the Dragon (*Bounce*)
A Mayene - Godon (*Fails*)

A Baerlon - Emond's Field
A Caemlyn - Braem Wood
A Whitebridge - Baerlon
A Lugard Supports A Hills of Kintara - Far Madding
A Hills of Kintara - Far Madding (*Fails*)
A Aringill Supports A Hills of Kintara - Far Madding (*Cut*)

A Eastern Shadow Coast Supports A Ebou Dar
A Amadacia Supports A Salidar (*Ordered to Move*)
A Salidar - Illian (*Bounce*)
A Ebou Dar Supports A Salidar (*Ordered to Move*)


DC 216 - WOT2 - Fall 999 results (dc216) Githraine Nov 27, 09:17 am
sorry, here is the map

From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; dc216(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Mark Duffield <captain_sicarius(at)hotmail.com>; harridav(at)cox.net; Eduardo Kyono <eduardo.kyono(at)hotmail.com>; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Jorge Saralegui <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>; Eric Shum <ecommander0(at)hotmail.com>; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 10:15:17 AM
Subject: DC 216 - WOT2 - Fall 999 results

The Lord of Chaos truly rules Randland!
Orders are mangled, forces act unsupported and go nowhere, others are supported in defense but instead attack.
The Westlands seem paralyzed by indecision, and the Borderlands neglect the Blight Border to pursue their expansionist goals, letting the Trollocs enter Fal Dara!
The Borderlands gain 2 builds, and the Midlands one this winter.
Orders due Tuesday, December 2nd.
And with that I roll the dice.....

A Tarwin's Gap - Fal Dara

F Sea of Storms - The Fingers of the Dragon (*Bounce*)
F Ebou Dar Bay - Sea of Storms (*Fails*)
F Kabal Deep - Illian (*Bounce*)
F Aile Dashar - Aile Dashar Sea (*Fails*)

A Shienar - Almoren
A Maradon - The Black Hills
A Shadar Logoth Supports A Tar Valon - Caralain Grass
A Tar Valon - Caralain Grass
A Cairhien - Aringill (*Fails*)

F Aile Dashar Sea Hold
A Arad Doman Hold
A Tarabon Supports A Elmora
A Elmora Supports A Tarabon
A Mist Pass Hold

A Illian Supports A Far Madding (*Cut*)
A Far Madding Hold
A Tear Supports A Far Madding
F Godon - The Fingers of the Dragon (*Bounce*)
A Mayene - Godon (*Fails*)

A Baerlon - Emond's Field
A Caemlyn - Braem Wood
A Whitebridge - Baerlon
A Lugard Supports A Hills of Kintara - Far Madding
A Hills of Kintara - Far Madding (*Fails*)
A Aringill Supports A Hills of Kintara - Far Madding (*Cut*)

A Eastern Shadow Coast Supports A Ebou Dar
A Amadacia Supports A Salidar (*Ordered to Move*)
A Salidar - Illian (*Bounce*)
A Ebou Dar Supports A Salidar (*Ordered to Move*)
dc210 s04 results! (map fix) - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 27, 2008, 7:47 am)
Just a map fix, Con is a tiny space in this game! The Turk army is
dislodged to Con, not Smy.


-----Original Message-----

Here we go! Russia lands troops in Portugal (my those disembark rules
are complex), French forces prepare a counter attack, Turkey gets
cornered, Germany slips into Warsaw, and England and Italy just chill
out a bit longer.

(I do like these skipping the retreat phases)

What next? Fall 04! Wednesday 12/3, 10am Pacific!

A Vie move Tri
A Tri move Mon
A Ser support F Gre move Bul (sc)
A Rum support F Gre move Bul (sc)
A Gal support A Rum
F Gre move Bul (sc)
F Ion move Aeg

F (NTH) - Kie (*Fails 1:2*)
F (Den) s F (NTH) - Kie (*Cut*)
F (Lon) - NTH (*Fails*)
A (Edi) - Lpl

F Iri - NAO
F Eng - PSM
F Bre - BoB
A Mar - Spa
A Lor - Swa
A Bel S A Lor - Swa

A Swabia -> Cologne
F Holland -> Kiel
A Berlin Support Hol -> Kiel
A Sweden -> Denmark (*Fails*)
A Livonia -> Warsaw

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold, Support Austrian F ION (*Ordered to Move*)

A Fnt - Por (*Disembarks, Fleet stays in FNT*)
A Nwy - Fin
F SBS - Swe (*Fails*)
A WhR - Mos
F Erz - Bla (*Fails*)

F BLA supp A Bul (*Cut*)
A Bul hold (*Dislodged to Con*)
F AEG-Greece


Dc194 Summer 1907 - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 27, 2008, 4:43 am)
Dc194 Summer 1907

A Trieste - Vienna
A Warsaw - Prussia

Fall 1907, due to Player Request, is due on Thursday 4th December at 8am GMT

Given that the Christmas season is almost upon us - please let me know your holidays and absences asap
as I wont assume that you are away unless you tell me. It is highly unlikely we will break for more than a week
throughout Christmas.

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Sell your car for just $40 at CarPoint.com.au It's simple!


Dc194 Summer 1907 (dc194) FLTeacher Dec 04, 04:51 pm
Have I missed something? Are we still playing? Is stephen alright? Anyone? Bueller?

On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 5:43 AM, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Dc194 Summer 1907

A Trieste - Vienna
A Warsaw - Prussia

Fall 1907, due to Player Request, is due on Thursday 4th December at 8am GMT

Given that the Christmas season is almost upon us - please let me know your holidays and absences asap
as I wont assume that you are away unless you tell me. It is highly unlikely we will break for more than a week
throughout Christmas.

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Sell your car for just $40 at CarPoint.com.au It's simple!

Dc199 Spring 1908 - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 27, 2008, 4:40 am)
Dc199 Spring 1908

The draw proposal failed.

F Adriatic Sea - Apulia
A Budapest - Trieste
A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Fails*)
A Greece Hold
F Naples - Rome
A Rumania - Galicia
F Trieste - Adriatic Sea
A Venice Supports F Naples - Rome
A Vienna Supports A Rumania - Galicia

F Baltic Sea Convoys A Kiel - Livonia
F Barents Sea Supports F Norway
A Berlin - Prussia
A Bohemia Supports A Munich - Tyrolia
F Brest - English Channel
A Burgundy - Gascony
F Denmark - Sweden (*Fails*)
A Kiel - Livonia
A Liverpool - Wales
A Munich - Tyrolia
F Norway Hold
A Silesia Supports A Berlin - Prussia

A Constantinople - Ankara (*Bounce*)
F Ionian Sea - Naples
F Marseilles Hold
A Piedmont Supports A Venice - Tyrolia (*Void*)
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Rome - Venice (*Dislodged*)
F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean

F Armenia - Ankara (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol - Armenia (*Fails*)
A St Petersburg Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Sweden - Norway (*Fails*)
A Ukraine - Moscow
A Warsaw - Prussia (*Fails*)

Summer 1908
I have retreated the Italian Army in Rome to Tuscany. Italy can choose to disband this
by letting me know by Monday 8am GMT else the reteat stands.

Fall 1908 is due Wednesday 3rd Decemeber at 8am GMT

Given that the Christmas season is almost upon us - please let me know your holidays and absences asap
as I wont assume that you are away unless you tell me. It is highly unlikely we will break for more than a week
throughout Christmas.

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Multiple prizes and the ultimate dream beach house! Take a summer road trip with Windows Live Hotmail.


dc208 Winter 1904 - coebq   (Nov 27, 2008, 2:06 am)
Winter adjudications are in and here is where we stand. I have been told it will be difficult for everyone to get their orders in by Friday as Thursday is the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. So let's have Spring 1905 orders due on Monday, Dec 1 at 2359.

Have a great holiday and/or weekend!



Status of the Adjustment orders for Winter of 1904. (Winter 1904 dc20Cool

Austria: Build A Trieste.
Austria: Build A Vienna.
Austria: Build A Budapest.

England: Build A London.
England: Build A Edinburgh.

France: Build F Marseilles.

Italy: Remove A Tuscany.

Russia: Remove A Finland.
Russia: Remove A Armenia.
Russia: Remove F Barents Sea.
Russia: Remove F Black Sea.

Unit locations:
Austria: F Albania, A Ankara, A Bulgaria, F Constantinople, F Naples, A Rome,
A Rumania, A Venice, A Warsaw.
England: F Baltic Sea, F North Sea, A Norway, F Norwegian Sea, A Ruhr, F St
Petersburg(nc), F Sweden, A Tyrolia.
France: A Burgundy, F Gulf of Lyon, A Piedmont, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea.
Germany: A Berlin.
Italy: A Tuscany.
Russia: A Armenia, F Barents Sea, F Black Sea, A Finland, A Moscow, F

Ownership of supply centers:
Austria: Ankara, Budapest, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Rome,
Rumania, Serbia, Smyrna, Trieste, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.
England: Belgium, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London,
Norway, St Petersburg, Sweden.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain, Tunis.
Germany: Berlin, Munich.
Russia: Moscow, Sevastopol.



Aegean (dc185) EoG Thessalia - AlanRFarrington   (Nov 27, 2008, 1:35 am)
I'd like to apologize for being too lazy to write an EoG before now. Thanks a lot to Mike who ran a great game. It was a fantastic board (or at least the small part that I saw was) and I would be interetsed in trying it again sometime.

The opening part of the game went nearly perfect I opened exactly the way I wanted to start and Boetia was soon crushed under the might of Athens and Thessalia. (Sparta will take credit for bringing him down as well but originally I had planned it split completely between Max and myself.
This game was probably a first for me. It was my 6th game or so of diplomacy and I jumped out to a great start and really though I could easily find myself in a place to solo. (foolish now as I look back on it, but I will be the first to admit I'm a rookie).

It was here where I made my first mistake: I refused to engage Jorge until Boetia was completely destroyed. I did not want to open up two fronts and leave myself vulnerable. Fall of 302 should have seen me taking DOD and moving to THG. this would have given me a build and a fleet on Jorge's doorstep. I then would have been able to power my way into Jorge's home centers. Instead I fell a turn behind and Jorge was able to build up his home centers and defend himself. By itself it wasn't a huge problem, then he got the army into my line which took an entire year to corall. This gave Macedonia pleanty of time to place his armies in a great defensive position.

Then I made my second mistake: Jorge and I had been in communication and he convinced me that if I moved after Athens he would support me and leave me be. Two reasons made me accept his offer: Athens was growing very large and relatively unchecked, while I knew I was going to be in a long trench fight with Jorge. Jorge and I still disagree about how this happened. He feels that his tactics were not out of line at all (for lack of a better description). I felt that he came out and told me a bald face lie. Which I agree is 100% fine and I have no problem with at all, it is diplomacy after all, not go fish. But his tactics still left me with a very bad taste in my mouth.

While I held my units in place waiting for Macedonia to prove to me that he was intent on moving cooperatively against Athens, Jorge took his units and created a choke hold around my centers (I believe this was Spring 305). What could I do? Macedonia slowly began to gobble me up center after center. While this went on Sparta grew and grew. Out of sheer bitterness I helped Mark as much as I could, making it as difficult for Macedonia as I possibly could.

Then finally Jorge reached out to me from across the channel--help us forge a stalemate line and we can all share in a four way draw. I couldn't refuse but by then it was too late. A few seasons later and Mark had gotten his 21 centers.

Congratulations Mark on a game well played!
Thanks again Mike for taking the time to GM this!

Alan Farrington
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Aegean (dc185) EGS! (and lots of them) - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 26, 2008, 11:42 pm)
Lots of thoughts on this one...



Thanks to Michael Sims our GM for running this game.  It has been a pleasure to play in this variant.  I really appreciated the Spartan cheer!

After the initial introductions all around, the game began with Sparta joining a triumvirate with Thessalia and Athens.  One reason for this triumvirate was the near total lack of communication on the part of Boeotia. On the far side of the board it appeared that Persia and Ionia likewise entered into an alliance.  Macedonia was on his own as was Boetia.

As the game progressed Boetia got smashed by Athens and Thessalia. Sparta and Macedonia ended up playing a lesser role in it's demise.  Ionia and Persia initially cooperated in denying Sparta Crete.

Soon, both Thessalia and Athens were suggesting to Sparta that we stab the other.  Meanwhile Macedonia began to seriously encroach on Thessalia.  Thessalia attempted a stab on Sparta which was thwarted by the continued support of Athens.

Meanwhile in Asia, Ionia performed a strong stab on Persia with the assistance of Macedonia.  Sparta gained Crete along with the adjacent seas with Athenian support.

The following seasons saw Thessalia getting steadily pummelled by Macedonia.  A raproachment with his allies, Sparta and Athens, was made. Meanwhile in Asia, Persia was eliminated by Ionia and Macedonia.  Athens and Sparta managed to gain control of all of the southern seas.

The last big collaboration between Athens and Sparta saw a convoy of a Spartan army onto the Asian mainland. Athens gained a foothold on the Asian mainland as well, gaining an SC there.  Sparta next gained a couple of SCs on the southern tip of Asia.

It was at this point that Athens decided to turn on Sparta by moving a fleet into an agreed neutral sea and actively began working against Sparta.  This was met by an alliance of Ionia and Sparta who cooperated on eliminating Athens from Asia,  Macedonia continued to make inroads on Thessalia and fought with Ionia in North Asia.

Once Delos was gained by Ionia with Spartan help, the alliances changed once again. Ionia and Macedonia made peace and began cooperating to stop Sparta.  Sparta began making steady inroads into Athenian territory.

Thessalia again attempted a stab on Sparta after asking for a guarantee of survival leading to Macedonia gaining Lamia.  Lamia had been promised to Thessalia by Sparta but Macedonia apparently made a better offer of some of his home SCs.  Macedonia was determined to stop the looming win by Sparta.  Athens stopped offering resistance to Sparta as he saw his choice between losing SCs to Macedonia or Sparta.

Delos was won from Ionia by Sparta and the southern half of the map was securely Spartan.  Now the contest was entering it's final phases.

A struggle over the Western Aegean Sea, a battle for the heart of the Asian mainland, a fight over the last of the Athenian SCs save one, and the gathering of the SCs along the coast of the North Ionian Sea and the game was over.

Thanks all for a great game and hope to soon meet you in another one!

Mark SanDiegoSmith - Sparta



I enjoyed this game this game before it even started, as it has a great map and icons. Mike was his usual flawless self GMing, and he has no idea how many breaks I cut him in other games because of my appreciation for his contributions. I found the game itself pretty balanced, with its biggest flaw being that the most endangered country wound up with the weakest player.

This game had two great moments for me. The first was how Ionia and I set up and took apart the biggest threat on the board - Persia - right from the start. We got off to a good start, and never broke our alliance from then on. In the meantime, Boeotia was jumped by the other three, and he did what became all too common in this game: give up.

This gave AST a quick leg up on Ionia and me, and pretty soon Thessaly moved on me with a 6:3 edge in local superiority, while Athens and Sparta ganged up on Ionia. Our goal was to hang on in the likelihood that their triple alliance would inevitably fall apart. While Ionia gave up ground slowly, I managed to stop, then push back Thessaly. This was a matter of good moves, timing, and luck - everything went well, and I knew AST wouldn't last much longer.

A turn later, Athens stabbed Thessaly and Sparta. Sparta stood around for a bit, then joined in on Thessaly as well. But Athens had waited too long to stab - Sparta was pretty strong, and Ionia wasn't all that eager to cooperate with his former enemy.

This is where the game shifted into its final phase. It all came down to poor diploming. Ionia wasn't always available, and usually only spoke to Athens through me. Athens did the same. As a result, there were a series of messed-up orders, and Sparta kept growing. This was in part due to Thessaly trying to force me to ally with him by giving up his south to Sparta. I didn't ally with him at the time because I didn't need to. Given how things turned out, of course, this was a mistake.

The difference between Ionia and Athens was that Ionia never quit fighting. Athens, on the other hand, paid less and less attention, eventually NMRing. On the brink of going under, he agreed to focus again and actively work with me, then turned around and said he had gone to the other side. I had no idea why, as I had always been in a strong enough position to basically offer him one-sided support, asking nothing in return.

That ended the game. As soon as I saw that Athens was literally giving Sparta all his centers, I made peace with Thessaly. Then the three of us - IMT - tried to stop Sparta from hitting the magic number, but it was too late.

At this point I want to acknowledge that, while Sparta obviously greatly benefited from gift SCs from Boeotia, Thessaly and Athens, he played an increasingly good game. In the last few years his moves were flawless, and the fact that he had numerical superiority takes nothing away from this. Let me put it this way: nobody deserved to solo more than Sparta.

Given that Athens could have achieved one-unit survivor status with anyone, my assumption is that Athens' earlier stab of Sparta was the decisive factor. But of course, he could have joined the anti-Sparta faction, and been part of a draw. I can only conclude that, having thoroughly misplayed his position, Athens wanted to assert himself on the game any way he could. That's too bad, as it took away from the effort of the other survivors and displayed nothing except pettiness. Happily, that's one of the few downsides of playing on a large online site like DC.

It doesn't prevent me from congratulating Sparta for an incredibly consistent effort, Ionia for tenacious defense, and Thessaly for doing everything he could to put himself in a winning position.




End of game statement- i played them all and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, but well done Mark in his corner- straight and well deserved winner



Well, first off kudos and thanks to Mike for running another fun variant.

And, begrudgingly, congrats to Mark for a great solo.

I learned something today...oh wait, that is South Park. No, I actually did learn a bit in this game about maintaining a balance of power and about waiting too long [and then not at all] to stab. Oh well - I guess if nothing else I proved a good ally in that regard.

All in all, this was an interesting game. Rarely have I seen two besieged so quickly [Boeotia and Persia]. For my part, I had to decide early on what to do. I was surrounded by three powers and needed to decide who to fight and who not to. My perception was that if I allied with Persia I had to stick with him through the whole game and constantly worry about being stabbed [it felt a bit like an E/G alliance]; thus I decided to attack Persia full on after lying about my intentions. Unfortunately, I chose poorly [in retrospect] and I would have likely been better off not stabbing Michael. Sorry Michael - you deserved better.

I should have seen from the early moves by Athens a portent of things to come. Max seemed more intent on simply throwing around crazy moves than on forming alliances. At a point early on he was willing to fight me and let Sparta grow as a result rather than secure his own growth. That unfortunately was a precursor to the end-game where, rather than try to force a 5-way draw with Sparta, he seemed to be okay with simply giving Sparta centers in exchange for a 1 unit survival. Seriously? Are you f-ing kidding me? Where is the fun/challenge in that? We could have just voted for a Spartan solo like three months ago if that was going to be the case. Sorry but I just have no tolerance for that and honestly hope I don't play with that type of mentality in the future.

Okay...enough of the side bar. Somehow, in spite of Athens early attack, I was able to finish off Persia [probably due to my game-long ally, Jorge [Macedonia], staying on the same page as me] and things started to look a bit different. The game was down to five and things seemed somewhat evenly matched. Unfortunately I was fighting a combined Athens/Sparta in the south and that was more than I could stop. Slowly I had to bleed centers to Sparta [not willingly, that was just the member that seemed to benefit] who was rapidly becoming the more dominant power as Jorge and Alan stalled each other in the north. Unfortunately my attempts to get Athens to turn on Sparta never came to fruition. He had a chance to do it around 05/06 but hesitated and got outflanked by Sparta. It was pretty much this point that Sparta became the dominant power [and we honestly could have voted on a Spartan solo if we had known that Athens wouldn't defend against Sparta]. Mark made a great attempt to get me to turn on Jorge and I was sorely tempted [I had been once before but I was in a great position to now with all of his forces aligned against Alan]. However, in the end, I settled for some help from Mark in hitting Athens and gave up a center in the south [which I likely was going to give up anyway]. In retrospect, even with all of the back and forth between Athens and I, I possibly should have left him alone...maybe he would have joined our draw attempt. Unfortunately everything I had seen so far convinced me that I was better off with the unit and using it to fight Sparta than he was. Well, whether it was me taking his homeland or not, Athens decided to give Sparta the help he needed to go for the solo. Alan, Jorge and I tried our best to stop Sparta but he just had too much mass and too good of a position for us to stop.

Jorge/Alan - valiant effort. Sorry we couldn't ultimately force the stalemate.
Mark - congrats.

A few observations about the variant:
1. If a southern power ever gets enough F's, they can overwhelm the middle due to the flanking position of the seas. Do not underestimate that like I did; I foolishly thought I could hold the line at Dls but was ultimately forced back [granted Athens folding like a cheap suit didn't help].
2. It seems odd that there are so many places in the west that allow armies to pass, especially around Boeotia and Athens but that there is not a similar situation Chi to Ion or Les to Aeo or Aeo to Chi.
3. I like Chaos builds and I can understand why they are needed in this game. However, as usual, they really favor the leading power and I think that held true here with Sparta as well. There were several occasions where Sparta benefited by being able to build F's and A's closer to the front with me which enabled him to ultimately get better position. A regular build version of the game might prove interesting as well.

Thanks again.


It's been a pleasure, and fun variant!


Aegean (dc185) EGS! (and lots of them) (dc185) sandiegosmith Nov 27, 01:19 pm
Garry's observation on space in the eastern side of the board are spot on. It's too tight and narrow. Too much of the asian mainland is only 3 spaces wide. A stalemate line was easily drawn. Per and Sar could be divided up each into two or 3 irregularly shaped SCs,

There needs to be more spaces inserted between the islands. The provinces are drawn too symmetrically even. There should be an open space between lesbos and chi. Just stripping off the islands from their surrounding seas would do.

The north of the map is too constricted as well. It's only two wide in places.

In the west, Lamia is delightfully easy to conquer but difficult to hold. Greece is nicely divided with lots of opportunities for armies and fleets to advance.

If the game continued, I could only have advanced with luck in Asia. Greece still had opportunities for advancement.

A few observations about the variant:
1. If a southern power ever gets enough F's, they can overwhelm the middle due to the flanking position of the seas. Do not underestimate that like I did; I foolishly thought I could hold the line at Dls but was ultimately forced back [granted Athens folding like a cheap suit didn't help].
2. It seems odd that there are so many places in the west that allow armies to pass, especially around Boeotia and Athens but that there is not a similar situation Chi to Ion or Les to Aeo or Aeo to Chi.
3. I like Chaos builds and I can understand why they are needed in this game. However, as usual, they really favor the leading power and I think that held true here with Sparta as well. There were several occasions where Sparta benefited by being able to build F's and A's closer to the front with me which enabled him to ultimately get better position. A regular build version of the game might prove interesting as well.

Thanks again.

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PS (dc162) EGS - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 26, 2008, 11:36 pm)
Only 1 End-Game-Statement from our players, and it’s from the guy who barely survived?

Mike, thank you very much. Elia EGS:

Congratulations to Scott for a well earned victory. And thank you very much to Mike for handling it all with humour and delicacy. It was a pleasure to meet the players of the game, especially Jerry and John. As the lone Brit among the seven chatting with you all made me want to visit the States even more. I was originally going to get to the US in November with work. That has changed and I'm now down in the Falkland Islands but I'll make it some time.

I personally played pretty badly, starting by failing to get a proper ally and then being squashed by the Ellsworths. They very honourably didn't for a moment take advantage of being brothers, it was just that I was in the way. From quite early on it was clear that I was going down and that the two main players were Scott and Jerry. In the mid game I was allied to Jerry, who helped me stay in the game. The game then slowed down a bit so I tried to get some movement by swapping sides to join Scott. Not very fair on Jerry bit it did dislodge the log jam. John's diplomacy in trying to stay alive was delightful. I didn't spend as much time on this game as I have on some in the past as work was pretty demanding for this period and I did not communicate as much as I should have. I didn't understand what Former Trout was trying to achieve by playing such a static game and I am sure that there were a number of other currents moving around that eluded me entirely.

In sum congratulations again to Scott, thank you to Mike, and thank you gentlemen for a good game.



EOG for Attica dc162 (dc162) FlapJack Nov 29, 12:09 am
Congrats to Scott and thanks to Mike--another great job GMing as always. I want to say that this game was a bit of disappointment for me in how it was played out by most of the players.

I also wasn't crazy about the map and layout of the powers but on thinking about it I think it was more how the players played this game than the game design. The map appeared to be too small and too overcrowded to me but on reflection I think it has more to do with the players lack of communication that kind of soured this game for me. Except for John and Scott, no other players wrote me regularly. Here is how the game went for me.

Trout and Jerry allied against me from day one so I never really had a chance to try and ally with either power. Jerry was especially non-communicative, basically telling me that I shouldn't bother trying to talk to him. Trout only talked to me after it was obvious that I would not be taken out. However, he would only ally with me if I returned his centers to him. Sorry, but that's not how Diplomacy works--its strictly a cash and carry business--you want me to do something for you, then you have to do something for me now. Trout's offer was return my centers and then he'd talk about our alliance.

Quite frankly I never believed that the Jerry/Trout alliance was ever over and until I saw a real fallout between those two I wasn't giving Trout anything--besides I was the aggrieved party, why should I give up centers because Trout's stab of me didn't work--that's hardly my fault?!?--I also never had more than five centers anyway, Trout should get them from Jerry, his ally. Jerry had more dots than both of us combined.

Scott, John and myself formed an early alliance as we realized that no one else was answering our notes. The alliance worked out well at first as John and Scott made progress while I was barely able to hold off J/T with their help. All was not well in our happy little alliance--Jerry started to take more than his fair share from Scott and myself gambling that we had little choice but stay with him.

John was certainly right in my case--I had no choice but to stay firmly allied and I couldn't reach Jerry in any case--Scott was between the two of us. However, Scott was not under the same threat as I was and he wasn't about to put up with John's new "two or three for me and one for you" philosophy regarding centers in this game. Scott attacked John and got the upper hand as John was distracted by other powers and Scott had me protecting his other flank.

Eventually with no diplomatic activity and a static front, I lost most of my interest in the game and Scott ran my armies for the last several years of the game. Trout you wrote me about stopping Scott but I had lost all interest in the game at that point and I really had no desire to survive as a measly little 4 or 5 center power when I felt Scott and John were the only players who played the game the way it was meant to be played. I gladly toadied to Scott and helped him win his solo.

What I found most disappointing is that no one else ever wrote me more than two notes other than Scott, John and Trout. A small mapped variant calls for lots of writing yet in this game there wasn't much at all. I've written at least twice as many notes already in dc201 "Mandate from Heaven" as I did in this much longer game dc162. If you don't want to write, you should not play in small variants then players should only play in the much larger variants like WWIV or imperial--there you don't need to write nearly as much.
dc210 s04 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 26, 2008, 11:31 pm)
Here we go! Russia lands troops in Portugal (my those disembark rules
are complex), French forces prepare a counter attack, Turkey gets
cornered, Germany slips into Warsaw, and England and Italy just chill
out a bit longer.

(I do like these skipping the retreat phases)

What next? Fall 04! Wednesday 12/3, 10am Pacific!

A Vie move Tri
A Tri move Mon
A Ser support F Gre move Bul (sc)
A Rum support F Gre move Bul (sc)
A Gal support A Rum
F Gre move Bul (sc)
F Ion move Aeg

F (NTH) - Kie (*Fails 1:2*)
F (Den) s F (NTH) - Kie (*Cut*)
F (Lon) - NTH (*Fails*)
A (Edi) - Lpl

F Iri - NAO
F Eng - PSM
F Bre - BoB
A Mar - Spa
A Lor - Swa
A Bel S A Lor - Swa

A Swabia -> Cologne
F Holland -> Kiel
A Berlin Support Hol -> Kiel
A Sweden -> Denmark (*Fails*)
A Livonia -> Warsaw

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold, Support Austrian F ION (*Ordered to Move*)

A Fnt - Por (*Disembarks, Fleet stays in FNT*)
A Nwy - Fin
F SBS - Swe (*Fails*)
A WhR - Mos
F Erz - Bla (*Fails*)

F BLA supp A Bul (*Cut*)
A Bul hold (*Dislodged to Con*)
F AEG-Greece


DC215 Fall 1903 Results - MattTheLesser   (Nov 26, 2008, 10:19 pm)
Russia and Germany team up to put an army in Scotland, the Czar also
nabs Vienna, and Italy, Turkey and Austria, find themselves in a bit of
a bounce house.

With only one retreat (Germany's A Bur can retreat to Ruh, Mun, or OTB),
I'm going to again ask for retreats and builds TOGETHER, but not until
after the Thanksgiving holiday. So the deadline for Autumn and Winter
1903 is this coming Monday, December 1, at 9 pm eastern. Adjustments
due are listed below the adjudication, and builds can be conditional
upon the German retreat.


A Albania - Trieste (*Bounce*)
A Budapest Supports A Albania - Trieste
F Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports F Greece

F Clyde - Liverpool (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Void*)
A Yorkshire - Edinburgh (*Fails*)

F English Channel, no move received
A Marseilles Supports A Paris - Burgundy
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports A Spain - Gascony
A Paris - Burgundy
A Spain - Gascony

F Belgium - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Paris (*Dislodged*)
A Denmark - Edinburgh
A Gascony - Paris
F North Sea Convoys A Denmark - Edinburgh
A Picardy Supports A Gascony - Paris

F Adriatic Sea Convoys A Apulia - Trieste
A Apulia - Trieste (*Bounce*)
F Ionian Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Greece
A Venice Supports A Apulia - Trieste

A Finland - Sweden
A Galicia - Vienna
F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool (*Bounce*)
F Norwegian Sea Supports A Denmark - Edinburgh
F Rumania Hold
F Sevastopol Supports F Rumania
A Ukraine - Galicia

F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec) (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria - Greece (*Fails*)
F Constantinople Supports F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec) (*Fails*)
A Smyrna - Armenia

England: Remove 1
France: Remove 1
Germany: Build 2 (3 if retreat OTB)
Russia: Build 1


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Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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