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Dc117 End of Game: Russia - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi all-
First, thanks to everyone for a very enjoyable game. I liked the interactions with everyone and found the twists and turns of fate very interesting. And thanks to Felix for doing the GM work, often a challenging task.

My view of the story is very similar to Stephen's. He proposed the "Russian fleet heads for the Med" strategy. I was interested in trying a juggernaut, and my reading of some of the strategy websites indicated that these usually favor Russia. So I went for it and I think we executed it well. The attacks against Austria and Italy went smoothly and the juggernaut was off and running. I had good discussions with Michael and Nick from the beginning and was pretty honest about my intentions, and I think this laid the groundwork for pretty good relationships throughout the game, even as I started attacking Michael in the end. And I was able to get a beachhead against England and kept the northern fleets coming.

My biggest concern, as Stephen mentioned, was that I was starting to grow faster than Turkey. I was very pleased that Italy was slow to go away so I could pull ahead, but I worried that this would lead Stephen to stab me if I did not either slow down or strengthen my southern border in time (or both).

The first key turning point in the game for me was before Spring '05. Stephen sent me a message recommending that I move my southern armies to the west and mentioned that he would "probably" convoy his army to Italy, and then he moved his army from Con to Bul instead. Fortunately I did not follow his recommendation (if I had, he would have been able to take Rum with no resistance). This sequence led me to believe that he was going to attack me, so I attacked him in the fall, expecting him to do the same. He did not, with the outcome having the impact of a stab--I got a center, he was angry with me, etc. I explained things, we made moves to patch things up, he got his center back, and I thought we were back in business.

The second key turning point was after Spring '06 (right after fixing the previous problem). He moved a fleet from Aeg-Con, and I could not come up with a reasonable explanation except that he was heading for the Black Sea and my unprotected territories. So I attacked again, expecting him to do the same, and again he did not.

By this time I had 14 centers with a path to at least 3 more, and so the juggernaut was clearly finished beyond repair (and rightly so). At this point the game entered a very different phase as Stephen described, with him trying to "rally the troops" against me. I sent a message to reach out to all of the other nations, telling them that Stephen planned to eliminate them all and push for a 2-way draw with me, etc. I didn't hear back from England, but had extended discussions with France and Germany. I don't know what their views on the situation really were (i.e., I don't know if they were actually on my side or Stephen's), but there were fun discussions! I think the relatively good relationships I had built early in the game helped quite a bit at this point, but I am not really sure since I think they both went along with nearly all of the "Turkish plan" anyway. And then I communicated with Josh to see if he would be willing to help me since Turkey was killing him anyway, he was, and that was it. I was hoping Turkey would not cut his support for me and I got lucky. By the way, Stephen, I am not sure I understand why you see his choice as unreasonable--if I were in his shoes and you were taking all of my centers, I would have done the same thing he did! Smile

I think it would have been interesting if I had not been able to get Ven immediately. My hunch is that I would have been able to get the 18th over time through a combination of overall masses of troops, the two German removals, and the potential defection of one or more of the parties from the alliance. But I am not sure about this.

So, that was the story from my side. Thanks again to all for a fun game!


----- Original Message ----
From: DANIEL JOLLIFFE <daniel.jolliffe(at)btinternet.com>
To: Nick Cherrier <zeclient(at)hotmail.com>; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Felix Kam Chung <felixkamchung(at)mac.com>; Josh Engsberg <aramis604(at)yahoo.com>; 117 <dc117(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Michael Thompson <m_d_thompson(at)hotmail.com>; Scott Ellis <crimson_93(at)yahoo.com>; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Cc: Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 12:32:43 AM
Subject: RE: Dc117 End of Game: England

Well played Scott, congratulations!!

Like France, this was also my first ever game of Diplomacy in any form and i thorough enjoyed it.

I think the biggest lessons i have learnt is that i should have talked to more of the people more of the time, and not to be blinkered by my own battles as to whats going on with the rest of the board.

After reading up on some opening game strategies for England, i decided that France should be my target regardless and that i should try to enlist Germany to help (especially since i felt that France/Germany may ally against me). Whilst this was going on i was naive in the way i handled Russia and allowed him to slip into Norway and then the fleets started coming round the top, a sign of my inexperience.

After the break down of the Russia/Turkey alliance i was pleased with the way we attempted to rally against Russia and credit goes to Stephen here mainly. Even if we didn't all agree at least we were talking!!

I hope to cross paths with you again...


Nick Cherrier <zeclient(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

.hmmessage P {margin:0px;padding:0px;}body.hmmessage {FONT-SIZE:10pt;FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma;} Congratulations to Scott,

That was a magnificently well played game. Thanks to everyone else for playing, I had a lot of fun. It was my first Diplomacy game EVER and I will definitely continue playing, and hopefully will cross paths with you guys in the future.

So as we say here in Australia... Good on ya mate!


[quote:f7836908b6] From: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
To: felixkamchung(at)mac.com; zeclient(at)hotmail.com; aramis604(at)yahoo.com; dc117(at)diplomaticcorp.com; m_d_thompson(at)hotmail.com; crimson_93(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; daniel.jolliffe(at)btinternet.com
CC: mike(at)southwall.com
Subject: Dc117 End of Game: Turkey
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 18:52:19 +1100

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;}.ExternalClass EC_body.hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} First of all, I will state despite how the 18th SC was taken by Russia, I think Scott played an excellent game and is well
deserving of the solo.

I would like to thank Scott, Nick, Daniel and Michael for their interaction with me in this game. I have thoroughly enojyed playing
against them.

My initial plan was to form a juggernaut with Russia and sweep across the board. Scott of Russia seemed keen on this
as well as we quickly formed an alliance moving west. We both were emailing Italy and got him to help attack Austria
leaving France, England and germany to fight amongst themselves. Thinking back i'm not sure if this was the best move.

Austria fell very quickly (sorry John) and the west was a mess. Germany was hitting France hard and i could not tell who england
was allied with.

Russia and i moved across and i started hitting Italy after Russia tricked him into making a couple of moves so his supports could be
easily cut. Italy seemed to be falling well and i convoyed an army across to apulia to strike the final blow when russia moved
against me fearing a stab.

Unfortunately I was out of position, to hit Italy and Russia and since Josh had stopped talking to me at that point, i continued
listening to Scott. Russia was making huge gains in the north, (too much and too quickly than i had anticipated). So instead of moving against Russia
i continyed my plan against Italy. However Russia just 'juggernauted' in the north.

and i need to scramble and i started to email Nick/France, Michael/Germany and Daniel/England to establish some sort of defence
against Russia. I also mailed Josh/Italy but with no response.

England, Germany, France and I passed many emails back and forth to discuss a strategy and despite some initial conflict between
France and Germany, all were willing to try and stop Russia. I attempted to try and get Russia out of his mindset at this point
and i kept emailing him suggesting draw proposals etc... to see how much information he was feeding back to the others so that
we could know if russia was trying to play us off against each other. Hey I would have in that position, and Scott had already proven
to be an excellent player. The information filtered back through germany which was who russia needed to make paranoid.
It was during this time, I feel i got to know the other 3 players well and i did enjoy our correspondance, even
the arguements between Nick and Michael..... If only we had emailed this much at the start.

This is where a series of unfortunate incidents, led to Russia's win.

in the second last season, germany did not move to Burgundy (as we had discussed or i thought we had) which unfortunately led to the fall of Munich. I can understand that there
was still anomosity between France and Germany at this point, and germany told me he was worried about my fleets moving up which
was a fair call. However Munich was a crucial space we could not afford to lose. AND this was a 'flaw' in our stalemate pattern.

and then in the last season, the silent italy, played by the experienced player Josh, supported Russia into a SC giving him the magical
18 number.

It would have been nice to see if our four way alliance could have held Russia off, but when Italy effectively gave Russia his last SC (note Italy was on holiday during the last adjudication
and could not be contacted) but Scott played an excellent game and i take my hat off to him for the win.

I hope to play against or ally with Scott, Nick, Daniel and Michael again in perhaps another game. Your emails and strategies (Russia at the beginning of the game, and the others
in the end game for me) were excellent and i am honoured to have played with such committed people. I was disapointed with the way Josh played in this game, but then i am
not a fan of anyone who just gives up and kingmakes.

Although the end game had some rough patches at the end, I would like to thank the players for the game and for tolerating
my annoying and possibly domineering attitude at the end. I was going through some medical issues and I allowed my frustration at my treatment (or the lack of results) and
my reaction to my new and current medication change spill over into the game. I believe the expression is something like the straw that broke the camel's back. Anyway I apologise to
Nick, Daniel, Michael and Scott for that and hope that we may cross swords another day.

Well done on the win, Scott. You played an excellent juggernaut and did deserve it.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shrubbery)

[quote:f7836908b6] To: zeclient(at)hotmail.com; aramis604(at)yahoo.com; dc117(at)diplomaticcorp.com; m_d_thompson(at)hotmail.com; crimson_93(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; daniel.jolliffe(at)btinternet.com
CC: mike(at)southwall.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC 117:: SOLO TO RUSSIA
From: felixkamchung(at)mac.com
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 21:01:38 -0800

And so the game ends!!
Solo to the Russian player!!

Thank you all for playing!

EOG are welcomed!!

As submitted::
Germany's moves...

A Hol support A Mun - Kie
A Mun - Kie
A Ruh support A Mun - Kie
A Bre - Par
A Mar - Bur

My moves for Fall:

F Nth-Nwy
A Gas-Bre


A Tuscany support A Trieste - Venice

F mao S French A Gas - Bre
F Tyn - Tun
F Rom Holds
A apu - Ven
F Gre Holds
A Bul Holds
F Con - aeg
F Arm holds


A Sev-Arm
A Ukr-Rum
A Ser-Gre
A Tri-Ven
A Bud-Ser

F Lpl hold
A Edi hold
F Nwg-Nor

A Kie-Mun
A Sil S Kie-Mun
A Ber S Kie-Mun

F Hel-Hol
F Bal-Kie
F Den S Bal-Kie

England Fall 07 moves:

F NAO - Norweigan Sea
F LON support F Bel-Nth

As adjudicated::

Results for Fall, 1907 (Movement)
General Notices:
Game ends. Power Russia wins by controlling 18 supply centers; 18 supply centers are required to win.
Order resolution completed on 29-Nov-2007 at 20:12:03 PST
Order Results:
England: F bel -> nth
England: F lon Supports F bel -> nth
[u:f7836908b6]England: F nao -> nwg[/u:f7836908b6]
Failed because Russia: F nwg -> nwy failed.
France: A gas -> bre
[u:f7836908b6]France: F nth -> nwy[/u:f7836908b6]
Bounced with nwg (1 against 1).
Dislodged from bel (2 against 1).
Germany: A bre -> par
[u:f7836908b6]Germany: F hol Supports A mun -> kie[/u:f7836908b6]
Support cut by Move from Helgoland Bight.
Germany: A mar -> bur
[u:f7836908b6]Germany: A mun -> kie[/u:f7836908b6]
Bounced with bal (2 against 1).
Dislodged from kie (3 against 1).
Germany: A ruh Supports A mun -> kie
Italy: A tus Supports A tri -> ven
Russia: F bal -> kie
Russia: A ber Supports A kie -> mun
[u:f7836908b6]Russia: A bud -> ser[/u:f7836908b6]
Failed because Russia: A ser -> gre failed.
Russia: F den Supports F bal -> kie
Russia: A edi Holds
[u:f7836908b6]Russia: F hel -> hol[/u:f7836908b6]
Bounced with hol (1 against 1).
Russia: A kie -> mun
Russia: F lvp Holds
[u:f7836908b6]Russia: F nwg -> nwy[/u:f7836908b6]
Bounced with nth (1 against 1).
[u:f7836908b6]Russia: A ser -> gre[/u:f7836908b6]
Bounced with gre (1 against 1).
[u:f7836908b6]Russia: A sev -> arm[/u:f7836908b6]
Bounced with arm (1 against 1).
Russia: A sil Supports A kie -> mun
Russia: A tri -> ven
Russia: A ukr -> rum
[u:f7836908b6]Turkey: A apu -> ven[/u:f7836908b6]
Turkey: F arm Holds
Turkey: A bul Holds
Turkey: F con -> aeg
Turkey: F gre Holds
Turkey: F mao Supports A gas -> bre
Turkey: F rom Holds
Turkey: F tys -> tun

Listen now! New music from the Rogue Traders. [/quote:f7836908b6]
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DC125 Autumn 2001 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)





Deadline for Winter Friday the 30th (at)5PM

Iran: Raybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]Raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email])
Iraq: jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email])
Israel: mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])
Russia: flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com ([email]flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Turkey: former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])


Dc117 End of Game: Russia - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
To echo comments from others, thanks for an enjoyable game, and thanks to Felix for GMing. I've played a few games on the judges, and playing on the DC website is considerably better than my judge experience - it just seems more personal and generally better organised...

So, the game itself...

Things kicked off with the usual mess in the west - i took the approach of appearing friendly to both England and France and seeing how things developed in the first year...France's supported move to Burgundy on the first move swayed it for me, so I made a decision there and then to ally with England, whilst spinning France a line. At the same time I made a non agression pact with Russia to try and seal my eastern front - in hindsight this was a bit of a mistake. France got a bit greedy in the first turn, leaving BRE exposed, and England and I tried to take advantage. France proved to be a resolute foe however, and we ended up spending far too long trying to elminate him (aided by some moves on our part which weren't perhaps the best in the situation).

Meanwhile, in the east, everyone was ganging up on Austria - perhaps I should have helped him out in retrospect. After a couple of years, it became obvious that a R-T juggernaut was in place, although this was (at least to me) fairly well hidden for the first couple of years. Delays in the West in taking out France meant that the juggernaut started to roll strongly, and with Russia making strong gains in the north, it became fairly obvious that the game could come down to which of RUssia or Turkey successfully stabbed the other first. I tried to plant a few seeds to encourage the stabs, but to no effect. With Russia at the door, I tried firstly a convoy to LVN, behind Russian lines, which Scott successfully blocked (if this had suceeded, things would have got interesting), and following a mess up by me in defending Denmark, I lost Denmark, after which I decided on a strategic withdrawal.

As others have indicated, the game entered a different phase after this, with Turkey trying to rally the troops. This led to the most intensive period of discussion during the whole game, and I (and from Scott's message below, France) were also corresponding with Russia during this period. I was a reluctant part of the anti-Russian alliance, as, firstly, I was sure France would hold a grudge and try to grab as much of his territory back as he could (leading to me not moving MAR to BUR to try and stop Russia taking MUN - I hoped to use this to improve my bargaining position in the anti Russia discussions, to no avail), secondly, it struck me that Turkey, as the largest power other than Russia would be the main benificiary of the anti-Russian alliance, and that I in particular wouldn't be gaining much (indeed I'd end up losing forces), and thirdly, I felt Turkey had ample opportunity as Russia's main ally and neighbour to stab him or check his growth.

Anyway, this led to a, shall we say, interesting four way discussions over who was going to do what and what moves to make. I suspect the discussions would have got even more interesting if Italy hadn't ended up supporting Russia to the win - I think the EFGT alliance could have stopped Russia.

In closing, my thoughts about each country:
Austria - a shame he had communication problems, which probably led to his (very) early exit
England - a good ally
France - my nemesis, and a worthy opponent
Italy - didn't communicate much with him, but he kept his word about his forces close to German territory
Russia - well done on the win - you played it really well in the north, and you were always honest about your intentions
Turkey - never gave anything away in his communications in the early part of the game, but when he needed to stop the Russian win, proved a good strategic and tactical thinker (and refereed the spats between myself and France well)

Anyway, hope to cross swords with you all again


Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 02:23:15 -0800
From: crimson_93(at)yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Dc117 End of Game: Russia
To: daniel.jolliffe(at)btinternet.com; zeclient(at)hotmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; felixkamchung(at)mac.com; aramis604(at)yahoo.com; dc117(at)diplomaticcorp.com; m_d_thompson(at)hotmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com
CC: mike(at)southwall.com

Hi all-

First, thanks to everyone for a very enjoyable game. I liked the interactions with everyone and found the twists and turns of fate very interesting. And thanks to Felix for doing the GM work, often a challenging task.

My view of the story is very similar to Stephen's. He proposed the "Russian fleet heads for the Med" strategy. I was interested in trying a juggernaut, and my reading of some of the strategy websites indicated that these usually favor Russia. So I went for it and I think we executed it well. The attacks against Austria and Italy went smoothly and the juggernaut was off and running. I had good discussions with Michael and Nick from the beginning and was pretty honest about my intentions, and I think this laid the groundwork for pretty good relationships throughout the game, even as I started attacking Michael in the end. And I was able to get a beachhead against England and kept the northern fleets coming.

My biggest concern, as Stephen mentioned, was that I was starting to grow faster than Turkey. I was very pleased that Italy was slow to go away so I could pull ahead, but I worried that this would lead Stephen to stab me if I did not either slow down or strengthen my southern border in time (or both).

The first key turning point in the game for me was before Spring '05. Stephen sent me a message recommending that I move my southern armies to the west and mentioned that he would "probably" convoy his army to Italy, and then he moved his army from Con to Bul instead. Fortunately I did not follow his recommendation (if I had, he would have been able to take Rum with no resistance). This sequence led me to believe that he was going to attack me, so I attacked him in the fall, expecting him to do the same. He did not, with the outcome having the impact of a stab--I got a center, he was angry with me, etc. I explained things, we made moves to patch things up, he got his center back, and I thought we were back in business.

The second key turning point was after Spring '06 (right after fixing the previous problem). He moved a fleet from Aeg-Con, and I could not come up with a reasonable explanation except that he was heading for the Black Sea and my unprotected territories. So I attacked again, expecting him to do the same, and again he did not.

By this time I had 14 centers with a path to at least 3 more, and so the juggernaut was clearly finished beyond repair (and rightly so). At this point the game entered a very different phase as Stephen described, with him trying to "rally the troops" against me. I sent a message to reach out to all of the other nations, telling them that Stephen planned to eliminate them all and push for a 2-way draw with me, etc. I didn't hear back from England, but had extended discussions with France and Germany. I don't know what their views on the situation really were (i.e., I don't know if they were actually on my side or Stephen's), but there were fun discussions! I think the relatively good relationships I had built early in the game helped quite a bit at this point, but I am not really sure since I think they both went along with nearly all of the "Turkish plan" anyway. And then I communicated with Josh to see if he would be willing to help me since Turkey was killing him anyway, he was, and that was it. I was hoping Turkey would not cut his support for me and I got lucky. By the way, Stephen, I am not sure I understand why you see his choice as unreasonable--if I were in his shoes and you were taking all of my centers, I would have done the same thing he did! Smile

I think it would have been interesting if I had not been able to get Ven immediately. My hunch is that I would have been able to get the 18th over time through a combination of overall masses of troops, the two German removals, and the potential defection of one or more of the parties from the alliance. But I am not sure about this.

So, that was the story from my side. Thanks again to all for a fun game!


----- Original Message ----
To: Nick Cherrier ; Stephen Lytton ; Felix Kam Chung ; Josh Engsberg ; 117 ; Michael Thompson ; Scott Ellis ; Former Trout
Cc: Michael Sims
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 12:32:43 AM
Subject: RE: Dc117 End of Game: England

Well played Scott, congratulations!!

Like France, this was also my first ever game of Diplomacy in any form and i thorough enjoyed it.

I think the biggest lessons i have learnt is that i should have talked to more of the people more of the time, and not to be blinkered by my own battles as to whats going on with the rest of the board.

After reading up on some opening game strategies for England, i decided that France should be my target regardless and that i should try to enlist Germany to help (especially since i felt that France/Germany may ally against me). Whilst this was going on i was naive in the way i handled Russia and allowed him to slip into Norway and then the fleets started coming round the top, a sign of my inexperience.

After the break down of the Russia/Turkey alliance i was pleased with the way we attempted to rally against Russia and credit goes to Stephen here mainly. Even if we didn't all agree at least we were talking!!

I hope to cross paths with you again...


Nick Cherrier wrote:

Congratulations to Scott,

That was a magnificently well played game. Thanks to everyone else for playing, I had a lot of fun. It was my first Diplomacy game EVER and I will definitely continue playing, and hopefully will cross paths with you guys in the future.

So as we say here in Australia... Good on ya mate!


From: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
To: felixkamchung(at)mac.com; zeclient(at)hotmail.com; aramis604(at)yahoo.com; dc117(at)diplomaticcorp.com; m_d_thompson(at)hotmail.com; crimson_93(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; daniel.jolliffe(at)btinternet.com
CC: mike(at)southwall.com
Subject: Dc117 End of Game: Turkey
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 18:52:19 +1100

First of all, I will state despite how the 18th SC was taken by Russia, I think Scott played an excellent game and is well
deserving of the solo.

I would like to thank Scott, Nick, Daniel and Michael for their interaction with me in this game. I have thoroughly enojyed playing
against them.

My initial plan was to form a juggernaut with Russia and sweep across the board. Scott of Russia seemed keen on this
as well as we quickly formed an alliance moving west. We both were emailing Italy and got him to help attack Austria
leaving France, England and germany to fight amongst themselves. Thinking back i'm not sure if this was the best move.

Austria fell very quickly (sorry John) and the west was a mess. Germany was hitting France hard and i could not tell who england
was allied with.

Russia and i moved across and i started hitting Italy after Russia tricked him into making a couple of moves so his supports could be
easily cut. Italy seemed to be falling well and i convoyed an army across to apulia to strike the final blow when russia moved
against me fearing a stab.

Unfortunately I was out of position, to hit Italy and Russia and since Josh had stopped talking to me at that point, i continued
listening to Scott. Russia was making huge gains in the north, (too much and too quickly than i had anticipated). So instead of moving against Russia
i continyed my plan against Italy. However Russia just 'juggernauted' in the north.

and i need to scramble and i started to email Nick/France, Michael/Germany and Daniel/England to establish some sort of defence
against Russia. I also mailed Josh/Italy but with no response.

England, Germany, France and I passed many emails back and forth to discuss a strategy and despite some initial conflict between
France and Germany, all were willing to try and stop Russia. I attempted to try and get Russia out of his mindset at this point
and i kept emailing him suggesting draw proposals etc... to see how much information he was feeding back to the others so that
we could know if russia was trying to play us off against each other. Hey I would have in that position, and Scott had already proven
to be an excellent player. The information filtered back through germany which was who russia needed to make paranoid.
It was during this time, I feel i got to know the other 3 players well and i did enjoy our correspondance, even
the arguements between Nick and Michael..... If only we had emailed this much at the start.

This is where a series of unfortunate incidents, led to Russia's win.

in the second last season, germany did not move to Burgundy (as we had discussed or i thought we had) which unfortunately led to the fall of Munich. I can understand that there
was still anomosity between France and Germany at this point, and germany told me he was worried about my fleets moving up which
was a fair call. However Munich was a crucial space we could not afford to lose. AND this was a 'flaw' in our stalemate pattern.

and then in the last season, the silent italy, played by the experienced player Josh, supported Russia into a SC giving him the magical
18 number.

It would have been nice to see if our four way alliance could have held Russia off, but when Italy effectively gave Russia his last SC (note Italy was on holiday during the last adjudication
and could not be contacted) but Scott played an excellent game and i take my hat off to him for the win.

I hope to play against or ally with Scott, Nick, Daniel and Michael again in perhaps another game. Your emails and strategies (Russia at the beginning of the game, and the others
in the end game for me) were excellent and i am honoured to have played with such committed people. I was disapointed with the way Josh played in this game, but then i am
not a fan of anyone who just gives up and kingmakes.

Although the end game had some rough patches at the end, I would like to thank the players for the game and for tolerating
my annoying and possibly domineering attitude at the end. I was going through some medical issues and I allowed my frustration at my treatment (or the lack of results) and
my reaction to my new and current medication change spill over into the game. I believe the expression is something like the straw that broke the camel's back. Anyway I apologise to
Nick, Daniel, Michael and Scott for that and hope that we may cross swords another day.

Well done on the win, Scott. You played an excellent juggernaut and did deserve it.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shrubbery)

To: zeclient(at)hotmail.com; aramis604(at)yahoo.com; dc117(at)diplomaticcorp.com; m_d_thompson(at)hotmail.com; crimson_93(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; daniel.jolliffe(at)btinternet.com
CC: mike(at)southwall.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC 117:: SOLO TO RUSSIA
From: felixkamchung(at)mac.com
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 21:01:38 -0800

And so the game ends!!

Solo to the Russian player!!

Thank you all for playing!

EOG are welcomed!!

As submitted::

Germany's moves...

A Hol support A Mun - Kie

A Mun - Kie

A Ruh support A Mun - Kie

A Bre - Par

A Mar - Bur


My moves for Fall:

F Nth-Nwy

A Gas-Bre


A Tuscany support A Trieste - Venice


F mao S French A Gas - Bre

F Tyn - Tun

F Rom Holds

A apu - Ven

F Gre Holds

A Bul Holds

F Con - aeg

F Arm holds


A Sev-Arm

A Ukr-Rum

A Ser-Gre

A Tri-Ven

A Bud-Ser

F Lpl hold

A Edi hold

F Nwg-Nor

A Kie-Mun

A Sil S Kie-Mun

A Ber S Kie-Mun

F Hel-Hol

F Bal-Kie

F Den S Bal-Kie


England Fall 07 moves:

F NAO - Norweigan Sea

F LON support F Bel-Nth


As adjudicated::

Results for Fall, 1907 (Movement)
General Notices:

Game ends. Power Russia wins by controlling 18 supply centers; 18 supply centers are required to win.

Order resolution completed on 29-Nov-2007 at 20:12:03 PST
Order Results:


England: F bel -> nth

England: F lon Supports F bel -> nth

England: F nao -> nwg

Failed because Russia: F nwg -> nwy failed.


France: A gas -> bre

France: F nth -> nwy

Bounced with nwg (1 against 1).

Dislodged from bel (2 against 1).


Germany: A bre -> par

Germany: F hol Supports A mun -> kie

Support cut by Move from Helgoland Bight.

Germany: A mar -> bur

Germany: A mun -> kie

Bounced with bal (2 against 1).

Dislodged from kie (3 against 1).

Germany: A ruh Supports A mun -> kie


Italy: A tus Supports A tri -> ven


Russia: F bal -> kie

Russia: A ber Supports A kie -> mun

Russia: A bud -> ser

Failed because Russia: A ser -> gre failed.

Russia: F den Supports F bal -> kie

Russia: A edi Holds

Russia: F hel -> hol

Bounced with hol (1 against 1).

Russia: A kie -> mun

Russia: F lvp Holds

Russia: F nwg -> nwy

Bounced with nth (1 against 1).

Russia: A ser -> gre

Bounced with gre (1 against 1).

Russia: A sev -> arm

Bounced with arm (1 against 1).

Russia: A sil Supports A kie -> mun

Russia: A tri -> ven

Russia: A ukr -> rum


Turkey: A apu -> ven


Turkey: F arm Holds

Turkey: A bul Holds

Turkey: F con -> aeg

Turkey: F gre Holds

Turkey: F mao Supports A gas -> bre

Turkey: F rom Holds

Turkey: F tys -> tun


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Fall 1902 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
When will the next dead-line be?




Dc101 fall 1905 Re-adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well not only did i misentered one player's orders I misplaced a second players (That will teach me for not setting up
a folder etc for this game). Apologies to all inconvienced.

Fall 1905 Re-adjudicated.

F Denmark Supports F Baltic Sea - Kiel (*Fails*)
F Kiel - Netherlands (*Fails*)
F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Bounce*)
F North Sea Supports F Kiel - Netherlands (*Cut*)
F Baltic Sea - Kiel (*Fails*)
F English Channel Supports A Belgium

A Vienna Hold
A Trieste Hold
A Ukraine Supports A Rumania
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
A Rumania Hold

F Gibraltar Supports F Marseilles - Spain(wc) (*Cut*)
A Burgundy Supports A Belgium
F Marseilles - Spain(wc) (*Bounce*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Switzerland - Munich
A Belgium Supports A Netherlands

A Milan - Switzerland
A Munich - Silesia
A Alsace - Cologne
A Netherlands Supports A Belgium (*Cut*)
A Switzerland - Munich
F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Fails*)

A Rome - Milan
F Naples - Ionian Sea (*Dislodged*)

A Berlin Supports F Baltic Sea - Kiel
A Warsaw Supports A Moscow
A Moscow Supports A Ukraine - Sevastopol (*Void*)
F Sweden - Norway (*Bounce*)

A Constantinople - Naples
A Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Moscow (*Void*)
F Portugal - Spain (nc) (*Bounce*)
F Morocco - Gibraltar (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria Hold
F Gulf of Lyon - Rome
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Constantinople - Naples
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Constantinople - Naples
F Aegean Sea Convoys A Constantinople - Naples
F Eastern Mediterranean - Egypt
F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria

I have retreated the Italian fleet to Apulia.

Germany: Remove Two
Italy: Remove One
Russia: Build Two
Turkey: Build Two.

Hopefully i have got this right, this time...

Map posted to forum and attached to this email.

I'm going to make winter due Tuesday 4th Decemeber because the weekend is upon us.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shrubbery)

Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 20:26:15 -0800
From: aramis604(at)yahoo.com
Subject: DC101 - New Germany
To: jason4747(at)hotmail.com; leeaclark(at)btinternet.com; dc101(at)diplomaticcorp.com; derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com; gramario(at)tin.it; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)southwall.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com
CC: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

.ExternalClass DIV{;}
Jason B has graciously volunteered to take over in Germany in the absence of the previous Kaiser.

I am leaving on vacation starting Thursday, and Stephen has agreed to be the substitute GM while I'm gone. Since I am leaving so soon I will allow Stephen to set the next deadline, and please keep in mind that the time of day that orders are due are likely to change since Stephen and I are on opposite sides of the world. Smile

I will return on December 8th, and I look forward to see how things are doing. Good luck!

Also, here is the updated players list.

Germany - Jason B

France - Derek Eyler

Austria - Gram

Italy - Former Trout

Russia - Lee Clark

Britain - Mikael Johansson

Turkey - Mike Sims

Check our comprehensive Salary Centre Overpaid or Underpaid?


Dc115 Fall 1906 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
F English Channel Supports A Picardy - Belgium
F Gascony Supports A Marseilles - Spain
A Marseilles - Spain
F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F North Sea - Holland
A Picardy - Belgium

A Belgium Supports A Munich - Burgundy (*Disbanded*)
F Clyde - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)
F Denmark Hold
A Liverpool Hold
A Munich - Burgundy
A Ruhr Supports A Munich - Burgundy
A Silesia Supports A Livonia - Warsaw

F Aegean Sea Supports A Greece - Bulgaria
F Eastern Mediterranean Hold
A Greece - Bulgaria
F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Piedmont - Marseilles
A Piedmont - Marseilles
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
A Smyrna - Constantinople (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc) (*Fails*)

A Livonia - Warsaw
A Moscow Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)
A Rumania Supports A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Void*)
F Skagerrak Hold
A St Petersburg Hold

A Ankara Supports F Constantinople
F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Disbanded*)
F Constantinople Hold
A Sevastopol Supports A Warsaw - Moscow
A Warsaw - Moscow

Autumn is due at the latest Tuesday 4th December, 9 pm Australian EST.
French army Burgundy can retreat to Paris or Picardy.
Russia army Moscow can retreat to Ukraine or Livonia.

Winter is due Wednesday 5th December, 11pm Australian EST.
Italy: Build 3
Turkey: Remove One.
France: Build One if Disband in Autumn.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shrubbery)

Join Lavalife for free. What are you waiting for?


Dc120 - 11 hour warning - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Sorry for the late warning this week, things have been a little hectic for me.

Dc120 Spring 1904 is due Friday 30th November, 8pm American EST (Saturday 11am).

I have NO moves from :-


aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shrubbery)

Find it at www.seek.com.au Your Future Starts Here. Dream it? Then be it!


Dc117 End of Game: Stats - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Stats are posted… Congrats to Scott! First game in dc is a solo, catapulting him to a 1317 provisional rating. Bumps Lee off the “the last solo was by…” ticker after only 2 days there! – bummer… Smile


To: zeclient(at)hotmail.com; aramis604(at)yahoo.com; dc117(at)diplomaticcorp.com; m_d_thompson(at)hotmail.com; crimson_93(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; daniel.jolliffe(at)btinternet.com
CC: mike(at)southwall.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC 117:: SOLO TO RUSSIA
From: felixkamchung(at)mac.com
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 21:01:38 -0800
And so the game ends!!

Solo to the Russian player!!

Thank you all for playing!

EOG are welcomed!!

As submitted::

Germany's moves...

A Hol support A Mun - Kie

A Mun - Kie

A Ruh support A Mun - Kie

A Bre - Par

A Mar - Bur


My moves for Fall:

F Nth-Nwy

A Gas-Bre


A Tuscany support A Trieste - Venice


F mao S French A Gas - Bre

F Tyn - Tun

F Rom Holds

A apu - Ven

F Gre Holds

A Bul Holds

F Con - aeg

F Arm holds


A Sev-Arm

A Ukr-Rum

A Ser-Gre

A Tri-Ven

A Bud-Ser

F Lpl hold

A Edi hold

F Nwg-Nor

A Kie-Mun

A Sil S Kie-Mun

A Ber S Kie-Mun

F Hel-Hol

F Bal-Kie

F Den S Bal-Kie


England Fall 07 moves:

F NAO - Norweigan Sea

F LON support F Bel-Nth


As adjudicated::

Results for Fall, 1907 (Movement)
General Notices:
Game ends. Power Russia wins by controlling 18 supply centers; 18 supply centers are required to win.

Order resolution completed on 29-Nov-2007 at 20:12:03 PST

Order Results:

England: F bel -> nth

England: F lon Supports F bel -> nth

[u:555283b9d1]England[/u:555283b9d1][u:555283b9d1]: F nao -> nwg[/u:555283b9d1]

Failed because Russia: F nwg -> nwy failed.


France: A gas -> bre

[u:555283b9d1]France[/u:555283b9d1][u:555283b9d1]: F nth -> nwy[/u:555283b9d1]

Bounced with nwg (1 against 1).

Dislodged from bel (2 against 1).


Germany: A bre -> par

[u:555283b9d1]Germany[/u:555283b9d1][u:555283b9d1]: F hol Supports A mun -> kie[/u:555283b9d1]

Support cut by Move from Helgoland Bight.

Germany: A mar -> bur

[u:555283b9d1]Germany[/u:555283b9d1][u:555283b9d1]: A mun -> kie[/u:555283b9d1]

Bounced with bal (2 against 1).

Dislodged from kie (3 against 1).

Germany: A ruh Supports A mun -> kie


Italy: A tus Supports A tri -> ven


Russia: F bal -> kie

Russia: A ber Supports A kie -> mun

[u:555283b9d1]Russia[/u:555283b9d1][u:555283b9d1]: A bud -> ser[/u:555283b9d1]

Failed because Russia: A ser -> gre failed.

Russia: F den Supports F bal -> kie

Russia: A edi Holds

[u:555283b9d1]Russia[/u:555283b9d1][u:555283b9d1]: F hel -> hol[/u:555283b9d1]

Bounced with hol (1 against 1).

Russia: A kie -> mun

Russia: F lvp Holds

[u:555283b9d1]Russia[/u:555283b9d1][u:555283b9d1]: F nwg -> nwy[/u:555283b9d1]

Bounced with nth (1 against 1).

[u:555283b9d1]Russia[/u:555283b9d1][u:555283b9d1]: A ser -> gre[/u:555283b9d1]

Bounced with gre (1 against 1).

[u:555283b9d1]Russia[/u:555283b9d1][u:555283b9d1]: A sev -> arm[/u:555283b9d1]

Bounced with arm (1 against 1).

Russia: A sil Supports A kie -> mun

Russia: A tri -> ven

Russia: A ukr -> rum


[u:555283b9d1]Turkey[/u:555283b9d1][u:555283b9d1]: A apu -> ven[/u:555283b9d1]


Turkey: F arm Holds

Turkey: A bul Holds

Turkey: F con -> aeg

Turkey: F gre Holds

Turkey: F mao Supports A gas -> bre

Turkey: F rom Holds

Turkey: F tys -> tun


DC130 ~ Imperial1840 ~ Builds - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
As it is the end of a Fall turn, and strategies have been formed without this rule in place, we'll postpone implementation until the end of Fall 1842. That allows players a full game year to plan and act with the rule as part of their planning. It's just too close to builds now to plop it in place.


As I stated initially, I wanted to allow player to build in their home centers AND captured home centers. I didn't do that because the RP software doesn't support that and the other two build rules it does support I don't feel work well for this variant.

Looking at how things are developing, I feel the 'build in captured home centers' rule is really needed for this variant to work in the long term. If it's to be implemented, it needs to be now.

Once again: this will mean you can build in any unoccupied [u:6c42942c04]home[/u:6c42942c04] center you own at the end of a fall season - the ones you started with and any you capture.

Any dissension?


DC130 ~ Imperial1840 ~ Builds - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi Jerry,

I have no problems with this system of builds. The Imperial variant is set up this way, and its probably the best system of builds for this size of a game.



On Nov 30, 2007 2:47 AM, dc130 <dc130(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc130(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])> wrote:

As I stated initially, I wanted to allow player to build in their home centers AND captured home centers. I didn't do that because the RP software doesn't support that and the other two build rules it does support I don't feel work well for this variant.

Looking at how things are developing, I feel the 'build in captured home centers' rule is really needed for this variant to work in the long term. If it's to be implemented, it needs to be now.

Once again: this will mean you can build in any unoccupied home center you own at the end of a fall season - the ones you started with and any you capture.

Any dissension?

Death before Dishonor

Death before Dishonor

Death before Dishonor

So what you are telling me is something you have never seen is slightly less blue than you have never seen.. (Edmund Blackadder)

[font=Monotype Corsiva]Gerald Todd[/font]
[font=Georgia]1st Maine Cavalry[/font]


DC123 Shade Of The Bonsai - Fall 1575 - Swans - MO... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
All - I'd like to echo everyone's comments about how successfully this game was run and appreciate everyone being on tiem most of the time with orders, etc. I always get frustrated when games bog down.

As far as EOG thoughts go, I agonized over the decision to stab Hojo, but with the 12 center victory condition I felt I had a good shot at grabbing the shogunate. In hindsight, it might have been better to be less engaged with Oda and Asakura in attempting to play them off against one another, and have tried to cement one side of that equation in my favor. I suspected whatever I did might well be undone by the stab to Hojo anyways, so the challenge was to grab the 12th center as fast as I could afterwards. It was worth a shot. It would have been interesting to keep the alliance alive and try to take oda down, but with the way things were shaping up with Mori, I didn't think there'd be time to succeed *and* then turn on Hojo, so I went for it. My congratulations go to my immediate neighbors for playing a great game and holding me from the solo long enough for Mori to take it. I do wish Shimazu hadn't been taken in, but being frustrated from growth for so long must have been maddening.

May you all come to Buddha's palm someday and may your next life be an honorable one.


Takeda Shingen (Nathan)

----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
To: DC123(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: B H <nairenvorbeck(at)yahoo.com>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Felix Kamchung <felixkamchung(at)mac.com>; Jacob Traeger <jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au>; Joshua Gottesman <joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Patrick Pottorff <happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com>; Samuel Smith <agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com>; Samuel Smith <samuelsmithf(at)yahoo.com>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 10:55:04 PM
Subject: DC123 Shade Of The Bonsai - Fall 1575 - Swans - MORI SOLO!!

From the Iwamisudera Monogatari:

Learning is to a man as leaves and branches are for a tree, and can be said that he should simply not be without it.

The drums of war fall silent as the Shogun rises from the south and quells all opposition. With definity, the Mori eliminate the last Shimazu resistance and surge to 13 supply centers - propelling Lee to a clear solo victory. The Oda and Asakura make a few attempted moves to the south, but the Mori don't give an inch. Meanwhile, the Hojo despite all odds eke out a survival and the Takeda watch - knowing that one day the Mori defenses will slip...

However, that is not to be in this game. Congratulations to Lee for his fine solo victory. My thanks, also, to all players on the board - both surviving and eliminated. This is one of my favorite variants, and it was a true pleasure to watch this one unfold.

So - that wraps up DC-123, Shade Of The Bonsai. End-of-game statements are MORE than welcome. I know Benjamin GREATLY values any input you have into the layout of the board, the positioning of the pieces and and general thoughts you have about the development of the Sengoku variant.

Thanks for the fun game everyone. We'll see you on the next board.. =)


GAME NUMBER Shade Of The Bonsai A Sengoku Game Game Started: Thursday, August 30th

Current Turn: Fall 1575

The Honorable Players
Asakura Yoshikage: Joshua Gottesman joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com ([email]joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com[/email]) Chosokabe Motochika: Mike Sims mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]) Hojo Ujimasu: Felix Kamchung felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email]) Mori Motonari: Samuel Smith agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com ([email]agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com[/email]) Oda Nobunaga: Bruce Quinn coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Shimazu Yoshihisa: Jacob Traegar jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au ([email]jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au[/email]) Takeda Shingen: Nathan Deily ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Uesugi Kenshin: Patrick Pottorff happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com ([email]happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]) Variant Info http://www.variantbank.org/results/rules/s/sengoku.htm


achieving nothing
our cowardly foes ignore
the true deadly threat



F Kii Straits to Tosa [BOUNCE with TOS 1:1] A Kii to Awa VOID A Totomi to Suruga OK A S. Shinano holds OK A Mino S A S. Shinano to hold OK A Hida S A S. Shinano to hold OK F Pacific Ocean to N. Pacific Ocean OK

A Hyu Holds [DISBANDED by BUN 2:1] A Osu Holds [DISBANDED by HIG 2:1]

F Noto S A Echigo - Etchu [DISBANDED by ETC 3:2] F Toyama Bay S F Noto H OK F Hitachi - Mutsu [BOUNCE with NSJ 1:1] A Kazusa H OK A Shimosa - Sagami OK A Echigo - Etchu OK A Kai S A N. Shinano H OK A North Shinano H OK A Sagami - Musashi OK

A Echizen - Tango OK A Etchu - Noto OK A Hoki - Bingo [BOUNCE with IZU 1:1] A Kaga Supports A Etchu - Noto OK F North Sea of Japan - Mutsu [BOUNCE with HIT 1:1] F Sanin Coast - Iwami Coast OK F Wakasa Bay Supports A Etchu - Noto OK


A from Izumo to Bingo [BOUNCE with HOK 1:1] A from Iwami to Aki OK A from Nagato to Iwami OK A from Chikuzen to Nagato OK F from East China Sea to higo OK A from Bungo attacks Hyuga Ok F from Hyuga Coast supports A from Bungo attacking Hyuga OK A from Higo attacks Osumi OK F from Satsuma supports A from Higo attaking Osumi OK [GM NOTE: A AWA UNORDERED - HOLDS] OK [GM NOTE: F TOSA UNORDERED - HOLDS] OK

Shimazu A Hyga is Automatically Disbanded
Shimazu A Osumi is Automatically Disbanded
Takeda F Noto is Automatically Disbanded


8 Supply Centers - Owa, Mik, Yat, Tot, Ise, Kii, Min, Ssh
5 Armies - Hid, Kii, Min, Sur, Ssh
2 Fleets - Npo, Kis

9 Supply Centers - Kai, Ecg, Mus, Koz, Nsh, Sag, Kaz, Hit, Mut
6 Armies - Kaz, Sag, Etc, Kai, Nsh, Mus
2 Fleets - Tob, Hit

7 Supply Centers - Ecz, Omi, Set, Ina, Yas, Biz, Not
4 Armies - Tng, Hok, Kag, Not
3 Fleets - Wab, Nsj, Iwc

1 Supply Center - Izu
0 Armies -
1 Fleet - Izu

13 Supply Centers - Nag, Iwa, Bin, Chi, Izm, San, Iyo, Hiz, Tos, Sat, Bun, Hig, Osu
7 Armies - Awa, Izm, Osu, Hyu, Iwa, Aki, Nag
4 Fleets - Hyc, Sat, Tos, Hig





dc99 seismic f10 builds! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Russia disbands A Boh
Italy builds F Rom

Next: Spring 11 due Wednesday 12/5, 2pm Pacific.



DC121 Tonight! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
You know the drill, kiddies - 9 pm eastern gives you a little less that
8 hours.

Have orders from: Austria, Germany, France

Need orders from: Italy, England



DC123 Shade Of The Bonsai - Fall 1575 - Swans - MO... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The new Shogun greets his old enemies.

First off, I just wanted to say thanks to all the players for making my first online game a lot of fun and to Trout for being a great GM.

Concerning the game, I wasn't sure how quickly these are supposed to go on, since this was my first. How long was this game expected to last?

Here's my try at an EOG: Although I see B H's point about it being easier to control one side of the sea and then just move up and down the coast. What I'm skeptical about, is whether you can get an alliance in which you won't get stabbed. When starting the game, Chosokabe proposed this, and I was immediately suspicious that he was trying to set me up for a stab. The problem is that Japan is just so narrow that it is almost impossible to split the island down the middle and still have enough strategic depth to weather a stab and still have something to fall back on. From the beginning. I thought the best way to get the 12 SC's was to take on either my two island opponents and stay out of what I saw as a separate sphere to the northeast. I guess, if there was a good balance between Chosokabe and Shimazu, Mori could try and take on Asakura or Oda, but the only trouble is that, if the balance didn't hold, either Shimazu or Chosokabe would end up surrounding Mori on two-sides, and it would be so tempting to try and swallow him up.

As far as the 12 or 15 thing is concerned, I still think, although it didn't happen this time, a 12 SC victory would be better for those powers in the center of the main island. Even if it had been 15 SC's to solo, I had 13 and no one to attack me on 3 sides. I would just throw everything I had up north, and I think I would have still gotten 15. And if everyone hadn't thrown everything at Takeda, he would have been able to do the same thing sooner. It demonstrates the problem that I was talking about earlier. For the six players on either end, the way to win this variant is to dominate their end. For the 2 middle players, the moving-up-the-coast strategy might work better, and I think that the 12 SC variant gives them a better chance, even if their chances still aren't as good as the end players.

By the way, the misorders were accidental, not strategic.

Anyways, I really enjoyed the game, and would definitely be up for playing this variant in the future.

From the new Bakufu,

On Nov 29, 2007 8:01 AM, B H < nairenvorbeck(at)yahoo.com ([email]nairenvorbeck(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

I have a short EOG of my own as an observer. Just notes really...

Since the most recent map revision, I have now seen games played at the 12 and 15 SC count victory conditions, and as it seems this one ended prematurely, that 15 (or perhaps even higher?) is the correct number. The lower SC victory count was created with two reasons in mind, one of which it does not appear to accomplish at all.

The first was to create greater chances of Oda and Asakura victory - those two in the middle that start in a minefield of open SCs would be able to race to an early solo if the outside "triangles" of C/M/S and T/U/H did not intervene.

The second reason was historical accuracy. Oda Nobunaga carved out an area roughly equivalent to 12 SCs when he earned the title of Shogun.

Anywho, I imagine the Takeda are a bit annoyed at the variant design right now, and perhaps rightly so at the 12 SC victory condition. Sengoku is designed to play MUCH faster than a game of Standard, which can last well over a year sometimes. But not this fast.

That said...

In the last four games of Sengoku, I have seen an interesting phenomenon that puzzles me a bit. Players have chosen the difficult path of operating on both the top and bottom of the map (geographical east and west, but for simplicity's sake, top and bottom). Takeda chose to polish off Uesugi in his entirety, and Hojo feels that his stab was premature. I would have stabbed even earlier perhaps, or not at all. But by operating on the top and bottom of the map, Takeda was vulnerable to the O/A coalition that stonewalled him, without placing them in the uncomfortable position of tripping over each other trying to attack him - each had ample Takeda targets on the top coast and the bottom coast.

My point is this, it's easiest to solo in Sengoku by mostly running up a coastline, whichever power you play, rather than trying to split your fleets on both sides of Japan.

As for Mori, his rise to power was astonishing. It seemed that he even misordered or neglected to order some of his units on multiple occasions. Tactic to appear non-threatening? Intentional timing to divert the attention to Takeda as Hojo claims? Maybe - regardless, his strike was extremely effective, and represents the first PBEM Mori solo that I'm aware of. (Mori players have soloed over a paper map in FTF before in earlier revisions).

Oda and Asakura played pretty much textbook - they did very well, but I don't think anyone in their position could have done well enough to deal with the extremely rapid rise of both Takeda and Mori. F1575 is one of the quickest endstates I've ever seen, draw resolutions included.

So we see the feature of Sengoku that annoys some people at work - it is entirely possible to do very well in your area, and have someone solo on the other side of the map just by doing a little bit better, even without coming into contact with each other.

Hope that doesn't turn anyone off to the variant, I enjoyed watching this one immensely, and hope you will play again sometime at whatever SC victory condition, 12 or 15. Congratulations to our new Mori shogun!


Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

[quote:e4e7f998e6]From the Iwamisudera Monogatari:

Learning is to a man as leaves and branches are for a tree, and can be said that he should simply not be without it.

The drums of war fall silent as the Shogun rises from the south and quells all opposition. With definity, the Mori eliminate the last Shimazu resistance and surge to 13 supply centers - propelling Lee to a clear solo victory. The Oda and Asakura make a few attempted moves to the south, but the Mori don't give an inch. Meanwhile, the Hojo despite all odds eke out a survival and the Takeda watch - knowing that one day the Mori defenses will slip...

However, that is not to be in this game. Congratulations to Lee for his fine solo victory. My thanks, also, to all players on the board - both surviving and eliminated. This is one of my favorite variants, and it was a true pleasure to watch this one unfold.

So - that wraps up DC-123, Shade Of The Bonsai. End-of-game statements are MORE than welcome. I know Benjamin GREATLY values any input you have into the layout of the board, the positioning of the pieces and and general thoughts you have about the development of the Sengoku variant.

Thanks for the fun game everyone. We'll see you on the next board.. =)


GAME NUMBER Shade Of The Bonsai A Sengoku Game Game Started: Thursday, August 30th

Current Turn: Fall 1575

The Honorable Players
Asakura Yoshikage: Joshua Gottesman joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com ([email]joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com[/email]) Chosokabe Motochika: Mike Sims mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]) Hojo Ujimasu: Felix Kamchung felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email]) Mori Motonari: Samuel Smith agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com ([email]agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com[/email]) Oda Nobunaga: Bruce Quinn coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Shimazu Yoshihisa: Jacob Traegar jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au ([email]jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au[/email]) Takeda Shingen: Nathan Deily ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Uesugi Kenshin: Patrick Pottorff happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com ([email]happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]) Variant Info http://www.variantbank.org/results/rules/s/sengoku.htm


achieving nothing
our cowardly foes ignore
the true deadly threat



F Kii Straits to Tosa [BOUNCE with TOS 1:1] A Kii to Awa VOID A Totomi to Suruga OK A S. Shinano holds OK A Mino S A S. Shinano to hold OK A Hida S A S. Shinano to hold OK F Pacific Ocean to N. Pacific Ocean OK

A Hyu Holds [DISBANDED by BUN 2:1] A Osu Holds [DISBANDED by HIG 2:1]

F Noto S A Echigo - Etchu [DISBANDED by ETC 3:2] F Toyama Bay S F Noto H OK F Hitachi - Mutsu [BOUNCE with NSJ 1:1] A Kazusa H OK A Shimosa - Sagami OK A Echigo - Etchu OK A Kai S A N. Shinano H OK A North Shinano H OK A Sagami - Musashi OK

A Echizen - Tango OK A Etchu - Noto OK A Hoki - Bingo [BOUNCE with IZU 1:1] A Kaga Supports A Etchu - Noto OK F North Sea of Japan - Mutsu [BOUNCE with HIT 1:1] F Sanin Coast - Iwami Coast OK F Wakasa Bay Supports A Etchu - Noto OK


A from Izumo to Bingo [BOUNCE with HOK 1:1] A from Iwami to Aki OK A from Nagato to Iwami OK A from Chikuzen to Nagato OK F from East China Sea to higo OK A from Bungo attacks Hyuga Ok F from Hyuga Coast supports A from Bungo attacking Hyuga OK A from Higo attacks Osumi OK F from Satsuma supports A from Higo attaking Osumi OK [GM NOTE: A AWA UNORDERED - HOLDS] OK [GM NOTE: F TOSA UNORDERED - HOLDS] OK

Shimazu A Hyga is Automatically Disbanded
Shimazu A Osumi is Automatically Disbanded
Takeda F Noto is Automatically Disbanded


8 Supply Centers - Owa, Mik, Yat, Tot, Ise, Kii, Min, Ssh
5 Armies - Hid, Kii, Min, Sur, Ssh
2 Fleets - Npo, Kis

9 Supply Centers - Kai, Ecg, Mus, Koz, Nsh, Sag, Kaz, Hit, Mut
6 Armies - Kaz, Sag, Etc, Kai, Nsh, Mus
2 Fleets - Tob, Hit

7 Supply Centers - Ecz, Omi, Set, Ina, Yas, Biz, Not
4 Armies - Tng, Hok, Kag, Not
3 Fleets - Wab, Nsj, Iwc

1 Supply Center - Izu
0 Armies -
1 Fleet - Izu

13 Supply Centers - Nag, Iwa, Bin, Chi, Izm, San, Iyo, Hiz, Tos, Sat, Bun, Hig, Osu
7 Armies - Awa, Izm, Osu, Hyu, Iwa, Aki, Nag
4 Fleets - Hyc, Sat, Tos, Hig




Benjamin T. Hester
"Have 'em call me, sir - I'll make this go away..."
(Home of Sengoku and South American Supremacy maps,
Realpolitik files, and all sorts of good stuff)
DVWorkshop-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com ([email]DVWorkshop-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com[/email])
(The list dedicated to Diplomacy Variant Design)

Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.


DC129 In Rainbows - German Grace Period Launched - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi folks,

Unfortunately, our friendly Kaiser has not shown up for this mornings roll call. We'll lock orders in place and launch into the official German grace period. As per the HR's, the grace is 24 hours from the deadline - counting the hours that have already elapsed.

Hopefully Alex will send in orders shortly. If I do not hear from him by 11:59 PM GMT tonight, however, I will seek out a replacement player.

Thanks for the patience everyone. Cheers,



To Heir is Human: f01 results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Everybody builds 1 or 2 - Only Portugal and Sweden remain unclaimed so the gloves are sure to come off as we prepare for year 2...

Austria: Build 2
England: Build 1
France: Build 2
Germany: Build 2
Italy: Build 1
Russia: Build 1
Turkey: Build 1

Let's make builds due Tuesday, 2pm Pacific.

Note w builds, I may run a build turn any time I have a full set, rather than wait till the deadline. Orders however, (spring / fall turns) I will always wait till the deadline has been reached, and never jump the gun in case there's any last minute negotiations going on.

F Albania - Greece
A Serbia Supports F Albania - Greece
A Trieste Hold

F North Sea - London (*Bounce*)
F Norwegian Sea - Norway
A Yorkshire - London (*Bounce*)

F English Channel Supports A Picardy - Belgium
A Marseilles - Spain
A Picardy - Belgium

F Denmark - Sweden (*Bounce*)
A Kiel - Holland
A Munich - Ruhr

A Apulia - Tunis
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Apulia - Tunis
A Venice Hold

F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden (*Bounce*)
A Livonia - St Petersburg
F Rumania - Sevastopol (*Bounce*)
A Ukraine Supports F Rumania - Sevastopol

A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Bounce*)
F Black Sea Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol
A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Fails*)


DC124 - Spring 1903 - The Rhinos Strike At Midnigh... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hey folks,

Excitement across the board as France and England dance a two-step, Germany finds his train-ticket to Munich revoked by the Russian station agent and Italy and Austria loom ominously around the Turkish peninsula...

No retreats are required after the Spring moves so we'll see if we can manage the Fall turn before Josh gets back. Please have Fall orders in to me by Thursday, Dec 6th (11:59 PM GMT). Also, please double-check the adjudication for any errors - I do make them from time to time.

Cheers guys.. Hasta Lasagna!


DC-124 A Diplomaticcorp Game Standard Variant Game Started:

Current Turn: Spring 1903
Next Deadline: Fall 1903 Orders Thursday, Dec 6th (11:59 PM GMT)

The Rowdy Cast
Austria: Malcolm Hall monsieur_badger(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]monsieur_badger(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]) England: Eric Marr ericmarr(at)gmail.com ([email]ericmarr(at)gmail.com[/email]) France: Morgan Stinson mathalus(at)hotmail.com ([email]mathalus(at)hotmail.com[/email]) Germany: Rien van den Bogert agamemnon.titaan(at)gmail.com ([email]agamemnon.titaan(at)gmail.com[/email]) Italy: Douglas Kent diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com ([email]diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Russia: Clagr Totalentropy clagr2(at)yahoo.com ([email]clagr2(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Turkey: Felix Kamchung felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])


press:: we die


A Tri->Ser OK A Boh S A Mun OK F Gre->Aeg OK A Ser->Gre OK A Bul->Con [BOUNCE with ANK 1:1] A Vie Holds OK

f swe hold OK f mao support f eng --> bre [CUT by POR] f eng --> bre [BOUNCE with BRE 1:1] f lon --> nth OK f lvp --> iri OK a bel --> bur [BOUNCE with BUR 1:1]

F Brest Supports F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean [CUT by ENG] A Burgundy - Belgium [BOUNCE with BEL 1:1] A Marseilles - Spain OK A Paris - Picardy OK F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean [BOUNCE with MAO 1:1]

A Ruhr-Munich [BOUNCE with MUN 3:3] A Kiel S A Ruhr-Munich OK A Berlin S A Ruhr-Munich OK F Denmark S F Sweden OK

A Mun H OK A Tyr S A Mun OK F Tyn - Wme OK F Eme S F Gte - Aeg OK A Apu - Ven OK

A Galacia-->Silesia OK F Black Sea Convoy A Rumania-->Armenia OK A Rumania-->Armenia OK F Finland-->Sweden [BOUNCE with SWE 1:2] F G Both-->Baltic Sea OK



6 Supply Centers - Tri, Bud, Vie, Bul, Gre, Ser
5 Armies - Vie, Boh, Bul, Gre, Ser
1 Fleet - Aeg

6 Supply Centers - Lon, Lvp, Edi, Bel, Nwy, Swe
1 Army - Bel
5 Fleets - Eng, Swe, Mao, Iri, Nth

5 Supply Centers - Par, Bre, Mar, Por, Spa
3 Armies - Bur, Spa, Pic
2 Fleets - Por, Bre

4 Supply Centers - Kie, Ber, Den, Hol
3 Armies - Ber, Kie, Ruh
1 Fleet - Den

5 Supply Centers - Nap, Rom, Ven, Tun, Mun
3 Armies - Ven, Mun, Tyr
2 Fleets - Eme, Wme

5 Supply Centers - Mos, War, Sev, Rum, Stp
2 Armies - Sil, Arm
3 Fleets - Bla, Fin, Bal

3 Supply Centers - Ank, Con, Smy
1 Army - Smy
2 Fleets - Ank, Syr



DC124 - Spring 1903 - The Rhinos Strike At Midnigh... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Honestly!!Cut me a break people!!!
help me not kill me!!!!

On Nov 30, 2007, at 4:56 PM, Former Trout wrote:

Hey folks,

Excitement across the board as France and England dance a two-step, Germany finds his train-ticket to Munich revoked by the Russian station agent and Italy and Austria loom ominously around the Turkish peninsula...

No retreats are required after the Spring moves so we'll see if we can manage the Fall turn before Josh gets back.  Please have Fall orders in to me by Thursday, Dec 6th (11:59 PM GMT).  Also, please double-check the adjudication for any errors - I do make them from time to time.

Cheers guys..  Hasta Lasagna!


DC-124 A Diplomaticcorp Game Standard Variant Game Started:

Current Turn: Spring 1903
Next Deadline: Fall 1903 Orders Thursday, Dec 6th (11:59 PM GMT)

The Rowdy Cast
Austria: Malcolm Hall monsieur_badger(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]monsieur_badger(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]) England: Eric Marr ericmarr(at)gmail.com ([email]ericmarr(at)gmail.com[/email]) France: Morgan Stinson mathalus(at)hotmail.com ([email]mathalus(at)hotmail.com[/email]) Germany: Rien van den Bogert agamemnon.titaan(at)gmail.com ([email]agamemnon.titaan(at)gmail.com[/email]) Italy: Douglas Kent diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com ([email]diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Russia: Clagr Totalentropy clagr2(at)yahoo.com ([email]clagr2(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Turkey: Felix Kamchung felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])


press:: we die


A Tri->Ser OK A Boh S A Mun OK F Gre->Aeg OK A Ser->Gre OK A Bul->Con [BOUNCE with ANK 1:1] A Vie Holds OK

f swe hold OK f mao support f eng --> bre [CUT by POR] f eng --> bre [BOUNCE with BRE 1:1] f lon --> nth OK f lvp --> iri OK a bel --> bur [BOUNCE with BUR 1:1]

F Brest Supports F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean [CUT by ENG] A Burgundy - Belgium [BOUNCE with BEL 1:1] A Marseilles - Spain OK A Paris - Picardy OK F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean [BOUNCE with MAO 1:1]

A Ruhr-Munich [BOUNCE with MUN 3:3] A Kiel S A Ruhr-Munich OK A Berlin S A Ruhr-Munich OK F Denmark S F Sweden OK

A Mun H OK A Tyr S A Mun OK F Tyn - Wme OK F Eme S F Gte - Aeg OK A Apu - Ven OK

A Galacia-->Silesia OK F Black Sea Convoy A Rumania-->Armenia OK A Rumania-->Armenia OK F Finland-->Sweden [BOUNCE with SWE 1:2] F G Both-->Baltic Sea OK



6 Supply Centers - Tri, Bud, Vie, Bul, Gre, Ser
5 Armies - Vie, Boh, Bul, Gre, Ser
1 Fleet - Aeg

6 Supply Centers - Lon, Lvp, Edi, Bel, Nwy, Swe
1 Army - Bel
5 Fleets - Eng, Swe, Mao, Iri, Nth

5 Supply Centers - Par, Bre, Mar, Por, Spa
3 Armies - Bur, Spa, Pic
2 Fleets - Por, Bre

4 Supply Centers - Kie, Ber, Den, Hol
3 Armies - Ber, Kie, Ruh
1 Fleet - Den

5 Supply Centers - Nap, Rom, Ven, Tun, Mun
3 Armies - Ven, Mun, Tyr
2 Fleets - Eme, Wme

5 Supply Centers - Mos, War, Sev, Rum, Stp
2 Armies - Sil, Arm
3 Fleets - Bla, Fin, Bal

3 Supply Centers - Ank, Con, Smy
1 Army - Smy
2 Fleets - Ank, Syr


<DC 124 03 SPR ORDERS.gif><DC 124 03 SPR.gif><standard_border_ra.gif>


DC-114 Winter 1905 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Winter adjustments are in. With fewer players and with most people already sending in their orders early. I am shortening the turn to 4 days. Spring 1906 moves are due by 11pm CST Tuesday December 4th. Website is updated.

Builds A Edinburgh

Builds A Marseilles

Disbands F Naples

Disbands F Venice

Builds F Smyrna & F Constantinople

John Soper


DC132 APOLOGIES!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I had no idea that I did not send out retreats!!!


Germany has 24 hours to do so
and extension to follow.



DC 103 WINTER TONIGHT - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)


Dc120 Minus 4 hours - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc120 Spring 1904 is due Friday 30th November, 8pm American EST (Saturday 11am).

which i calculate as four hours ago.

I have no moves from




aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shrubbery)

Find it at www.seek.com.au Your Future Starts Here. Dream it? Then be it!


DC123 Shade Of The Bonsai - Fall 1575 - Swans - MO... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I've already thanked and congratulated everyone, so here are my cheap seat comments.

Unlike the real Shogun Oda, I usually play a conservative, defensive game. After having a chance to look at the map and lay out my initial strategy, I felt Oda's positioning would suit my play style well. In short, it affords quick initial growth along a pretty obvious path, providing great depth defensively. Unfortunately for me, my style of play and the Oda game characteristics combined to leave me in a great "also ran" position at the end of the game. Even less aggressive than usual, I reviewed the troops during parade and kept out of action until way too late.

I agree with the probable success of a coastline-running strategy, particularly for Asakura and Oda. Sadly for the two of us this time around, Asakura and Oda had much early stage difficulty in putting together a negotiated deal that was fully trusted by both parties making it all but impossible to exploit our natural advantage in access to key ocean territories.

This was an unbelievably fast match. Partially Oda's fault I'm afraid, for not seizing an earlier opportunity to harass or more the Mori in some small way. But with only a lone fleet available in the south--Oda's units being otherwise tied-up on the Takeda front--I'm not sure it would have made much of a difference in the end.

Regardless, I think you can have fun with this one either as a 12 or 15 sc game, but I'll bet they are each quite distinct in their play. I'll look forward to a 15 sc game some day to compare. I believe it'll play very differently. I see the 12 sc game as more of a sprint, than a marathon, requiring quickly established alliances and an aggressive offensive strategy. I think it makes for a fast, challenging, but very "tactical" game. No grand, world domination strategies needed and stabs probably should, as was pointed out, happen more quickly as a player may only have to fully engage two opponents to gather up the needed number. For the folks in the north and south ends of the map, this basically means screw your neighbor quickly and call it a victory. While the 15 sc game only requires a few additional sc's, it definitely will mean moving deeper into enemy territory and engaging more players. In our match, once Mori had realized successful negotiations with Asakura and Oda, he never really had to worry about the rest of the map.

You know, if Hojo had actually swung those ships around Oda (as promised but discarded in an earlier, failed stab attempt) and gotten mixed up down there, things may have turned out differently...

Take care!


----- Original Message ----
From: Lee Moore <agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com>
To: B H <nairenvorbeck(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; DC123(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Felix Kamchung <felixkamchung(at)mac.com>; Jacob Traeger <jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au>; Joshua Gottesman <joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Patrick Pottorff <happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com>; Samuel Smith <samuelsmithf(at)yahoo.com>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; List ACD-Chat <acd-chat(at)yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 1, 2007 2:00:01 AM
Subject: Re: DC123 Shade Of The Bonsai - Fall 1575 - Swans - MORI SOLO!!

The new Shogun greets his old enemies.

First off, I just wanted to say thanks to all the players for making my first online game a lot of fun and to Trout for being a great GM.

Concerning the game, I wasn't sure how quickly these are supposed to go on, since this was my first. How long was this game expected to last?

Here's my try at an EOG: Although I see B H's point about it being easier to control one side of the sea and then just move up and down the coast. What I'm skeptical about, is whether you can get an alliance in which you won't get stabbed. When starting the game, Chosokabe proposed this, and I was immediately suspicious that he was trying to set me up for a stab. The problem is that Japan is just so narrow that it is almost impossible to split the island down the middle and still have enough strategic depth to weather a stab and still have something to fall back on. From the beginning. I thought the best way to get the 12 SC's was to take on either my two island opponents and stay out of what I saw as a separate sphere to the northeast. I guess, if there was a good balance between Chosokabe and Shimazu, Mori could try and take on Asakura or Oda, but the only trouble is that, if the balance didn't hold, either Shimazu or Chosokabe would end up surrounding Mori on two-sides, and it would be so tempting to try and swallow him up.

As far as the 12 or 15 thing is concerned, I still think, although it didn't happen this time, a 12 SC victory would be better for those powers in the center of the main island. Even if it had been 15 SC's to solo, I had 13 and no one to attack me on 3 sides. I would just throw everything I had up north, and I think I would have still gotten 15. And if everyone hadn't thrown everything at Takeda, he would have been able to do the same thing sooner. It demonstrates the problem that I was talking about earlier. For the six players on either end, the way to win this variant is to dominate their end. For the 2 middle players, the moving-up-the-coast strategy might work better, and I think that the 12 SC variant gives them a better chance, even if their chances still aren't as good as the end players.

By the way, the misorders were accidental, not strategic.

Anyways, I really enjoyed the game, and would definitely be up for playing this variant in the future.

From the new Bakufu,

On Nov 29, 2007 8:01 AM, B H < nairenvorbeck(at)yahoo.com ([email]nairenvorbeck(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

I have a short EOG of my own as an observer. Just notes really...

Since the most recent map revision, I have now seen games played at the 12 and 15 SC count victory conditions, and as it seems this one ended prematurely, that 15 (or perhaps even higher?) is the correct number. The lower SC victory count was created with two reasons in mind, one of which it does not appear to accomplish at all.

The first was to create greater chances of Oda and Asakura victory - those two in the middle that start in a minefield of open SCs would be able to race to an early solo if the outside "triangles" of C/M/S and T/U/H did not intervene.

The second reason was historical accuracy. Oda Nobunaga carved out an area roughly equivalent to 12 SCs when he earned the title of Shogun.

Anywho, I imagine the Takeda are a bit annoyed at the variant design right now, and perhaps rightly so at the 12 SC victory condition. Sengoku is designed to play MUCH faster than a game of Standard, which can last well over a year sometimes. But not this fast.

That said...

In the last four games of Sengoku, I have seen an interesting phenomenon that puzzles me a bit. Players have chosen the difficult path of operating on both the top and bottom of the map (geographical east and west, but for simplicity's sake, top and bottom). Takeda chose to polish off Uesugi in his entirety, and Hojo feels that his stab was premature. I would have stabbed even earlier perhaps, or not at all. But by operating on the top and bottom of the map, Takeda was vulnerable to the O/A coalition that stonewalled him, without placing them in the uncomfortable position of tripping over each other trying to attack him - each had ample Takeda targets on the top coast and the bottom coast.

My point is this, it's easiest to solo in Sengoku by mostly running up a coastline, whichever power you play, rather than trying to split your fleets on both sides of Japan.

As for Mori, his rise to power was astonishing. It seemed that he even misordered or neglected to order some of his units on multiple occasions. Tactic to appear non-threatening? Intentional timing to divert the attention to Takeda as Hojo claims? Maybe - regardless, his strike was extremely effective, and represents the first PBEM Mori solo that I'm aware of. (Mori players have soloed over a paper map in FTF before in earlier revisions).

Oda and Asakura played pretty much textbook - they did very well, but I don't think anyone in their position could have done well enough to deal with the extremely rapid rise of both Takeda and Mori. F1575 is one of the quickest endstates I've ever seen, draw resolutions included.

So we see the feature of Sengoku that annoys some people at work - it is entirely possible to do very well in your area, and have someone solo on the other side of the map just by doing a little bit better, even without coming into contact with each other.

Hope that doesn't turn anyone off to the variant, I enjoyed watching this one immensely, and hope you will play again sometime at whatever SC victory condition, 12 or 15. Congratulations to our new Mori shogun!


Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

[quote:cd1bafdc36]From the Iwamisudera Monogatari:

Learning is to a man as leaves and branches are for a tree, and can be said that he should simply not be without it.

The drums of war fall silent as the Shogun rises from the south and quells all opposition. With definity, the Mori eliminate the last Shimazu resistance and surge to 13 supply centers - propelling Lee to a clear solo victory. The Oda and Asakura make a few attempted moves to the south, but the Mori don't give an inch. Meanwhile, the Hojo despite all odds eke out a survival and the Takeda watch - knowing that one day the Mori defenses will slip...

However, that is not to be in this game. Congratulations to Lee for his fine solo victory. My thanks, also, to all players on the board - both surviving and eliminated. This is one of my favorite variants, and it was a true pleasure to watch this one unfold.

So - that wraps up DC-123, Shade Of The Bonsai. End-of-game statements are MORE than welcome. I know Benjamin GREATLY values any input you have into the layout of the board, the positioning of the pieces and and general thoughts you have about the development of the Sengoku variant.

Thanks for the fun game everyone. We'll see you on the next board.. =)


GAME NUMBER Shade Of The Bonsai A Sengoku Game Game Started: Thursday, August 30th

Current Turn: Fall 1575

The Honorable Players
Asakura Yoshikage: Joshua Gottesman joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com ([email]joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com[/email]) Chosokabe Motochika: Mike Sims mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]) Hojo Ujimasu: Felix Kamchung felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email]) Mori Motonari: Samuel Smith agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com ([email]agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com[/email]) Oda Nobunaga: Bruce Quinn coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Shimazu Yoshihisa: Jacob Traegar jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au ([email]jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au[/email]) Takeda Shingen: Nathan Deily ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Uesugi Kenshin: Patrick Pottorff happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com ([email]happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]) Variant Info http://www.variantbank.org/results/rules/s/sengoku.htm


achieving nothing
our cowardly foes ignore
the true deadly threat



F Kii Straits to Tosa [BOUNCE with TOS 1:1] A Kii to Awa VOID A Totomi to Suruga OK A S. Shinano holds OK A Mino S A S. Shinano to hold OK A Hida S A S. Shinano to hold OK F Pacific Ocean to N. Pacific Ocean OK

A Hyu Holds [DISBANDED by BUN 2:1] A Osu Holds [DISBANDED by HIG 2:1]

F Noto S A Echigo - Etchu [DISBANDED by ETC 3:2] F Toyama Bay S F Noto H OK F Hitachi - Mutsu [BOUNCE with NSJ 1:1] A Kazusa H OK A Shimosa - Sagami OK A Echigo - Etchu OK A Kai S A N. Shinano H OK A North Shinano H OK A Sagami - Musashi OK

A Echizen - Tango OK A Etchu - Noto OK A Hoki - Bingo [BOUNCE with IZU 1:1] A Kaga Supports A Etchu - Noto OK F North Sea of Japan - Mutsu [BOUNCE with HIT 1:1] F Sanin Coast - Iwami Coast OK F Wakasa Bay Supports A Etchu - Noto OK


A from Izumo to Bingo [BOUNCE with HOK 1:1] A from Iwami to Aki OK A from Nagato to Iwami OK A from Chikuzen to Nagato OK F from East China Sea to higo OK A from Bungo attacks Hyuga Ok F from Hyuga Coast supports A from Bungo attacking Hyuga OK A from Higo attacks Osumi OK F from Satsuma supports A from Higo attaking Osumi OK [GM NOTE: A AWA UNORDERED - HOLDS] OK [GM NOTE: F TOSA UNORDERED - HOLDS] OK

Shimazu A Hyga is Automatically Disbanded
Shimazu A Osumi is Automatically Disbanded
Takeda F Noto is Automatically Disbanded


8 Supply Centers - Owa, Mik, Yat, Tot, Ise, Kii, Min, Ssh
5 Armies - Hid, Kii, Min, Sur, Ssh
2 Fleets - Npo, Kis

9 Supply Centers - Kai, Ecg, Mus, Koz, Nsh, Sag, Kaz, Hit, Mut
6 Armies - Kaz, Sag, Etc, Kai, Nsh, Mus
2 Fleets - Tob, Hit

7 Supply Centers - Ecz, Omi, Set, Ina, Yas, Biz, Not
4 Armies - Tng, Hok, Kag, Not
3 Fleets - Wab, Nsj, Iwc

1 Supply Center - Izu
0 Armies -
1 Fleet - Izu

13 Supply Centers - Nag, Iwa, Bin, Chi, Izm, San, Iyo, Hiz, Tos, Sat, Bun, Hig, Osu
7 Armies - Awa, Izm, Osu, Hyu, Iwa, Aki, Nag
4 Fleets - Hyc, Sat, Tos, Hig




Benjamin T. Hester
"Have 'em call me, sir - I'll make this go away..."
(Home of Sengoku and South American Supremacy maps,
Realpolitik files, and all sorts of good stuff)
DVWorkshop-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com ([email]DVWorkshop-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com[/email])
(The list dedicated to Diplomacy Variant Design)

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DC123 Shade Of The Bonsai - Fall 1575 - Swans - MO... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I agree with Lee's remarks that the coastal running strategy works better for the central powers than for the edge triangles. (for clarity's sake, the players are usually grouped into the "Southern Triangle" of C/M/S, the Central Powers of O/A, and the "Northern Triangle" of T/U/H.) In Takeda's case though, his attacks stalled when Asakura opened the second front, rather than when Hojo was stabbed. Often Oda and Asakura run the coast in opposite directions, and leave a small element in their rear guard - here we saw both the O/A main efforts aligned against Takeda - which is why I thought Lee might have been intentionally slowing down his pace.

Also agree that stretching yourself out too far down a coast does make for a particularly devastating stab, but I think the chaos builds offset that somewhat.

There is a pending revision to the variant proposed by ACD 213 players that would disconnect Etchu and South Shinano. The intent is to balance Takeda's incentive to open against Hojo or Uesugi, and improve the Uesugi position overall. Thoughts?


Lee Moore <agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com> wrote:

The new Shogun greets his old enemies.

First off, I just wanted to say thanks to all the players for making my first online game a lot of fun and to Trout for being a great GM.

Concerning the game, I wasn't sure how quickly these are supposed to go on, since this was my first. How long was this game expected to last?

Here's my try at an EOG: Although I see B H's point about it being easier to control one side of the sea and then just move up and down the coast. What I'm skeptical about, is whether you can get an alliance in which you won't get stabbed. When starting the game, Chosokabe proposed this, and I was immediately suspicious that he was trying to set me up for a stab. The problem is that Japan is just so narrow that it is almost impossible to split the island down the middle and still have enough strategic depth to weather a stab and still have something to fall back on. From the beginning. I thought the best way to get the 12 SC's was to take on either my two island opponents and stay out of what I saw as a separate sphere to the northeast. I guess, if there was a good balance between Chosokabe and Shimazu, Mori could try and take on Asakura or Oda, but the only trouble is that, if the balance didn't hold, either Shimazu or Chosokabe would end up surrounding Mori on two-sides, and it would be so tempting to try and swallow him up.

As far as the 12 or 15 thing is concerned, I still think, although it didn't happen this time, a 12 SC victory would be better for those powers in the center of the main island. Even if it had been 15 SC's to solo, I had 13 and no one to attack me on 3 sides. I would just throw everything I had up north, and I think I would have still gotten 15. And if everyone hadn't thrown everything at Takeda, he would have been able to do the same thing sooner. It demonstrates the problem that I was talking about earlier. For the six players on either end, the way to win this variant is to dominate their end. For the 2 middle players, the moving-up-the-coast strategy might work better, and I think that the 12 SC variant gives them a better chance, even if their chances still aren't as good as the end players.

By the way, the misorders were accidental, not strategic.

Anyways, I really enjoyed the game, and would definitely be up for playing this variant in the future.

From the new Bakufu,

On Nov 29, 2007 8:01 AM, B H < nairenvorbeck(at)yahoo.com ([email]nairenvorbeck(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:b2d850d15c] I have a short EOG of my own as an observer. Just notes really...

Since the most recent map revision, I have now seen games played at the 12 and 15 SC count victory conditions, and as it seems this one ended prematurely, that 15 (or perhaps even higher?) is the correct number. The lower SC victory count was created with two reasons in mind, one of which it does not appear to accomplish at all.

The first was to create greater chances of Oda and Asakura victory - those two in the middle that start in a minefield of open SCs would be able to race to an early solo if the outside "triangles" of C/M/S and T/U/H did not intervene.

The second reason was historical accuracy. Oda Nobunaga carved out an area roughly equivalent to 12 SCs when he earned the title of Shogun.

Anywho, I imagine the Takeda are a bit annoyed at the variant design right now, and perhaps rightly so at the 12 SC victory condition. Sengoku is designed to play MUCH faster than a game of Standard, which can last well over a year sometimes. But not this fast.

That said...

In the last four games of Sengoku, I have seen an interesting phenomenon that puzzles me a bit. Players have chosen the difficult path of operating on both the top and bottom of the map (geographical east and west, but for simplicity's sake, top and bottom). Takeda chose to polish off Uesugi in his entirety, and Hojo feels that his stab was premature. I would have stabbed even earlier perhaps, or not at all. But by operating on the top and bottom of the map, Takeda was vulnerable to the O/A coalition that stonewalled him, without placing them in the uncomfortable position of tripping over each other trying to attack him - each had ample Takeda targets on the top coast and the bottom coast.

My point is this, it's easiest to solo in Sengoku by mostly running up a coastline, whichever power you play, rather than trying to split your fleets on both sides of Japan.

As for Mori, his rise to power was astonishing. It seemed that he even misordered or neglected to order some of his units on multiple occasions. Tactic to appear non-threatening? Intentional timing to divert the attention to Takeda as Hojo claims? Maybe - regardless, his strike was extremely effective, and represents the first PBEM Mori solo that I'm aware of. (Mori players have soloed over a paper map in FTF before in earlier revisions).

Oda and Asakura played pretty much textbook - they did very well, but I don't think anyone in their position could have done well enough to deal with the extremely rapid rise of both Takeda and Mori. F1575 is one of the quickest endstates I've ever seen, draw resolutions included.

So we see the feature of Sengoku that annoys some people at work - it is entirely possible to do very well in your area, and have someone solo on the other side of the map just by doing a little bit better, even without coming into contact with each other.

Hope that doesn't turn anyone off to the variant, I enjoyed watching this one immensely, and hope you will play again sometime at whatever SC victory condition, 12 or 15. Congratulations to our new Mori shogun!


Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

[quote:b2d850d15c]From the Iwamisudera Monogatari:

Learning is to a man as leaves and branches are for a tree, and can be said that he should simply not be without it.

The drums of war fall silent as the Shogun rises from the south and quells all opposition. With definity, the Mori eliminate the last Shimazu resistance and surge to 13 supply centers - propelling Lee to a clear solo victory. The Oda and Asakura make a few attempted moves to the south, but the Mori don't give an inch. Meanwhile, the Hojo despite all odds eke out a survival and the Takeda watch - knowing that one day the Mori defenses will slip...

However, that is not to be in this game. Congratulations to Lee for his fine solo victory. My thanks, also, to all players on the board - both surviving and eliminated. This is one of my favorite variants, and it was a true pleasure to watch this one unfold.

So - that wraps up DC-123, Shade Of The Bonsai. End-of-game statements are MORE than welcome. I know Benjamin GREATLY values any input you have into the layout of the board, the positioning of the pieces and and general thoughts you have about the development of the Sengoku variant.

Thanks for the fun game everyone. We'll see you on the next board.. =)


GAME NUMBER Shade Of The Bonsai A Sengoku Game Game Started: Thursday, August 30th

Current Turn: Fall 1575

The Honorable Players
Asakura Yoshikage: Joshua Gottesman joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com ([email]joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com[/email]) Chosokabe Motochika: Mike Sims mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]) Hojo Ujimasu: Felix Kamchung felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email]) Mori Motonari: Samuel Smith agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com ([email]agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com[/email]) Oda Nobunaga: Bruce Quinn coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Shimazu Yoshihisa: Jacob Traegar jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au ([email]jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au[/email]) Takeda Shingen: Nathan Deily ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Uesugi Kenshin: Patrick Pottorff happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com ([email]happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]) Variant Info http://www.variantbank.org/results/rules/s/sengoku.htm


achieving nothing
our cowardly foes ignore
the true deadly threat



F Kii Straits to Tosa [BOUNCE with TOS 1:1] A Kii to Awa VOID A Totomi to Suruga OK A S. Shinano holds OK A Mino S A S. Shinano to hold OK A Hida S A S. Shinano to hold OK F Pacific Ocean to N. Pacific Ocean OK

A Hyu Holds [DISBANDED by BUN 2:1] A Osu Holds [DISBANDED by HIG 2:1]

F Noto S A Echigo - Etchu [DISBANDED by ETC 3:2] F Toyama Bay S F Noto H OK F Hitachi - Mutsu [BOUNCE with NSJ 1:1] A Kazusa H OK A Shimosa - Sagami OK A Echigo - Etchu OK A Kai S A N. Shinano H OK A North Shinano H OK A Sagami - Musashi OK

A Echizen - Tango OK A Etchu - Noto OK A Hoki - Bingo [BOUNCE with IZU 1:1] A Kaga Supports A Etchu - Noto OK F North Sea of Japan - Mutsu [BOUNCE with HIT 1:1] F Sanin Coast - Iwami Coast OK F Wakasa Bay Supports A Etchu - Noto OK


A from Izumo to Bingo [BOUNCE with HOK 1:1] A from Iwami to Aki OK A from Nagato to Iwami OK A from Chikuzen to Nagato OK F from East China Sea to higo OK A from Bungo attacks Hyuga Ok F from Hyuga Coast supports A from Bungo attacking Hyuga OK A from Higo attacks Osumi OK F from Satsuma supports A from Higo attaking Osumi OK [GM NOTE: A AWA UNORDERED - HOLDS] OK [GM NOTE: F TOSA UNORDERED - HOLDS] OK

Shimazu A Hyga is Automatically Disbanded
Shimazu A Osumi is Automatically Disbanded
Takeda F Noto is Automatically Disbanded


8 Supply Centers - Owa, Mik, Yat, Tot, Ise, Kii, Min, Ssh
5 Armies - Hid, Kii, Min, Sur, Ssh
2 Fleets - Npo, Kis

9 Supply Centers - Kai, Ecg, Mus, Koz, Nsh, Sag, Kaz, Hit, Mut
6 Armies - Kaz, Sag, Etc, Kai, Nsh, Mus
2 Fleets - Tob, Hit

7 Supply Centers - Ecz, Omi, Set, Ina, Yas, Biz, Not
4 Armies - Tng, Hok, Kag, Not
3 Fleets - Wab, Nsj, Iwc

1 Supply Center - Izu
0 Armies -
1 Fleet - Izu

13 Supply Centers - Nag, Iwa, Bin, Chi, Izm, San, Iyo, Hiz, Tos, Sat, Bun, Hig, Osu
7 Armies - Awa, Izm, Osu, Hyu, Iwa, Aki, Nag
4 Fleets - Hyc, Sat, Tos, Hig




Benjamin T. Hester
"Have 'em call me, sir - I'll make this go away..."
(Home of Sengoku and South American Supremacy maps,
Realpolitik files, and all sorts of good stuff)
DVWorkshop-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com ([email]DVWorkshop-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com[/email])
(The list dedicated to Diplomacy Variant Design)

Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.


Benjamin T. Hester
"Have 'em call me, sir - I'll make this go away..."
(Home of Sengoku and South American Supremacy maps,
Realpolitik files, and all sorts of good stuff)
DVWorkshop-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com ([email]DVWorkshop-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com[/email])
(The list dedicated to Diplomacy Variant Design)

Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See how.


DC125 Winter 2001 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Build A Bas

Build F Tav
Build A Ela

Russia: KRA, ODE, VOL.
Turkey: ADA, ANK, ATH, IST, SER.
Unowned: KUW.

Deadline for Spring 2002 is Friday the 7th (at)5PM

Iran: Raybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]Raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email])
Iraq: jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email])
Israel: mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])
Russia: flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com ([email]flowerpet56(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Turkey: former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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