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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc123

(Sengoku - GM: Trout)

Subject:< DC123 Shade Of The Bonsai - Fall 1575 - Swans - MORI SOLO!! >
Topic:< dc123 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Sep 13, 2007 at 12:00 am
Viewed:1462 times

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I agree with Lee's remarks that the coastal running strategy works better for the central powers than for the edge triangles. (for clarity's sake, the players are usually grouped into the "Southern Triangle" of C/M/S, the Central Powers of O/A, and the "Northern Triangle" of T/U/H.) In Takeda's case though, his attacks stalled when Asakura opened the second front, rather than when Hojo was stabbed. Often Oda and Asakura run the coast in opposite directions, and leave a small element in their rear guard - here we saw both the O/A main efforts aligned against Takeda - which is why I thought Lee might have been intentionally slowing down his pace.

Also agree that stretching yourself out too far down a coast does make for a particularly devastating stab, but I think the chaos builds offset that somewhat.

There is a pending revision to the variant proposed by ACD 213 players that would disconnect Etchu and South Shinano. The intent is to balance Takeda's incentive to open against Hojo or Uesugi, and improve the Uesugi position overall. Thoughts?


Lee Moore <agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com> wrote:

The new Shogun greets his old enemies.

First off, I just wanted to say thanks to all the players for making my first online game a lot of fun and to Trout for being a great GM.

Concerning the game, I wasn't sure how quickly these are supposed to go on, since this was my first. How long was this game expected to last?

Here's my try at an EOG: Although I see B H's point about it being easier to control one side of the sea and then just move up and down the coast. What I'm skeptical about, is whether you can get an alliance in which you won't get stabbed. When starting the game, Chosokabe proposed this, and I was immediately suspicious that he was trying to set me up for a stab. The problem is that Japan is just so narrow that it is almost impossible to split the island down the middle and still have enough strategic depth to weather a stab and still have something to fall back on. From the beginning. I thought the best way to get the 12 SC's was to take on either my two island opponents and stay out of what I saw as a separate sphere to the northeast. I guess, if there was a good balance between Chosokabe and Shimazu, Mori could try and take on Asakura or Oda, but the only trouble is that, if the balance didn't hold, either Shimazu or Chosokabe would end up surrounding Mori on two-sides, and it would be so tempting to try and swallow him up.

As far as the 12 or 15 thing is concerned, I still think, although it didn't happen this time, a 12 SC victory would be better for those powers in the center of the main island. Even if it had been 15 SC's to solo, I had 13 and no one to attack me on 3 sides. I would just throw everything I had up north, and I think I would have still gotten 15. And if everyone hadn't thrown everything at Takeda, he would have been able to do the same thing sooner. It demonstrates the problem that I was talking about earlier. For the six players on either end, the way to win this variant is to dominate their end. For the 2 middle players, the moving-up-the-coast strategy might work better, and I think that the 12 SC variant gives them a better chance, even if their chances still aren't as good as the end players.

By the way, the misorders were accidental, not strategic.

Anyways, I really enjoyed the game, and would definitely be up for playing this variant in the future.

From the new Bakufu,

On Nov 29, 2007 8:01 AM, B H < nairenvorbeck(at)yahoo.com ([email]nairenvorbeck(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:b2d850d15c] I have a short EOG of my own as an observer. Just notes really...

Since the most recent map revision, I have now seen games played at the 12 and 15 SC count victory conditions, and as it seems this one ended prematurely, that 15 (or perhaps even higher?) is the correct number. The lower SC victory count was created with two reasons in mind, one of which it does not appear to accomplish at all.

The first was to create greater chances of Oda and Asakura victory - those two in the middle that start in a minefield of open SCs would be able to race to an early solo if the outside "triangles" of C/M/S and T/U/H did not intervene.

The second reason was historical accuracy. Oda Nobunaga carved out an area roughly equivalent to 12 SCs when he earned the title of Shogun.

Anywho, I imagine the Takeda are a bit annoyed at the variant design right now, and perhaps rightly so at the 12 SC victory condition. Sengoku is designed to play MUCH faster than a game of Standard, which can last well over a year sometimes. But not this fast.

That said...

In the last four games of Sengoku, I have seen an interesting phenomenon that puzzles me a bit. Players have chosen the difficult path of operating on both the top and bottom of the map (geographical east and west, but for simplicity's sake, top and bottom). Takeda chose to polish off Uesugi in his entirety, and Hojo feels that his stab was premature. I would have stabbed even earlier perhaps, or not at all. But by operating on the top and bottom of the map, Takeda was vulnerable to the O/A coalition that stonewalled him, without placing them in the uncomfortable position of tripping over each other trying to attack him - each had ample Takeda targets on the top coast and the bottom coast.

My point is this, it's easiest to solo in Sengoku by mostly running up a coastline, whichever power you play, rather than trying to split your fleets on both sides of Japan.

As for Mori, his rise to power was astonishing. It seemed that he even misordered or neglected to order some of his units on multiple occasions. Tactic to appear non-threatening? Intentional timing to divert the attention to Takeda as Hojo claims? Maybe - regardless, his strike was extremely effective, and represents the first PBEM Mori solo that I'm aware of. (Mori players have soloed over a paper map in FTF before in earlier revisions).

Oda and Asakura played pretty much textbook - they did very well, but I don't think anyone in their position could have done well enough to deal with the extremely rapid rise of both Takeda and Mori. F1575 is one of the quickest endstates I've ever seen, draw resolutions included.

So we see the feature of Sengoku that annoys some people at work - it is entirely possible to do very well in your area, and have someone solo on the other side of the map just by doing a little bit better, even without coming into contact with each other.

Hope that doesn't turn anyone off to the variant, I enjoyed watching this one immensely, and hope you will play again sometime at whatever SC victory condition, 12 or 15. Congratulations to our new Mori shogun!


Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

[quote:b2d850d15c]From the Iwamisudera Monogatari:

Learning is to a man as leaves and branches are for a tree, and can be said that he should simply not be without it.

The drums of war fall silent as the Shogun rises from the south and quells all opposition. With definity, the Mori eliminate the last Shimazu resistance and surge to 13 supply centers - propelling Lee to a clear solo victory. The Oda and Asakura make a few attempted moves to the south, but the Mori don't give an inch. Meanwhile, the Hojo despite all odds eke out a survival and the Takeda watch - knowing that one day the Mori defenses will slip...

However, that is not to be in this game. Congratulations to Lee for his fine solo victory. My thanks, also, to all players on the board - both surviving and eliminated. This is one of my favorite variants, and it was a true pleasure to watch this one unfold.

So - that wraps up DC-123, Shade Of The Bonsai. End-of-game statements are MORE than welcome. I know Benjamin GREATLY values any input you have into the layout of the board, the positioning of the pieces and and general thoughts you have about the development of the Sengoku variant.

Thanks for the fun game everyone. We'll see you on the next board.. =)


GAME NUMBER Shade Of The Bonsai A Sengoku Game Game Started: Thursday, August 30th

Current Turn: Fall 1575

The Honorable Players
Asakura Yoshikage: Joshua Gottesman joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com ([email]joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com[/email]) Chosokabe Motochika: Mike Sims mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]) Hojo Ujimasu: Felix Kamchung felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email]) Mori Motonari: Samuel Smith agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com ([email]agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com[/email]) Oda Nobunaga: Bruce Quinn coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Shimazu Yoshihisa: Jacob Traegar jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au ([email]jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au[/email]) Takeda Shingen: Nathan Deily ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Uesugi Kenshin: Patrick Pottorff happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com ([email]happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]) Variant Info http://www.variantbank.org/results/rules/s/sengoku.htm


achieving nothing
our cowardly foes ignore
the true deadly threat



F Kii Straits to Tosa [BOUNCE with TOS 1:1] A Kii to Awa VOID A Totomi to Suruga OK A S. Shinano holds OK A Mino S A S. Shinano to hold OK A Hida S A S. Shinano to hold OK F Pacific Ocean to N. Pacific Ocean OK

A Hyu Holds [DISBANDED by BUN 2:1] A Osu Holds [DISBANDED by HIG 2:1]

F Noto S A Echigo - Etchu [DISBANDED by ETC 3:2] F Toyama Bay S F Noto H OK F Hitachi - Mutsu [BOUNCE with NSJ 1:1] A Kazusa H OK A Shimosa - Sagami OK A Echigo - Etchu OK A Kai S A N. Shinano H OK A North Shinano H OK A Sagami - Musashi OK

A Echizen - Tango OK A Etchu - Noto OK A Hoki - Bingo [BOUNCE with IZU 1:1] A Kaga Supports A Etchu - Noto OK F North Sea of Japan - Mutsu [BOUNCE with HIT 1:1] F Sanin Coast - Iwami Coast OK F Wakasa Bay Supports A Etchu - Noto OK


A from Izumo to Bingo [BOUNCE with HOK 1:1] A from Iwami to Aki OK A from Nagato to Iwami OK A from Chikuzen to Nagato OK F from East China Sea to higo OK A from Bungo attacks Hyuga Ok F from Hyuga Coast supports A from Bungo attacking Hyuga OK A from Higo attacks Osumi OK F from Satsuma supports A from Higo attaking Osumi OK [GM NOTE: A AWA UNORDERED - HOLDS] OK [GM NOTE: F TOSA UNORDERED - HOLDS] OK

Shimazu A Hyga is Automatically Disbanded
Shimazu A Osumi is Automatically Disbanded
Takeda F Noto is Automatically Disbanded


8 Supply Centers - Owa, Mik, Yat, Tot, Ise, Kii, Min, Ssh
5 Armies - Hid, Kii, Min, Sur, Ssh
2 Fleets - Npo, Kis

9 Supply Centers - Kai, Ecg, Mus, Koz, Nsh, Sag, Kaz, Hit, Mut
6 Armies - Kaz, Sag, Etc, Kai, Nsh, Mus
2 Fleets - Tob, Hit

7 Supply Centers - Ecz, Omi, Set, Ina, Yas, Biz, Not
4 Armies - Tng, Hok, Kag, Not
3 Fleets - Wab, Nsj, Iwc

1 Supply Center - Izu
0 Armies -
1 Fleet - Izu

13 Supply Centers - Nag, Iwa, Bin, Chi, Izm, San, Iyo, Hiz, Tos, Sat, Bun, Hig, Osu
7 Armies - Awa, Izm, Osu, Hyu, Iwa, Aki, Nag
4 Fleets - Hyc, Sat, Tos, Hig




Benjamin T. Hester
"Have 'em call me, sir - I'll make this go away..."
(Home of Sengoku and South American Supremacy maps,
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Benjamin T. Hester
"Have 'em call me, sir - I'll make this go away..."
(Home of Sengoku and South American Supremacy maps,
Realpolitik files, and all sorts of good stuff)
DVWorkshop-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com ([email]DVWorkshop-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com[/email])
(The list dedicated to Diplomacy Variant Design)

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There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC123 Shade Of The Bonsai - Fall 1575 - Swans - MORI SOLO!! (test_gm) Sep 13, 12:00 am

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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