Note to Austria and Russia: if you are going to insist on being allies, please have the common decency to get your crap in order. Really. F EMe-Ion plus F Ion C A Gre-Rom... you could have suffered a broken convoy with that Keystone Cops routine, and then wouldn't all those supports of Gre-Rom have looked silly! As it is, France plays defense, and the only movements in the South are behind the lines. [It still seems strange to me to type "Fails 5:5 to F Rom"... A ten-unit logjam!].
English fleets continue to pummel the Russian Coast. A navy! A navy! Lytton's kingdom for a navy! The Russian army in Sevastopol retreats the only place it can: Rumania.
My apologies for the recent two-day delay, but with your permission, I am going to ask for S1911 seismics *tomorrow* afternoon (1400 CST / 1900 GMT). If that's too soon, I'll postpone until Monday and improvise, but I'm hoping to wrench the game back onto schedule and have F1911 on Tuesday per usual.
A Gre -> Rom (*Fails 5:5 to F Rom*)
F Ion C Gre -> Rom
F Apu S Gre -> Rom
A Nap S Gre -> Rom
A Pie S Gre -> Rom
A Ven S Gre -> Rom
A Vie -> Boh
A Tyl S Vie -> Boh (*Cut*)
A Tri S Tyl
A St Petersburg -> Sevastopol
F Gulf of Bothnia Support Stp -> Sev
F Baltic Sea -> Moscow (*Fails 1:1 to A Mos*)
A Denmark Support Berlin
A Berlin Support Denmark
F Sweden Support Edi -> Nwy
A Edinburgh -> Norway
A Liverpool -> Edinburgh
A Mun S A Hol
A Hol S A Ber
A Kie S A Den
A Par - Gas
F Bre - MAt
A Mar – Tyl (*Fails 1:2 to A Tyl*)
F Rom Hold
F Wes S F Rom
A Tus S F Rom
F Tys S F Rom
F GoL S F Rom
A Sev – Nwy (*Fails 1:2 to A Edi-Nwy*; *Dislodged 1:2 by A StP-Sev*)
A Mos – Sev (*Fails 1:2 to A StP-Sev*)
A War - Ukr
A Lvn - War
A Pru S A Lvn - War
F Eas – Ion (*Fails 1:1 to F Ion*)