Hi Guys,
Love the site as you know.
Think the NMR score for each player is great, but guys, lets get a bit closer to the truth..
I'm down as a 10% NMR...
I inadvertently missed one build in one game, over a total of TEN completed games.
Guys, this is NOT a 10% NMR.
Havent looked, but take an average of 10 years per game, so twenty turns, plus builds and retreats, maybe 40 "moves" per average game.
So, I missed one turn out of a potential 400. This is 0.04% not 10%.
So my score in reality is around 99.6%, but my record says no, 90%!
My record looks positively criminal, its not!
Love the concept guys, but if you can, lets get a closer reality to moves ordered/NMR'd
Hate to complain coz this is such a brill site, but guys, HELP!