Well me and my lame-ass reg-green color deficiency have a hard time telling the 3 center'ish powers apart. Particularly the P, R, and M, and of those, the P and the M are super close. I think this is cuz the background is orangey, and those colors tend to blend in with the background a bit, or it washes them out. Again, it's solely cuz I have a hard time seeing red-green, and can never tell what the flipping numbers are on those card-tests. I wonder what the world really looks like in full color...
I would also use things like Random, ThinDiag, Hatch, Vert, Sparse, and any other fill pattern to make the powers fill by different shapes too instead of just colors for those of us who have a hard time w them.
From: The White Wolf [mailto:cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com]
Sent: Mon 8/24/2009 3:00 PM
To: Joe Babinsack; Garry Bledsoe; Kevin Burt; Nick Cherrier; Nathan Deily; dc272; Andrew Jameson; Aidan Slattery; Mark Utterbach; Max Victory
Cc: Michael Sims
Subject: DC-272 Map Color Test
I pulled out the old box set, and tried to match map and power colors as closely as possible. Of course, I couldn't get the land spaces exactly on, since the board coloring is so complicated. I got it as close as possible though.
Since these colors are based on the actual published game, they are my strong preference. However, I'll still happily accept comments and constructive criticism. Please let me know what you think.
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