Yeh, yeh, that would *really* suck.
From: Michael Sims <mike(at)>
To: Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)>; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)>; Benjamin Hester <screwtape777(at)>; Jason K <githraine(at)>; brn2dip(at); jchdipaccount(at); Gregory_Olson(at); drew3739o(at); alley_cat_1990(at); dc273 <dc273(at)>
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 10:16:57 PM
Subject: NNIGTFML tomorrow!
Still waiting on a few lucky llamalian builds for tomorrow!
You earned them, would sure suck to not put them on the board…
From: Michael Sims
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 9:05 PM
Subject: NNIGTFML f01 results!
Well isn’t this quite a diverse opening we’ve got here! Some players on 2 centers, others on 7. The big winner for the day has to be Brazil with 3 builds on top of a 4 to start, while Bolivia just manages to break even when their capital falls to Chile . Peru and Colombia bounce over the Galapagos Islands , while the other 3 manage a relatively uneventful pair of builds. Net results?
Argentina: Build 2
Brasil: Build 3
Chile: Build 2
Colombia: Build 2
Paraguay: Build 2
Peru: Build 1
Venezuela: Build 2
Bolivia gets the turn off
BUILDS due Tuesday 9/15, 6pm Central
A Mendoza - Patagonia
F Montevideo - Rio Grande do Sul (*Fails*)
A Salta - Potosi (*Bounce*)
A Mato Grosso - Santa Cruz
F Pernambuco - Maranhao
F Rio Grande do Sul Hold
A Sao Paulo Supports F Rio Grande do Sul
F Atacama Desert - Arica
A La Paz - Potosi (*Bounce*)
A Arancaunian Territory - Punta Arenas
F Golfo de Guafo - Antofagasta
A Cali - Quito
F Golfo de Panama - Galapagos (*Bounce*)
F Panama (nc) Hold
A Asuncion - Corrientes
A Parana Supports F Montevideo - Rio Grande do Sul
F Bahia Sechura - Galapagos (*Bounce*)
A Iquitos Hold
A Angostura Hold
F Caracas - Cumana