Sorry for the delay, totally my fault. I got the delinquent set of orders, so we're good to go now. France and Milan trade blows this season, with Florence throwing his weight around too; Austria and Venice lock themselves in combat also, and Turkey glowers menacingly at Florence.
"In a thousand ways, and for many reasons, acquisitions of territory may prove injurious; for one may well extend one’s dominion without increasing one’s power, but the acquisition of dominion without power is sure to bring with it ruin." - Niccoló Machiavelli,
The Discourses. 1517
Austria: Aidan Slattery <AiSlattery(at)>
France: Mark Utterbach <MDemagogue(at)>
Florence: Joe Babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)>
Milan: Nick Cherrier <zeclient(at)>
Naples: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)>
Papacy: Kevin Burt <Brutus(at)>
Turkey: Max Victory <maxatrest(at)>
Venice: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)>
A Bergamo - Verona
A Carinthia - Slavonia
A Trent Supports A Bergamo - Verona
A Tyrol - Carinthia (*Fails*)
A Avignon - Turin
A Marseille - Provence
A Saluzzo Supports A Avignon - Turin
F Sardinia - Gulf of Lyons
F Savoy - Genoa
A Swiss Supports A Avignon - Turin
A Bologna - Urbino
F Corsica Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Ligurian Sea Supports F Savoy - Genoa
A Lucca Hold
F Modena Supports F Savoy - Genoa
A Perugia - Spoleto
F Piombino Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Pistoia - Bologna
A Rome Supports A Spoleto - Capua
A Spoleto - Capua
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Spoleto - Capua (*Cut*)
A Genoa Supports A Turin - Savoy (*Dislodged*)
A Milan - Cremona (*Dislodged*)
A Montferrat Supports A Turin - Savoy
A Pavia - Parma
A Turin - Savoy
A Bari - Aquila
F Central Mediterranean Supports F Tunis - Western Mediterranean
F Gulf of Naples Convoys A Messina - Salerno
F Lower Adriatic Supports A Bari - Aquila
A Messina - Salerno
F Naples Supports F Palermo - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Palermo - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Fails*)
F Tunis - Western Mediterranean
F Upper Adriatic - Dalmatia
F Ancona Supports F Croatia - Upper Adriatic
A Carniola - Carinthia
A Cremona Supports A Parma - Milan
F Croatia - Upper Adriatic
A Ferrara - Mantua
A Friuli Supports A Carniola - Carinthia
A Parma - Milan
A Verona - Trent (*Dislodged*)
Milanese A Genoa can retreat to Fornovo or OTB.
Milanese A Milan can retreat to Bergamo, Como, Pavia or OTB.
Venetian A Verona can retreat to Ferrara, Padua, Treviso or OTB.
Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)
Austria: (4/4)
Armies - Sla, Trn, Tyr, Ver
France: (6/6)
Armies - Pro, Swi, Slu, Tur
Fleets - Gen, GOL
Florence: (11/11)
Armies - Bol, Cap, Luc, Rom, Spo, Urb
Fleets - Cor, LS, Mod, Pio, TS
Milan: (5/5)
Armies - Mon, Par, Sav, Gen (pending retreat), Mil (pending retreat)
Turkey: (9/9)
Armies - Aqu, Sle
Fleets - CM, Dal, GON, LA, Nap, Pal, WM
Venice: (9/
Armies - Cre, Cri, Fri, Man, Mil, Ver (pending retreat)
Fleets - Anc, UA
Summer 1457 is due ((tomorrow)) Friday, 16 October at 2pm EDT (6pm GMT.) If this is a problem for anyone, please let me know. As a sort of buffer, I don't expect to be home from work to adjudicate until mid-evening.
Any issues or errors, let me know.
Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!
Thanks all,
The White Wolf
I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction: