Hey guys,
Two errors on the last adjudication were pointed out to me soon after I
sent them. First, I failed to use the most recent set of Danish orders,
so the adjudication and map have been corrected to account for these.
The net result is different locations of a few Danish units and the
disbanding of the Russian fleet in Archangel. Second, another end-game
proposal, for a Danish solo, was put forth, so please include your votes
for this with your orders for Winter 2014, which will now be due this
coming Thursday, December 10, at 9 pm eastern.
A Baffin Island Supports F Queen Elizabeth Islands
A Barrow - Seward Peninsula (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Alaska Supports F Western Canada - Juneau
A Queen Elizabeth Islands Hold
F Western Canada - Juneau
A Yukon Supports F Western Canada - Juneau
A Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge - Severnaya Zemyla
F Kara Sea - Ural Mountains (*Bounce*)
A Lapland - Archangel
F Longyearbyen - Barents Sea
F North Atlantic Ocean Hold
A North Pole - Arctic Wasteland
F Northwest Greenland Hold
F Norwegian Sea - Tromso
F Nuuk - Labrador Sea
F Tromso - Lapland
A Western Siberia - Yakutsk (*Fails*)
F White Sea Supports A Lapland - Archangel
F Anchorage - Seward Peninsula (*Bounce*)
F Archangel - Ural Mountains (*Bounce*) (*Disbanded*)
F Juneau - Anchorage (*Fails*) (*Disbanded*)
A Pevek - Magadan
A Yakutsk Supports F Pevek - Magadan (*Cut*)
F Magadan - Kamchatka