Spring is here!
Now that I actually have time, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Sam
Buck, in case you didn't realize it from the revealing email address.
I'm a high school student from New York City, who's been playing
diplomacy for a little over a year and a half. I GM'd for the Winter
Blitz last year, and I'm back again for more fun. I generally try to
be as lenient as possible, but we're in a somewhat sticky situation
for this round. I'm currently working on a major theater production,
and our schedule is going to be finicky. I should be home by 7 and
able to spit out the adjudication by 7:30, but there is always the
possibility we'll run late. If it's really bad, I'll get someone to
cover the adjudication, but that's basically the situation I'm in, so
If I'm late, I'm sorry. Now, onto the game. Spring's done, and for the
most part, everybody's orders succeeded. We did have bounces in the
Black Sea and Gal, however, so it's not all peaceful. Without further
ado, then I give you:
A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste - Albania
A Vienna - Galicia
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London - North Sea
F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Marseilles - Spain
A Paris - Picardy
A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Denmark
A Munich - Ruhr
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Apulia
A Venice, Hold
A Moscow - Ukraine
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Warsaw - Galicia
F Ankara - Black Sea
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna - Constantinople
That should be it. If there are any problems, give me a shout, but
otherwise, I'll see you on Thursday at 7:00 PM ET.
-Your GM
Sam Buck