GM’s remarks:
Not sure what happened to Eric. He usually cuts it very close to the deadline; but, he missed the deadline this time. Another good example of why preliminary orders are a good idea. England NMR’s. Eric, if you are still with us, drop me an email. Thanks.
The Players:
Austria: Will Fleming ([email][/email])
England: Eric Hunter ([email][/email])
France: Eliminated Fall 1907
Germany: Joe Hackett ([email][/email])
Italy: Eliminated Winter 1908
Russia: Eliminated Winter 1906
Turkey: Douglas Fresh ([email][/email])
The Orders:
F apu - nap
A arm - ank
A boh - sil (*Fails*)
A bul - gre
A con Hold
A gal - war (*Fails*)
F ion Hold
A rom Supports F apu - nap
A sev Supports A ukr - mos
A trl - mun (*Fails*)
A ukr - mos
F bre, no move received (*Disbanded*)
F edi, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A mar, no move received
F por, no move received
F spa(sc), no move received
F yor, no move received
Eliminated Fall 1907
F bel - nth
A bur Supports A mun
F eng Supports A gas - bre
A gas - bre
A mos Supports A war (*Dislodged*)
A mun Supports A sil (*Cut*)
F nth - edi
F nwg Supports F nth - edi
A par Supports A gas - bre
A sil Supports A mun (*Cut*)
A war Supports A sil (*Cut*)
Eliminated Winter 1908
Eliminated Winter 1906
F aeg - con (*Fails*)
F eas - smy
F mao - wes
A nap, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A naf - tun
German A Moscow can retreat to Livonia, St Petersburg or OTB
Centers and Unit Positions:
Centers (14) ank, bud, bul, con, gre, mos, nap, rom, rum, ser, sev, tri, ven, vie.
Units: A ank, A boh, A con, A gal, A gre, F ion, A mos, F nap, A rom, A sev, A trl
Build/Disband: +3
Centers (5) lvp, lon, mar, por, spa.
Units: A mar, F por, F spa(sc), F yor
Build/Disband: +1
Eliminated Fall 1907
Centers (13): bel, ber, bre, den, edi, hol, kie, mun, nwy, par, stp, swe, war.
Units: A bre, A bur, F edi, F eng, A lvn, A mun, F nth, F nwg, A par, A sil, A war
Build/Disbands: +2
Eliminated Winter 1908
Eliminated Winter 1906
Centers (2): smy, tun.
Units: F aeg, F smy, A tun, F wes
Build/Disband: -2
1909 Retreat Orders and Winter Build/Disband Orders: Friday; March 12, 24:00 Hrs GMT
Maps of the Orders, Results and Supply Recount; and the dpy file are attached for your use.