GM's remarks:
I will be on Business Travel next week. I do not expect this will be a problem. This is not the first time that this has occurred . . . nor, shall it be the last . . . and, no problems cropped up during the previous trip. However, if you have not already made it a habit to cc: your orders to orders(at), you may want to make an extra effort next week. The tournament moderators have already made it abundantly clear; if your orders are not available at the above address and they have to step in to help, you will receive an NMR . . . no questions asked, no excuses accepted.
Congratulations to the survivors for making into Year 5 of Round 2, Winter Blitz 2010.
The Players:
Austria Eliminated Winter 1904
England phantomas jean-luc granier phantomas13(at)
France packrat scott troemel brn2dip(at)
Germany Douglas_E_Fresh Douglas Fresh douglasefresh(at)
Italy evapollo88 Greg Olson olson.gregoryscott(at)
Russia Nigs Nigel Phillips nephilli99(at)
Turkey Jeremiah Jeremiah Lee dadidea(at)
The Orders:
Defaults, removing F alb
No Orders Required
No Orders Required
F nth - den
Build A kie
F smy - aeg
Build A rom
No Orders Required
A bul - con
Remove A arm
See above
Centers and Unit Positions:
Eliminated Winter 1904
Centers (1) edi.
Units: F wal
Build/Disband: 0
Centers (7) bre, lvp, lon, mar, par, por, spa.
Units: A bur, F cly, F eng, A mar, F nth, A trl, F wes
Build/Disband: 0
Centers (9): bel, ber, den, hol, kie, mun, nwy, swe, war.
Units: A bel, F den, F bot, A kie, A mun, A nwy, F nwg, A pru, A war
Build/Disbands: 0
Centers (

bul, gre, nap, rom, tri, tun, ven, vie.
Units: F aeg, F bul(sc), F gre, F lyo, A rom, A tri, A ven, A vie
Build/Disband: 0
Centers (6) bud, mos, rum, ser, sev, stp.
Units: A mos, A rum, A ser, F sev, A stp, A ukr
Build/Disband: 0
Centers (3) ank, con, smy.
Units: F bla, A con, A smy
Build/Disband: 0
1905 Spring Orders: Monday; April 26, 24:00 Hrs GMT
Maps of the Retreats, Build/Disband Orders, and Results; and the dpy file are attached for your use.