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Besides the missing support from Aeg to Gre- Bul, you seem to have mislaid Aeg totally. What is the problem actually? You seem to have errors in a lot of judgments?
----- Original meddelelse -----
Fra: John R <untitled36(at)>
Til: dc 298 italy <alley_cat_1990(at)>, wb 2 2010 italy <welsh_stroud(at)>, Russia wb1 <daanschr(at)>, wb 2 2010 russia <aandtstevens(at)>, wb 2 2010 turkey <hurup(at)>, wb 2 2010 france <jhack16(at)>, wb 2 2010 austria <ndeily(at)>, blitz(at)
Dato: Man, 26. apr 2010 17:53
Emne: DC 312 Spring 1905 adjucation
Hey all,
France NMRed, which is odd, since he emailed out his comment to Daan, but I never got any moves for this season from him.
So anyway, England stays pretty much the same, Germany swings east with modest progress. Russia and turkey attempt to shore up their defenses, while italy uses this turn to reposition.
No retreats so onward to fall!
A Belgium Hold
F Brest - Gascony (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(nc)
F North Sea Supports F Norwegian Sea
F Norwegian Sea Supports F Sweden - Norway (*Void*)
F Spain(nc) Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Burgundy, no move received
A Gascony, no move received
A Berlin - Silesia (*Bounce*)
A Holland - Ruhr
F Kiel - Baltic Sea
A Munich Supports A Berlin - Silesia
A Prussia - Livonia
F Sweden - Finland (*Bounce*)
F Marseilles Hold
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Piedmont Supports F Marseilles
F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Trieste - Tyrolia
A Venice Supports A Trieste - Tyrolia
F Barents Sea Supports F Norway
F Bulgaria(ec) Hold
A Moscow - St Petersburg (*Fails*)
F Norway Hold
A Serbia - Budapest
A St Petersburg - Finland (*Bounce*)
A Ukraine - Moscow (*Fails*)
A Vienna - Galicia
A Warsaw Supports A Bohemia - Silesia
A Bohemia - Silesia (*Bounce*)
A Greece - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
F Western Mediterranean - Gulf of Lyon
The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.
** Poul Hurup **