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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  Winter Blitz

(4th Annual DC Winter Blitz (WB 2011))

Post:< 15874 >
Subject:< DC317; Spring 1905 Results >
Topic:Winter Blitz >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Apr 27, 2010 at 5:39 am
Viewed:653 times

  [New Post]  [Reply]  [Quote]

Tuesday; April 27, 03:00 Hrs GMT.???????????

Actually, 3:00 GMT Tuesday would be 2300 hrs MONDAY night. 

What you meant is likely WEDNESDAY at 0300 GMT.

From: Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com>
To: douglasefresh(at)gmail.com; olson.gregoryscott(at)gmail.com; dadidea(at)gmail.com; MDemagogue(at)gmail.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com; brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; phantomas13(at)orange.fr
Cc: blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; dc317(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Sent: Tue, April 27, 2010 1:23:13 AM
Subject: DC317; Spring 1905 Results

GM???s remarks:

My deepest apologies to all; I let myself get talked into some extracurricular activities this evening following our meeting and completely forgot about diplomacy . . . These gentlemen are your boss and your bosses boss. So, when they invite you out for dinner and a drink, the correct answer is ???When and where, sir???  . . . not, "I will meet you in an hour or so, sir" . . .  however, I did completely forget Diplomacy until about an hour ago . . . then I had to make my excuses and make a bee line back to the hotel room. . . nearly rear ending on older gal who was doing 45 in a 65 mph speed zone.

Mind full of the fact, the above is not intended as an excuse . . . just and explanation offered with my deepest apology.  Please check your orders closely oto ensure that I have not interperited your orders in my onway instead of yours.  So, without further ado, your adjudication;

The Players:

Austria         Eliminated Winter 1904

England        phantomas               jean-luc granier      phantomas13(at)orange.fr

France          packrat                     scott troemel         brn2dip(at)yahoo.com

Germany       Douglas_E_Fresh   Douglas Fresh       douglasefresh(at)gmail.com

Italy              evapollo88              Greg Olson           olson.gregoryscott(at)gmail.com

Russia          Nigs                         Nigel Phillips         nephilli99(at)hotmail.com

Turkey          Jeremiah                  Jeremiah Lee         dadidea(at)gmail.com

The Orders:

   Eliminated Winter 1904
   F wal, no move received
   A bur - pic
   F cly - nwg (*Fails*)
   F eng Supports F nth - bel
   A mar - bur (*Bounce*)
   F nth - bel
   A trl - mun (*Dislodged*)
   F wes - mao
   A bel - bur (*Dislodged*)
   F den - nth
   F bot - stp(sc)
   A kie, no move received
   A mun Supports A bel - bur (*Cut*)

   A nwy Supports F bot - stp(sc)

   F nwg Supports F den - nth (*Cut*)

   A pru - lvn
   A war - mos (*Fails*)
   F aeg - eas
   F bul(sc) - aeg
   F gre - ion
   F lyo - tys
   A rom - ven
   A tri Supports A ven - trl
   A ven - trl
   A vie Supports A ven - trl
   A mos Supports A stp (*Cut*)
   A rum - gal
   A ser - bul (*Fails*)
   F sev - bla
   A stp Supports F nth - nwy (*Dislodged*)

   A ukr Supports A rum - gal
   F bla - bul(ec)
   A con Supports F bla - bul(ec)

   A smy Supports A con
   German A Belgium can retreat to Holand, Ruhr, or OTB

   Russian A St Petersburg can retreat to Finland, or OTB

   French A Tyrolia shall rereat to Bohemia, Piedmont, or OTB

Centers and Unit Positions:

   Eliminated Winter 1904
   Centers (1) edi.
   Units: F wal
   Build/Disband:  0

   Centers (7) bre, lvp, lon, mar, par, por, spa.

   Units: F bel, F cly, F eng, A mar, F mao, A pic

   Build/Disband:  0

   Centers (9): bel, ber, den, hol, kie, mun, nwy, swe, war.

   Units: A kie, A lvn, A mun, F nth, A nwy, F nwg, F stp(sc), A war

   Build/Disbands: 0
   Centers (Cool bul, gre, nap, rom, tri, tun, ven, vie.

   Units: F aeg, F eas, F ion, A tri, A trl, F tys, A ven, A vie

   Build/Disband:  0

   Centers (6) bud, mos, rum, ser, sev, stp.

   Units: F bla, A gal, A mos, A ser, A ukr

   Build/Disband:  0

   Centers (3) ank, con, smy.
   Units: F bul(ec), A con, A smy

   Build/Disband:  0

1905 Summer Retreat Orders: Tuesday; April 27, 03:00 Hrs GMT.  That is 3 hours beyond our normal Deadline for your use due to my poor lack of discipline

Maps of the Orders, and Results; and the dpy file are attached for your use.

This message is in reply to post 15870:

GM's remarks:
My deepest apologies to all; I let myself get talked into some extracurricular activities this evening following our meeting and completely forgot about diplomacy . . . These gentlemen are your boss and your bosses boss. So, when they invite you out for dinner and a drink, the correct answer is "When and where, sir"  . . . not, "I will meet you in an hour or so, sir" . . .  however, I did completely forget Diplomacy until about an hour ago . . . then I had to make my excuses and make a bee line back to the hotel room. . . nearly rear ending on older gal who was doing 45 in a 65 mph speed zone.
Mind full of the fact, the above is not intended as an excuse . . . just and explanation offered with my deepest apology.  Please check your orders closely oto ensure that I have not interperited your orders in my onway instead of yours.  So, without further ado, your adjudication;
The Players:
Austria         Eliminated Winter 1904
England        phantomas               jean-luc granier      phantomas13(at)orange.fr
France          packrat                     scott troemel         brn2dip(at)yahoo.com
Germany       Douglas_E_Fresh   Douglas Fresh       douglasefresh(at)gmail.com
Italy              evapollo88              Greg Olson           olson.gregoryscott(at)gmail.com
Russia          Nigs                         Nigel Phillips         nephilli99(at)hotmail.com
Turkey          Jeremiah                  Jeremiah Lee         dadidea(at)gmail.com
The Orders:
   Eliminated Winter 1904
   F wal, no move received
   A bur - pic
   F cly - nwg (*Fails*)
   F eng Supports F nth - bel
   A mar - bur (*Bounce*)
   F nth - bel
   A trl - mun (*Dislodged*)
   F wes - mao
   A bel - bur (*Dislodged*)
   F den - nth
   F bot - stp(sc)
   A kie, no move received
   A mun Supports A bel - bur (*Cut*)
   A nwy Supports F bot - stp(sc)
   F nwg Supports F den - nth (*Cut*)
   A pru - lvn
   A war - mos (*Fails*)
   F aeg - eas
   F bul(sc) - aeg
   F gre - ion
   F lyo - tys
   A rom - ven
   A tri Supports A ven - trl
   A ven - trl
   A vie Supports A ven - trl
   A mos Supports A stp (*Cut*)
   A rum - gal
   A ser - bul (*Fails*)
   F sev - bla
   A stp Supports F nth - nwy (*Dislodged*)
   A ukr Supports A rum - gal
   F bla - bul(ec)
   A con Supports F bla - bul(ec)
   A smy Supports A con
   German A Belgium can retreat to Holand, Ruhr, or OTB
   Russian A St Petersburg can retreat to Finland, or OTB
   French A Tyrolia shall rereat to Bohemia, Piedmont, or OTB
Centers and Unit Positions:
   Eliminated Winter 1904
   Centers (1) edi.
   Units: F wal
   Build/Disband:  0
   Centers (7) bre, lvp, lon, mar, par, por, spa.
   Units: F bel, F cly, F eng, A mar, F mao, A pic
   Build/Disband:  0
   Centers (9): bel, ber, den, hol, kie, mun, nwy, swe, war.
   Units: A kie, A lvn, A mun, F nth, A nwy, F nwg, F stp(sc), A war
   Build/Disbands: 0
   Centers (Cool bul, gre, nap, rom, tri, tun, ven, vie.
   Units: F aeg, F eas, F ion, A tri, A trl, F tys, A ven, A vie
   Build/Disband:  0
   Centers (6) bud, mos, rum, ser, sev, stp.
   Units: F bla, A gal, A mos, A ser, A ukr
   Build/Disband:  0
   Centers (3) ank, con, smy.
   Units: F bul(ec), A con, A smy
   Build/Disband:  0
1905 Summer Retreat Orders: Tuesday; April 27, 03:00 Hrs GMT.  That is 3 hours beyond our normal Deadline for your use due to my poor lack of discipline
Maps of the Orders, and Results; and the dpy file are attached for your use.

There are 3 Messages in this Thread:

DC317; Spring 1905 Results (dipknight) Apr 27, 12:23 am

DC317; Spring 1905 Results (packrat) Apr 27, 05:39 am

DC317; Spring 1905 Results (dipknight) Apr 27, 06:52 pm

There are 3710 Threads in Winter Blitz:

One Chair Short Diplomacy (hapolley)

winter Blitz? (bunwarpgazoo)

WB16? (Blueraider0)

Winter Blitz 2015 (gizmo8204)

dc492 four-way draw declared (catsfather) [6 Replies]

dc492 reminder (catsfather) [15 Replies]

dc492 draw proposal (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1914 (catsfather)

dc492 Winter 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Fall 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Summer 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Fall 1912 (catsfather) [6 Replies]

dc492 Summer 1912 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1912 (catsfather)

dc492 Winter 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Fall 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Summer 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1911 (catsfather)

Fwd: dc492 Winter 1910 (catsfather)

1 - 20 of 3710 shown [More]

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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