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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc302


Subject:< DC302 - French envoy captured on its way to Russia >
Topic:< dc302 >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Apr 27, 2010 at 5:05 pm
Viewed:1544 times

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Der Spiegel, headlines:

"Norwegian Salmon Endangered
Scientists warn that the naval war in and around the North Sea is endangering the natural habitat of various species, including the Norwegian salmon. At the same time demand is at an all-time high, especially from Russia, which is already leading to overfishing. Prices are soaring and if the war continues the export of the Norwegian Salmon will drop to an all-time low."

"Western diplomats hesitant to visit the Turkish Pasha
Plenty of diplomats travelling between all European capitals. Except one: Istanbul.
No official explanations were provided but a source at the Italian court told us that western diplomats fear the moment they are introduced to the 17 wives of the Pasha. It is hard enough to remember the name of the spouse of the european leaders, but seventeen? And to also remember their ranking, so as not to insult the wives and the Pasha? But even if a diplomat would have the skills to remember all this, there is still the nightmare of having to come up with the proper gift for each of them."

"Italian strike is over
The empire-wide strike that engulfed Italy last Spring seems to be over. We have received reports of troop movements throughout the Mediterannean and the Balkan. It doesn't say whether the troops are moving away from or returning to their motherland but there is definitely an increase of activity near the Alps."

"French export of sardines has tripled
Recently shiploads of canned sardines were seen leaving Brest. The containers were all marked Norway and St Petersburg. The crews seemed to be mixed French and Russian. Surprisingly each ship had a group of heavily-armed officers on board. Could they be expecting trouble along the way?"

"Oktober Festen reinstated
The famous Oktober Festen in Munich will be reinstated. This has been declared by the German Chancellor after the troops had called out victory. Since the French had taken Munich they had tried to close down many of the breweries that Munich is so well-known for. Many of these breweries had continued underground and are now restoring their business."

2010/4/27 Pork Belly <porkbelly00(at)gmail.com>

Deep in his bunker under the troubled Bosphorous, the Pasha is awakened from a watery sleep by his third wife, bearing a silver serving tray with the foreign newspapers and pot of strong black coffee.

"Al-Lah!", he suddenly cries in anger, "The Italians declared another Spring holiday, and why was I not informed of this!", he snaps, spilling hot coffee over his journals.

"But Great One, the Austrian emperor is a drunk and the Russian peasants do nothing but demand the return of their caviar farms," purrs wife number two. "How are we to know of these things?"

"So I must rely on three day-old editions of Der Spiegel, while my armies march to and fro and my mighty fleets do nothing but make traffic jams in the Mediterranean?!", roars the Pasha.

"But Great One, all Asia is ours. Why must we needs worry about the uncultured barbarians to the west?" quivers wife number seven.

"Ah, my wise young kitten, this also too is true." reflects the Pasha. "Quickly, if the emperor has left us any, send two more cases of that awful Greek Ouzo to the French ambassador, with a minstrel to sing praises of their greatness."

"Also be sure to mention that the photographs of Marshal Grenouille in Berlin came out splendidly", he adds, holding up the front page of Der Spiegel.

"And Great One, what of the starving Russian peasants?", weeps wife number five.

"Send them a bottle of olives and tell them they'll just have to make do with salmon.", he mutters, with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Now, peel me another grape, and order the fleet to circle around the Greek islands once again."

"Of course, oh Great One!" seventeen voices chorus together.

There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC302 - French envoy captured on its way to Russia (bielf11) Apr 27, 05:05 pm

There are 37 Threads in dc302:

DC302 EOG (Sean2010)

DC302 Game End Statement (Slangers)

DC302 (psychosis1973)

DC 302 Fall 1907 (psychosis1973)

DC 302 spring 1907 (psychosis1973) [3 Replies]

DC 302 spring 1907 reminder (psychosis1973)

DC302 Clarification (psychosis1973) [3 Replies]

DC302 Winter 1906 adjudication (psychosis1973)

DC302 Fall 1906 adjudication (psychosis1973) [4 Replies]

DC302 status (psychosis1973)

DC302 Fall 1905 adjudication (psychosis1973)

Dc302 Fall reminder (psychosis1973)

It's oh so quiet (Slangers)

DC302 - French envoy captured on its way to Russia (bielf11)

Dc302 Spring 1905 adjudication (psychosis1973) [9 Replies]

Dc302 Winter 1904 adjustments (psychosis1973)

Dc302 Fall 1904 adjudication (psychosis1973) [5 Replies]

DC302 - Germany on the brink of Civil Disorder (bielf11)

Dc302 Spring 1904 reminder (psychosis1973) [3 Replies]

Dc302 Spring 1904 (psychosis1973) [2 Replies]

1 - 20 of 37 shown [More]

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