Fall 1906 sees Germany and England exit the game, with England's fate determined in Spring this year, and Germany seeing France and Russia combine to take over his two remaining centres. Italy NMRs but not two consecutive ones, so doesn't fall into civil disorder.
I've taken the liberty of processing Autumn 1906. This involved disbanding the two German forces - both technically had a retreat, but with no centres, would have been disbanded in winter anyway. For Italy, I've taken the liberty of retreating Naples to it's only valid retreat - Rome, and Western Mediterranean to Tyrennhian Sea. Western Med can retreat to North Africa if needed, so if Italy wants to make that retreat, can they inform me with their winter adjustments.
Winter adjustments due tomorrow Friday 14th May, 2100GMT.
A French solo vote also fails.
Austria: Supp 1 Unit 1 Build 0
England: Supp 0 Unit 1 Remove 1
France: Supp 13 Unit 11 Build 2
Germany: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Italy: Supp 3 Unit 5 Remove 2
Russia: Supp 6 Unit 5 Build 1
Turkey: Supp 11 Unit 8 Build 3
A Budapest, no move received
F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Fails*)
A Belgium Supports F North Sea - Holland
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Kiel
A Burgundy - Munich
F Edinburgh Supports F London - North Sea
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean
F London - North Sea
A Munich - Kiel
F North Sea - Holland
A Ruhr Supports A Munich - Kiel
F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean
F Denmark Supports F Holland - North Sea (*Dislodged*)
F Holland - North Sea (*Dislodged*)
A Naples no move received (*Dislodged*)
A Trieste no move received (*Disbanded*)
F Tunis no move received
A Tyrolia no move received
A Vienna no move received
F Western Mediterranean no move received (*Dislodged*)
F Baltic Sea Supports A Sweden - Denmark
A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Bounce*)
A Norway Hold
A Sweden - Denmark
A Warsaw Hold
F Adriatic Sea - Venice
F Albania Supports A Serbia - Trieste
F Apulia Supports F Ionian Sea - Naples
F Black Sea - Sevastopol (*Bounce*)
A Galicia - Vienna (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Naples
A Serbia - Trieste
A Sevastopol - Ukraine
disband F Denmark
disband F Holland
A Naples - Rome
F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea