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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  Winter Blitz

(4th Annual DC Winter Blitz (WB 2011))

Post:16532 >
Subject:< DC317; Fall and Autumn 1909 Results >
Topic:Winter Blitz >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:May 28, 2010 at 7:24 am
Viewed:638 times

  [New Post]  [Reply]  [Quote]

GM's remarks:
I apologize for the tardiness of these results.  I laied down after a long day at work to relax, waiting for the deadline, and never woke up agan until this morning. Our bodies just won't let us run them into the grave with no concern at times . . . damb it!  Sorry.
Italian retreat performed automatically for the usual reason; Greg if you would have preferred the unit was retreated OTB, please let me know and I will send out a correction with this evenings Build/Disband Orders.
The Players:
   Austria         Eliminated Winter 1904
   England       Eliminated Winter 1905
   France          packrat                     scott troemel         brn2dip(at)yahoo.com  
   Germany      Douglas_E_Fresh   Douglas Fresh       douglasefresh(at)gmail.com
   Italy             evapollo88              Greg Olson           olson.gregoryscott(at)gmail.com  
   Russia          Nigs                         Nigel Phillips         nephilli99(at)hotmail.com
   Turkey          Eliminated Winter 1906
The Orders:
   Eliminated Winter 1904
   Eliminated Winter 1905
   F lvp - cly
   F lon Supports F nth
   A bel Supports A mun - ruh (*Cut*)
   A boh - trl (*Bounce*)
   F cly - edi
   A den, no move received
   A hol Supports A bel
   A kie Supports A hol
   A mun - ruh
   F adr Supports A ven - tri
   F aeg - con (*Fails*)
   F eas - smy (*Bounce*)
   A gre - ser (*Bounce*)
   F nao Supports F lvp - cly
   F nth Supports A pic - bel (*Cut*)
   A pic - bel (*Fails*)
   A pie - trl (*Bounce*)
   A ruh - bur
   A tri - ser (*Dislodged*)
   A ven - tri (*Fails*)
   A arm - smy (*Bounce*)
   F bla Supports A rum - bul (*Fails*)
   A bud Supports A trl - tri
   F bul(sc) - gre (*Fails*)
   A con Supports A arm - smy (*Cut*)
   F nwy - nth (*Fails*)
   A rum - bul (*Fails*)
   A ser Supports F bul(sc) - gre (*Cut*)
   F smy - aeg (*Fails*)
   A stp - mos
   A swe - nwy (*Fails*)
   A trl - tri
   A vie Supports A trl - tri
   F yor Supports F nwy - nth
   Eliminated Winter 1906
   Italy: A tri - alb
Centers and Unit Positions:
   Eliminated Winter 1904
   Eliminated Winter 1905
   Centers (2) lvp lon
   Units: F cly F lon
   Build/Disband:  0
   Centers (7): bel ber den edi hol kie mun
   Units: A bel A boh A den F edi A hol A kie A ruh
   Build/Disbands: 0
   Centers (10) bre gre mar nap par por rom spa tun ven
   Units: F adr F aeg A alb A bur F eas A gre F nao F nth A pic A pie A ven
   Build/Disband:  -1
   Centers (15) ank bud bul con mos nwy rum ser sev smy stp swe tri vie war
   Units: A arm F bla A bud F bul(sc) A con A mos F nwy A rum A ser F smy A swe A tri A vie F yor
   Build/Disband:  +1
   Eliminated Winter 1906
1909 Winter Orders: Saturday; May 29, 3:00 Hrs GMT.  (3 hour extension due to the late adjudication.  If you need longer than that, please let me know so that I can post the extension to everyone.)
Maps of the Orders, Retreat and Results; and, the dpy file are attached for your use.

There are 6 Messages in this Thread:

DC317; Fall and Autumn 1909 Results (dipknight) May 28, 07:24 am

DC317; Fall and Autumn 1909 Results (evapollo88) May 28, 08:46 am

DC317; Fall and Autumn 1909 Results (Nigs) May 28, 08:57 am

DC317; Fall and Autumn 1909 Results (evapollo88) May 28, 09:38 am

DC317; Fall and Autumn 1909 Results (Nigs) May 28, 09:46 am

DC317; Fall and Autumn 1909 Results (Douglas_E_Fresh) May 28, 10:07 am

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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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