We're missing Warren's F1900 builds.
A little soap-boxing here (and I need to say in advance that Warren is not alone in having been late so far)...
I like to run games without NMRs. If a player is late, I postpone the adjudication until I receive orders.
This only works if players are timely. Otherwise, I get taken advantage of (in not quite the same way that John took advantage of me in DC 340...), and then the game slows down, and everybody has less fun, and the offending player gets booted.
Anarchy requires more player commitment, and I really don't want to find myself recruiting players for this off-kilter variant.
So, now that we're into the actual game-play, please get orders in on time. And use prelims! Use prelims! Use prelims! Use prelims! [If you wonder how some players go through life without a single NMR... it's PRELIMS!]