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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc339

(Ancient World)

Post:< 18848 
Subject:< DC339: Rome's Resignation >
Topic:< dc339 >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Dec 24, 2010 at 12:44 pm
Viewed:1510 times

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Diplomacy always seems to trail off at the end of a game, which is why I enjoy the beginning of a game more than the end stages.


But I'm having trouble understanding your lament in this instance. When you returned to the game after your leave of absence, you didn't drop me a message saying you were back. I had to send you an email to find out you were back in the game.


Then when I did send you an email offering to resume negotiations, you said you had to study the board before you could reply. But you failed to write back.


When Lynn took Sardinia, I sent you an email asking about the stab. You wrote me a one word answer. And the only reason you know that I'm controlling Ross's units is because I told you in case you wanted to coordinate orders with Germania, Persia, or both. Again, no reply from you.


I'm not complaining, mind you. I'm just confused as to why you are dissatisfied enough with the level of diplomacy to quit the game, but not enough to actually conduct any.


As for Lynn, he's obviously a talented player and a proficient enough diplomat to forge a very effective alliance with you. But I need to be entertained, and Lynn is way more entertaining when he's mad. So I say things like, "Lynn has all the charm of a bullfrog with halitosis." And then he huffs and puffs and I giggle and take another center from him.


It's all in the name of fun.


As for draws, an MCP 3-way is the most logical. I'm happy to vote for that. I'm also happy to vote for a DIAS draw. It's the journey, not the destination as they say.




P.S. Hey, it's Justin! He has my vote for the most dedicated player in this game. He hasn't stopped fighting and he's pursued every diplomatic channel open to him. An impressive effort in a difficult position.



--- On Fri, 12/24/10, Michael Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Michael Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: DC339: Rome's Resignation
To: "Christopher Lockheardt" <clockheardt(at)yahoo.com>, "Michael Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>, coebq(at)yahoo.com, hancockfc(at)yahoo.com, justin(at)darkenedpath.com, ross826(at)gmail.com, mlb767(at)aim.com, fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
Cc: "dc339" <dc339(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Date: Friday, December 24, 2010, 11:11 AM

It's not a grievance but rather a statement that Lynn has concurred with that there is very little actualll dipping going on and the game has seemed to have lost its momentum.. exept for a litte missive here and there the fun of diploming seems to be absent,  we havent seen much scheming at all for a few years!  and no sign that anything will change.  it bogged down very quickly into a war game rather than a game of diplomacy. and i do not see any change to that.

From: Christopher Lockheardt <clockheardt(at)yahoo.com>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; coebq(at)yahoo.com; hancockfc(at)yahoo.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; ross826(at)gmail.com; mlb767(at)aim.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se; Michael Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: dc339 <dc339(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Fri, December 24, 2010 9:53:29 AM
Subject: DC339: Rome's Resignation


I'm sorry you're upset about the current state of the game. I wouldn't think you'd mind Ross proxying his units to me while he is tied up in real life, as you asked Lynn to do the same favor for you when you were out of pocket earlier in the game. I have done my best to order as I think Ross would have done. I didn't even tell Matt that I was in control of Ross's units until I needed his support into Treva.

As for me and Matt's alliance, I admit we have been pretty carebear about it. But not egregiously so. We both take pains to keep stab defenses in place, and we both have kept diplomatic channels open with the other players. Unfortunately, Matt's alliance with you crumbled when you made a provocative build without due warning while at the same time leaving a gap in your defenses. And Lynn keeps forcing me to take his centers by leaving them wide open. Meanwhile, Matt has been a dutiful correspondent while you have
been often absent and, when present, unresponsive. And of course Lynn has all the diplomatic skills of a skunk with hemorrhoids.

Again, I'm sorry you're frustrated with the game. I invite you to air your grievances in more detail as I'm always trying to be a better player and I know I have much to learn.


--- On Thu, 12/23/10, Michael Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Michael Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: dc339 special holiday edition
To: "Michael Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>, coebq(at)yahoo.com, hancockfc(at)yahoo.com, justin(at)darkenedpath.com, ross826(at)gmail.com, mlb767(at)aim.com, clockheardt(at)yahoo.com, fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
Cc: "dc339" <dc339(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Date: Thursday, December 23, 2010, 11:10 PM

The two largest nations allied and with persia controlling Germanica's orders  -  not much of a game  Rome Resigns!

From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
To: coebq(at)yahoo.com; hancockfc(at)yahoo.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; mjn82(at)yahoo.com; ross826(at)gmail.com; mlb767(at)aim.com; clockheardt(at)yahoo.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
Cc: dc339 <dc339(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thu, December 23, 2010 10:05:42 PM
Subject: dc339 special holiday edition

This special holiday edition of your Ancient World brings plenty of strife, lots of failed orders, and dislodgements all across the board.  Hope you???re all enjoying the holiday cheer???


2 retreats!


Carthaginian F Treva can retreat to Mare Suevieum or O.Germanicus or Scandia.

Roman A Genua can retreat to Helvetii.


I just nudged them to Scandia and Helvetii, to make the builds easier.  If Carthage prefers the Mare Suev or O.Ger, he???s welcome to amend w the winter turn by the winter deadline.


Seems like Germania and Rome are on Santa???s naughty list, and not only get coal for Christmas, but they owe up some units.  Persia is on the good list w a unit to build, and Macedonia, well, we don???t know what he???s up to w jolly ole??? Santa to get the big +2.  But good job nonetheless!


Germania: Remove 1

Macedonia: Build 2

Persia: Build 1

Rome: Remove 1

Carthage: Could pull the retreat and be +1 instead.


Want to squeak in builds this holiday?  How about by Monday / 27th, or I???ll send out whenever I get a set of 4.  But being the holidays, I won???t NMR anyone if you???re late for this one.


Enjoy, and Have a great Christmas,




F O.Britannicus - Aliso

F Numidian Sea Supports F Numidia - Carthage

A Gaetulia Supports F Numidia - Carthage

F Numidia - Carthage (*Fails*)

A Burdigala - Narbonensis (*Fails*)

A Lugdunum - Lutetia

F Treva Supports F O.Britannicus - Aliso (*Dislodged*)

A Narbonensis - Lugdunum (*Fails*)

F Sardinia - Tyrhennian Sea (*Fails*)



A Memphis Hold

A Thebes Supports A Memphis



A Helvetii - Lugdunum

A Aliso - Treva

A Raetia Supports A Aqueleia - Genua

A Belgica Supports A Helvetii - Lugdunum

F Britannia - O.Britannicus



F Ionian Sea - Sicilia (*Fails*)

F Aegaeum Mare - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)

F Pontus Euxinus Hold

A Aestui Supports A Aliso - Treva

A Aqueleia - Genua

F Apulia - Neapolis (*Bounce*)

A Umbria - Roma (*Fails*)

A Iazyges - Biskupin

A Pannonia - Aqueleia

F Creta Supports F Aegaeum Mare - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)



F Syrtis Major Supports F Carthage

F Lybian Sea Supports F Lycian Sea

F Gulf of Judea Supports F Lybian Sea

F Lycian Sea Supports F Lybian Sea

F Carthage Supports F Ionian Sea - Punic Sea (*Void*)

A Alexandria, no move received

A Sinai - Memphis (*Fails*)

A Cyrenaica Supports F Carthage

A Armenia - Cartenna (*Fails*)



F Tyrhennian Sea - Neapolis (*Bounce*)

A Genua Supports A Roma (*Dislodged*)

A Roma Supports A Genua (*Cut*)

F Sicilia - Neapolis (*Bounce*)


This message is in reply to post 18839:


I'm sorry you're upset about the current state of the game. I wouldn't think you'd mind Ross proxying his units to me while he is tied up in real life, as you asked Lynn to do the same favor for you when you were out of pocket earlier in the game. I have done my best to order as I think Ross would have done. I didn't even tell Matt that I was in control of Ross's units until I needed his support into Treva.

As for me and Matt's alliance, I admit we have been pretty carebear about it. But not egregiously so. We both take pains to keep stab defenses in place, and we both have kept diplomatic channels open with the other players. Unfortunately, Matt's alliance with you crumbled when you made a provocative build without due warning while at the same time leaving a gap in your defenses. And Lynn keeps forcing me to take his centers by leaving
them wide open. Meanwhile, Matt has been a dutiful correspondent while you have been often absent and, when present, unresponsive. And of course Lynn has all the diplomatic skills of a skunk with hemorrhoids.

Again, I'm sorry you're frustrated with the game. I invite you to air your grievances in more detail as I'm always trying to be a better player and I know I have much to learn.


--- On Thu, 12/23/10, Michael Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Michael Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: dc339 special holiday edition
To: "Michael Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>, coebq(at)yahoo.com, hancockfc(at)yahoo.com, justin(at)darkenedpath.com, ross826(at)gmail.com, mlb767(at)aim.com, clockheardt(at)yahoo.com, fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
Cc: "dc339" <dc339(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Date: Thursday, December
23, 2010, 11:10 PM

The two largest nations allied and with persia controlling Germanica's orders  -  not much of a game  Rome Resigns!

From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
To: coebq(at)yahoo.com; hancockfc(at)yahoo.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; mjn82(at)yahoo.com; ross826(at)gmail.com; mlb767(at)aim.com; clockheardt(at)yahoo.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
Cc: dc339 <dc339(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thu, December 23, 2010 10:05:42 PM
Subject: dc339 special holiday edition

This special holiday edition of your Ancient World brings plenty of strife, lots of failed orders, and dislodgements all across the board.  Hope you???re all enjoying the holiday cheer???


2 retreats!


Carthaginian F Treva can retreat to Mare Suevieum or O.Germanicus or Scandia.

Roman A Genua can retreat to Helvetii.


I just nudged them to Scandia and Helvetii, to make the builds easier.  If Carthage prefers the Mare Suev or O.Ger, he???s welcome to amend w the winter turn by the winter deadline.


Seems like Germania and Rome are on Santa???s naughty list, and not only get coal for Christmas, but they owe up some units.  Persia is on the good list w a unit to build, and Macedonia, well, we don???t know what he???s up to w jolly ole??? Santa to get the big +2.  But good job nonetheless!


Germania: Remove 1

Macedonia: Build 2

Persia: Build 1

Rome: Remove 1

Carthage: Could pull the retreat and be +1 instead.


Want to squeak in builds this holiday?  How about by Monday / 27th, or I???ll send out whenever I get a set of 4.  But being the holidays, I won???t NMR anyone if you???re late for this one.


Enjoy, and Have a great Christmas,




F O.Britannicus - Aliso

F Numidian Sea Supports F Numidia - Carthage

A Gaetulia Supports F Numidia - Carthage

F Numidia - Carthage (*Fails*)

A Burdigala - Narbonensis (*Fails*)

A Lugdunum - Lutetia

F Treva Supports F O.Britannicus - Aliso (*Dislodged*)

A Narbonensis - Lugdunum (*Fails*)

F Sardinia - Tyrhennian Sea (*Fails*)



A Memphis Hold

A Thebes Supports A Memphis



A Helvetii - Lugdunum

A Aliso - Treva

A Raetia Supports A Aqueleia - Genua

A Belgica Supports A Helvetii - Lugdunum

F Britannia - O.Britannicus



F Ionian Sea - Sicilia (*Fails*)

F Aegaeum Mare - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)

F Pontus Euxinus Hold

A Aestui Supports A Aliso - Treva

A Aqueleia - Genua

F Apulia - Neapolis (*Bounce*)

A Umbria - Roma (*Fails*)

A Iazyges - Biskupin

A Pannonia - Aqueleia

F Creta Supports F Aegaeum Mare - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)



F Syrtis Major Supports F Carthage

F Lybian Sea Supports F Lycian Sea

F Gulf of Judea Supports F Lybian Sea

F Lycian Sea Supports F Lybian Sea

F Carthage Supports F Ionian Sea - Punic Sea (*Void*)

A Alexandria, no move received

A Sinai - Memphis (*Fails*)

A Cyrenaica Supports F Carthage

A Armenia - Cartenna (*Fails*)



F Tyrhennian Sea - Neapolis (*Bounce*)

A Genua Supports A Roma (*Dislodged*)

A Roma Supports A Genua (*Cut*)

F Sicilia - Neapolis (*Bounce*)


There are 9 Messages in this Thread:

DC339: Rome's Resignation (The_Blurbist) Dec 24, 09:53 am

DC339: Rome's Resignation (mjn82) Dec 24, 10:11 am

DC339: Rome's Resignation (mjn82) Dec 24, 10:14 am

DC339: Rome's Resignation (hancockfc) Dec 24, 10:21 am

DC339: Rome's Resignation (mjn82) Dec 24, 10:28 am

DC339: Rome's Resignation (mjn82) Dec 24, 10:29 am

DC339: Rome's Resignation (TheFinalCountdown) Dec 24, 11:40 am

DC339: Rome's Resignation (Joral) Dec 24, 11:58 am

DC339: Rome's Resignation (The_Blurbist) Dec 24, 12:44 pm

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dc339 special holiday edition (FuzzyLogic) [2 Replies]

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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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