So, I intentionally misled you with the subject line, because I want you to read this.
The adjudication is, in fact, delayed (ahem, Italy). This is Shawn's second NMR. This is the ninth NMR of this game (so, this note is not meant specifically for Shawn). This trend is disturbing because it feels like more adjudications are delayed these days than go through on time. There is no chief offender (Harry was ejected), so really, I'm not busting any one butt in particular. It's a team thing. But there have been enough delays that, well... that I'm writing this email.
The whole point of this email? I think we can finish this game without any more NMRs. Please do your best to help.
In the interests of positive reinforcement, I'd like to point out that both Catie and Gareth have beaten the deadline every season this game.
p.s. In case you think it can't be done... DC 345 is currently in the midst of its sixth game year without a single NMR, and it's an 8-player variant with three eliminations already!
p.p.s. As one player pointed out to me this last season, my rules do not severely penalize you for being late. You get an NMR in the club stats, and if you are a frequent abuser or are late a few days, you get booted (like Harry). Weak as it is, I still (for now) prefer this system to the harsher standard of NMR = all units hold (which can really screw a game). This means that timeliness is ultimately a matter of sportsmanship.