I don't mind either whatever we decide to do, so long as everyone is happy.
If Saurabh wants to continue, why not give him the warning, and then give a new deadline for the current move?
From: Mat Power <mathew.t.power(at)gmail.com>
To: Trust Me <trustmedpl(at)gmail.com>
Cc: Dave Labreche <pebbleanddrag(at)yahoo.ca>; Dave Labreche <davela(at)shaw.ca>; DC352 Forum <dc352(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Dorian Love <dlove(at)roedeanschool.co.za>; Dorian Love <lisabetta(at)iafrica.com>; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Ivo Ivanov <ivo(at)melontech.com>; Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com>; Saurabh Garg <sgarg1985(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Mon, 7 February, 2011 23:53:55
Subject: Re: DC352 - England 2nd NMR
I'll go with whatever everyone else decides.
On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Trust Me <trustmedpl(at)gmail.com> wrote:
As this is my first game as GM, I copied another person's rules. So I
wasn't entirely sure what my published rules were regarding NMR's. I
just reread them, and after England's NMR I should have sent him a
note warning him that a 2nd NMR would result in Anarchy. Since I
didn't do so, I will leave it up to the rest of the group to help
decide his fate. If you think we should put him in Anarchy while I
search for a replacement, I will do so, if he is willing to stay in
the game this can serve as his official warning.
Let me know either privately or reply to all.
-- TrustMe