Monday is today!
However since I'm obviously not very good at math and I counted out today being the 23rd, I can't really NMR anyone so if I'm short anything I'll hold up till the 23rd (Wed). But I did mean Monday... Honest.
From: Michael Sims
Sent: Wed 3/16/2011 2:56 PM
To: alwayshunted(at); baz.dip(at); welsh_stroud(at); Garry Bledsoe; Jason Koelewyn; dan.i.sinensky(at); jdtsoft(at); justin(at); markjsmith60(at); hall.jeff(at); kelly058(at); wealllovekatamari(at); ndeily(at); mrh(at); Maxatrest(at); pjh5000(at); Spinozas(at); tomjnkns.IL(at); michael.alan.walters(at); dc354
Subject: dc354 w04 builds!
At last our long-awaited builds! We bid the truly fondest of fond farewells to our Archer and Centaur friends, and also watch as the neglected empire of the Undead plunges into the perpetual chaos of civil disorder. Fleets that once sailed magically with tattered sails and hole-ridden hulls mysteriously disappear in the Sea of Shadows while skeletons on the beaches of Thunderhead collapse into decaying piles of bones never to move again.
Archers: Remove A Critter Country
Barbarians: Remove A Arctic Barrens, A Shady Vale
Faeries: Build F Ella, A Vinyaya, A Spiral Castle
Hobbits: Build A Krikkit, A Lindon
Knights: Build A Arborlon
Ogres: Remove A Diamond Mines, F Lankhmar
Pirates: Build F Riku, F Never Never Land
Rogues: Build F Dargaard Keep
Trolls: Build A Niflheim
Undead: Defaults, removing F RIVER STYX, F WEST SEA OF SHADOWS
Wizards: Remove A Shining Stream
NEXT: Spring 05 due next Monday 3/23, 3pm Central!