Here are the builds and disbands. Prelims due in 18 hours; final Spring 05 orders due in ~114 hours!
Carthage - alhabashi / Jim Tapp / namaanbathing(at)
Egypt - ConradW / Charles Welsh / welsh_stroud(at)
Greece - fencertim / Tim Crosby / tim_crosby(at)
Persia - pedros / Pete Dale / pete(at)
Rome - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell(at)
Will balanced Egyptians investments continue their growth?
Greek triremes mothballed
Persian leaders look to heaven for guidance
Praetorians sharpening swords
Roman Press:
Rome - After yesterday's pronouncement by Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus that Athens, even while it burns, shall be Rome's official new Cultural Capital, it does appear to be the case that a love of all things Greek has become the official cultural trend in Rome this year. Manicus Onthestreeticus had this to say: "Them Greeks, they invented philosophy 'n culture 'n stuff, innit they? Tha's right, innit? Now bugger off while I go bone my new slaves." We applaud the wisdom of the common Roman patrician on this issue.
The Greek government currently in tatters could not be reached for comment.
Build A Neapolis
Disband F Antioch
Disband A Isauria
Retreat A Cheronesus - Dacia
Disband F Crete
Build A Cyrene
Build F Alexandria
Ownership of supply centers
Carthage: Carthage, Cirta, Leptis, Numidia, Thapsus
Egypt: Alexandria, Cyprus, Cyrene, Jerusalem, Memphis, Petra, Sidon, Thebes, Tyre
Greece: Byzantium, Crete, Macedonia, Miletus, Sinope, Sparta
Persia: Antioch, Chersonesus, Damascus
Rome: Athens, Baleares, Dalmatia, Massilia, Neapolis, Ravenna, Roma, Saguntum, Sardinia, Sicilia, Vindonona
Carthage: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Remove 0.
Egypt: 9 Supply centers, 9 Units: Build 0.
Greece: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Remove 0.
Persia: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Remove 0.
Rome: 11 Supply centers, 11 Units: Build 0.
Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
Spring 05 Prelims, Friday April 22
Spring 05 Orders, Tuesday April 26
Summer 05 Retreats, Thursday April 28
Fall 05 Prelims, Friday April 29
Fall 05 Orders, Tuesday May 3
Winter 04 Retreats and Adjustments, Thursday May 5