In the words of the Yahoo! mail blog:
"I wanted to give an update on the service outage some of our users have experienced today. The issue started at 7:30AM and at it???s worst, around 11AM, about one million users were unable to access their email. We have isolated the root causes of the problem and have restored service. No email data was lost or at risk.
We understand that being denied access to your email is extremely frustrating. We are taking steps to prevent this kind of outage in the future."
Your GM was without mail from mid-morning through evening yesterday. Which means that the already overdue adjudication (which will lead to a couple of NMRs) is only happening now.
Turkey retreats:
F Constantinople - Ankara
A Smyrna disbands
Italy builds:
A Venice
The upcoming Spring orders will be due next Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. CST.
I already have two sets of prelims for the Spring. I will confirm those in a moment.
Thanks for your patience,