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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  Winter Blitz

(4th Annual DC Winter Blitz (WB 2011))

Subject:< DC376 WB11 Rd 2 - Spring 1911 Results >
Topic:Winter Blitz >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Jun 06, 2011 at 7:50 pm
Viewed:830 times

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Greetings, Players.

I feel like I owe you all an apology for delivering a string of entirely flavorless adjudications lately.  Sorry.  Seems like I've just run out of inspiration.  Maybe the game has been a little sedate lately, compared to the first 8 or 9 years, anyway, but it is equally true that things have been really hopping at home and work lately.  Hope to see things quiet down in a couple of weeks.

Luckily, here to save us from our ennui, it's the return of press!


Bruce Rayne looked at his assembled crew and sighed.  An Italian with
an English accent, a German who readily admitted that he was Mad as a Hatter, a
Russian who had basically abandoned his homeland to roam the world sacking major
cities in the nations of his "allies" and a suicidal Frenchman scratching at the
door, begging to be let in.  This is Team Not Tony?  Rayne well
understood the power of TNT and he was tired of the solo act he had been
pursuing since that embarrassing night when Robin "came out" and tried crawling
into bed with him, but maybe he could stick a knife in the back of a couple of
these assembled caricatures and STILL stop the evil Tony from taking over a
majority of Europolis.  Nevertheless, Rayne called the meeting to


The Russian spoke first:  "Will someone go out and shoot that French
dog?  His scratching is driving me nuts."  The accented Italian
opined:  "That would be a short drive, even though your nuts have been
vindicated."  The German just giggled.  Rayne opened the door to shoot
the dog, but the rabid poodle ran away and Rayne didn't have the will to


The Italian took a big gulp from his pint (while Rayne mused on the Riddle
of an Italian preferring ale to wine) and said:  "We don't have to kill
Tony, just make certain he is unable to add to his evil empire.  Let's just
make peace and move on to the next episode.  I hear that Cat Woman will be
back in a skimpier outfit."  But the German yelled:  "KILL HIM. 
cur is scratching again."  Rayne pointed out that the censors wouldn't
allow any disemboweling or nut severing.  He sighed again.  The
German's giggling really was giving him a headache.


"We need a plan," said Rayne.  "Let the Turk play Edward II the way
the Bard wrote it," giggled the German.  "I'm the Joker with the poker," he
continued.  "Containment, containment, more ale," burped the Green
Hornini.  "Shoot the cur," offered the Russian.


Maybe Robin wasn't so bad after all.

EOG Proposal:  The 5-draw (EGIRT) fails.


New EOG Proposal:  6-way draw including all active countries:  England, France, Germany, Italy, Russia & Turkey.  Reminder to all that votes on EOG proposals must be resubmitted each Spring and Fall turn.  Perpetual votes (like perpetual orders) are not allowed.

NEXT DEADLINE:  Fall orders and votes on the latest proposal are due Thursday, May 9, at 18:00 EDT.


Orders as resolved.
F Clyde - North Atlantic Ocean
F Denmark - Baltic Sea
F English Channel - Belgium (*Bounce*)
F Holland - Belgium (*Bounce*)
F Wales - Irish Sea

A Burgundy Hold

A Berlin - Prussia
A Kiel - Munich (*Fails*)

F Adriatic
Sea Supports F Ionian Sea
F Brest Hold
F Ionian Sea Hold
F Naples Supports F Ionian Sea
A Spain - Portugal
A Trieste - Albania (*Fails*)
F Tunis Supports F Ionian Sea
A Tyrolia - Piedmont
A Venice Supports A Trieste (*Ordered to Move*)
F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean
A Munich - Silesia (*Bounce*)
A Norway Supports A St Petersburg
A St Petersburg, no move received

F Aegean Sea Hold
F Albania Hold
A Bohemia - Silesia (*Bounce*)
A Budapest Supports A Vienna
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
F Eastern Mediterranean Hold
F Greece Supports F Albania
A Livonia Hold
A Moscow Hold
A Serbia Hold
A Smyrna - Armenia
A Vienna Hold

There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC376 WB11 Rd 2 - Spring 1911 Results (Corrino) Jun 06, 07:50 pm

There are 3710 Threads in Winter Blitz:

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dc492 Spring 1912 (catsfather)

dc492 Winter 1911 (catsfather)

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dc492 Summer 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1911 (catsfather)

Fwd: dc492 Winter 1910 (catsfather)

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