And that weird result was:
French A Burgundy can retreat to Paris or Gascony.
----- Original Message ----
From: Thomas Fletcher <tfletch33(at)>
To: Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)>; mrh(at); lebaron0819(at); ddz999cat23(at); jwp1965(at); jehannum_raver(at); sturmkraehe(at); landru428(at); blitz(at)
Cc: Michael Sims <mike(at)>; Former Trout <former.trout(at)>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 6:04:39 PM
Subject: Re: Dc150 Sping 1903 Results
Are things shaking out ..or locking up?! Hard to tell.
Also, a weird result in Burgundy/Ruhr...Real Politics says this result stands..but have to admit I'm a bit puzzled...
..So as always..CHECK MY WORK!
A Budapest - Rumania
A Galicia Supports A Budapest - Rumania
A Greece - Bulgaria
A Serbia Supports A Greece - Bulgaria
A Silesia Supports A Galicia
A Belgium Supports A Burgundy - Ruhr
F English Channel Supports A Belgium
F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh
F Yorkshire - North Sea
A Burgundy - Ruhr
A Marseilles - Burgundy
F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Picardy Supports A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles
F Denmark - North Sea
A Holland Supports F North Sea - Belgium
A Munich - Burgundy
F North Sea - Belgium
A Ruhr Supports A Munich - Burgundy
F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna
F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Piedmont - Tyrolia
A Smyrna - Armenia
A Moscow - Ukraine
F Norway Supports F Denmark - North Sea
F Sevastopol Supports A Rumania
F St Petersburg(nc) - Barents Sea
A Ukraine - Galicia
A Warsaw Supports A Ukraine - Galicia
F Ankara, no move received
F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Rumania Supports A Ukraine - Galicia