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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  Winter Blitz

(4th Annual DC Winter Blitz (WB 2011))

Post:< 22948 >
Subject:< DC 413 Draw Passes! >
Topic:Winter Blitz >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Apr 02, 2012 at 10:57 am
Viewed:727 times

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Not sure if we'll see any more EoG's, though I really hope we do! Here's my take on things...

From the outside perspective, it seemed like there was a lot of shifting of alliances s it was sort of hard to keep track of what was really going on. I think it was about winter of 1902 that I mentally made my prediction of a strong finish for Germany and/or Turkey. And I was dead wrong. Still, both played well, and in my mind this game will always be "The one where Germany took Sevastapol in 1902." As has been mentioned, I think that rogue unit had a big impact on the early game. If nothing else, it developed the blood feud between Germany and Russia that essentially undid them both.

I think turkey had a strong showing, but seemed unable to gain a solid alliance.

Germany was ambitious, perhaps overly so, as it appears he was attacking Russia and England both when he was stabbed by France.

England did fine. His downfall was the French F Bre-Eng in Spring 02, which I'm not certain he could have predicted. once the channel fell, he had to play defensively, and thus lost the ground he had gained.

Russia started out well, but just got dog-piled. Not sure if that was a diplomatic failing, or if it was just "one of those things" where the stars aligned against him. I remember an email from him with his F02 moves being "cautiously optimistic" about the game. That was the turn he was attacked by all four of his neighbors. However, with grit and determination, he managed to eke out a survival, outlasting every other power besides the victors. That says volumes.

Austria and Italy, they were one of the very few (maybe only) alliances that lasted all game. I think this was their success. I am surprised that the two powers with so many combined NMRs managed to win, and frankly, that sort of irks the GM side of me. Smile But at the same time, they did do a good job of setting up a defense against France, and they deserved the draw.

France played the game well, obviously. He certainly earned his lion's share in the draw, and came very close to soloing. The last couples rounds were sort of guessing games, and those are tough ones to call especially as a player.

Congrats to the 3 draw participants! You were a good group to work with! I'm sure I'll see some of you in round two!


This message is in reply to post 22924:

Hey all,
At long last, the war is over. A Three-way draw is awarded to France, Austria, and Italy. Russia is granted a survival. Interestingly, The draws have come incredibly close to passing on several occassions, in fact each turn I believe the draw(s) were thwarted by only a single vote, which was occassionally the automatic NO assigned to an NMR. Congrats to the winners, and thanks to all the players. I hope it was enjoyable for you. I'd love to have you all share your EoG perspectives.
I'm sure I'll see some of you in round two, either as your GM once again, or as a fellow player. Best of luck to you all!

There are 5 Messages in this Thread:

DC 413 Draw Passes! (untitled36) Mar 29, 11:04 pm

DC 413 Draw Passes! (untitled36) Apr 02, 10:57 am

DC 413 Draw Passes! (TheFinalCountdown) Apr 02, 11:12 am

DC 413 Draw Passes! (ilovethechiefs) Apr 02, 12:35 pm

DC 413 Draw Passes! (thecount1282) Apr 02, 02:41 pm

There are 3710 Threads in Winter Blitz:

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dc492 Spring 1914 (catsfather)

dc492 Winter 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Fall 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Summer 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Fall 1912 (catsfather) [6 Replies]

dc492 Summer 1912 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1912 (catsfather)

dc492 Winter 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Fall 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Summer 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1911 (catsfather)

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