Austria - RickHunter - Mike Brady
England - metalwarlord - Stuart Winch
France- Godzilla - Marc Peters
Germany - Pete - Pete Marinaro
Italy - RICH3520 - RICH SLOPER - eliminated Winter '04
Russia - dkleiman - Dave Kleiman - eliminated Winter '08
Turkey - fantomas - jean-luc granier - eliminated Winter '11
The End Game Proposal passes. We have a three way draw Austria England France. Germany gets survival.
If I have done the math correctly the final points are:
3 Way Draw:
Austria 12 + 1.5 = 13.5
England 12 + .8 = 12.8
France 12 + 1 = 13
Germany 4 + .1 = 4.1
Italy 2
Russia 2
Turkey 2
Thank you all for playing. I know you're busy starting up your 2nd round games but i hope you'll take time to write EOGs. I enjoy watching games unfold, it is always interewsiting to me to hear about the game from an insiders point of view.
Best of Luck in round 2,
"It appears your friends don't experience a normal life expectancy." - unknown