Hi Guys,
Best wishes for a great weekend!
Press from Turkey (autumn/winter 1903): I would like to publicly
apologize to the peoples of Bulgaria for confusing their country with
Constantinople. This was a clerical error, and the parties involved are
currently on administrative leave pending an internal investigation.
Thank you for your understanding as we all work through this unfortunate
and, frankly, embarassing incident. The damage has been done, and now
is a time for healing. (I should note, in my defense, that I actually
did label it as F Con in the orders I submitted, not A Con. I knew it
was a fleet, I just didn't know where it was.)
Germany hangs on, Russia hangs in there, will Italy/AH hang together or separately, Italy about to be hung out to dry!
Russia: A Norway - St Petersburg
Austria: Build A Vienna
Germany: Build waived
Italy: Remove A Venice
NEXT DEADLINE: Spring 1904 orders are due Monday, April 30, by 18:00 Eastern time.