I wish I had the time to write as detailed a report as some of you do. I
just starting playing again last year after a very long absence and have learned
I must work on my communication skills.
When nobody move
against Russia the first year that put him in a very strong position. When
France skipped the first turn Germany and England should have divided her up
quickly and Germany move against Russia and England into the Med.but
there seems to be some personal conflict between the two players.
sensed Austria and Italy were plotting against me so I felt I had
little choice but to work with Russia. I made some weak moves and got myself
boxed in the corner unable to do much of anything. I found the Russian Rick to
be a very good ally. Although the moves we made for the most part only benefited
Russia I really did not see any alternative. He kept his word to me when he
could have finished me off and I would have stuck with him to the end. A
well deserved win.
Rich Sloper