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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc404


Post:< 23705 
Subject:< DC404 Complete 
Topic:< dc404 >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Jun 12, 2012 at 8:30 pm
Viewed:1356 times

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DC404 Russia End
of Game:

Leaders of

It was a
pleasure, despite all, and I do really hope to play against any of you again in
the future.

First, a
Big thanks to Eamon for taking over out game. 
I really appreciate it.  I wish
for us and for you the game would have played all the way out.  I liked your style and graphics - very cool.  Keep the flags!  I know you have only done a few games, but you
will be a great GM.

Second, a
thanks to Mike, our original GM.  Hope
all is well - sorry you had to drop, whatever the reason.  Life can do that.

For the

I did not
mean to be such a doofus there at the end with my idea about keeping the game
going.  I have actually been playing in
Diplomatic Corp since the beginning about 12 years ago.  I have had a great time, but far, far too few
solos.  I tend to make a solid coalition
partner who ends in victorious draws. 
For this game, I was going for a solo for a change, as the game was
meant to be.  That is why I really wanted
to keep going despite all the turmoil.  However,
it took a few rants I could realize DC404 was just beyond salvage.  No problem - and thanks to all for even
entertaining my last shot.

 What that
really means is  --- despite appearances ----
I was going to stab the hell out of Gerry when it could really make a
difference for me.  I know Jyri (France) and
Mikael (England) would find that hard to believe as many times as I politely
refused to turn to the dark side, but I was ...like a true diplomat when/if the
time proved right.  The catch is that
Gerry, like a true Gerry (German) was about the best (apparent) ally I could
get.  We were spot-on allies like Jyri
and Mikael were - hence the tough as nails pace up north.  I agree with Gerry in that we were getting through
due to good play and some luck.  I think
we would have had England and then France.

Based on
the other EOGs, looks like most likely Gerry and I would have both got a bunch
of E/F centers, then he was certainly going to be gunning for me, and I for him
as I assume Gerry was also going for a solo. 
I wish we could have played that out to the end.

thanks for playing the abandoned Austria.  I know what you mean
- it is always fun to take over an abandoned power to see what you can make of
it.  Don't worry about the apologies -
not necessary.  We all have those days.  I never understood exactly what happened, but
I may well have made an incorrect order, but rest assured when the stab came,
and I hope it would have, it would have been spectacular.  Of course, that goes the other way as well,
you were fast as big and bigger than I was, plus more concentrated.  I was in for a run for my money with a two
front war for sure.  I hope I did not
ruin the whole experience for you - you were a fun ally with good spirit.  The fun would really have come if you and I
could have really gone for stabs later in the game - or allied against Germany
even.  Of course we had Italy and Turkey
to destroy first!

of which, Erik, you were a sporting ally and enemy.  You had a good stab, probably just a little
too early.  Once it was done, it was
done.  You got up into Sev, and I was
thinking I was dead if not for the fact that Gerry still slightly needed
me.  His Belgium stab probably kept him
from turning on me like Kirstie Alley on a jelly doughnut.  I could not see any advantage to turning back
to ally with you, but then I did not figure on Hamish getting so big so fast
either.  Hope to see both of you again

- fun playing with you too.  I was
constantly trying to get either original Austria or Turkey or both or someone
to attack you as well.  And of course I
was trying to get your help in beating back Austria and Turkey half the time
too.  Would have been interesting to see
how that might have worked out.

that is long I know, but I put a lot of time into this and it was a good
time.  Hope to battle again in the
future, you guys are all professionals and very decent dippers.



12.06.2012 20:29, Éamon Driscoll kirjoitti:
Diplomats, dc404 is now finished!  The
five-way draw was unanimously supported by the five
remaining players.  Enclosed is the final map for your
viewing pleasure.  It's been a pleasure bringing this game
to a close; if any of you have comments or suggestions for
how I might improve my GMing, please do let me know.

And if there is interest, I have an open
spot in DC428 for anyone wanting to take over a
four-center Italy in 1902.  

Thanks very much for the pleasure of your

This message is in reply to post 23699:

Diplomats, dc404 is now finished!  The five-way draw was unanimously supported by the five remaining players.  Enclosed is the final map for your viewing pleasure.  It's been a pleasure bringing this game to a close; if any of you have comments or suggestions for how I might improve my GMing, please do let me know.

And if there is interest, I have an open spot in DC428 for anyone wanting to take over a four-center Italy in 1902.  

Thanks very much for the pleasure of your company,

There are 3 Messages in this Thread:

DC404 Complete (Zoterik) Jun 12, 12:29 pm

DC404 Complete (jyan) Jun 12, 07:00 pm

DC404 Complete (jason4747) Jun 12, 08:30 pm

There are 43 Threads in dc404:

DC404 Complete (Zoterik) [2 Replies]

DC404 Fall 1910 Orders (Zoterik) [4 Replies]

DC404 Winter 1901 Adjustments (Zoterik)

DC404 Spring 1910 Results (Zoterik)

DC404 Winter 1909 Adjustments (Zoterik)

DC404 Fall 1909 Results! (Zoterik)

DC404 ... third email (catsfather)

dc404 ... the second email (catsfather)

DC404 1909 Fall results (RickHunter) [3 Replies]

DC404 1909 Summer results (RickHunter)

DC404 1909 Spring results (RickHunter)

DC404 1908 Winter results (RickHunter)

DC404 1908 Fall results (RickHunter)

DC404 1908 Summer results (RickHunter)

DC404 1908 Spring results (RickHunter)

DC404 1907 Winter results (RickHunter)

DC404 1907 Autumn results (RickHunter)

DC404 1907 Fall results (RickHunter)

DC404 1907 Summer results (RickHunter)

DC404 1907 Spring results (RickHunter)

1 - 20 of 43 shown [More]

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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