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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  Winter Blitz

(4th Annual DC Winter Blitz (WB 2011))

Post:< 24555 
Subject:< dc444 autumn 05 adjudication >
Topic:Winter Blitz >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Feb 14, 2013 at 7:37 pm
Viewed:726 times

  [New Post]  [Reply]  [Quote]

Hi Hugh,
We do not know who voted which way but we do know that Poul didn't submit orders so it couldn't have passed regardless.
I propose we vote again in the Spring (Monday).

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 7:55 PM, Hugh Polley <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca> wrote:

Hi Scott!  Does not matter, asking for votes or voting in this game is of no value unless
prior agreement is made before vote; as vote totals are  unknown. With Warm Regards!Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca


From: "johnston.scott(at)comcast.net" <johnston.scott(at)comcast.net>

To: Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com>
Cc: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Blitz Messageboard <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; ericmarr(at)gmail.com; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; hurup(at)pc.dk; stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com; danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com

Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 5:20:34 PM
Subject: Re: dc444 autumn 05 adjudication

I would like to propose a revote. I didn't realize that the votes were due today, and so i didn't vote. 
From: "Jerome Payne" <jerome777(at)ymail.com>To: ericmarr(at)gmail.com, hapolley(at)yahoo.ca, hurup(at)pc.dk, "Johnston scott" <Johnston.scott(at)comcast.net>, stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com, danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com, untitled36(at)hotmail.comCc: "me here" <jerome777(at)ymail.com>, "Michael Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>, "Garry Bledsoe" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>, "Blitz Messageboard" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 5:36:43 PMSubject: dc444 autumn 05
adjudicationHi everyone,

Apologies for the slightly late adjudication, I've been out wining and dining my better half tonight.

The draw proposal failed, so here are the moves for Autumn 05:

F Aegean Sea Convoys A Greece - Constantinople
F Albania - Ionian Sea
A Budapest - Vienna
A Bulgaria Supports A Greece - Constantinople

A Greece - Constantinople
A Kiel - Munich (*Fails*)
A Silesia Supports A Kiel - Munich

F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F Norwegian Sea - Barents Sea
F Skagerrak - Norway

A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Bounce*)

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports A Spain
A Munich - Kiel (*Fails*)
F North Africa - Tunis (*Bounce*)
A Spain Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles
F Yorkshire -

F Baltic Sea - Berlin (*Fails*)
F Holland Supports A Munich
- Kiel
A Liverpool Supports F Yorkshire - Edinburgh
F North Sea - Denmark
A Norway - Sweden
A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*)

F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Piedmont - Marseilles
A Marseilles - Burgundy (*Fails*)

A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Bounce*)
F Western Mediterranean - Tunis (*Bounce*)

F Armenia - Ankara
A Berlin Supports A Kiel - Munich (*Cut*)
F Black Sea Supports F Armenia - Ankara
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Void*)

A Warsaw - Prussia

F Ankara, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Smyrna, no move received

No retreats are necessary, so we have the following adjustments:

Austria:   Supp  8 Unit  7 Build  1
England:   Supp  1 Unit  3 Remove  2
France:    Supp  7 Unit  6 Build 
Germany:   Supp  5 Unit  6 Remove  1
Italy:     Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1
Russia:    Supp  7 Unit  5 Build  2
Turkey:    Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0

Please let me have your adjustments by 2100GMT tomorrow, Friday 15 February.

Incidentally, there seemed to be some confusion for some of you with the way in which voting for end-game-proposals (EGPs) works. Here's some key facts:

1. Votes are lodged with orders for either a Spring or Autumn turn.

2. Votes are secret, and the GM does not reveal how people voted. The GM simply announces whether the EGP has been successful, or has failed. If successful, the moves for that turn are NOT adjudicated, and the game ends at that point. If fail, then the moves ARE adjudicated (as in this turn above).

3. All players with at least one supply centre for the turn
are entitled to vote. To pass, the EGP requires active YES votes from ALL players entitled to vote. Any absentions, or No votes, cause the EGP to fail.
4. There can be multiple EGPs to vote on in a single turn. The players vote separately for each. The EGPs are decided in order of greatest inclusivity; e.g. if in the same turn, both a vote for a 4-way draw and a vote for a 3-way draw are successful, then the 4-way draw takes precedence (as it is the most inclusive).

5. I will register the first vote you make, and then this stays as your vote until you actively change it. If in version 1 of your Spring orders you include a 'Yes' vote, I will assume you are voting yes, even if you enter version 2 of your orders with no mention of a vote. I will not consider you to be abstaining unless in version 2 of your orders you actively state that you are changing your vote to an abstention, or to a 'No' vote.

I think that's it, if any of you would
like further info about how voting works then ask me and I'll help you out.



This message is in reply to post 24547:

Hi everyone,

Apologies for the slightly late adjudication, I've been out wining and dining my better half tonight.

The draw proposal failed, so here are the moves for Autumn 05:

F Aegean Sea Convoys A Greece - Constantinople
F Albania - Ionian Sea
A Budapest - Vienna
A Bulgaria Supports A Greece - Constantinople
A Greece - Constantinople
A Kiel - Munich (*Fails*)
A Silesia Supports A Kiel - Munich

F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F Norwegian Sea - Barents Sea
F Skagerrak - Norway

A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports A Spain
A Munich - Kiel (*Fails*)
F North Africa - Tunis (*Bounce*)
A Spain Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles
F Yorkshire - Edinburgh

F Baltic Sea - Berlin (*Fails*)
F Holland Supports A Munich
- Kiel
A Liverpool Supports F Yorkshire - Edinburgh
F North Sea - Denmark
A Norway - Sweden
A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*)

F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Piedmont - Marseilles
A Marseilles - Burgundy (*Fails*)
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Bounce*)
F Western Mediterranean - Tunis (*Bounce*)

F Armenia - Ankara
A Berlin Supports A Kiel - Munich (*Cut*)
F Black Sea Supports F Armenia - Ankara
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Void*)
A Warsaw - Prussia

F Ankara, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Smyrna, no move received

No retreats are necessary, so we have the following adjustments:

Austria:   Supp  8 Unit  7 Build  1
England:   Supp  1 Unit  3 Remove  2
France:    Supp  7 Unit  6 Build 
Germany:   Supp  5 Unit  6 Remove  1
Italy:     Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1
Russia:    Supp  7 Unit  5 Build  2
Turkey:    Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0

Please let me have your adjustments by 2100GMT tomorrow, Friday 15 February.

Incidentally, there seemed to be some confusion for some of you with the way in which voting for end-game-proposals (EGPs) works. Here's some key facts:

1. Votes are lodged with orders for either a Spring or Autumn turn.
2. Votes are secret, and the GM does not reveal how people voted. The GM simply announces whether the EGP has been successful, or has failed. If successful, the moves for that turn are NOT adjudicated, and the game ends at that point. If fail, then the moves ARE adjudicated (as in this turn above).
3. All players with at least one supply centre for the turn
are entitled to vote. To pass, the EGP requires active YES votes from ALL players entitled to vote. Any absentions, or No votes, cause the EGP to fail.
4. There can be multiple EGPs to vote on in a single turn. The players vote separately for each. The EGPs are decided in order of greatest inclusivity; e.g. if in the same turn, both a vote for a 4-way draw and a vote for a 3-way draw are successful, then the 4-way draw takes precedence (as it is the most inclusive).
5. I will register the first vote you make, and then this stays as your vote until you actively change it. If in version 1 of your Spring orders you include a 'Yes' vote, I will assume you are voting yes, even if you enter version 2 of your orders with no mention of a vote. I will not consider you to be abstaining unless in version 2 of your orders you actively state that you are changing your vote to an abstention, or to a 'No' vote.

I think that's it, if any of you would
like further info about how voting works then ask me and I'll help you out.



There are 4 Messages in this Thread:

dc444 autumn 05 adjudication (jerome777) Feb 14, 04:36 pm

dc444 autumn 05 adjudication (Koensig) Feb 14, 06:20 pm

dc444 autumn 05 adjudication (hapolley) Feb 14, 06:55 pm

dc444 autumn 05 adjudication (ericjmarr) Feb 14, 07:37 pm

There are 3710 Threads in Winter Blitz:

One Chair Short Diplomacy (hapolley)

winter Blitz? (bunwarpgazoo)

WB16? (Blueraider0)

Winter Blitz 2015 (gizmo8204)

dc492 four-way draw declared (catsfather) [6 Replies]

dc492 reminder (catsfather) [15 Replies]

dc492 draw proposal (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1914 (catsfather)

dc492 Winter 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Fall 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Summer 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Fall 1912 (catsfather) [6 Replies]

dc492 Summer 1912 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1912 (catsfather)

dc492 Winter 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Fall 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Summer 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1911 (catsfather)

Fwd: dc492 Winter 1910 (catsfather)

1 - 20 of 3710 shown [More]

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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