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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  Winter Blitz

(4th Annual DC Winter Blitz (WB 2011))

Post:< 24832 
Subject:< dc444 Spring 08 adjudication >
Topic:Winter Blitz >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Mar 04, 2013 at 3:06 pm
Viewed:704 times

  [New Post]  [Reply]  [Quote]

Hi everyone,

The draw proposals both failed. So, here's your moves:

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
A Bohemia Supports A Munich

A Bulgaria Supports A Constantinople
A Constantinople Supports A Bulgaria
A Galicia - Vienna
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Munich, no move received
F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Silesia Supports A Munich

F Norway - St Petersburg(nc)

A Burgundy Hold
F English Channel Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Gascony Supports F Spain(sc)
A Kiel Supports A Berlin
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc) (*Cut*)

A Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)
F Spain(sc) Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean (*Void*)

F Baltic Sea Supports A Kiel
F Barents Sea Supports F Norway - St Petersburg(nc)
A Finland - Sweden

F Gulf of Bothnia Supports F Norway - St Petersburg(nc)
A Ruhr Supports A Burgundy

F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)
A Marseilles Supports F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)

A Piedmont Supports A Marseilles
F Tunis - Western Mediterranean (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc) (*Fails*)

F Ankara Hold
A Berlin Hold
F Black Sea Hold
A Moscow Supports A Warsaw - Livonia

A Prussia Supports A Berlin
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway (*Disbanded*)
A Warsaw - Livonia

No retreats are needed, therefore we proceed straight into the Autumn turn. There have been no EGPs proposed for the Autumn moves. So, please let me have your moves for the deadline, which is Thursday 7 March, 2100GMT.



This message is in reply to post 24620:

Ok. I voted against the DIAS at the last minute. Honestly, my biggest issue is england. I like Danilo, and he's a good player, but I just hate the idea of a one center power sharing in a DIAS. Again, nothing personal against him, he's one of the players I enjoyed talking with the most on the board. Would everyone be amicable to a 5-way of AIRFG? Specifically England? A survival's still very respectable given the situation. And honestly, with a 5-way draw, none of us are going to win the blitz anyway.
Jerome, I guess you can consider that an official proposal. And I hereby vote yes to it. 

Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 21:06:43 +0000
Subject: dc444 Spring 08 adjudication
From: jeromerpayne(at)gmail.com
To: ericmarr(at)gmail.com; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; Johnston.scott(at)comcast.net; stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com; danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Hi everyone,

The draw proposals both failed. So, here's your moves:

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
A Bohemia Supports A Munich

A Bulgaria Supports A Constantinople
A Constantinople Supports A Bulgaria
A Galicia - Vienna
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Munich, no move received
F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Silesia Supports A Munich

F Norway - St Petersburg(nc)

A Burgundy Hold
F English Channel Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Gascony Supports F Spain(sc)
A Kiel Supports A Berlin
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc) (*Cut*)

A Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)
F Spain(sc) Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean (*Void*)

F Baltic Sea Supports A Kiel
F Barents Sea Supports F Norway - St Petersburg(nc)
A Finland - Sweden

F Gulf of Bothnia Supports F Norway - St Petersburg(nc)
A Ruhr Supports A Burgundy

F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)
A Marseilles Supports F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)

A Piedmont Supports A Marseilles
F Tunis - Western Mediterranean (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc) (*Fails*)

F Ankara Hold
A Berlin Hold
F Black Sea Hold
A Moscow Supports A Warsaw - Livonia

A Prussia Supports A Berlin
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway (*Disbanded*)
A Warsaw - Livonia

No retreats are needed, therefore we proceed straight into the Autumn turn. There have been no EGPs proposed for the Autumn moves. So, please let me have your moves for the deadline, which is Thursday 7 March, 2100GMT.



There are 4 Messages in this Thread:

dc444 Spring 08 adjudication (untitled36) Mar 04, 03:22 pm

dc444 Spring 08 adjudication (Koensig) Mar 04, 03:27 pm

dc444 Spring 08 adjudication (jerome777) Mar 04, 03:31 pm

dc444 Spring 08 adjudication (jerome777) Mar 04, 03:06 pm

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