The remnants of the Roman empire have, save for a few outlying cities, been claimed by the barbarian incursions. Invariably, the tribes begin to turn against each other for the suddenly-scarce cities. We have our first bounce since the end of the first year, and from now on will see if your strategies and negotiations have paid off.
Fall 404 orders due 04 June at 08:00 GMT.
A Ancona - Samnium
F Ravenna - Mare Adriaticum
A Verona - Aemilia
A Vindobona - Iazygi
A Olisipo - Baetica
A Saguntum - Tarraconensis
F Massilia - Mare Ligusticum (*bounce*)A Colonia Agrippa - Sequanorum
A Lutetia - ViennensisF Burgidala - Mare Cantabricum
F Rotomagus - Oceanus Britannicus
A Alexandria - Libya
F Antiochia - Mare Cypris
F Byzantium - Aegaeis
F Chersonesus - Pontus Euxinus
F Eburacum/ec - Maxima Caesarensis
F Haithabu - Mare Germanicum
A Macedonia Hold
A Aemilia - Alpes
F Genova - Mare Ligusticum (*bounce*)
A Roma - Capova