The area that is to become Switzerland is very passable on this map, but all the same we have quite the traffic jam from Marseilles to Milan. Here, the river is the roadblock. Certainly will be interesting to observe that. Two risky moves in the West both pay off, but they do neutralize each other-the Franci convoy to North England and the Saxones sail up the Rhine. Now we advance into Winter 404, the first such season in which the Franci have no builds. The rest of you can breathe easier and figure out what to do with your one.
I'm leaving Ukraine on 12th June. If you guys can get in a complete set of orders on the 11th, I'll adjudicate then. Otherwise, the deadline will be 13 June, time TBD depending on my jet lag and general condition. And if I get out of Ukraine without visiting the militsa office.
A Samnium - Brundisium
F Mare Adriaticum - Mare IoniumA Aemilia - Alpes (*fails*)
A Iazygi - Thracia
A Baetica - MauretaniaA Tarraconensis - Eburacum
F Mare Cantabricum C A Tarraconensis - EburacumF Oceanus Britannicus C A Tarraconensis - Eburacum
F Sequanorum - Castra Regina (*bounce*)F Massilia - Mare Ligusticum (*bounce*)
A Viennensis - Massilia (*fails*)
A Libya - Numidia
F Mare Cypris - Mare Internum
F Aegaeis - MiletusF Pontus Euxinus Hold
F Maxima Caesarensis - Londinium
F Mare Germanicum - Colonia AgrippaA Macedonia - Athenium
A Capova - Rhegium
A Alpes - Castra Regina (*bounce*)F Genova - Mare Ligusticum (*bounce*)
Alamanni: +1 (5)Franci: 0 (7)
Gothi: +1 (5)Saxones: +1 (4)
Vandali: +1 (4)
OwnershipAlamanni: Ancona, Brundisium, Ravenna, Verona, Vindobona.
Franci: Burdigala, Eburacum, Lutetia, Massilia, Olisipo, Rotomagus, Saguntum.
Gothi: Alexandria, Antiochia, Byzantium, Chersonesus, Miletus.
Saxones: Athenum, Colonia Agrippa, Haithabu, Londinum.
Vandali: Genova, Castra Regina, Rhegium, Roma.
Unowned (Roman): Capova, Carthago, Syracusae.