Congrats to Nigel for sweeping the 1st Annual Winter Blitz with back to back solo victories!
Also victorious…
Best score, round 1: PARussell
Best score, round 2: Bridgejunky
Overall tops:
1st place, score 43.6: Nigs, aka Nigel
2nd place, score 38.5: Bridgejunky, aka Paul
3rd place, score 35.0: M_don_j, aka Mikael
4th place, score 34.6: psychosis 1973, aka Michael
Complete standings are posted online:
Round 1 came down to tie-breaks, with 5 players managing a solo.
Round 1 tiebreak scores were:
PARussell: 181.0
Speedybunny: 174.3
M_Don_J: 161.4
Psychosis1973: 158.0
A huge thank you goes out to all the players, and to our team of GMs for their commitment to pull off this first tournament! Share any post-tournament thoughts in the message board, or via blitz-at-diplomaticcorp-dot-com.
The Diplomaticcorp Team