Well, I spent most of the game with my back to the wall, so I'm just happy to be a part of the Draw. Turkey came at me from the first move, which had a profound effect on my game. And when Austria took sides with Turkey against me in Fall 01, I was pretty much fighting for my life the rest of the time. I found a solid ally in Manuel and we were able to stick together for the entire game. The A/T alliance cautioned me about E/F, but I just told them that if they didn't leave me alone, they would get bogged down in Russia and E/F would grow powerful. They didn't leave me alone and that is infact exactly what happened. I helped them dispatch Germany as fast as possible - it seemed like my only chance to pose a threat to Austria. Germany was a nice guy, but in the end he was on the wrong side of history, or at least, standing between me and survival. Manuel was a good ally to me and I couldn't stand to see Turkey share in the draw, since he had caused me so much grief for no reason. But in the end, I decided no to go for the English Solo - I decided to take a share of the draw. All in all, it was a fantastic gaming experience and I can't wait to do it again!
Thanks Mike for GMing and thanks everyone for playing![/i]