S1903 Orders.
Busy turn. Many moves succeed. Two holding units don’t hold so well (kind of like bad denture cream or a middle reliever on the Chicago White Sox). Instead, they turn tail and run. You can see their fluffy white tails in retreat. Guile and Mark, please submit retreat orders as soon as you can. I would like to announce retreats today or tomorrow at the latest, setting us up for S1903Seismic on Monday at 1000 CST. I will be out of town Wed/Thurs next week, so F1903 will be due on Friday, November 21st at 1000 CST.
German A Munich may retreat to Ruhr or OTB
Italian F Ion may retreat to Adriatic, Aegean, Albania, Apulia, Eastern Mediterranean, or OTB
A Tyl S Vie -> Boh
A Vie -> Boh
A Bud -> Vie
A Ser S Gre
A Gre S Ser
F North Atlantic Support Norway
F Norway Support North Atlantic
A Denmark -> Kiel (*Bounce with A Kie H 1:1*)
A London -> Holland
F North Sea Convoy Lon -> Hol
A Hol - Mun
A Bur S A Hol - Mun
F Spa (sc) - GoL
A Mar - Spa
F MAt S A Mar - Spa
A Gas - Mar
F Bre – Gas
Mun hold (*Dislodged*)
Kie hold
A Pie - Tus
F Nap - Ion
F Tys S F Nap - Ion
F Wes - Tun
F swe (wc) – den (*Bounce with A Den 1:1*)
a stp - fin
a lvn - stp
a ber waits for orders
a war supports a ber
a sev s f rum
f rum supports f black sea (*Cut*)
F Bla S Bul to Rum
Bul to Rum (*Bounce with F Rum 2:2*)
Con to Bul (*Bounce with A Bul 1:1*)
Ion H (*Dislodged*)