Greetings all, and congratulations on an eventful turn. Thank you for my patience, as I was on childcare responsibilities this morning.
There are three dislodged units. One gets disbanded, and the other two *may* be retreating to the same location. This is so exciting; I'm getting little tingly sensations up and down my spine.
Well, enough chit-chat. Here's the adjudication; please don't toss your laptop/monitor through your window when you read them.
English Army Sweden may retreat to Finland, Kiel, or OTB
Russian Army Berlin may retreat to Kiel, Prussia, or OTB
Russian Fleet Skaggerak is disbanded
S1905 Retreats due in 24 hours (1300 CST / 1900 GMT) - Tuesday Jan. 6
S1905 Seismics due in 48 hours (1300 CST / 1900 GMT) - Wednesday Jan. 7
F1905 Movements due next Tuesday (Jan. 13) at 1000 CST.
A Tyl -> Pie
A Boh -> Tyl (*Bounces 1:1 with F GoL-Tyl*)
A Vie -> Boh (*Fails to A Boh*)
A Gre -> Bul
A Bul -> Con
A Con -> Smy
A Tri S Tyl -> Pie
A Holland Support Ruhr -> Ber
F Helgoland Bight -> Denmark
A Sweden Support Hel -> Den (*Dislodged 2:1 by A Den-Swe*)
F North Sea -> Skaggarak
F Norway Support Nth -> Ska
F North Atlantic Support Norway
A Ruh - Ber
A Mun S A Ruh - Ber
A Bur - Mar
F GoL – Tyl (*Bounces 1:1 with A Boh-Tyl*)
A Por - Spa
F Spa (sc) - Wes
F Tys S F Spa (sc) – Wes
Kie -> Hel
F Ven – GoL (*Fails to F GoL*)
A Rom S F Nap H
F Nap S F Smy - Ion
F Smy - Ion
F Wes - Tun
F Rum - Black Sea (*Fails to F Bla*)
A Sev – rum (*Fails to F Rum*)
A War S A Ber
A ber S F kie – Hol (*Void*, *Cut*, *Dislodged 3:2 by A Ruh-Ber*)
A Den - swe
A stp S A den - swe
f ska – nwy (*Dislodged 2:1 by F Nth-Ska*)
F black sea holds