My apologies for the delay, but with internet KO¢d, I cannot do much. There were six orders, two of which bounced. On account of the Austrian seismic, Italy must decide whether to scrap the fleet or keep it landlocked in Venice. Reminder: a landlocked unit can only hold until another coast is opened for it.
If I get all adjustments before the end of the work day, I'll process. Otherwise, we'll have to wait until Monday. (I already have three sets of orders but need two more).
Split Ven/Gol, join Rom/Pie
Split Nwg/Nth - Join Edi/Nwy
Note: No isthmus choice indicated; strait exists between Edi/Nwy
NAf and Wes split, Spa and Tun connect (*Bounces with Italy*)
Disconnect NAf/Tun Connect Wes/OFF (*Bounces with France*)
Split Kie and Bal; Connect ber and sweden
Separate Con and Smy; Connect Aeg and black sea
In the Winter, Builds will be (not including any retreats off the board):
SC Builds/Disbands
Austria 8 +1
England 6 +1
France 8 +1
Germany 0
Italy 4 0/-1 pending F Ven
Russia 7 +2
Turkey 1