With the extra time i can cast some spells and give my troops +3 armour and swords, not to mention fireball scrolls- ....so thats double strength units right T?
--- On Thu, 12/2/09, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com> wrote:
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Subject: DC224 Slaughter Slightly Stalled
To: "dc224" <dc224(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Cc: "Babak Talebi" <babaktalebi(at)gmail.com>, "David Harrison" <harridav(at)cox.net>, "Garry Bledsoe" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>, "graham allen" <g_mod23(at)hotmail.com>, "Jacob Roberts" <salexander37(at)gmail.com>, "Mark Duffield" <captain_sicarius(at)hotmail.com>, "Mark Smith" <sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com>, "Matt Kremer" <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>, "Matthew Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>, "Max Victory" <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk>, "Michael Penner" <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>, "Mike Sims" <mike(at)southwall.com>, "Pat O'Rourke" <pattorourke(at)gmail.com>, "Pauly Shore" <adanine(at)yahoo.com>, "Rachael Jameson" <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com>, "Rob Bristol" <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca>, "Steve Caponigri" <scaponig(at)yahoo.com>, "Steve Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>, "Warren Fleming" <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Thursday, 12 February, 2009, 7:33 PM
Heya folks,
Okay - here is the dilemma going into the Winter turn...
One of our number
is involved in a forced and unexpected move across country.
While they were
going to try to be in email contact, they let me know that
it was a chance
that this wouldn't be possible. Obviously this is the
case seeing as how I
don't have orders for Winter.
So I realize we've already delayed a couple days but
I'd like to ask all of
your guys' patience while we give just a little more
time for our travelling
warrior to get settled. With everyone's forgiveness,
I'll reset the Winter
deadline to Monday, Feb 16th (11:59 PM GMT).
Thanks for understanding everyone. Hope you all have a
great weekend!