Well, well, well… Everybody’s going to Berlin. I don’t think I’ve ever adjudicated a failed 3-on-5 assault before (though I did observe a 1-on-1-on-1-on-1-on-1 bounce in another game recently). However, something tells me that the party is not over just yet. Indeed, like John F. Kennedy, y’all want to be Berliners. Meet me at the Reichstag.
There is one retreat with one option. I have taken the liberty of adjudicating it:
Italian Army Rome retreats to Tuscany.
There are plenty of adjustments for everybody, and is it just me, or has Russia been playing a unit short for awhile (ever since he waived a build in W1905)? Folks, it pays to double check your GMs handiwork!
But first… now is the time on Seismic when we dance. Seismic orders will be due on Monday with adjustments falling on Tuesday.
A Pie -> Rom
A Ven S Pie -> Rom
A Apu S Pie -> Rom
A Tyl S Ber
A Vie S Ber
A Ber S Tyl (*Cut*)
A Con -> Bul
A Smy Hold
A Gre Hold
A Ruhr -> Berlin (*Fails 3:5 to A Ber*)
F Gulf of Bothnia -> Baltic Sea
A Norway -> Denmark
F Denmark -> North Sea
F Norwegian Sea -> Norway
F North Atlantic Support Nrg -> Nwy
A Kie S A Nwy - Den
A Hol S A Ruh - Ber
A Mun S A Ruh - Ber
F NAf - Tun (ec)
F MAt S F NAf - Tun (ec)
F Spa - NAf
F Tys - Spa (sc)
A Bur S A Hol
A Rom S F Nap H (*Cut*; *Dislodged 3:1 by A Pie*)
F Nap H
F Wes - Ion
A Fin S A Swe
a mos s a stp
a stp s a swe
a swe s a stp
a pru s a ber
a war s a ber
f bla - con
In the Winter, Builds will be (not including any retreats off the board):
SC Builds/Disbands
Austria 10 +1
England 5 -1
France 10 +2
Italy 1 -2
Russia 8 +1