Man you are on some serious drugs up there in Can-nay-de-a... seriously
Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 08:18:08 -0800
From: smegdwarf(at)
Subject: DC 211: W1907
To: irocktilldeath(at); mrh(at); matthew.kremer(at); stevelytton(at); mdemagogue(at); dc211(at); gbimmerle(at); former.trout(at)
Once again, the English and Russian orders bounce, so neither order succeeds. Yeah, just checking to see if you were awake. You see, England disbanded and Russia built, so the two orders cannot possibly bounce. Now, if England had also been building, it might’ve been a different story.
build F Tri
disband F NAT
Build A Par
Waive 2nd build
A Tus disband
F Nap disband
Build a sev
Let’s have S1908 on Friday. I’ll be out of office on Wed/Thur, fyi.
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