This game is more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Just when Berlin is taken, it becomes vulnerable again. But Sweden becomes vulnerable the other way as the Baltic Lake reconnects to the North Sea. And, even though Italy is gone, his homeland continues to be geomorphed.
Builds due from Austria, England, and France tomorrow!
While we’re at it, let me know what you think of the deadline cycle. Now that we’re down to four players, I can speed it up if you like.
Split Mun / Ber, Join Hol / Swi
Split Nor/Den - Join Ska/Swe; Please make straits wherever I can
[Strait between Sweden and Denmark; Sweden and Denmark now have one coast apiece… it’s kind of a restoration to the beginning of the game there].
split ion and rom, connect wes and apu
Split Pru / Bal , Join Den / Lvn