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England / Germany Draw


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G.M. emailhapolley-at-yahoo-dot-ca
VariantGunboat  [Wiki]
Cur SeasonWinter 15
Next Deadline2010-01-27 @ 24:00:00 GMT
Result2-Way Draw
S. C.34
Start Date2009-01-06
End Date
Real-Life Time5804 days
Slideshow SC Chart
| Default House Rules | Rating Calculation
Seq Country   Player Result S.C. Seas NMRs Rtg
0 Austria Order of the Oak Silver Star9offdiscEliminated 0 24 0 -4.73 1216.51
0 England Esquire Blank9CPT23862Draw 12 30 0 11.92 1218.34
0 France Captain of the Watch Silver Star9chknbrstlEliminated 0 12 0 -5.65 1216.31
0 Germany Captain of the Watch Gold Star9jhack16Draw 13 30 0 10.83 1286.05
0 Italy Esquire Blank9PrestoEliminated 0 14 0 -5.08 1197.43
0 Russia Captain of the Watch Blank9SamnuvaEliminated 0 8 0 -5.5 1197.77
0 Turkey Captain of the Watch Blank9TirerndilSurvival 9 30 0 -1.75 1193.62

PREV  Summer 1903 Adjudication:  NEXT    

Retreats: Su/1903
France : Retreat: A bur - par, A boh - sil, A spa - por
Austria |( 5)|[AUST,tri,vie,bud],gre,ser
England |( 6)|[ENGL,lon,lvp,edi],den,nwy,swe
France |( 6)|[FRAN,mar,bre,par],bel,por,spa
Germany |( 4)|[GERM,kie,ber,mun],hol
Italy |( 4)|[ITAL,rom,nap,ven],tun
Russia |( 3)|[RUSS,war,mos,stp]
Turkey |( 6)|[TURK,smy,ank,con](sev),bul,rum
Madman |( 0)|
Total = ( 34)

Su\03 |
Austria | A boh, A bud, N ION, A tri, A vie
England | N den, N ENG, N fin, N NTH, A nwy, A yor
France | N naf, A par, A pic, A por, A sil
Germany | N bel, A ber, A bur, A ruh
Italy | N GOL, A pie, N spa(sc), A ven
Russia | A mos, A stp, A ukr
Turkey | A arm, N BLA, A bul, N con, A rum, A sev
Madman |

Repeat Of Spring Press:
Austria -> Turkey:
I need to remove France from my border. I hope we can
continue living in Peace.
Austria -> Russia:
Your move to Gal is understandable, but I hope only in
retaliation for my previous move there. I have retreated.
I hope you follow suit this turn. I will not attack in the
Spring, so I hope we can leave it empty.
Austria -> Italy:
I've got your back. As long as we both fight France, we
should work well together.
King Edward-
The Russian people's thanks knows no bounds for your
understanding of our plight. We are delighted that you see
how we, the russian people only want what is best for this
continent. To this extent, we have removed our army from
Austrian territory, although we were not aware that the
austrians considered it theirs.
-Your Friend, the Tsar of Russia
Emperor Franz Joseph-
We, the Russian people, were not aware you clung so
perilously to Galicia, indeed, we were not aware of your
claim to it. However, we now recognize said claim, and have
withdrawn our army. The Russian people are not your enemy,
Emperor, but your friend.
-Tsar Nicholas II of Russia
MUNICH — Mere months after the ousting of French troops
from the Hofbrauhaus, another group of foreigners are
making news in the Bavarian Capital. For the last three
nights the Nymphemburg Palace has hosted emissaries from
the Austrian monarch in secret conversations with key
members of the Wittelsbach Dynasty and Bavarian Parliament.
Also rumored to be among the delegation was a
representative from the French king. It has become
increasingly apparent that the Prussian Kaiser’s hold on
the Kingdom of Bavaria is taking a more abusive and
usurious direction since the insane King Ludwig II pledged
loyalty to the new pan-German Empire not three decades past
(a movement never intended to include Austrians).
The return to alliance with Austria (and the newly restored
Orleans dynasty) makes perfect sense. First, Austria has a
long history of friendship with Bavaria, but not with
Prussia. Second, the Catholic Faith binds the countries in
calling and identity. Third, France and Austria have the
military capability to liberate the Free State, and Bavaria
has the wealth to make it worth their effort. French
support of an Austrian attack is virtually guaranteed
Further, with the Prussian emperor so concerned with costly
expeditions to the Northwest, there is little he could do
to win back either the Wittelsbachs or the Bavarian
territory from an Austrian-French occupation.
Austria Surrounded. Italians, needing additional
forces to defeat the French, threaten Trieste. A
French army in Bohemia is on the doorstep of Vienna.
Russians in Galicia near Budapest. Turkish forces have
secured key positions on the Eastern Front (Serbia is
suddenly abandoned and vulnerable) and will soon be
pouring out into the Mediterranean. The lack of
diplomatic contact between the Ottoman Sultan and the
German Kaiser or English King signals that the Turkish
conquest of Russia will occur through Austria.
Key recommendations:
Rethink the Eastern strategy. A Russian attack from
Galicia into Rumania is likely and if combined by support
from Budapest and a move toward Bulgaria by the navy in
Greece would guarantee either expulsion of the Turk from
Sevastopol or Rumania. Limiting Ottoman power now is your
only hope for long term containment.
Take Trieste. The Italians are in no position to defend
themselves, nor are the French or Germans able to launch
any kind of effectual campaign. The Italians are likely to
attempt another move toward Piedmont to advance their
Western border, with their naval advantage encouraging a
campaign deep into Iberia.

To the King of Prussia, His Imperial and Royal Majesty,
Kaiser Wilhelm II:
From the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland, His Royal Highness Edward VII
Dear William,
Your congratulations and acceptance of our opinions on
Europe’s future are our great sense of joy! We do insist
on making clear that it is not a surrogate we seek on the
Continent, but a partner. As we stated before, your
influence in the Low Countries is natural, considerable,
and proper. We are directing our navies to support your
navy from the Netherlands to Belgium. Consider this our
pledge of good faith. This cooperation would be cemented
by your agreement to build no more navies. We will respect
your territorial waters as an enduring testimony of our
fraternity and respect.
Your Own Uncle and Your Friend, Bertie

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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