Oceania DC508HP\Fall/2004
Players Use Anticipated retreats and builds! They may be
placed in brackets after orders;-
Will be every Thursday (spring/summer) and Sunday
(fall/winter) at 1800MT Calgary time.
Winter Builds/Removals will be stretched to no later than
Tuesday if necessary.
Next deadline WT04 on Tuesday Oct 14/2014 at 1800MT or sooner.
Fall/Winter Builds will be made as encountered in list;
[BUILD: F coi,F cai, A bri]
Japa F ryu TO OTB
Indo A wmi TO OTB
Usoa Retreats F mid - WHS
Fran Remove 1 Unit (removal due)
Indo Build 2 Units (on File)
Japa Build 1 Unit (Build Due)
Australia |(10)|[AUST,cai,bri,coi],fij,hob,nou,per,sci
France |( 5)|[FRAN,ava,pap,pit](kei),mar
Indonesia |( 8)|[INDO,jay,sor,tim](man,ryu),dav,pmo,sam
Japan |( 5)|[JAPA,nsh],eci,mau,mid,wci
Marshall_Islands |( 4)|[MARS,kwa,smi,maj],wak
Usoa |( 4)|[USOA,hon,chr],pho,tog
Zealand |( 3)|[ZEAL,chc,wel],cha
Total = ( 39)
Australia (10): F EFS, A nou, A nsi, F NTS, A per, F SAS
F SCO, F stu, A tow, A van
France ( 6): A kei, F KES, A soi, F sou, F SWP, F TON
Indonesia ( 6): F EPS, F NCS, F NMS, F pmo, A ryu, F SJS
Japan ( 4): A mid, A wci, A wmi, F WMS
Marshall_Islands ( 4): F KIS, A maj, F smi, A wak
Usoa ( 3): A pho, F PHS, A tog
Zealand ( 3): F chc, F ENZ, F SNZ
Total = ( 36)
Australia : A bri-nou,A cai-tow,F WNZ-EFS,F fij-SAS
A sci-nsi,F SCO C A bri-nou,F stu S F fij-SAS
A per H ,F NTS H ,A van H
France : [F SWP-cha],A pap-soi,[F sou-SNZ],[F KES-ENZ]
[A kei S F SWP-cha],F TON H
Indonesia : F ARS-pmo,F WMS-NMS,[A wmi-nsh],A man-ryu
F NCS C A man-ryu,F EPS S A man-ryu
[F SJS S A wmi-nsh],{A wmi: Dislodged}
Japan : [F ryu-SJS],F CIS-WMS,A nsh-wmi,A mau-mid
A wci S A nsh-wmi,{F ryu: Dislodged}
Marshall_Islands : [F KIS-PHS],F smi S A maj,A wak S A mau-mid
A maj H
Usoa : A pho-tog,A kir-pho,[F PHS S A kir-pho]
[F mid H ],{F mid: Dislodged}
Zealand : [F SNZ-cha],[F ENZ-kei],[F chc-sou]
GM Forces clashing: Zealand/France cha,kei,sou; USoA/Marshall/Japan PHS,mid; Japan/Indonesia ryu,wmi
Japan takes mid from USoA with press offered help from the Islands and holds on for 5, France suffers a set back and loses one, Zealand and Marshall continue to hold on! Australia while not getting a build is well positioned for future advances. Indonesian power continues to grow, USoA and French power diminishes! =================================================================
12) USA USA USA, you're going down! (And me as well alas)
11) Australia to Indonesia: Looks like the Fleet in ARS is in DMZ. Please get it back into Indonesia waters. So we don't have to bring more tension to our HQs.
10) USA => Marshall: I wonder what will happen once Japan or whoever else wrote that silly press has understood in which part of the world the Marshall islands are actually located. One thing is pretty certain, however: After A mau-mid, A nah-mau, A wei-nah, F CIS-wei, F ryu xxx, Japan will have A's in mau and mid. And then she will conquer wak and after that hon.
9) Malaysia...errr....Marshall Islands - Japan: The support will be given!
8) Japan to Malaysia- May I have your support for Mau-Mid this Fall move?
7) Why did Indonesia build 2 ships? He certainly doesn't need them to fight Japan.
6) Marshall Islands - anonymous zero pointer: As one in the center I know about draws including all survivors. They usually exclude the small center powers. So either I grow or I make sure others go down with me.
5) Marshall Islands - Japan: I've supported Mau to Mid
4) Marshall Islands - USA: Your choice
3)Marshall Islands - Australia: It would be nice if you went around the Islands, not through it.
2) All of you do realize that survival gets one zero points just as if you were eliminated? Which is why we need to stop the leaders and force a draw!
1) New Zealand to Australia: The messages I'm hearing suggest there is a chance. My fate is obviously in your hands, but if you divert your fleets a bit north and allow me to defend against France, I will support and help you wherever I can. First I have to find a way to kick France out of my neighborhood. ================================================================
GM: Because of the way I handle orders you can send in general orders for retreats, Builds and move orders. They need to be based on an existing or not existing unit. eg. If army hon then move A wak to mni; if no A hon then move Wak to hon. Always retreat ber to pru. Standing Builds F Con, F Smy, A Ank. When no order exists on that turn the standing order will be used!
If you send in no anticipated retreat then the computer makes one for you. It checks for your Home build SC, Then your regular SC, Then other Home SC, then other regular SC, then best area by most adjacent numbers, then by first it comes to in move check list.